Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)



  • I've got a pedometer. As long as we are just counting steps its alright with me ;) Is it 3500 kcals to burn in one or two weeks?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hanna - It's usually 3500 in 1 week... But we'll leave that until we're into our new challenge I think... Have we all decided that it'll start on Monday the 28th March and finish on 20th June?
    That gives us a 12 week challenge (and takes me to the week before I go on holiday) and in that time do we want to try biggest % lost in that time or go for losing 2lbs a week?

    Re Jenni's idea of the mini mini challenge - I like! But how big are everyone's glasses?! I usually either go by pints or litres (I have pint glasses at home and a 1litre water bottle!

    And we'll def try a walking challenge too...

    Oooo I'm all excited about carrying on with all you lovely ladies! It wouldn't be nearly as much fun without you all!

    I'll start a new chart this weekend and then I can add the start and goal weights on Monday when you tell me what they are... AS long as everyone's happy with me carrying on the "secretary" role?!
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    So my final weigh in for this challenge is 247.2! 2 lbs under my goal! I will get a pedometer this weekend for that challenge. Good job everyone, see you all Monday!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    All of the challenges sound good. I have a pedometer and I can do the water challenge. I also like the idea of doing 5 different exercises in a week that will get our imaginations working. I do not have the 30 day shred yet, but have a friend who does so will check that out.

    Final weigh in weight is 339.6 for a total loss of 22.4 pounds for this challenge and puts me down 35.4 since I started this journey on January 19th. I am SO excited. My next personal goal is to be at 325 by Easter and 320 by April 30th for my graduation.

    Good job everyone on your losses!! I am proud to say I am a part of this group. You are all such amazing women.

  • Claire: perfectly fine with you being the seretary. You are doing such a great job - unless you are tired of the role that is? I drink 2 litres of water when it says 8 cups here. And yes i should have got that 3500 is for one week. I have no idea what has happened with my brain, maybe it has shrunk as well. ;)
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Ah i seem to be the only one without a pedometer haha!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Ah i seem to be the only one without a pedometer haha!!

    Not to worry - Maybe you could do it as time spent out walking? We can sort that out when the time comes - there's bound to be a way around it.. x
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I like the idea of time walking better than using a pedometer only because they are not 100% accurate. Any movement can make them show as steps made. But whatever the group decides will be alright for me.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Has anyone heard from "V"? Hope she is ok? Verity where are you...........
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I've just sent her a message Jenni... Hope all is well with her x

    Tammi - Doing it by time is fine - either way will be good exercise x
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I'm happy with all of that. Look at me, almost 10% less than I was! Isn't that awesome!! Thank you all for your kind words and support. I'm well up for a mini water challenge.

    I can download a pedometer app for my phone, so I'm all good with that, though I use the GPS on my phone to map my runs, so I'm not sure I could run both apps simultaneously ...

    I have ordered the 30 day shred DVD from the library, so I could have a go at that, is it just 20mins per day?

    I'm very happy with Claire being the secretary, so we're all good to go!

    Well done ladies, and lets do it all again!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I can't believe 12 weeks takes us to the middle of June! Bonkers!

    My next aim would be my birthday on the 13th of July, I'd love to be down a size and able to buy myself something lovely to wear!
  • I'm happy with all of that. Look at me, almost 10% less than I was! Isn't that awesome!!

    You have done an awesome journey. I'm so happy for you and you'll be down a size before you know it!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good job ladies on the 15 pound challenge. I loved seeing the pounds lost and the percentages!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I can't believe 12 weeks takes us to the middle of June! Bonkers!

    My next aim would be my birthday on the 13th of July, I'd love to be down a size and able to buy myself something lovely to wear!

    Crazy isn't it! We'll be halfway through the year! I think if you carry on the way you're going Rach you'll definitely have lost enough to be down a dress size or 2!

    For those who haven't got a pedometer we can work out a time thing I'm sure - then no one has to have any clashing apps or undue expense...

    Mini mini challenge until Monday is to drink the 8 cups/glasses/some kind of vessel of water.... Lets go!
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Good job everyone! I landed at 220lbs, happy to be going in the right direction. I think my next aim is 210lbs I'd like to do that in 6 weeks or less so all the mini challenges of cals burning, water etc on route should help get to that.
    Also I saw a boot camp in Wales for £299 on Groupon 5 days of hard work, I really want to do one, that might give me a running jump at a target.

    There are so many things I am doing better now, like choices in resturants, aclohol comsumption, portion sizes, leaving some food on the plate, taking nuts as snacks, avoiding hungry buys like sandwiches, no coffee, water comsumption and vitamins. I feel much better for it and mentally like I am on track. I hope you guys are all getting there, the weight loss is great - lets combine the total - I bet we have lost a small person!!
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Oh and I think % loss for the next one os a good idea
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Right - I think I've had all the people's weights that are going to carry on...

    If I've missed you it's because I haven't had your weight yet...

    Here we go!

    In TOTAL we have lost 123.9lbs! That's amazing ladies!

    Total personal weight loss

    1. Idahogirl71 - 22.7lbs
    2. Chiliflea - 20.4lbs
    3. Rachypompa - 20.1lbs
    4. alw2007 - 17lbs
    5. Hannastyrbjorn - 13.9lbs
    6. Jellyfishjen - 12.2lbs
    7. bbb84 - 9.6lbs
    8. VezNo1 - 8lbs

    Total % weight loss

    1. Rachypompa - 9.44%
    2. Chiliflea - 6.89%
    3. alw2007 - 6.43%
    4. Idahogirl71 - 6.27%
    5. Hannastyrbjorn - 6.18%
    6. Jellyfishjen - 5.19%
    7. bbb84 - 3.71
    8. VezNo1 - 3.51%

    Congrats to everyone! We've all done fantastically well!

    Onwards and downwards ladies!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    All exciting stuff! I really need to step up with the exercise, I am just waiting for the gym to send me a re-enrol for free email, they usually do every couple of months. I need to get busy with that.

    This year really has been such a year of change already, I finish in my current job tomorrow and start a new one on Monday, I have finally started to lose weight and started dating again! When I think about how depressed I was this time last year, its incredible.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    All exciting stuff! I really need to step up with the exercise, I am just waiting for the gym to send me a re-enrol for free email, they usually do every couple of months. I need to get busy with that.

    This year really has been such a year of change already, I finish in my current job tomorrow and start a new one on Monday, I have finally started to lose weight and started dating again! When I think about how depressed I was this time last year, its incredible.

    I'm so proud of us all!

    Sounds like this year is going to be a good one for you chicca - I have, and continue to battle with my depression - have done for 10 years and I finally feel like I'm in control of it... I'm still on my meds but I can certainly see light at the end of the tunnel... It's a damn long tunnel though! But it's do-able!

    Just think where we'll all be this time next year if we keep this up!
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