Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Yah, V you're here. Missed you and was worried about you. We are all doing so great. Saw my doctor yesterday for the first time in months. I had been getting weighed there but early in the morning by the nurse or receptionist, we had a routine I get there early for weigh in before they get busy. My doctor was impressed with my weight loss and attitude asked what turned me around and made me more positive. I told her about this great International support team I have. Thanks Ladies you are the Best.
    Wore the pedometer today to give it a trial run. Well even after walking rather than taking the bus I was only up to about 5000 steps. Then I must have leaned against my desk at just the wrong or right angel and it went back to zero. So then I reset it and managed another 1700 steps. I felt today was a big walk day, so how do you manage to do 10,000 steps. I think when we do the challenge we could have 2 choices 1. pedometer with so many steps (70,000 in a week)? or 2. time so many hours (7 or 10 hours in a week)? Would we all like to start this Monday with a challenge to kick start our motivation? Opps just saw the time its already Friday. Night All.:yawn:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I've just found out that 10 000 steps equates to 5 MILES!!! Not sure I could walk that in one day and certainly not every day!

    Hope everyone's seen the top 8 lists on the previous page!
  • Yah, V you're here. Missed you and was worried about you. We are all doing so great. Saw my doctor yesterday for the first time in months. I had been getting weighed there but early in the morning by the nurse or receptionist, we had a routine I get there early for weigh in before they get busy. My doctor was impressed with my weight loss and attitude asked what turned me around and made me more positive. I told her about this great International support team I have. Thanks Ladies you are the Best.
    Wore the pedometer today to give it a trial run. Well even after walking rather than taking the bus I was only up to about 5000 steps. Then I must have leaned against my desk at just the wrong or right angel and it went back to zero. So then I reset it and managed another 1700 steps. I felt today was a big walk day, so how do you manage to do 10,000 steps. I think when we do the challenge we could have 2 choices 1. pedometer with so many steps (70,000 in a week)? or 2. time so many hours (7 or 10 hours in a week)? Would we all like to start this Monday with a challenge to kick start our motivation? Opps just saw the time its already Friday. Night All.:yawn:

    It is alot to walk 10.000 steps/day but it is hard to walk 10 h in a week as well. For me I have to walk for 90 minutes to get 500 kcals burnt and since that is the only exercise form I can afford at the moment it'll be a lot of walking to reach the 3500 goal. I have some videos as well which i need to do to up my exercise. I actually think i will stick with the hours per week instead of the pedometer even though i have one. How many hours do you guys think is equal to 10.000 steps/day? For me 10h is fine but since i'm not the only one walking the hours and it has to be fair, right? Yet another solution would be to look at the distance walked. 10.000 steps should be about 7-8 km 4.5-5 miles...

    Nice to hear that your doctor is positive and encouraging. We can do this ladies!
  • Haha, i am to slow :D wish i didnt have to think so much when i write in english, you guys have to learn swedish soon lol
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Haha, i am to slow :D wish i didnt have to think so much when i write in english, you guys have to learn swedish soon lol

    Your English is brilliant Hanna!

    ok - will walking on a treadmill count as walking (if you see what I mean?!) or does it have to be outside?

    Apparently 10000 steps is roughly 5 miles and the average person can walk a mile in about 20-30 mins... So to walk 5 miles a day would take around 2.5 hours... Not sure I can squeeze that into every day! Could possibly try 5000 steps a day which is 35000 a week... Which would mean 2.5 miles in roughly an hour and a half.... working to 10.5 hours of walking a week!

    Crikey this walking thing is going to be tricky! unless I can count EVERY time I walk anywhere - toilet, putting the washing on the line etc etc lol
  • For me 5 miles a day is not to much of a problem (not that i am superwoman but i should be able to walk that distance in a little more than 1½h), though 2.5 would be a goal that i know for sure i can reach. I go with the flow and see what the rest of you think. But for Monday i think we should have gotten things straight and the "rules" in a post for everyone to see. That way it'll be no misunderstandings. That\s also why i vote for a new thread so we get a clean sheet for the next challenge. All the members of our lovely little group newbies as well as the old ones :wink:

    Well now it is Criminal Minds evening that awaits and for company i'll have an orange and loads of water.

    Good night ladies!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm with you on that one Hanna... And as everyone's journey is personal it may be an idea for everyone to chose their own walking goal.... Then everyone will get the best out of it...

    Like the idea for the new thread... Like you say - clean slate...

    I LOVE Criminal Minds! Used to watch it religiously every night!

    I have to go do my final EA active 2 session and then I've completed the 4 week cardio workout programme! Yay!

    Think I'll be starting ol' Jillian and her 30 day shred on monday - anyone want to join me?!

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Morning, Wow you 2 have done a bit of nutting out, while some of us slept. I understood the 10,000 step thing was in a day including all your activity. Other words you put your pedometer on when you get up, and every little step is counted. Your journey to the bathroom, laundry, putting the baby to sleep etc. And then if you need to boost it up you would go for a walk with purpose to boost your number. Yes I don't think I could find the time to walk 2 hours a day. But maybe 30min am and 30 min pm. I think we should include treadmill as well. 1. Since mine is being delivered today. 2. Sometimes weather does not help outdoor endeavours.
    Hannah, use your exercise DVD's. They can be a great workout and working your body in a different way is great. If you are concerned about 5 different forms of exercise that dosen't cost. I'm sure we can all help you think of things to do. eg. walk , exercise dvds, maybe you have different types there, yoga, dance, etc. push ups and so on. I was going to go to my local library next week to see what they have.
    Claire, I will start Monday with you on the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Ugg its hard, but if you find it easy, don't tell me.:laugh:
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Hi lovely ladies,

    I am looking forward to the walking challenge, and yes as i don't have a pedometer, i will choose to go by hours of walking per week. Realistically i already walk for about 30 mins to and from work and at lunch time, so i am thinking it would be possible for me to maybe add in an extra 1/2 hour a day, or at least make up for it on the weekends or something.
    But as someone has said, it is a group challenge, so i am happy to go with what everyone chooses and try my best!
    Looking forward to weighing in on Monday and starting this new challenge with you all :)

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!! :D
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Morning! Hows everyone going with the water drinking? I managed my 8 glasses yesterday.... :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • me too, just poured my first litre (and of this morning i now know the differences in the English use of -re and -er, how hard can it be to have one single English language?! lol) of water and I'm gonna drink it before i go out on a sunny walk. Now i only have waffle and candy obstacles today, and that second litre of course. See you guys tonight. Have a good day y'all :D
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I am all for the walking challenge being a personal goal and each person sets their own. I can no way walk 2.5 hrs a day....my doctor would never allow it and I just simply do not have the time. But I would like to be able to add walking each day to my routine.

    I drank all my water the last couple of days. This is a hard one for me as I never seem to drink enough. I can get my 8 -12 glasses a day in now, but not my 1/2 oz per pound of weight that I have been aiming for over the last 2 months.

    Claire thank you for all the figuring you did on the 15 pound challenge and the chart!! You are awesome! And a new link sounds great to me as well so long as I can find it...lol.

    Well it is 4:15 am here so I am off to bed to get a few hours sleep. Have mid-terms this week and also have to work later today. I pulled an 8 hr overtime shift yesterday so will be working 8 days straight for the 3rd week in a row. I am quite tired right now. Have a great Friday everyone.

    Til later.....Tami
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I am on two glasses of water today, I need to get me a litre bottle so I know how much I am drinking.

    I lost another 2 lbs this week, very excited!

    Its my last day in my current job today so there has been treats and ice-cream but its not every day you leave your place of work so I am not too worried about it!

    Start my new one on Monday - eeek!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Well done on your 2lbs loss Beccy! That's fab! Will you be using that weight on monday?

    I had a wine tasting thing with my mum this afternoon and had no idea how to log it as it's less than a mouthful of each different wine so I just put it down as a small glass of rose! Will make sure not to go over today just to be on the safe side...

    Am so far half way though the water i need for today... Will have another couple of glasses before bed and that should see me right..

    My wonderful mother booked us a little holiday in North Wales Pontins during the school easter holidays... It's half board so will have to try and eat healthy and try and log as best I can! It's not until April 18th though but am REALLY looking forward to it! and even if I fall off the wagon a bit on the food/drink front - there's so many activities to be doing I'll bet I'll be exercising the whole time... And they do aquafit classes.... Can't wait to get away for a break!
  • Well done on your 2lbs loss Beccy! That's fab! Will you be using that weight on monday?

    I had a wine tasting thing with my mum this afternoon and had no idea how to log it as it's less than a mouthful of each different wine so I just put it down as a small glass of rose! Will make sure not to go over today just to be on the safe side...

    Am so far half way though the water i need for today... Will have another couple of glasses before bed and that should see me right..

    My wonderful mother booked us a little holiday in North Wales Pontins during the school easter holidays... It's half board so will have to try and eat healthy and try and log as best I can! It's not until April 18th though but am REALLY looking forward to it! and even if I fall off the wagon a bit on the food/drink front - there's so many activities to be doing I'll bet I'll be exercising the whole time... And they do aquafit classes.... Can't wait to get away for a break!

    Sounds wonderful with a little holiday and even if you eat and drink a little more than you should you don't have to worry a bit. you are strong and treats are a part of life, no matter if you are already on your goal weight or not. just keep drinking a lot of water and it should be fine :)

    I've been overdoing the water part for today - 3 litres of water is a bit too much for my body. But I see a difference in my body from other months when TOM has been visiting and I am not nearly as bloated as i have been. Feels great. Now im off to bed. Sleep tight ladies or good morning to some of you :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I think TOM is coming.... Seem to have put on a pound since wednesday... Darn bloating and water retention...

    :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    I bought a pedometer so that I can wear it this weekend first and see about how much I usually walk per day. According to the insert in mine, with a stride length of 18" (I have fairly short legs) 10,000 steps for me will only be a little over a 2 1/2 miles, so I figure that sounds doable. In fact, I usually go that far on the treadmill and elliptical when I work out. My husband got me a cookie cake with chocolate icing for my birthday...I think he's trying to sabotage me!! :wink:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Maybe I should invest in a proper pedometer....
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    I'm still working on how good mine actually is. It's made from the same people who made my HRM and I love it, but the pedometer doesn't seem quite sensitive enough. I almost have to slam my foot down to get a reading...maybe I need to move it on my waistband? Mine was under $10 at Wal-Mart, but it was the only one they had.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    We FINALLY have sunshine instead of rain today so I am headed out to take the dog for a walk and burn some calories!! I will track my distance and time while walking. My pedometer is too dang sensitive and just breathing seems to make it show as steps. And hopefully walking will get me over this stupid 2 pound seesaw I am on. I really want to get over this hump that I can't seem to pass. And I am hoping to by Monday so I am upping my exercise and changing my routine around to see what happens. I can't switch up my calories since I am doing the hcg diet, it is way to restricted for that. But I will do what I can exercise wise to get the scale moving again.

    I will check back in after walking. Have a great Saturday everyone!
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