30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Whoohoo! Okay, D5L1 done! Still doing girlie pushups.... still can't do the side lunge with weights both times... but i'll get there... tempted to check out L2 just for "fun" - LOL
    :laugh: Don't scare yourself away by looking at L2. You will get stronger. The side lunges with weights are a challenge. Keep at it!
    Does anyone know if the 30 Day Shred is on the internet anywhere?
    Try a YouTube search for "30 day shred". I saw some parts of it, so you might be able to find all of L1 there, or at least find people who are filming themselves doing it, and then follow them! :bigsmile:

    laura4410... Very inspiring, your D33!!

    If anyone's interested, I'm tracking my progress on my blog: www.stephips.blogspot.com :happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did level 3 for the first time today. .... YOWZA! My wrists hurt from all the plank moves. I really had to follow "Anita" for the modified movements and had to stop and take quick breaks several times. I really like it except the wrist pain. I hope I can push through that. I am motivated though... I will do this!!! :laugh:
    For my wrists, I started doing the planks by holding myself up on some dumbbells, like so: http://www.oxygenmag.com/content/oxy117/training_u117a.jpg
  • mislove68
    I did level 3 for the first time today. .... YOWZA! My wrists hurt from all the plank moves. I really had to follow "Anita" for the modified movements and had to stop and take quick breaks several times. I really like it except the wrist pain. I hope I can push through that. I am motivated though... I will do this!!! :laugh:
    For my wrists, I started doing the planks by holding myself up on some dumbbells, like so: http://www.oxygenmag.com/content/oxy117/training_u117a.jpg

    I had to do the same thing with planks. It really got bad in lvl 3. It sucked I ended up doing alot more mortified push ups then I wanted to. Soon as I finished 30 day Shred no more pain. And now with doing her other video's still no pain.
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Ooops totally fell off the wagon... had some bad news in my life and used that as an excuse to be lazy.

    No more excuses. Started back today and have reset my counter so that I am back to day 1 - I want to complete 30 days straight with no breaks.

    Did D1L2 today as I wanted to really feel it. And yes, I really felt it!!
  • tkslp
    tkslp Posts: 19 Member
    Checking in- Completed L1D5 of the Shred yesterday
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    When you do this what do you log it as in the exercise tracker? I will be starting L1 tomorrow (just got my DVD yesterday).

  • zanim
    zanim Posts: 3
    Question: does working out make you want to eat EVERYTHING in sight?!? How do ya'll curb the cravings? I want to eat double and triple the amount of food I usually do and I don't eat like that on a regular basis...

    Personally, working out makes me not want to eat.

    Good tip on the stretching, I'm never good about doing that and I think I need to stick with the stretching as much as the workout!

    I try to have a protein shake straight after exercise, makes you feel full (at least for a little while) :smile: Then I also try to sleep early as the longer I stay up the more i feel the need to snack, esp when I am doing small portions for dinner. And I drink plenty of coffee when I feel hungry which isnt the most healthiest option but maybe drinking water might have a similar effect. Good luck
  • zanim
    zanim Posts: 3
    The other levels are on there too, just search for 30 day shred. Don't know if this site has it legally or not so use at your own risk!
    This is GREAT! Now I can try other Jillian Michaels workouts... thanks for sharing!

    Darn!! I just paid £10.99 for all 3 from itunes, really gutted. Its a great work out though, just finished doing it for the first time today and my whole body feels great. I shouldnt complain she is well worth it. Thanks for sharing!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Day 3 level 2 completed (day 11/30).
  • jrm29
    jrm29 Posts: 39
    Just finished my first day! I've never done it before so I had to pause for a water break a few times, even on Level 1. I've heard this workout really increases your endurance, though - first goal is to be able to do Level 1 all the way through without stopping! Good luck everyone!! :)
  • meadows654
    Did L1D5! Getting better. But c1 cardio still gets my calves! I just have to keep at it.

    FYI: iCore Women's Stretch and All-In Fitness Free are 2 free apps with some good stretches.
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    Does anyone know if the 30 Day Shred is on the internet anywhere? My brother's wife just had a baby today (first grandchild for my parents!), and I jumped on a plane to go see them and in the rush, forgot to bring the DVD. I really don't want to go 3 days without this workout :(. I made it 5 days in a row and don't want to quit now! Any advice?

    Yes it is. I downloaded mine from fit TV. Now they are in MP4 format so If you want to burn them to a DVD you have to convert them to a DVD format. Luckily my BF is an IT guy and did that for me. If you have a thumb drive and and xbox 360 you can just plug it in and do it that way. Otherwise you can do it from your computer.
  • nellyp0oh
    nellyp0oh Posts: 27 Member
    D4L1 Complete!!!!! Exercises are getting easier. Not ready for L2 but I'm hoping to be by thursday or friday!!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did D3 L2 (13/30) today!! ALMOST 1/2 WAY THERE!! :drinker:
    I had to do the same thing with planks. It really got bad in lvl 3. It sucked I ended up doing alot more mortified push ups then I wanted to. Soon as I finished 30 day Shred no more pain. And now with doing her other video's still no pain.

    2Young4This... Keep on "feeling it"!!

    nellyp0oh... Good going!
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    L2 D3 complete! It was easier today then the previous two days. JM makes you work out your arms and shoulder then go into the planks.. It kills my arms. They feel like jello now! I've got everything else down. My BF decided it would be funny to record me working out. I about killed him! You know when JM says if these girls can do it so can you? I want to throw my weight at the screen. Of course they can do it! They are fit!! 20 more days to go!!
  • suelynn62
    suelynn62 Posts: 67 Member
    Just finished L1D10...YAY..on to level 2 tomorrow. I'm so proud of myself for sticking with it for 10 days straight.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    You know when JM says if these girls can do it so can you? I want to throw my weight at the screen. Of course they can do it! They are fit!! 20 more days to go!!
    YES!! :laugh: She says one time in L2 that if Natalie can do it, so can you. And every time I think, 100% certain, that I will NEVER be able to do that move. I think it's one that really hurts my back.

    suelynn... Fantastic!! See you in L2 tomorrow!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    finished level1 day 5! everyone's posts on here are so motivating! great job!
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    When you do this what do you log it as in the exercise tracker? I will be starting L1 tomorrow (just got my DVD yesterday).


    Hi I know I asked this but can someone help please? Ta muchly x
  • mhoch
    mhoch Posts: 50
    oh man, today may not have been a good day to try level 2. I ended up going out last night and had a few drinks, then stayed up until 4:45 AM talking with a friend, got up at 10:00 a.m. Then took the dogs for a walk. By the time I was ready to do the workout I was exhausted! But I wanted to do it still, but now I feel sick to my stomach...whew! I think I am just way too tired.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be a better take on level 2. Im gonna go pass out now haha