"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 1



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have hidden the scales, no weigh in for me until a week saturday :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    love the OPI pics- I always stock up on OPI when back home in Michigan but now that I can FINALLY find it in Belgium no more stocking up needed - my favorite color is, was and will always be "not really a waitress red"

    water levels are improving
    still need to work on my walking and am trying to force myself to get some stairs in

    have a great day everyone!

    I'm Not Really a Waitress has to be one of THE best reds out there! I have it too, and love it! You know I've heard there are European OPI colors that you can't get in the states...ones with big chunky glitters. Do you ever run into those? And have you seen the OPI Texas collection? I haven't heard any buzz about it and just saw it in store the other day...lots of warm cremes.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Pink- Yes he does get lots of bonus points for bringing all the produce. He knows I am trying to lose and wanted me to have plenty of healthy stuff around.

    As for taking zinc instead of eating vitamin C, I dont have the extra money for zinc right now. However, I do have a ridiculous supply of vitamin C rich foods..... So... I make do. :)

    I am feeling much better today. The kids are doing better. Kept my son home today just in case. He was sick in class yesterday so no sense exposing them to his germs. I cant remember how long after being sick like that you are contagious but.... Looks like he is going back to school tomorrow. :)

    Need to go hunt some breakfast and finish cleaning the house up. It got pretty wrecked the last few days of staying up around the clock and dealing with them being sick. Days like that I need a maid. lmbo.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    My scale is 'hidden' too..not touching it til Monday. :flowerforyou:

    Completed Week5 Day 1 C25K yesterday and then went out for a 1hr hike with some friends..I haven't burned more than 600 cal in one day in a while, and I burned over 900 yesterday! :noway: Todays weather is amazing, it's 50* before 9am! Todays high, almost 70*, however, next Wed high is like 30*... SO I'm gonna be out as much as possible today. :love: Thinking about walking across my town to my parents house (about 4miles) or just heading up to the mall, except I'd want to go shopping, so much for enjoying the weather! Can't wait to get a pedicure and wear flippy-floppys soon :bigsmile:

    So, I tried eating pizza last night...SUCCESS!! :drinker: I can chew again!! But only on the right side, left is still a little touchy.. but I can chew again!!

    Anyway, I hope you all have a great day...it's almost the weekend!!! Woot Woot!! :laugh:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    How do you get the mile tracker?

    And I have learned I do MUCH better when I eat a good breakfast and a smallish lunch and dinner. I don't get as ravenous! I mean... I guess I always KNEW that, just never really practiced it on a regular basis before! :happy:
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    Here is my beginning Pict. I just realized that I messed up the img. I was at 186 lbs in the fall of 2009.


    I had to weigh in today for another challenge....Sorry, it looks like I will have two weigh in days every other week and 3 on the even weeks. I am in the Biggest Loser challenge at work and we will weigh in this coming Monday..
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    How do you get the mile tracker?

    And I have learned I do MUCH better when I eat a good breakfast and a smallish lunch and dinner. I don't get as ravenous! I mean... I guess I always KNEW that, just never really practiced it on a regular basis before! :happy:

    Go to http://www.tickerfactory.com then copy and paste the code into you signature.

    hope this helps..
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm just excited today and had to share...

    I usually weigh in on Thursday's because it's my day off and I go to the gym in the morning instead of after work, so I like to weigh in before I've eaten a day's worth of food. So last week as great, I weighed in at 161.8, which was a loss of about a pound and I was happy. Today I weighed in at 159.2!!!! Holy crap! That's like 2 1/2 pounds!!! Hallelujah! Who knew keeping track, honestly, was going to make the scale go the right way???? Well, that and running and excersizing... which I'm coming to love!

    I still have some errands to run today and I really need to eat lunch now before I hit the grocery store.. but I just had to share!!!! Plus, I ran three miles... I am just beaming today! Finally under 160~! Haven't been here in years!!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    And have you seen the OPI Texas collection? I haven't heard any buzz about it and just saw it in store the other day...lots of warm cremes.
    I saw this in my Marie Clare mag I was reading last night. Nothing really jumped out at me but that's probably because they were on a magazine page and not in front of me. I'm going to Ulta either tonight or tomorrow. Wish me luck!!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member

    Wed 02/16/11 09:33 AM

    CrystalS - NO GIVING UP! Birthday cake doesn't count, btw. ;) Here, read this article called "Why The Scale Lies": http://www.healthdiscovery.net/articles/scale_lies.htm It has really helped me put things into perspective when the scale spits back a number that I'm not jazzed about.

    Thank you for the encouragement. I read that article and it helps me feel better. :happy: Anyway, the scales are put away for the week, so we'll see next week.

    I wasn't able to walk yesterday. My sister had twins last week and they are struggling, so I drove 4 hours and picked up her four older kids to keep for a while to help her out. Now I have nine kids (five of my own) the oldest one is seven years old under my roof. :laugh:

    I have my tredmill in the play room, so I'm off to walk and see how far I get.

    I've been drinking my water and doing better at saying no to snitches.

    Keep up the good work, Friends!! :happy:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    tanniew78 - glad you're feeling better!!

    Bru - awesome possum with the great burn yesterday! Like I posted on your status, I couldn't believe that it was warmer where you were than here in LA at the time you posted. C-R-AZY. And your high is higher than mine! We're only getting to 58! Your post is a big bowl of happy, and that makes me :bigsmile:.

    cazzincali - yay for revelations.

    sameantha - so glad you got all of your pictures working, it is amazing to see your transformation! Your hard work is very much paying off. Don't worry about how many weigh ins you have in a week, just pick one official one to put on the spreadsheet. :) We don't care too much about structure in here, more about the participation, relationships, and support.

    Nikstergiel - party on! That's awesome that you're seeing such great changes in yourself. Keep this high going!

    ceelovejay - best of luck!! I hope you're able to track down all the colors you want. A discount site I like to use for CG (8ty8beauty.com) is already wiped the house down of the CG Crackles. They just got all of the popular Ahoy Collection colors back in though...Sea Spray and Hey Sailor! are teasing me.

    CrystalS - sorry to hear your sister's new babies are struggling. :( But it sounds like she's got a great support system with you. 9 kids in one house...egadz woman! Good job getting your water in, and good luck with the treadmill! Is there a TV in the play room? Can you put on a mesmerizing video so you can walk while the kids are enchanted?

    Happy Thursday, y'all! It is a GORGEOUS day here. A nice Winter SoCal day....bright blue skies, fluffy clouds, a cold crisp breeze...makes me wanna go skiing!

    I re-weighed today (as I sometimes tend to do) and I got 171.8. I'm very :) about this, because I feel like I now see the light at my "quest to get to a normal BMI" goal is getting brighter and closer. 12 pounds to go to get to a "normal" 159.
  • Shadea
    This will be my first challenge but it sounds do-able to me!

    Weight - 175 pds
    I'm going for the 100 miles and then this weeks challenges #3, 4, 5 and 6. I've already uped my water quite a bit over the last month so I'll just work on keeping it up there. :happy:

    Little bit about me:

    Mother of three girls, 10yrs, 7 yrs and 14mths. I also work outside the home. Due to a back injury a few years ago I have to be careful about the exercises I do. I had been in a bootcamp class for 6 mths but when I went back to work I found my back was hurting quite a bit again so had to stop going. Been trying to go on the treadmill and since I've only been accountable to my self, well, you know how it is :blushing:

    Look forward to getting to know you all during this challenge!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Too many posts to catch-up--AHH! Busy board this week, so I will just say GREAT JOB to everyone checking in and keeping up!

    *casey_when_u_go* Good to know about the shoes/length of time they last... I actually haven't been fitted for running shoes *gasp* and just discovered that could be 90% of my problem. I'll also be checking on orthotics (thx, Pink), but everyone's who's ever run more than a block has been giving me the riot act about not getting fitted... so we'll start there :)

    And, I'll be working on the stationary boxing while giving my legs a rest, so yay for progress!

    Happy Friday to everyone tomorrow :heart:
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    YAY!!! I got 2 miles in. :bigsmile: Not much, but every little bit helps!!!

    Pink, I'm saving the Movies for a last resort when all else fails. :wink: So far they've done good. The good thing about having this many so close in age is they all have a playmate. :happy: So this week I have a 7 year old, two 6, one 5, one 4, one 3, one 2, one 19 months and one 3 month old. :yawn: I can't complain, they've done great!! Thank God for a big yard and sunshine!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Too many posts to catch-up--AHH! Busy board this week, so I will just say GREAT JOB to everyone checking in and keeping up!

    *casey_when_u_go* Good to know about the shoes/length of time they last... I actually haven't been fitted for running shoes *gasp* and just discovered that could be 90% of my problem. I'll also be checking on orthotics (thx, Pink), but everyone's who's ever run more than a block has been giving me the riot act about not getting fitted... so we'll start there :)

    And, I'll be working on the stationary boxing while giving my legs a rest, so yay for progress!

    Happy Friday to everyone tomorrow :heart:

    Go to your local New Balance store (I did a little stalking via your location on your profile and it looks like your closest store is in Houston) and get fitted for shoes! You'll have a really educational experience. If you need orthotics they'll let you know and will try to up-sell you. I really felt a difference and decided to go with orthotics, but go with what your body tells you.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    YAY!!! I got 2 miles in. :bigsmile: Not much, but every little bit helps!!!

    Pink, I'm saving the Movies for a last resort when all else fails. :wink: So far they've done good. The good thing about having this many so close in age is they all have a playmate. :happy: So this week I have a 7 year old, two 6, one 5, one 4, one 3, one 2, one 19 months and one 3 month old. :yawn: I can't complain, they've done great!! Thank God for a big yard and sunshine!!

    As a person with no kids, all I can say is :noway: and you're amazing!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    HAHA PINK. I am with you on the kids. I have 2. That is WAY more than enough for my taste. And some days its 2 too many. lmbo. Good thing they are cute.

    CrystalS- I couldnt imagine having 9 kids. Are some of them step?
  • linemansgirl
    It sounds like we're having some great victories!!!! Keep up the good work! :happy:

    That was a great article about the scale Pink! Things that we all need to keep in mind.

    Today is a day when I feel like I am just going to keel over!!!! :tongue: My 8 month old is teething and hasn't slept the past couple of nights, and I had to take my husband to get his wisdom teeth out. So today I am taking care of both of them. I'm glad that it was a gorgeous day outside, so my girlies spent the afternoon outside playing. SO, I am staying within my calorie limit, but definitely not making all of the healthy choices that I normally would. I did day 7 of the 30 day shred earlier today and felt like I was going to die, it was by far my worst day yet, but I persevered! :happy:

    I need to go somewhere to be fitted for running shoes. Problem is, I live out in the boonies and the nearest place that does it is 1-2 hours away. Both my hubby and I need to do it! I don't want to start problems by not doing it.

    CrystalS happens to be my SIL and my very best friend. We are married to two awesome brothers. ONLY, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 5 of the kids are hers. I can laugh because I have 5 kids too! :bigsmile: She is taking care of her sister's kids this week. Her sister just had twins and they are having some difficulties. Crystal is one of the sweetest, most wonderful people in the world and has offered to do the same for me many times. I just wish that we lived closer together, we are about six hours apart. Love you Crystal! :smile:
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    I had a bad food day today. I didnt go over my recommended amount but i didnt make all that great of food choices today either. I am going to have to work on that. Im not even sure why. Feeling kind of down and stressed out. And again, not sure why....
  • linemansgirl
    I had a bad food day today. I didnt go over my recommended amount but i didnt make all that great of food choices today either. I am going to have to work on that. Im not even sure why. Feeling kind of down and stressed out. And again, not sure why....

    I'm so sorry that you are having a bad day. I have plenty of days like that too. :ohwell: I'll send you a virtual (((((hug))))) and I hope that tomorrow looks much brighter! :smile:

    I do my best to make good food choices the majority of the time, but I don't beat myself up over eating some goodies when I am feeling the need. Especially if it doesn't take me over my calorie goal. Don't get discouraged!!!!