Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Oh! Quorn is really nice, even though I am not a veggie I often eat it as an alternative to meat. You can make a mean spag bol with it!

    I am in a really good mood today! Properly back on track after my naughty couple of weeks on the road when I was unable to track, lost 2.5 lbs this week, taking me to 283.0! I reckon I can get below 280 by the end of March now, thats my mini goal!

    I am currently sat at work in my pajamas for Comic-Relief and I have a hot date tonight, so today is a good day! YAY!

    That's fantastic! I've added you on to the bottom of this challenge's spreadsheet... So I remember to do your % lost at the end of next week...

    Work in pjs must be really comfy! Sent my son to school wearing red clothes this morning (as per the letter we got - not just randomly!) and he had his red pirate nose though he wouldn't wear it cos it pinches his nose... And I've got my red sparkly deely boppers! Looking forward to watching the show tonight! How sad!

    Have a great night on your date tonight xx
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I ate two green apples and drank green tea on St Paddy's Day for the mini challenge. That one was easy, but the 3500 calorie burn one is hard this time. I am still dealing with intense pain from my back going out the other day so have to limit the amount and type of exercise right now. I am still doing low impact aerobics, but it is cut down to 10 min at a time so basically just the warm-up and cool-down right now. If the weather was decent I'd be out walking the dog, but it is cold and rainy today and it tried to snow yesterday...BRRRR.

    I am a dedicated Biggest Loser fan and have finally come to realize that if the contestants on there can gain 2 pounds when they have access to doctors, personal trainers, professional chefs, and all the perfect foods that we are all going to have bumps in our journey. The bumps suck, but no one ever said this would be easy. I have re-evaluated why I want this so badly and why I must at all times be willing to fight for it. I think it is a necessity to re-evaluate from time to time to remind myself exactly why I started this journey and why I have set the goals that I have. It feels good to be back where I should be! Thank you all for your love and support through the last few days when I lost site of the goal and the reason. You guys are AWESOME!!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend and a great final weigh-in next week!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi Idaho, Great going green. I'm not doing so well with the 3500 burn either. Time restraints. I agree with you views on our journey. Bumps or I call them detours, happen and I guess some detours are bumpier than others. but from them all we experience a bit more on our journey. Happy Saturday.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wow Quorn in Aussie!! I used to love Quorn when I lived in the UK ... maybe we'll get some here in NZ!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Well said Idaho Girl ... I'm having a bumpy week this week ... my daughter turned 3 yesterday ... I made cake on Thursday night (and ate some of the icing and decorations ...) then yesterday we had a birthday tea, which was basically sugary rubbish, but hey it's not every day you're 3 ... and then today was my SIL's wedding, so I went for a mad bike ride and have then estimated what I ate ... as long as I get back on track tomorrow I'll be all good.

    I wore and ate green on Thursday ... but the 3500 burn is going to be tough this week ...
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I did a sneaky weigh in this morning (in my pyjamas so will be a little over what i am in the birthday suit) and i'm 275.8!!! AND an NSV of being in a size UK22 trousers!

    Woop! Looks like upping my cal intake has paid off and I don't feel hungry!

    Hope to see a bit more of a loss by Wednesday!

    Happy Saturday peeps!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yay for sneaky weigh ins!

    I also am struggling on the burn 3500 calories, but I have some excersise planned for tomorrow! Had a good night last night, but had Dominos and a whole bottle wine, eek! Was only just over my calories though, so not too bad!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I have another 2000 calories to burn by Wednesday so going to do my best to get it done.

    Going to buy a scale in the morning. I have been making a 16 mile round trip to the doctors office each time I want or need to weigh in and have decided it is time to have one here at home.

    Well it is 12:34am here so I am off to bed here shortly. Happy Sunday everyone!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I have another 2000 calories to burn by Wednesday so going to do my best to get it done.

    Going to buy a scale in the morning. I have been making a 16 mile round trip to the doctors office each time I want or need to weigh in and have decided it is time to have one here at home.

    Well it is 12:34am here so I am off to bed here shortly. Happy Sunday everyone!

    I have a fair amount of calories to burn before wednesday too - walking to take my son to a birthday party today so that'll count and got gym, EA and swimming this week before the final weigh in...

    Having your own scale will be great - I do sneaky weigh ins to see if I'm on track and it keeps me motivated.. I also have another app on my iphone that I can log my sneaky weigh ins into... nice to see a graph decreasing!! It also tells me how much weight i need to lose to be in a healthy BMI and how long it will take me to reach a goal weight if I keep losing my average weight per week! At the moment my target is to be 230lbs by halloween and according to this new app if i keep losing like I have this week I'll be there by May!!!! Can't see it happening but it's a nice boost (and I've only been using the app for a few days so i would think it will change after a couple of weeks!!

    Glad I upped my calorie intake too.. I'm not hungry at all and I'm still losing... Happy me!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok, so I'm sitting on my big fat bum, watching TV, laptop on lap, feeling low and so unmotivated and defeated and just can't be bothered etc etc etc. This journey is too hard, even though I really like the feel of my lighter smaller self, but do I have the strength to keep going. Ate like a pig at the buffet before my daughters show. Today I ate a chocolate forgot I gave them up for lent. So really disappointed with myself. Then I thought there is no way I can meet this 3500 burn challenge and it had been my suggestion that we end this challenge with it so I should at least try. I look back in the diary Wednesday burn 578 thursday burn 0, friday burn 753, saturday burn 0. So here it is sunday 9pm and I have calculated to meet the challenge I need to burn 2169 calories. So before sunday ends (3 hours) I AM GOING TO BURN 723 CALORIES. The same Monday and Tuesday. Back soon got some sweating to do.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Proud mother moment. Go to the photo's in my profile and I have put a couple up of my daughter from last night. She is the one in blue. She get's the body from me. :laugh:
    Ps I have done 30min on the bike then my Jillian Michaels, now back on bike attempting another 30 min. Its the bike seat that gets you in the end.:blushing:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Go Jenni! Way to sock it so em with your calorie burning! your daughter looks amazing too!

    I'm finding it really hard to exercise at the weekend - well proper structured exercise anyway... now the weather is nicer it's too nice to not spend it with the kids outside.... But walking IS exercise afterall!!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Jellyfish ~ I am right there with you on the calorie burn thing. I still have approx 2000 to burn by Wed, but we CAN do this!! Hang in there girl, don't get too discouraged on this journey. I know first hand the frustrations that go along with, the self-sabotage, the discouragements when eating something I shouldn't, etc, etc, etc. It is a hard journey and a long one, but from what I have heard it is well worth it in the end. And we are all here for you :smile:
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    Name: Alaina
    Location: Missouri, USA
    CW: 250.4
    GW: 150 or below if I can manage it
    Work outs - elliptical, bike and treadmill M,W,F, treadmill and strength training T,Th
    Food facts - Chocolate is absolutely my downfall. I eat when I am bored, sad, mad...pretty much anything, and I'm really trying to change it. Unfortunately, I'm losing this battle almost as much as I'm winning it lately :embarassed:
    Interesting fact - There's actually very little about me that's interesting. But I do turn 29 the day after this first challenge ends. So I'm hoping for 26 lbs down=happy birthday to me!

    I totally failed the St. Patty's Day challenge, I totally forgot to eat anything green. I also lost my battle the other day and had chocolate, so there goes my giving it up for Lent. I guess it's a good thing I'm not Catholic.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Don't get discouraged Alaina - at least you tried to give something up for lent! I didn't even try! I miss chocolate but not as much as I thought I would... And I let myself have some when I want it - I think the worst thing about "dieting" is depriving yourself of the things you love... As this isn't a "diet" it's reeducating ourselves on how to eat properly and to exercise I think we can eat mostly anything in moderation!
    For me the way I manage to not eat something I know I probably shouldn't is to think how long I'm going to have to workout to get that amount of calories off!!! LOL!

  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I went and bought a scale like I said I was going too. I am actually really excited about it (never thought I'd ever say those words). But I did have to take a sneak peek. I will weigh again Wednesday morning and post my final weigh-in weight for the 15 pound challenge, but also had to share what has been going on ~~~~~

    I've lost 2 pounds so far this week so just have 0.8 pounds to lose to be back where I was last week before my gain. And as long as I do not gain between now and Wednesday I will beat my goal for the 15 pound challenge. So even though I had a gain last week and became very stressed, depressed, and angry at myself, sticking with this has paid off. Thank you to all of you who had my back :drinker:

    Today is day 61 on this journey for me. In my first 60 days I lost 30.8 pounds, 1" in my neck, 2" in my chest, 10" in my waist, and 6" in my hips.

    So here's to a week of losing, a week of won't power (I won't eat the things I shouldn't), and a week of burning calories. My personal goals for this week: psychological - to keep up in my journal, physical - to continue parking a minimum of 25 spaces from the door when going shopping, and spiritual - to remember daily that in myself I am weak, but with each passing day that I remain on this journey I become stronger.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    YAY! Good goals and I am glad you are still on track! We are all going to have some bumps along the way, but its such a good feeling when you overcome them and the main thing to remember is each day is a new day and the chance for us to start again!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I may have over done it today and may not be able to roll out of bed tomorrow.
    30min stationary bike, 20 min Jillian Michael dvd, instead of taking bus walked 25min from train station to studio, then went to Zumba tonight. Burned total 1189 calories, now only have to burn 189 calories tomorrow to reach our 3500 calorie burn. Only I am already feeling the body pain. Even if I dont show the weight loss on the scales this week, I am happy to have boosted my exercise.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I may have over done it today and may not be able to roll out of bed tomorrow.
    30min stationary bike, 20 min Jillian Michael dvd, instead of taking bus walked 25min from train station to studio, then went to Zumba tonight. Burned total 1189 calories, now only have to burn 189 calories tomorrow to reach our 3500 calorie burn. Only I am already feeling the body pain. Even if I dont show the weight loss on the scales this week, I am happy to have boosted my exercise.

    Bloody hell Jenni! That's one serious burn! I had a lot to make up today and tomorrow too - today so far i've burned 681 from gym and EA and I still have to walk to get my DS from school (not sure if I'll log that though as I've enough calories to eat today as is and I've got spanish class tonight!)

    so in total so far I've burned 2298... Leaving me with 1202 to burn tomorrow... Hmmmmm maybe I WILL log the walk to school!!

    Going swimming for an hour tomorrow so that should burn a bit though, and I've got EA to do and possibly a walk if the weather stays this glorious!

    Here's to the final push peeps!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    876 cals left to burn tomorrow... Swimming should cover that I'd say... Must check and see if my Polar F1 is waterproof! :bigsmile:
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