Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm doing a little experiment this week... I've changed my settings to what mfp suggests so I'm going to be eating 1520 cals a day... Will see if it makes any difference to the constant state of hunger I often find myself in...

    If it doesn't work I'll play around again!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Firstly welcome to Katie.

    Poorcopies - Just did a web search for the race for life and it looks like it would be a real laugh. I've just finished doing a triathlon series here triwoman (www.tri.co.nz), and I loved the friendly supportive atmosphere. I've pretty much just done couch to 5K over the past 8 - 10 weeks, started out run a lampost walk a lampost and built it up. I ran 6Km last week, and I know I could run further.

    Claire - Don't beat yourself up about TOM getting in the way. The most important thing is that you're still here, still logging your food and exercise, so what if you post a gain this week, next week it will be gone. Did you grow up speaking Welsh? or learn it at school? I love Wales, so beautiful.

    I'm all up for eating greens on thursday, think I'll wear green to work too! I'm also up for a big burn week. I didn't make the 3500 last time, but will go all out this time, it would really help with the wedding and all too.

    And here's my intro ...

    Name: Rachel or Rach

    Location: Auckland, New Zealand
    I am originally from Yorkshire in the UK, but have been living in NZ for 9 years now.

    CW : 89.3kg or 197lb

    GW : 70kg or 155lb

    Workouts: I have been training for short distance triathlons, so I run, bike or swim 6 days a week and then have 1 rest day. I'm now working towards being able to run 10km and have entered a series called "Run Auckland" which is 6 races of 5km, with the last 3 having a 10km option and the final race having a 20km option. My aim is to be able to run the 20km option in July. I can currently run 6km.

    Food facts : I'm vegetarian, though started eating fish when I was pregnant. I aim to have a chunk or two of chocolate every day. My current aim is to make sure I eat all my protein.

    Interesting fact : I have webbed feet!?! Makes me a better swimmer!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    @ Rach - I went to a welsh medium primary school so was taught in welsh until I went to high school... Neither of my parents speak welsh (mum is from Kent and dad is from South Wales but never learnt welsh)..

    I'm glad I know welsh though through high school I found it all a bit dull (teenagers eh!) and now my son goes to the same school I went to... One of my teachers is no the head mistress there and the place hasn't changed much so it's very odd going back there!

    How come you moved to NZ then? x
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Ooooh, I love a good survey.

    Name: Beccy
    Location: The Midlands, England
    CW: 285.5
    GW: I also want to go by clothes size, not weight. I want to be a UK 16, although I'd be happy to go down to a decent UK 18, so I can shop on the high street properly again.
    Workouts: I need to sort these out! I am doing rubbish at the moment, but I do walk to work, I used to bus in the morning but stopped now, so I walk 2 miles a day (its exactly a mile there and back, handy for calculation purposes!)
    Food facts: I am obssessed with sushi, especially sashimi. I could eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in Yo! Sushi.
    Interesting fact: I am half Portuguese, on my mothers side.

    Rach I really want to visit New Zealand! The scenery looks amazing and I am a huge LOTR nerd as well, so that's another reason!

    I am up for trying this 3500 burn challenge. I don't know how well I will do though!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Mornng All. Wednesday here, weigh in day. :/ I'm up way too early, can blame the cat for that. I will shower and dress later and go down to shopping center for my weigh in. I am enjoying a quiet cup of tea.

    idaho.. Hope your back is feeling better. Its a shame when we finally get hooked into exercise and then have to stop due to injury or illness. Hannah, how is your cold? Noticed you went for a long walk, so hope you are feeling better.

    Name ...... Jenni or Jennifer (if I'm in trouble)
    Location...... Sydney Australia
    CW ......101.3kg
    GW...... 75kg
    Workouts .......Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, Ballet, stationary bike, walking, ( I sort of give anything a go)
    Food facts .......Vegetarian
    Interesting fact .......I use to be a showgirl and now my daughter (19) has her first show this Saturday.

    New Goals.... 1. to own a dress (nighties dont count)
    2. to be overweight not obese (will have to research at what weight that is)

    Starting my 3500 burn today. Going to Zumba this morning. Have tried it before and didnt like it. But its just starting at the local dance school that I work at so am supporting it. Maybe I will like it more now that I am 20kilo's lighter than when I last went. I at least have a nice outfit to wear.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    ooo I love Zumba... I'm rubbish at it though (and I always thought I had quite a good sense of rhythm!!) Looking forward to the end of the month when the zumba game comes out on the wii - can look like an eejit in the comfort of my own home then!

    Not sure if I'll make it to a burn of 500 cals tomorrow - got to take my daughter to the hospital... but then I am going for a bit of a shop afterwards so I guess that might count?! Hopefull won't be too shattered to do my EA2 workout when I get home....
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I am going to do a morning workout and then my usual walking, hopefully that will get me over 500! Really need to pull my finger out to do this!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    and then have fun with your date!!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Good Morning Losers!

    It's Wednesday morning here, just weighed in and am again over the moon to be posting a 0.8kg or 1.8lb loss, now weighing 88.5kg or 195.1lb. At first I thought it was a 0.2kg gain, then I spotted the two eights!! This keeps my 193lb goal in sight, a similar loss next week should do it ... WOOOO HOOOOO!

    Also I was 87kg when I got pregnant with Lucy, so that's getting closer too! I was 83kg when I got pregnant with Bill, so I class that as 'pre-pregnancy', but pre Lucy is on the horizon!!

    I'm especially pleased as I've exercised hard, and not eaten my exercise calories for the last 3 days to make up for the Hens night, and it's always great when a bit of hard work pays off!

    Claire - That's cool with the Welsh, the Maori language here is in a similar state to probably the one Welsh was in in the 70s, so it's good to see immersion works. We came to NZ with backpacks, I got a job and we never left! No planning involved!

    Beccy - Whereabouts in the Midlands are you? I went to Uni in Birmingham, so it's a place that will stay forever close to my heart!

    Good Luck Losers!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Jenn - I noticed that all your green suggestions were vegetarian!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Eeeek, my date! So nervous, it's ridiculous. I keep thinking he is going to get a proper look at me and run away. (even though there is a full length piccie of me on my dating profile.) I never used to lack self confidence, booo!

    Rach - I live in Leicester. East Midlands!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    You're a beautiful lady! why would he run away!?!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Rach Congratulations you are doing so well. (and Yes I'm vegetarian)
    Well as for me I put ON. 900gms 2 POUNDS. I'm not really surprised, I wasn't so good last week. Did I really expect to lose weight without exercise and over eating. I am upset no denying, because I really wanted a miracle. As most of you know I go to my local shopping centre to get weighed or my doctors, both scales weigh the same. However the shopping center scales also gives lucky numbers and daily fortune. Bonus. LOL. My fortune for today was "Honesty is the Best Virtue". Don't remember my lucky numbers as I was too upset with the kilo numbers I had just seen. And anyway I would need pen and paper to write down my lucky numbers and thats extra weight. So HONESTLY Yes I'm upset and want to cry but then its also week before periods and I'm always emotional so not a good week to weight gain anyway. But also Honestly I know what I have to do and also should have done. Work hard. After all if I had to take a pill each day to save my life I would wouldn't I and what we are doing is to save our lives so we must do it. I really hope you have all done so much better than me this week. I look forward to reading about your losses and to get Inspiration from you all.
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Firstly welcome to Katie.

    Poorcopies - Just did a web search for the race for life and it looks like it would be a real laugh. I've just finished doing a triathlon series here triwoman (www.tri.co.nz), and I loved the friendly supportive atmosphere. I've pretty much just done couch to 5K over the past 8 - 10 weeks, started out run a lampost walk a lampost and built it up. I ran 6Km last week, and I know I could run further.

    Claire - Don't beat yourself up about TOM getting in the way. The most important thing is that you're still here, still logging your food and exercise, so what if you post a gain this week, next week it will be gone. Did you grow up speaking Welsh? or learn it at school? I love Wales, so beautiful.

    I'm all up for eating greens on thursday, think I'll wear green to work too! I'm also up for a big burn week. I didn't make the 3500 last time, but will go all out this time, it would really help with the wedding and all too.

    And here's my intro ...

    Name: Rachel or Rach

    Location: Auckland, New Zealand
    I am originally from Yorkshire in the UK, but have been living in NZ for 9 years now.

    CW : 89.3kg or 197lb

    GW : 70kg or 155lb

    Workouts: I have been training for short distance triathlons, so I run, bike or swim 6 days a week and then have 1 rest day. I'm now working towards being able to run 10km and have entered a series called "Run Auckland" which is 6 races of 5km, with the last 3 having a 10km option and the final race having a 20km option. My aim is to be able to run the 20km option in July. I can currently run 6km.

    Food facts : I'm vegetarian, though started eating fish when I was pregnant. I aim to have a chunk or two of chocolate every day. My current aim is to make sure I eat all my protein.

    Interesting fact : I have webbed feet!?! Makes me a better swimmer!

    Thank you for the welcome :)

    You live in Auckland??!!!! OMG i lovelovelove Auckland!! I am going back in 57 days and i CANNOT WAIT! I actually have 2 job interviews for when i am over there... i really want to live there!!!

    Anyway just wanted to share my excitement about Auckland haha :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    278! Bang on 278! Wasn't expecting that! Was expecting a gain! Woo hoo! Hope everyone else has happy scales today!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    278! Bang on 278! Wasn't expecting that! Was expecting a gain! Woo hoo! Hope everyone else has happy scales today!
    Well done Claire.:flowerforyou:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks Jenni!

    To top it off I just slipped on a pair of UK22 trousers and they fit! comfortably!! With a little room to spare!

  • hi every one! God i hate being unemployed, i cant keep track on which day it is! But with luck i realised it is wednesday today, my best friends birthday and mamogram day for me. So here comes the facts...

    Name: Hanna

    Location: Norrköping, Sweden

    CW: 97.5 kgs/ 214.5 lbs

    GW: 70 kgs/ 154 lbs - or rather i'll take it from 70 kgs, i have no clue how i will look weighing so "little", but i guess its what i should weigh. seems like i lose all my weight in my face and i dont wanna look sick in any way.... but between 65-75 is ok by me :)

    Workouts: At the moment i just walk. Long walks, short walks you name it. It works for me but i know i have to throw in some muscle building exerise as well. Not beause i *have* to, but because it makes you burn that fat so much faster - and just enough muscles is HOT!

    Food facts: I eat almost everything. very few things i cannot handle but sushi is one of them.

    Interesting fact: i have absolutely no arm strenght, i cant live without music and i knit :D
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Congrats on all your losses ladies! My weigh day is a Friday, so hoping for good numbers on the scales then!

    My first day of my 3500 challenge will be a bust though, I slept in and didn't get to work out before work, and I am out after, boo! Can hopefully make some numbers up at the weekend though.
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    My weight for the week is 250.4. I think I'll hit my goal of 249 for next week! And I will post all my get to know you info on Sat. I'm using my phone right now and its a little hard to type all that. Great job to everyone! :happy:
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