"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 1



  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    I haven't posted much this week, but I've been reading the posts when I have a break at work. I'm so impressed with all the successes of this group!

    Also, all the chatting about nail polish made me check out the new OPI colours when I was at the mall - and I've decided that I need a new shiny pink. And I also love "not just a waitress" red, which I saw and made me think of this group!

    Small but strange victory...my husband and I went to a movie, and we had a coupon for two free pops and popcorn. I'd been looking forward to the popcorn for WEEKS, so I worked out and enjoyed eating some. But I actually got water instead of pop, which was tough because it was free. I'm really glad I did, because I didn't waste calories or drink a bunch of aspartame, and the water helped offset the salt, so I felt good the next day. Yay for good decisions!

    9 miles down, 91 miles to go...
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Oh, and one more thing - I bought a dress yesterday, and after trying on the size 10 & 8, I found that the size 6 fit me perfectly!!!

    Most of my dresses from last year are size 12 or 10 or so I bought it on principle :) I was so excited, though I recognize that it was A-line and my thighs are NOT a size 6 (or 8). But still...it was very cool.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... let's see if this mile tracker thing works!
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    Okay... let's see if this mile tracker thing works!
    Yea!! You got it..
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    Oh, and one more thing - I bought a dress yesterday, and after trying on the size 10 & 8, I found that the size 6 fit me perfectly!!!

    Most of my dresses from last year are size 12 or 10 or so I bought it on principle :) I was so excited, though I recognize that it was A-line and my thighs are NOT a size 6 (or 8). But still...it was very cool.

    Good for you, it is a great feeling to go down a size smaller even better when it is smaller than you thought.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Ok so I have come to the conclusion that I can't lose weight because of the anti depressents that have been doubled in strength today, this worries me in case I put on now lol. I have to take them as they are for pain and sleep :(

    I have been to doctors today and they still dont know what is wrong with me, they did in searching, find something wrong with my heart though. Not quite sure what yet but I shall be seeing a specialist soon, as well as a chronic fatigue speacialist. I forgot to ask if I am allowed to exercise, so will do it anyway. Just seems like the world is out to stop me losing weight :(
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    *Alegria79* AWESOME on the smaller dress size(s)--how fabulous did that feel?! And I'm sure Pink_and_Shiny has a top 10 list of great shiny pink polishes... if not, I do! :laugh:

    *bjshooter* Hang in there... you've come so far (37lbs is great *jealous*), so you are already successful no matter what outcome the docs have!!! Just be stubborn and find SOME way to exercise. Where there's a will... good luck.

    I did L1D1 of Shred today and am feeling it all over... but it still feels RIDICULOUSLY GREAT in a weird way :bigsmile: Also did a balance ball workout last night to try to give my legs a rest... it was funny and effective at the same time, as I rolled/fell all over the place but worked muscles I didn't even know I had. I'll be adding that to my routine!

    :heart: Happy Friday to everyone, and good luck over the weekend
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member

    I did L1D1 of Shred today and am feeling it all over... but it still feels RIDICULOUSLY GREAT in a weird way :bigsmile: Also did a balance ball workout last night to try to give my legs a rest... it was funny and effective at the same time, as I rolled/fell all over the place but worked muscles I didn't even know I had. I'll be adding that to my routine!

    How was Shred? I got it but I haven't started it yet - I need to pick up some weights to get started!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Ok so I have come to the conclusion that I can't lose weight because of the anti depressents that have been doubled in strength today, this worries me in case I put on now lol. I have to take them as they are for pain and sleep :(

    I have been to doctors today and they still dont know what is wrong with me, they did in searching, find something wrong with my heart though. Not quite sure what yet but I shall be seeing a specialist soon, as well as a chronic fatigue speacialist. I forgot to ask if I am allowed to exercise, so will do it anyway. Just seems like the world is out to stop me losing weight :(

    I'm sorry about your doctors visit. :ohwell: I hope you feel better soon and can get things straightened out. I'm so sorry! :flowerforyou:

    Sounds like everyone's making progress. :bigsmile:

    I haven't gotten to walk today, but I'm hoping to. I REALLY should be wearing a pedometer. As many steps as I take following these kids around. :laugh:

    Water intake is good today. Food choices are good, although I REALLY want to be eating a whole chocolate cake by myself. :laugh: Every time I'm tempted to eat something I shouldn't I got take a l*o*n*g drink of water and that usually takes care of it. :wink:

    I hope everyone's having a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Well I ended up in the ER with a sick kid. I wanted to make sure there wasnt a blockage. She has NO other flu symptoms other than barfing. So I thought there might be. Shes clear, but has been put on a bland food diet. So I am following it too. Not fair to eat stuff in front of her. Ill have a little something else later on tonight after shes in bed. That means Im going to be fairly low on my calories unless I eat something really calorie laden. lol. And I might. I have some bacon macaroni in the cupboard. Might be a good night for comfort food.
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    How was Shred? I got it but I haven't started it yet - I need to pick up some weights to get started!
    It went pretty good... I had actually done about 20 days of it a couple years ago, so I knew what I was getting into! But, I purposely waited until at least a month after starting this "lifestyle" to start it, as I got discouraged last time. Today I was able to complete everything except all of the pushups, and I had to modify the cardio to avoid shin splints/overuse. When I did it before I didn't even use weights until the second week--it's pretty damn effective all on it's own!!!

    *tanniew78* Sometimes I go to the Dr/ER with my kiddo simply to put my mind at ease!!! Better safe than sorry never had quite the impact until I had a child. Good luck with recovery--taking care of sick babies always seems to suck the energy out of everyone! And YUM to Bacon Mac :happy: I'm seriously considering making some homemade stuff... but it will be with Turkey Bacon, so your's sounds better!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Shadea - welcome to the group! (sorry I missed you earlier)

    ladybu6205 - ohh side leg lifts. Those are good!

    JessAnn08 - great work getting out there!

    AmandaChaseChance11 - as long as you don't let the scale get you emotionally, then go on with your bad self. Show that thing who's boss! :laugh: Getting in enough water is hard, I know. Try bringing a water bottle with you wherever you go. Always have it within your reach.

    Stacil2 - don't think, just do! Having the mindset that you are doing this for the health benefits is fantastic.

    aprildauer - I bet your walk thru the park was lovely.

    sameantha - exactly, there's no day but today, but each day is a new day!

    sereny - hope that achilles of yours heals. We need you back in full-on action!

    fitterpam - see, you're going down!

    linemansgirl - happy Friday!

    Alegria79 - YAY! Size 6 dress!! That's fantastic!! What kind of shiny pink you talkin' here? You want mass amounts of glitter, or are you a fan of the shimmer? Or a nice glossy jelly or creme?

    bjshooter - oh phooey on the meds messing with your weight loss. :( I really wish your docs could find an answer for you. The uncertainty is so unnerving. Take care of yourself. *gentle hugs*

    emilysebastian - dang you and everyone else making it sound like I really need to jump on the shred bandwagon! *waves fist*

    CrystalS - wow, you know how to take care of those food cravings! That's awesome! It is ridiculous how tempting chocolate cake is.

    tanniew78 - :( I hope your daughter feels better soon, and take care of yourself too! Bacon mac sounds quite delicious and we just got bacon and Kraft mac 'n cheese at the store today...maybe that'll be for dinner instead of the pork roast I was initially planning!

    Happy Friday everyone! I got a total case of the lazies yesterday and didn't really attempt to exercise. Did some cleaning but that's it. I KNOW I should have gotten off the damn couch and done some Leslie Sansone, but, no. We'll see how today goes, if I can get any miles in.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member

    Pinky, did that work? That's The One That Got Away with Black Shatter over it.


    That's today's haul.
  • 2.5 miles down. upped my water to 6 glasses a day. so far so good. :)
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I know this directed at Pink, but I have to chime in-SO FABULOUS!!! *jealous* :heart:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... sick today. But since I had to go out to get OTC meds... I bought some 2# weight balls and an exercise ball. So on days when I can't make it to the gym I can still do some strength training. :happy: Even though I feel like crap... I feel compelled to go to the gym and sweat it out this evening. Weird how ya get addicted to exercise after you've seen results! :smile:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    emilysebastian, thanks!!! I keep admiring my nails. This black shatter is FAB. Now I'm on a mission to find the China Glaze crackles. I am officially addicted! LOL

    cazzincali, great dedication! Just make sure not to push it too hard. You don't want your body to hate you! :laugh:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member

    I was ready for a change.. :)
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    Well, I have decided to only count distance I deliberately set out to do as exercise. I walk around alot for work but it is a short sporadic bursts. So today I did a quick 1.6 miles. Was sick last week and snowed in the week before so HAD to do something today, come heck or high water!!! Tomorrow we are going swimming at the Y and I will probably do the treadmill first. Crazy week for school coming up... 3 tests and 8 chapters... I wonder Why I am doing this at 40 Somedays!!! I hope everyone is well and has a blessed weekend!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Had another pretty successful day! Drank plenty (12+ glasses) of H2O, ate under my calories (still need a snack in a minute) and avoided major temptation by way of the candy drawer at work! Didn't really feel like going to the gym after work and supper, but forced myself and am glad I did. This is a non-running day for me, so I did 30 minutes on the arc trainer (like an elliptical) and a 30 minute ab workout I found on my iPhone. This is the third Friday I've done it, and I'll be feeling it all weekend!!! I'm noticing if I do it Friday night I'm less likely to splurge all weekend because my abs are sore!!! Silly, but it's working!

    Hope you all had a great Friday! Looking forward to my 4 mile run tomorrow... geez, did I really just say that? Who is this girl?????
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