Support for the men & dads on the forum. RE; For the 30 som



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    This was the first week of doing Tabata Intervals with Tabata thrusters. I did it 3 time this week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and have found it to be a great workout. My legs really feel it, and I am looking forward to allowing them to rest today and tomorrow.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    2nd metabolic resistance training in and I feel pumped!!! Its one hell of a workout 750 cals in 45 mins, could maybe have gotten it to 800 but I had to take a water break mid workout. Might snap some pics tonight see how it compares to mid point.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Off day for me today and tomorrow as far as workouts go. I usually only take on off day, and even then I usually have lots of energy to workout, but know my muscles need to recover. This week I really feel I need more rest than that. Maybe tomorrow I will feel different and get in something, but at the moment I want my body to recover some more for the beating the tabata thrusters put is through.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    alright boys I want a tally of those who participated and what differences they made this week.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    ***These challenges are posted on my blog and will be moved there so that if anyone wants to find them they can do so easily**
    Ok so I have been racking my brain trying to decide what to make this weeks challenge about, diet and exercise are going to be the mainstay however this weeks is 2 part.

    1) I want the participants to try a completely different routine, some of you have already started one but I recently started metabolic resistance training, think cardio with weights. I want each participant to do any of the 4 exercises posted to the tune of 300 reps for the entire workout.

    A) dumbell thrusts or tabata style thrusts at least 30 reps/set, go light on the weight trust me you will feel it.

    B) renegade rows these are great for the abs and back again a set of 30 reps/set

    C) dips (weighted if you can do it assisted if not) again 30 reps/set

    D) burpees, squat thrust to push up 30 reps.

    E) plank to push up position held and squeeze the abs at the plank 30 reps/set.

    F) Pullups use a door frame if you do not have a chin up bar at home and a chair if you are unable to do them unassisted. 30 reps.

    Now alternate these if you can not do 30/set do 15 then switch to something else, go back and do 15 more so long as you get 30 in total. For those not signed up to a gym use weights at home or do it weight free, you can do these off a chair or using your kids if they want to help daddy workout lol. If you can not find how to do these then pm me I will supply a link for you.

    Now part 2 of this one is that I want you to set goals if you have not done so to date, and make sure that you are getting that protein in especially at breakfast, get that metabolism working for you and not against you. I want to see increased fiber/veggie intakes and getting that recovery protein in post workout, a hint here is a small protein carb meal 1-1.5 hrs pre workout and another no more than 30 mins post workout.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I read up on a routine in T-nation that I will be trying out, but it won't be until next week. It is fairly similar to yours. It incorporates full body though, so I need to get my body ready for a full body workout, and figure out what to do for the rest of the week. I haven't done much in the way of circuit training, or metabolic training, I usually seperate my lifting from cardio. It will be an interesting switch.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Having just finished reading "Cardio Strength Training" which is a fantastic book on the ins and outs of Metabolic Resistance Training, and also "You Are Your Own Gym" by Mark Lauren a former Special Ops Forces trainer (think SEALS and the like) all about body weight training which is the primary modality for physical training in special forces, I am working on getting together a Metabolic Resistance Training program using body weight exercises. It may take more than this week to get it together since at least in part I need to not only pick exercises, but in some cases learn them well enough to use then in a MRT program. I am not sure if I want to use them in a complex, or density training or some other one.

    I really like the idea of putting together a program that does not require a gym or equipment. The best part of Mark Lauren's book is that he gives suggestions for decreasing and increasing the difficulty/intensity of pretty much all the exercises he shows. I am not sure on the number of exercises, but it looks like over 100.

    In the mean time I may just do a weight based MRT program since I have lifted weights since high school, and am familiar with those moves already, but maybe the body weight stuff will come together more quickly than I think. I hope so.

    I also intend to continue my Tabata workouts 3 times this week. Using the thrusters, I find that 4 minutes leaves me exhausted. I did them this morning and my muscles felt it for pretty much the whole day.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    This is primarily to bump this topic. This week started well, but I caught some intestinal bug that has made me feel absolutely horrible since yesterday morning. Thank to God I feel a bit better this morning, but still not well. I still have no energy, and only want to sleep. My blood pressure is good, but my heart rate is up which tells me I am still fighting something off. Following the advice I usually give others I am not working out since the symptoms are below the neck. I don't have the energy for it anyway. Eating is not something I want to do either, so it will probably all equal out.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I read up on a routine in T-nation that I will be trying out, but it won't be until next week. It is fairly similar to yours. It incorporates full body though, so I need to get my body ready for a full body workout, and figure out what to do for the rest of the week. I haven't done much in the way of circuit training, or metabolic training, I usually seperate my lifting from cardio. It will be an interesting switch.
    Yeah same here but since combining them I have been making some impressive gains in strength, and although the first one was brutal on my body (sore for 4 days after) I recovered and get back to it 2nd was not as bad and now 3rd is where I am seeing gains. 1.5 weeks into it now. I am more interested in the most effective workout time wise or as tim ferris calls it the minimum effective dose where you get the most gains for the least amount of work, after a certain time there are diminishing gains from certain exercises and I want the most gains from both diet and workout routine.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    I noticed this thread had disappeared from "My Topics" so "bump"
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    bumping again.
  • WeightLossTrek
    I posted this in the exercise forum and didn't get any feedback, so I thought I would see if anyone on this thread had any feedback about my new exercise routine.

    All feedback is welcome

  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    Bumping up an old one for males new to mfp.
  • DaddyofMEA
    Good Morning Everybody,

    I feel I may be reviving a dead beast here but I'm hoping to find a group of guys to talk exercise and nutrition with instead of all of the lady-folk on the site.

    I've been trying to eat better for a few months because the Dr told me that the transplant I received 13 years ago is starting to fail. Typically they last 8-12 years so I'm told so I've done well I feel. Anyway the Dr told me I need to lose some massive weight either by lap band or exercise or they won't be able to transplant again, so here I am.

    I initially lost 30 lbs then gained about 10 back just before New Years. The wife and I decided to get a gym membership and to commit to a trainer for the first 3 months. The gym had a special running when we got there for 99/month for 6 workouts with a trainer so we doubled that jumped on the fitness bandwagon.

    Surprisingly enough I'm sore in places and have worked my butt off more than I ever have before but I have found that it's not that debilitating soreness that I always created for myself before. I'm sure you all know the type I'm talking about, can't wash your hair because your arms won't reach, trying to sit or stand and you break out in a sweat because your legs are sore or my favorite, your buddies poke you in the pecs because they know you had a chest workout the previous day. I now feel worked out but not to the point I want to quit, I want more of this! 2 weeks in and I feel more alive than I have in years!

    Stamina is the hardest part for me (just ask my wife). I started out with a 30 minute mile and have worked my way into a 24 minute mile increases my speed by a tenth of a mile a day and even sprinting (walking really fast for me) on occasion during my workout.

    Anyway, like I said, looking for a good group to join and if it starts with a men's thread cool.

    Have a good one guys, look forward to hearing from you. Friend me if you like and we can help each other that was as well.

    DaddyofMea aka Chris
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    Welcom aboard. There's a mens group as well. I'll send a friend request.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Welcome, but a better place to go is here
  • DaddyofMEA
    Thanks Dan, appreciate it.

    Headed there now Riley, thx!
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    Burp. Oops, I mean Bump (hey, it's a guys thread!)
  • DaddyofMEA
    Alright, got a couple of questions for you guys.

    Yesterday was the day that I revert to old habits and don't sweat it. No exercise, sat on my *kitten* and ate chips while watching the tube. At first it was Sun Chips, still healthy right? Then switched to spicy pork rinds and had Mexican Taco Salad for desert with a couple of Red Stripe beers to wash it all down. Continued to sit on my derriere and enjoyed a touch of whiskey, neat, while watching the Walking Dead. Went to bed late and woke up at 6 this morning feeling like I was totally trashed. Not hung-over necessarily but lethargic and not the least bit hungry, didn't eat anything until noon and that was oatmeal but craving water like I was dehydrated. Keep in mind that my water intake yesterday was over a gallon still This was a typical light day for me prior to trying to lose weight and I would eat like that 7 days a week.

    I guess my questions are in 4 weeks could my body be this unforgiving to the good, umm, I mean bad things in life? Am I so used to eating healthy and exercising that one day off like that and my goes into shock? Are there ways that you guys enjoy your days off that won't impact you so harshly the next day? Do you even take a day off from a rigid diet?