"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 1



  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member

    Pinky, did that work? That's The One That Got Away with Black Shatter over it.


    That's today's haul.

    Gah! Swoon! That is a fantastic haul! How did you like working with Shatter? I think it looks great on you!

    OH and I remember you were looking for a gunmetal polish... China Glaze Jitterbug. Don't think, just get it.
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    Well, I have decided to only count distance I deliberately set out to do as exercise. I walk around alot for work but it is a short sporadic bursts. So today I did a quick 1.6 miles. Was sick last week and snowed in the week before so HAD to do something today, come heck or high water!!! Tomorrow we are going swimming at the Y and I will probably do the treadmill first. Crazy week for school coming up... 3 tests and 8 chapters... I wonder Why I am doing this at 40 Somedays!!! I hope everyone is well and has a blessed weekend!!!

    That's how I am calculating it. My job requires me to be on my feet anywhere from 4-8 hours a day.... I gained the weight while working the same job, so the whole idea is to INCREASE your workouts. Keeping everything the same is NOT going to benefit us. Great job in getting an additional 1.6 miles in. I was "going" to walk to my aunt's house today, but decided since it was probably a good half mile to three quarter... I'd look kinda silly carrying two great big bags of trash through town! LOL... So, I took today as my off day since I"ve worked out ALOT the last two weeks... tomorrow is my Curves Workout...

  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    count me in
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Updating from my phone at the moment so can't comment on everyone. Had a very nice day...early morning shopping trip with thr hubs, then in a sleepy stupor he suggested I get my nails done, so I high-tailed it outta the house! LOL I stopped at Ross first and tried some dresses on...size 10! Medium! I only had one that really didn't work, but it was an 8 and it fit everywhere except in the boobular area-I swear a 9 year old wouldn't have room. None of the dresses wowed me enough to take 'em home, but it was very uplifting to have that clothing victory. There was one I might go back for if I can't stop thinking about it...we'll see. And it is a lovely rainy day which has lead us to enjoy hot apple cider spiked with black cherry bourbon. Yum!
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    Updating from my phone at the moment so can't comment on everyone. Had a very nice day...early morning shopping trip with thr hubs, then in a sleepy stupor he suggested I get my nails done, so I high-tailed it outta the house! LOL I stopped at Ross first and tried some dresses on...size 10! Medium! I only had one that really didn't work, but it was an 8 and it fit everywhere except in the boobular area-I swear a 9 year old wouldn't have room. None of the dresses wowed me enough to take 'em home, but it was very uplifting to have that clothing victory. There was one I might go back for if I can't stop thinking about it...we'll see. And it is a lovely rainy day which has lead us to enjoy hot apple cider spiked with black cherry bourbon. Yum!

    OH how I miss Ross.... I used to work at the one in Panama City FL... but left there for TJ Maxx cause they gave me more hours and more pay...but i HATED HATED HATED TJ Maxx and REFUSE to shop there now...
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503

    I was ready for a change.. :)

    Love the new do! I am getting mine done Monday....my color is in need of help!
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 83 Member
    I have stayed the same this week.
    I haven't had much chance to exercise but have stayed just under my calories all week.
    I did, however, change my goals to a half pound loss but continued to lose 1lb a week for 4 weeks, so I guess it was always going to catch up with me :laugh:
    I am REALLY hoping for the all clear to run on Thursday. I've run a few times recently but the shin splints just come back:explode:
    I had a sports massage last week (ouch!), have bought some new trainers, been doing self massage on my calf every night ........ please let me run!!
    I've had one child off school all week for half term, got the other off next week ........ but then I guess it could be worse .... I could have
    9 of them to look after :wink:
    Hope you all have a great week,
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    The Black Shatter was very easy to apply. One quick swipe and blew on it (per the girl in the store - she says it made the polish more crackly) and that was it! I will try to track Jitterbug down!

    April, you look FABULOUS!! The cut is nice!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... even though I am sick, I went to the gym last night and did my cardio + and extra 4. miles on the bike for my 100 miles. Scale still put away until tomoz morning! :noway:

    Did very well with my food yesterday and don't make a habit of eating back my exercise calories... so I am pretty on target for my weight loss goals! :happy:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    ooops! i meant 4.3 miles! :smile:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    @ceelovejay - my body already hates me! which is why i want to kick some of it to the curb!! :laugh:

    my quads were killing me after my workout, though! kinda cramped up. ate a banana and an hour later was feeling better. thinking of going to the hot tub today... even though it's cold and grey outside!
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    I got my "ticker" set to measure my steps calculated for my exercises, but now, how do I update it? Can't seem to figure that part out...LOL.
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I got my "ticker" set to measure my steps calculated for my exercises, but now, how do I update it? Can't seem to figure that part out...LOL.

    I'm having the same problem. It seems I have to set up a new ticker every day, just to update the miles. :grumble: And how do I get rid of the "days" under my ticker??? I hope helpful tips come soon for us. :happy:

    Happy Saturday, Everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    I got my "ticker" set to measure my steps calculated for my exercises, but now, how do I update it? Can't seem to figure that part out...LOL.
    For some reason you will have to save the url address. I saved mine in my favorites and then go to change it that way. I don't know why you can't just click on it and go directly to the page. That is how I did it when I was on JM's site.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Doing good. I had just over 1000 calories yesterday because of circumstances. I just cant eat too much to once anymore. So I am just dealing with it. Had some oatmeal with her this morning and thats pretty much all Im going to do until dinnertime which is after she goes to bed. Its going to be a long day. lol.

    its good to see everyone doing a wonderful job. :)
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    Yesterday I did good with my calories and water. I started feeling sick by the end of my shift last night and didn't get much sleep the night before so I skipped the gym.

    This morning I am still feeling pretty bad. I had a workshop for kids church this morning and ended up eating half of a glazed donut and a couple of mini muffins. I was a little mad at myself when I put them in my calorie tracker and realized that they took up almost all of my calories for the day. I may get in a walk this afternoon if I can get the room to stop spinning.

    Is anyone having a hard time going without weighing everyday? I guess I had gotten use to doing it daily in order for me to track my calories for the day. I was using JM's recommendation of 40% carbs, 30% fat And 30% protein per day..
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I got my "ticker" set to measure my steps calculated for my exercises, but now, how do I update it? Can't seem to figure that part out...LOL.
    For some reason you will have to save the url address. I saved mine in my favorites and then go to change it that way. I don't know why you can't just click on it and go directly to the page. That is how I did it when I was on JM's site.

    What she said. The tickerfactory website says you're supposed to be able to click on the ticker to be able to access the update page for it, but that doesn't seem to be the case on our boards. Go to your signature editor, and copy and paste the URL to your ticker into your browser. Then, bookmark or save it somewhere. That way you're able to get to it whenever you're ready to update.

    CrystalS - I have no idea how you get rid of that days thing under your ticker. Is that a tickerfactory ticker, or did you use another program?
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I got my "ticker" set to measure my steps calculated for my exercises, but now, how do I update it? Can't seem to figure that part out...LOL.
    For some reason you will have to save the url address. I saved mine in my favorites and then go to change it that way. I don't know why you can't just click on it and go directly to the page. That is how I did it when I was on JM's site.

    What she said. The tickerfactory website says you're supposed to be able to click on the ticker to be able to access the update page for it, but that doesn't seem to be the case on our boards. Go to your signature editor, and copy and paste the URL to your ticker into your browser. Then, bookmark or save it somewhere. That way you're able to get to it whenever you're ready to update.

    CrystalS - I have no idea how you get rid of that days thing under your ticker. Is that a tickerfactory ticker, or did you use another program?

    Thanks for the advise.

    Pink, I'm using LilySlim.com as my ticker. Maybe I should change to tickerfactory. :huh:

    Thanks for the advise anyway. I'll see what I can do. :happy:

    I WANT TO EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT TODAY!!!!!!!! :noway: :noway: Somebody stop me!!!!!!:laugh: I'm going to feed the kiddos lunch and put them down for their quiet time and maybe I can walk and work of some of this appetite. I have done good with my choices, but I still WANT things I shouldn't. :grumble:

    Hubs is home today, so that's a huge help, but our fridge decided to go out, so we're without a fridge right now. :grumble:

    Sounds like everyone's making progress. :bigsmile: Have a great weekend, everyone!!
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    Today's NOT over, but so far my calories are GREAT... and healthy considering I don't have a lot in the house right now and I don't get paid til next week. Will end the day under goal (based on workout calories burned) yet still in a healthy range.

    I got up this morning, headed to Curves before it was too late and I just blew it off. Not that I had the intentions to today, as I woke up looking forward to it!

    30 minute Curves Workout burned 451 Calories for me today... struggled a bit but I think with my strength training challenge being done at the same time, I'm tiring. I did take yesterday totally off though...

    Today's Strength training was VERY hard as i did it within a half hour to an hour after my Curves workout... BUT, I succeeded. I met or beat all my Reps and increased the total...

    Crunches: 252
    Push-Ups: 93
    Squats: 137

    This weeks total Steps/Miles: 22,252 steps or 11.126 miles.

    (Calculated using the Walking Pedometer Step Equivalent Chart... this chart is based on MET - Metabolic Equivalents of various physical activities. References: AINSWORTH BE, Haskell WL, Whitt MC, Irwin ML, Swartz AM, Strath SJ, O’Brien WL, Bassett DR Jr, Schmitz KH, Emplaincourt PO, Jacobs DR Jr, Leon AS. )
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member

    I WANT TO EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT TODAY!!!!!!!! :noway: :noway: Somebody stop me!!!!!!:laugh: I'm going to feed the kiddos lunch and put them down for their quiet time and maybe I can walk and work of some of this appetite. I have done good with my choices, but I still WANT things I shouldn't. :grumble:

    Hubs is home today, so that's a huge help, but our fridge decided to go out, so we're without a fridge right now. :grumble:

    Sounds like everyone's making progress. :bigsmile: Have a great weekend, everyone!!

    Yes, Drink a BIG glass of water and go for a walk! Keep drinking your water, it will help you to feel full. Good job at keeping your choices good and resisting the urge to overeat! YOU CAN DO IT!
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