Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I don't want us to all disband either! And I was thinking.... Anyone up for another challenge when this one finishes?!

    Was thinking maybe a 12 week challenge? say 1.5-2lbs a week? That's around 0.7-0.9kg a week....

    Gonna put it out there that we change weigh ins to Mondays? If this isn't ok with you please say? Personally it would be easier but I'm willing to go with the crowd!

    so either we can start on the day this one finishes (23rd) or take Monday the 28th March as our new start date... and go 12 weeks which takes us to either Wednesday the 15th or Monday the 20th June...

    What do you guys think?
  • I am totally up for another challenge... mondays suit me perfectly since my official weigh in day is sundays and I would love to have the end date to be the 20th, the 19th is my sisters birthday and the date of my mini-goal where i should weigh 89 kgs or 196 lbs. Then i will get you guys the sunday weight if that is okay with all of you? But i do think we should have some challenges just to get us working even more to reach our goals... I dont have any clear picture yet....

    We can do this!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    maybe we should do every other week at hitting 3500 cals burned? If we burn 3500 that's at least 1lb lost - can only be a good thing?!
  • sounds like a good plan to me!
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    I agree, I don't want to lose this group either, you guys keep me going! I'm also on board with switching weigh in to Monday. And speaking of, my weigh in for the week is 251.8. So happy to show a loss again! Great work this week everyone!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good job everyone on the losses...and on choosing something to give up for Lent.

    As for Lent I had said I was giving up bread, dairy, and my diet soda but under the advice of my husband have decided to keep the bread so only giving up the other two (and he was a sweetheart and went and got me a low-fat, low-cal bread that looks yummy). And I am working on not whining during the next 40 days which will by far be harder than giving up the food items!

    My weight this week is 343.4 so I had a loss of 1.6 pounds. I didn't expect any since it is TOM, but was glad to at least still see a drop. Am hoping to get back to the larger numbers next week.

    I am glad to hear that everyone wants to keep this group going! I am the newby here, but absolutely love this group and would be lost without it. You are my motivation, my inspiration, and my accountability. I need all of that for this to be successful.

    I am up for weighing any day the group chooses. And I will definitely be in on whatever the next weight loss challenge is. I am graduating April 30th with an Associates of Arts Degree in Business and have based my next goal around that day, but can also set one for June if that is the next date that is decided.

    Have another great week all!

  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Well done on the weigh ins guys, we are an awesome group, and I'm very keen to start a new challenge when this one is over. I'm happy to weigh in on Mondays. I like the 3500kcal every other week idea too, I still haven't quite managed 3500kcal in a week, but will keep trying!

    I've decided that I'll give up late nights for lent, the internet was just too much of a challenge at short notice for me!! I need to prepare myself for that level of deprivation!! I often go to bed at 11.45pm or even after midnight ... I know I do it as I want to milk every child free moment available, but I get really tired, and my hubby reckons my weight loss would benefit from it too ... so I'm going to be in bed by 10.30pm at the latest!
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Hello on with 1lb this week, ho hum. Early morning spin on Wednesday gets me 700 cals burnt on the way for this week. Out tonight will try to stay off the wine, and maybe get another spin in the am!!! Good luck this week losers - if I am not under 100 next week then my forefit will be a 1 hour class everyday next week!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Morning all:yawn: , It was a long day yesterday, didn't get home till after 11pm. Accomplished a lot, but so tired now. I logged my food early and tried my hardest to stick to it but when my daughter ordered hot chips at work (we work together) well my resistance went out the window. Hanna, congratulations to your sister and good luck to her. You will miss her greatly but these days you have the internet. Showing my age but back in my day, :laugh: , when I was 20 and went to live in South Korea I had to wait for mail, paper type with a stamp on it. Hardly any phone calls too epensive and no one came to visit, again too expensive.
    I am so glad that we all want to stick together. It really helps to have friends going through the same thing. I don't know about anyone else but my family are getting tired of hearing me talk about calories and exercise. But I think I have at least another 12 months if not more before I reach my goal weight and then Oh No to maintain. Idaho good luck with Lent. So far for me no chocolate. And i'm missing the internet browsing, but I did get some paper work caught up on.
    V, don't worry about that weight on, you may be quite surprised at your next weigh in. Just know that you are doing right by you, exercising and eating better leads to a healthier you. I can't even imagine doing a spin class, actually the thought scares me. Don't you have to stand up on the bike, can't seeing myself doing that.:noway:
    Monday weigh in is good for me, and I like the idea of every 2nd week 3500 challenge.
    Can I invite a friend to join our group. Another MFPer, who I think would benefit greatly from some group support. If so how does she find this link?
    Wishing you all a Fantastic Friday.
    Cheers Jenni
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Jenni - The more the merrier! She can either search for the Losers! thread or you can just copy and paste the link from your browser into a message to her...

    I'm going to a clothes swap party this evening - doubt there'll be any clothes there but there may be some accessories or shoes - and I agreed to be the cake maker!

    Have found that if I do the betty crocker devils food cake mix with a diet soda and make it into 25 cupcakes they're only 84.6kcals each! If I top them with really low fat cream cheese and melted chocolate frosting they should be well under the 200kcal mark for each cupcake!

    And with all the walking I'll have to do to get the ingredients I reckon I could be in with a chance of eating one.... or two!!!

    This weekend is going to be a toughy as I've got this party tonight and a wedding reception tomorrow night... Don't know if I'll manage to stay under my calorie goal but I promise I'll try and be good!

    Have a good weekend everyone! xxx
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hello! I have been invited to join by Claire and am looking forward to your next challenge and getting to know you all! Sounds like a great little support network :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    We're all very nice... Honest!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I am so excited....as of tomorrow my husband will be doing the weight loss journey with me!! This will make eating healthy SO much easier when I don't have to see him eating my favorite things!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Welcome poorcopies....this is an awesome group!! I joined it just a few weeks ago and I love it!!! Love the challenges and the support here. This is where I feel the most accountability for my journey as I do not want to have to log in a gain or an over the limit of calories. You will find nothing but great women with lots of love and support. Best wishes to you in your weight loss journey :).
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi poorcopies, We are an awesome group and glad to have you with us. I think we having a wonderful journey together, well I know I am. I always look forward to posts on here to see how we are all going and its great sharing the ups and downs. Its good to know we are not all perfect or maybe we are. Maybe perfect is accepting the day with no exercise and the odd extra calorie or two. No matter what the weight we are all much healthier and happier. Welcome.:flowerforyou:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Aww, thanks for the welcome1 :)
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    Welcome poorcopies! This is a fantastic group, and very supportive. :happy:
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    Welcome poorcopies! This is a fantastic group, and very supportive. :happy:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Welcome poorcopies! Yay, the more the merrier!

    I've just had a mad weekend, very drunken hen night on Saturday night. Had an absolute ball! I tried to guesstimate what I ate and drank, and that put me at 1200kcal over, even after burning 750kcal on my bike!!! I'm aiming to burn an extra 300kcal a day, and not eat them for the next 3 days, so hopefully I'll still manage a loss on wednesday ... if not ... I'll just have to lose it next week, but with the wedding next weekend that may be a struggle!! Wish me luck!

    Also I ran 6km today, that's the furthest I've EVER run! So pleased with myself, that 10KM feels really achievable, which is mad in December all I could do was run the distance between 2 lamposts, then walk the distance between two lamposts. So proud of myself ... right lent says it's bed time for me, so night night x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Rach, You are awesome. That 10k Is really a possibility now.
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