"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 1



  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    ooh count me in too please

    My name is Jennifer, originally from Michigan now living in Belgium
    my starting weight for this challenge is 295
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Welcome newbies :)
    I have lots of mini goals coming up, they excite me :D 2lb off 10 stone something, sounds so much better than 11. 3lb off 40lb total and my BMI is now 25.9. Only point nine to healthy weight .

    Im going to make sure I keep up witth all the challenges, not sure how I will do the walking running one yet, as I am still ill and never go outside :( I might mix it up between, leslie Sansone and Wii fit free running.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I would love to join you with this challenge. I have been using MFP for tracking food and exercise but I haven't joined any challenges. I really need to work on what my slip ups are and what causes them. I really blew it last week. I will weigh in in the morning and post a recent pict.
    I will go for the 20 hrs of bike and 100 miles. I want to start the C25k again. I had a knee injury that keeps preventing me from getting to far with it.

    See ya tomorrow!!!!

    Welcome to the group hun... nice to meet you.. i hope you enjoy it.. ;) come back often.. ;) I hope your knee isnt too bad so you can do it.. :) but dont over do it so you dont get hurt. happy to see you with us.. ;)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    ooh count me in too please

    My name is Jennifer, originally from Michigan now living in Belgium
    my starting weight for this challenge is 295

    Welcome jennifer, nice to meet you hun.. i hope you enjoy the group. if you ever have any questions, or suggestoins let us know.. :) we have a nice group of ladies here.. :) lots of support if you need that.. ill post new weekly challenges.. if you have suggestions with that i appreciate them.. ;)
  • sissona2
    I'd love to join this challenge as well! This is my first time and can't wait to get going. 100 miles here I come!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    @Pinky - Thank you for your kind words. and Im going to work really hard at it.. ;) I just got to get everything on track.. :) i need to get my house back in order and that will help me burn some calories trust me.. :)

    @bj- Do what you can to keep up with this challenge hun, we know and understand that youve been sick. just dont do anything to make it worse. we want you better.. i forgot i could use the wii fit run.. haha.. thanks for reminding me of that one..

    I hope everyone has a beautiful day. about to head out for work. then come home and get some cleaning done tonight.. ill talk to you all later.. :) remember to keep spreading the word of this challenge.. ;) although this group is quite big this time already.. ;) i <3 it!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I'd love to join this challenge as well! This is my first time and can't wait to get going. 100 miles here I come!

    welcome to the group, welcome to the challenge.. ;) i hope you enjoy them.. positive thinking there hun.. ;)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Pinky, they just want to torture you. LOL I'm still waiting for swatches!

    I stepped on the scale again this morning to see what type of damage these past two days of surprise Valentine's meals did - I was down to 170. Whoa! And I am so proud of myself. Last night after we got in front dinner, I told myself that I would just get up early in the morning and do my missed workout in EASA2 and then do the regular one in the evening like I usually do. I actually got my butt up off the bed and did it last night. It felt SO GOOD too.

    Enjoy your day, ladies!!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Pinky, they just want to torture you. LOL I'm still waiting for swatches!

    I stepped on the scale again this morning to see what type of damage these past two days of surprise Valentine's meals did - I was down to 170. Whoa! And I am so proud of myself. Last night after we got in front dinner, I told myself that I would just get up early in the morning and do my missed workout in EASA2 and then do the regular one in the evening like I usually do. I actually got my butt up off the bed and did it last night. It felt SO GOOD too.

    Enjoy your day, ladies!!!

    SERIOUSLY!! They are driving me nuts. I was trying to support a mom and pop shop (that also happens to have really good pricing) but forget it. The salesgal is biitchy and looks like a muppet (ugly purple hair!). I'll probably have swatches done tonite, just sans shatter. Gotta hit up ULTA or something.

    Congrats on your scale victory!!
  • chatnoire
    chatnoire Posts: 13 Member
    Alright - I'm on track for the first day! Unfortunately, I weighed myself at the gym this morning and got a less than pleasant surprise - up an additional 2.5 pounds since Friday?!?! :sad: :sad:

    But, this morning I did both rowing and running, and walked a mile from my car to my office, so hopefully I can add on some good fat burning throughout the week. Water - I've been going overboard! But in a good way. My bathroom and I are fast friends now. ;)
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    Sorry, I am trying to figure out how to post my current pict. Any ideas, I went to photo bucket and put the code in my signature but it is not showing a pict.
    Oh well I will try again later.

    I have started the day out good so far. I will weigh in here on Tues but my actually weigh will be Thurs. I know that puts me weighing twice a week but that is good considering I usually do it daily.

    I will check back in tonight when I get home from work. I plan on going to the gym and getting some bike and TM miles tonight.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Sorry, I am trying to figure out how to post my current pict. Any ideas, I went to photo bucket and put the code in my signature but it is not showing a pict.

    Change the IMG to lower case ;) It may be too big for the signature though, you could always just post it in the thread itself instead of your sig :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bump to read later Very Pleasing thread thanks April.
  • Nina_Crowson
    can i still join the challenge as well?
    SW would be 226
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member

    Like Bru said, just lowercase the IMG...but I did that for you and it looks like Photobucket is kicking back an error. Maybe you moved the photo in your account? That'll break the direct link that you originally had and posted here.

    Also, if you want to shorten the URL (so that it takes up less space in your signature) you can use services like bit.ly or tinyurl.com. They'll take the long URL and shorten it down to like, 8 or 10 characters. Works like a charm!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    So far I'm still excited and motivated by this challenge!!! Ran 2 miles tonight, 98 to go!!! Had 14 glasses of water today, which is a little more than normal for me but I feel great! Ate under my calorie goal, not far under, but a little under, and I'm FULL! Munched on air popped popcorn tonight while watching Biggest Loser and what a treat that was! Turned down donuts and cookies today at work, that was hard, but it just wasn't worth it!! Overall.. great day! Normally I weigh in on Thurday's, so my starting weight was from last week.. hoping to see a movement this week and was tempted to look tonight but resisted!

    Feeling good, looking forward to a great week!! Hope you all are having a fantastic time too!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    How did everyone do today?

    I managed to get a good bit of walking done while working on getting a bill paid. My heating bill went from $70 a month to over $200. All this snow and below zero weather will do it. As well as a rate hike. The dinks. As if they dont get enough money. Come on!

    So I paced around for an hour and a half figuring out how to get it paid with my pastor. I counted it at walking since I was in constant motion. Pretty good for someone that hasnt slept all night either. My daughter has been very sick the last couple of days with last night being the worst yet. Poor lil thing. Shes only 3. However, shes no stranger to being sick. She has a form of lung disease that means she is prone to every bug and problem known to man. Yet she didnt get my strep throat..... Go figure. Then again, that doesnt affect the lungs much I dont think... IDK.

    I got a bit sabotaged already. My mom knows how rough its going to be the rest of the month with all that money, even with help flying out the window so she gave us some stuff. I didnt know until i got home that there was coke in there.... There are 3 weaknesses of mine.... 1. Chocolate 2. Coca cola 3. Pizza. I cannot control myself around these things and thats why they rarely enter this house. Oh yeah she also gave us a bag of M&Ms. Which i had a few, but am severely restricting.

    I also have to figure out how to get more food into me. I am staying at a little over 1,300 calories even though I have a couple of high calorie items. Which I need to watch that too cuz a calorie isnt just a calorie.... Hopefully soon enough Ill be able to bring some good for us foods into this house. Until then I must make do with what we have. And its not diet friendly. Anyways, long story short, water was an epic FAIL. Oh well... Getting this coke GONE and then it shall not pass thy lips again until my mama tosses more at me. As I said shes a sneaky one... Then again... there are always going to be temptations and i need to learn to just say NO!
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    Today was an OK day overall. Was a busy day, though I didn't get everything done I had hoped too. got up and took my daughter to school, initially planned on trying to get two workouts in today... one at Curves and the Aerobic class at church. But did not get either one in. Had to go into my attorney's office, then had my interview at Curves for the Manager Trainee position I applied for. Interview went well, though I really bombed the telephone transcript part... The owner and I had a good laugh about how nervous I got during that part of the interview and kept loosing my place. But, she at least knows I DO know the script as I did get it out, just it did not flow well due to my being nervous. I'm also glad that I am am member and her and I have chatted previously about my success with my weight loss using Curves and my goals. It's all even in my membership application aboutmy future goals...

    I ended up getting called into work today as it was my day off... was happy to get the hours though, but it totally wrecked havoc on my plan for eating healthy. I didn't have time to pack a healthy snack of fix a healthy lunch before work, so I ended up going to BK and grabbing a bite. I at least remembered to buy my double whopper junior minus the cheese...but forgot to hold the mayo...and I only ate half of the order of small fry. That was an early dinner... like 3:00, so ended up eating from the vending machine at work, but I did opt for the Sweet & Salty trail mix... so at least I had peanuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, and a few M&M's...

    I was only over by a little over 350 calories or so... and knew today was my 100 push-up, 200 squat, 200 crunch challenge day, so I made sure at 9:30 this evening after getting home that I DID my workout...no excuses! Brought me to just 81 calories over goal...So, I am happy with that...as it's STILL within my Range of 1200-1400 calories a day.

    Hope everyone else has had a successful day!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Scale is hidden.. ;)

    Going to take my picture tonight or tomorrow. (wearing a night gown I havent in a while and i feel better in it then i have in the past)

    i ate some cinnamon rolls (how i shouldnt have but i needed to get them made so i can get them out of the house. haha.. bad bad me.. but i needed more calories, but not the sugar and junk in them.. I feel like crap for eating them.. must learn how to no give into weaknesses)

    I havent gotten any walking in yet... other than at work and i dont count that..

    hoping everyone had a great day.. hoping for a better wednesday.. ;)