Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Glad you got to do the shred Claire, but dont push yourself too much. Family first. And remember it took me 55 days to do 30 days. So thats your target to beat. How is your son today?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    He seems a lot better today thanks Jenni... Went the whole night without being sick... I'll give him today off school aswell as see how he goes..

    30 day shred wise are you on level 1 still? I can barely manage all the cardio (I should push myself more) and there's 1 set of abs work that I have trouble with - I think it's the bicycle kicks or something oblique work anyway...

    I quite like it though! will bare in mind I have to beat 55 days! not sure if i'll manage it this weekend as I'm off to see Kylie... Soooooo looking forward to it! Nice weekend away with my best friend... We're both going to try and not drink much - me for calories and her as she's starting IVF...
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    He seems a lot better today thanks Jenni... Went the whole night without being sick... I'll give him today off school aswell as see how he goes..

    30 day shred wise are you on level 1 still? I can barely manage all the cardio (I should push myself more) and there's 1 set of abs work that I have trouble with - I think it's the bicycle kicks or something oblique work anyway...

    I quite like it though! will bare in mind I have to beat 55 days! not sure if i'll manage it this weekend as I'm off to see Kylie... Soooooo looking forward to it! Nice weekend away with my best friend... We're both going to try and not drink much - me for calories and her as she's starting IVF...

    Glad he is bettter, and a day off school is best.

    30 day shred is tough. I had to build on everything. Those bicycle crunches took me a loong time to even work out the muscles and how to get them working, I can now push myself to ten. Then I just do regular crunches to the end. I was feeling pretty good tonight though and so since I didnt shred at all yesterday, I have just done level 1 and level 2. So can i count that as 2 days? I find level 1 tough enough still, but wanted to try level 2 again. Its tough and I just dont have the strength for some of the exercises but give it my best. I've never timed the sessions but just put it as 20 min circuit training. Worried MFP may rate that as a higher calorie burn than it is.

    How nice to have a weekend away. Relax and Enjoy.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Well done Claire, it's so tough dealing with sick kids and can easily be a reason to give up, but you didn't let it be that way. So well done.
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    I quite like it though! will bare in mind I have to beat 55 days! not sure if i'll manage it this weekend as I'm off to see Kylie... Soooooo looking forward to it! Nice weekend away with my best friend... We're both going to try and not drink much - me for calories and her as she's starting IVF...

    I am having the weekend away with my best friend this weekend as well! CANNOT WAIT!! Although i don't think we will be as strict with the drinking haha!!
    Have the best time :):):)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    It's been a couple of days since I have been on here, but am doing okay. Yesterday I went out of town and looked at some houses. My husband and I are working on buying our first house and have narrowed it down from 28 to 3 choices. We will walk through them on Wednesday with the realtor and put in an offer on the one we decide on. I am excited but if we get it we will be moving 36 miles from where we currently live. Not bad except all our friends and family will be separated from us and will have a mountain pass between us. It is fine this time of year, but I am not going over the pass in the winter.

    Food and exercise wise I am still doing okay. I am on day 21 of the hcg diet and today we added our first serving of grass-fed beef to the mix. We will see what that does to the scale. I went to one of our local health food stores today for the first time and love it!! It is the biggest health food store I have been into. And their prices are not bad for everything being organic and soy.

    I am not losing as fast on this program as I thought I would. I really think my body wants more calories than it is getting. But we are at the half-way mark with it so I don't want to give up on it just yet. I want to see it through for the next 21 days and see what happens in the end.

    Have a good weekend everyone!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Ooh i didn't know this one was still going! Hai!

    I am off to the gym to burn off the calories I had last night, but my hangover is not letting me!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
  • Hi there! :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I've had such a glorious day today... the sun has been shining and it's lifted me out of the glumness that follows being ill :happy:

    Haven't been able to any strenuous exercise yet, a couple of walks to and from my sons school is easing me back in there gently and i'm hoping to try my zumba wii out before the end of the week...

    If the woman who bought some jeans off me on ebay would just pay for them I could order my roller skates and then be teaching myself how to skate! Is 31 too old to learn?! I hope not! :bigsmile:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Claire, never too old to learn new tricks. Although there comes an age when bones dont heal so quick. But since you are not that age or anywhere near. Go for it.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Claire you could take up roller derby! My friend plays for a welsh team!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Claire you could take up roller derby! My friend plays for a welsh team!

    Ha ha! Food for thought! lol :bigsmile:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    omg I have not been on roller skates since I was 12 (I was 160 pounds then). I would be afraid of killing myself. Or worse yet would be that I would fall and not be able to get back up...lol. Now wouldn't that be a site?!? Claire, you are NEVER too old to try new things, unless you are dead. My grandmother is 82 1/2 yrs old and can outdo me at any physical activity. Why? Because she lost weight several years ago and does not let her age slow her down. She walks 5 miles everyday and does not seem like she is 82. I believe from seeing her over the last 10 years that it is never to late to start, so long as you take that first step. So girl, get those skates and proudly give them a try!! You'll be amazed at how many calories you can burn using them. And how fun they can be.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks Tammi... I will be ordering them as soon as I have the money! I'll either be whizzing about or hobbling on crutches! :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    OMG Claire! What a riot! I might have to get me some roller skates too, that would be so much fun ... mind you theres a place on waterfront that hires them, maybe I'll do that first!!! Never too old I reckon ... I used roller skate as a kid, loved it, but when I think of the mad things we did .... like going down very steep roads ... thank goodness none of us ever met a car coming the other way ....
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    hey Claire -- I am on the hcg protocol through the 23rd then increase my calories to 800-1000 for 3 wks then go back on the hcg for another round of 43 days.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Well it's certainly working for you Tami! You're doing great! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
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