Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)



  • poorcopies, a BIG welcome! You couldnt have been invited to a better group ;) soon you'll feel at home here and all of you guys are like an extended family to me.

    Keep up the hard work everyone, even though i cannot woorkout as i would like i hope that all the snot leaving my nose will weigh at least one pound lol... I hate being sick!
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35

    Keep up the hard work everyone, even though i cannot woorkout as i would like i hope that all the snot leaving my nose will weigh at least one pound lol... I hate being sick!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    @Rach - the progress you're making with the running is phenomenal! Well done to you!

    @ Hanna - Hope you feel better soon... I had a cold last week - it really drains you doesn't it - and when your nose is running it's very hard to workout!

    I've had a VERY poor weekend... At the clothes swap party on friday I ate ALL the things I shouldn't have eaten - cakes, chocolate, crisps... Drank wine with lemonade too...

    Was good during the day on Saturday - even got a workout in, but Saturday night at the wedding reception there was a lovely buffet and TOM had reared his ugly head and I ATE! Sandwiches, sausage rolls, cheese, quiche.... and drank muchos gin and slimline tonic, jaegermeister, red bull and a couple of rums...

    Today I am soooooo not feeling good! Had a nice walk to the park but that's it for the exercise today... Had a relatively good roast chicken lunch but now all I want to do is eat chocolate.... I hate TOM.... Especially when it coincides with parties! I didn't have a chance! My willpower was non-existant...

    So I'll no doubt show a gain this wednesday.... Ho hum.... Never mind - guess a set back was inevitable!!

    On a brighter note I bought some new trousers yesterday! I'm finding my UK24 size too loose so went to get some UK22... There were none I liked but there were some in a UK20... Bought 3 different pairs and tried them on when I got home as the shop doesn't have a fitting room (:angry: ) and was AMAZED!!
    Ok they don't actually do up but give it a few weeks and they will! I haven't been able to fit into a size 20 since I was about 16!!! And I don't think I've been able to get a size 20 over my *kitten* for many years! So despite not fitting i'm still classing it as a NSV!
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Always good when clothes are getting smaller. I am going to get my thin clothes bag out at the end of this challenge to see how much has come off. Although my 18 jeans are getting saggy on the *kitten*, so thats a good sign and my bra's are feeling a bit big.

    Keep on trucking you lot!!!

  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Hi :)

    My friend Jellyfishjen told me about this group and thought i should join...

    So here i am :)

    Thought i would quickly introduce myself:
    SW - 97.8
    CW - 95.5
    GW - between 70 & 65

    I don't have much time to have a read through the thread as yet, so i thought i would say a quick hello and come back and get up to speed as soon as i can!

    Hope you are all having a fabulous Monday!

    K :)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi :)

    My friend Jellyfishjen told me about this group and thought i should join...

    So here i am :)

    Thought i would quickly introduce myself:
    SW - 97.8
    CW - 95.5
    GW - between 70 & 65

    I don't have much time to have a read through the thread as yet, so i thought i would say a quick hello and come back and get up to speed as soon as i can!

    Hope you are all having a fabulous Monday!

    K :)

    Yeah Katie, You made my day. Just about to leave for work and I was completing my diary etc and saw you here. So glad to have you on board. Now I can catch the train happily. I'm not driving today. Its raining and everyone (other drivers go nuts in the rain). Unfortunately its the school kids train, but good thing is I have an hour to sit back and do nothing. I have been very unmotivated today, so took it as my rest day. Hope your Monday was good. Some on here still have a clean slate for their monday hasn't even started yet. Wouldn't it be good if we could rewind some days. Oh well.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I too had a bad weekend eating wise. Chocolate has become my enemy with pizza fighting at a close 2nd. I have been strong for almost 8 weeks and then bam. I think my husband pigging out before he starts this journey with me tomorrow (Monday) is what did it. It was his last big hurrah before stating the new eating lifestyle. I am regretting every bite I put in my mouth this weekend and I am sure that the scale will not be nice. Speaking of scale are we still doing Wednesday this week or switching it to Monday?

    Anyway, hope everyone has a good weigh-in and a good week!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hi Katie! A warm welcome to you!

    @Idahogirl - weigh in is still wednesdays until the end of this goal challenge...

    My TOM is here with a vengeance so what with that and the terrible weekend I had food and alcohol wise I doubt there'll be a loss on Wednesday! Ah well! Live and learn!!
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    OK so 8.6 lbs to go for 213 target due next week eeek! All I can do is my best and treats are banned for the forseeable!!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member

    My weekend was ok, apart from yesterday, it could have been better! I am a member of a local theatre group and it was the annual AGM yesterday and they had a buffet. It was all so lovely and I had one too many brie and grape sandwiches but I was only about 32 calories over my goal, so not that bad, right?

    I definitely think I am going to do the Race for Life this year. Any other UK'ers planning on it? I printed off one of those from Couch to 5k guides and my ipod arm strap came over the weekend, so can get out there!
  • Welcome Katie!!! This group rocks, i hope you'll like it here!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Why is it that with just only one day not exercising makes me feel fatter. I have exercised for the last 6 days, 3 days Jillian Michaels, then ballet, then Jillian then a 30min walk. Today I rested, and now tonight I feel fat. I have just got home 10.30pm and way too tired to do anything. I ate ok only went over a little, but my body missed the exercise or is it all in the mind. Tomorrow I will have to get up early to fit in exercise as I am spending the day over with my mum, although that can entail a lot of cleaning etc. but must also resist her pantry with its treats. I need another challenge, girls, I am sticking to having giver up chocolates and loolies for lent, and extra internet browsing. But I think I'm ready for a boost. Should we finish our last week of this challenge with burning 3,500 calories, which would also be a good way for our newbies to start. Or/and when is St Patricks day, could we only eat green that day. (is that even possible). Well good night all.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    If everyone's up for a week of 3500 then lets do it!
    Show of hands please?!

    Not sure about the eating green thing! Guess we could HAVE to eat something green with each meal of the day? Don't think it would be possible to eat JUST green things all day!!!

    St Patricks day is the 17th March so lets see what everyone else thinks! x

    My wednesday work out will probably be quite poor as I'm having to take my daughter to the hospital so by the time i get home I'll be shattered (our nearest hospital is 40 miles away!) Will have to do my EA and will have to count the walking I do while I hit Asda!
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Ugh I feel terrible for not being able to post on here daily :( Weight for last week is 321 and this week it's 318.8
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I hurt my back last night but will do my best to burn the 3500 calories this week. I not only feel better when I exercise everyday, but I need it after this weekend.

    I am all for eating something green at every meal on St. Patty's Day. Sounds like a fun min challenge.

    Now for the fun part of my day (or not so fun part) - ridding my apartment of all the unhealthy fattening foods that were allowed in over the weekend. I hate the "after-party-cleanup", but this must be done. And now it is ALL the unhealthy food since my hubby is stating this journey today. YEAH an at home buddy to do this journey with!!

    Anyway, I need to get off this computer and do some stretching to hopefully help my back a little. I hope everyone has a good workout week and an even better weight loss at the weigh in. Good day all.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    St. Patricks eat green day (17th March)

    Haha Claire, sounds like you dont like eating your greens.

    Idaho, the more I think about it ,I too think its a fun challenge.

    Here are some ideas for everyone to think about, please add to ithe list.

    1. Green tea. 2. Leek and Zucchini soup, (or any green vege soup, ie, Asparagus, celery, Pea) 3. Salad made of lettuce, rocket, avocado, calery, capsicum, broccilli, basil, snow peas, cucumber 4. Green stir fry, cabbage, celery, beans, capsicum, broccilli. 5. green fruits, grapes, apples, pears, kiwi fruit, 6.basil pesto over that green pasta 7. green lentils

    And for the not quite so green
    1. Poached eggs on a bed of steamed spinach. 2. feta and spinach triangels. 3. haloumi, lentil and rocket salad.
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    I'm up for the 3500 calorie burn, that sounds good. Especially since my husband and I got a Y membership last week. :happy:

    @Chili- It's my TOM also, not looking forward to weigh in either. You know, I've heard that women that live together tend to get their TOM together, but I never knew that women on a discussion board together could synchronize also :wink:

    Good luck to everyone this week. Oh, and do we have to eat green all day, or could I just get by with eating something green? I'm a big fan of my cereal in the morning. I don't really want to have to make my milk green or something.
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Awwwww Jen i am glad i made your day :)
    I didn't have the best afternoon/ evening yesterday but there is nothing i can do to change that now, except to have a great day today!! So i am determined to have a good food day today!

    I have read about the "eat green for St. Patricks Day" mini challenge. I have lunch all sorted haha as i had way too many zucchini's the other day so my freezer is full of zucchini slice and zucchini & basil soup but my breakfast and dinners aren't green lol.
    Although i have some green tea at work so i can have that as part of my breakfast i guess and maybe have some more zucchini with dinner!!! Sounds like a plan haha!

    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome :)
    And from what i have read, i am guessing that tomorrow (Wednesday) we need to record our current weight on this thread? Kind of dreading that now after last nights efforts haha! Oh well :)

    Hope you all have a fabulous day!!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I went shopping today and did well on my new set goal of parking farther from the door. I went to 3 stores and followed my 20 parking spaces from the door rule at 2 of them. The first one I parked 40 spaces from the door, the second was 26 spaces from the door and the third was only 16 spaces or I would have had to park in a completely different parking lot about 6 blocks away. Not that it would have hurt me any to do the extra walking, but I did not have the time as I had to get to work. But all-in-all I did get some extra walking in by parking so far away. My husband thinks I am nuts for doing this, but I figure any extra calories burned are in my favor. Tomorrow if the weather is good I will be walking the dogs to get more calories burned toward the 3500 for this week. I have a new (4 mo old) puppy that is not leash trained yet so that should make for some fun times!

    Hope everyone had a good day today....I will check back in sometime tomorrow. i am off work tomorrow, but have a busy day planned with friends. I am preparing all my food in the morning and taking it with me so that I will not be tempted to overeat or to eat things I shouldn't. i am going to a potluck tomorrow night and those are my weakness so doing it this way I will not have any reason at all to go near the buffet table.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Lol I like green foods! Honest! I have peppermint tea, and does thai green curry count?!

    So tomorrow we'll start a 3500 burn week... Groovy!

    Can we all do a little "getting to know you" type thing too please? I'll start!

    Name: Claire
    Location: Wales
    CW: was 278.8 last week - this week ? lol
    GW: would like to be a UK16 at the most - that's my starting goal... So probably around 160-180lbs?
    Work outs - I try and get to the gym 3 times a week, I do EA Sports Active 2, am starting swimming in the next couple of weeks, and like going to walks with my OH and the kids
    Food facts - I can't live without crunchy peanut butter and houmous (not together of course!)
    Interesting fact - I'm a welsh speaker...

    So you can copy and paste if need be
    Food facts
    Interesting fact

    Have fun! I look forward to reading them!
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