"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 1



  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    When my S.O. looks at me like I have two heads when I come in the house maniacally happy about my new polish and Physician's Formula purchases, I'm going to tell him IT WAS YOUR FAULT! LOL I love the PF blushes and powders. Wow. How cute is that!! And you know how much I prefer China Glaze over OPI so that six-bottle set is going to be MINE (yes, all six!).

    LOL I accept all blame! And I prefer China Glaze over OPI too. This was my first time trying a PF product, but I'm pretty sure I'm hooked now. Your turn to do swatching, lady!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    When my S.O. looks at me like I have two heads when I come in the house maniacally happy about my new polish and Physician's Formula purchases, I'm going to tell him IT WAS YOUR FAULT! LOL I love the PF blushes and powders. Wow. How cute is that!! And you know how much I prefer China Glaze over OPI so that six-bottle set is going to be MINE (yes, all six!).

    LOL I accept all blame! And I prefer China Glaze over OPI too. This was my first time trying a PF product, but I'm pretty sure I'm hooked now. Your turn to do swatching, lady!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    So sorry to shout the following......but...


    Thank you nice weather.....

    Linda :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • aprildauer
    Im so happy for a new challenge. I fell off the wagon at the end of the valentines challenge and gained some of the weight I lost back. I only lost 2.3lbs. I have a personal weight loss goal for this challenge and that is to lose what I should of lost in the christmas and valentine's challenges. So that makes my goal 19lbs which with my starting weight of 194.4 will put me at 175.4. It will be a hard goal but Im up for the challenge. And if I dont lose it all at least I did my best trying.

    As for the challenges this go around....

    Challenge walk or run 100 miles. I will be doing a combination of walking, running, and stationary bike. It all depends on the weather to be able to get outside.

    Challenge 20 hrs stationary boxing. I will be doing this also. I figure the more the better.

    Challenge 1 week 1-Up water intake. This is one I will be definetly working on.

    Challenge 2 week 1-Alternate for something bad. This will tie into challenge one. Since my major bad thing is drinking pop.

    Challenge 3 week 1-This will only be done by tracking regularly through MFP. I dont really have extra time to write everything down and how I felt.

    Challenge 4 week 1-Strength training twice this week. I will look into this and do what I can. Right now I am in the process of spring cleaning and moving things around so it depends how sore I am.

    Challenge 5 week 1-Picture. I havent had time to do this yet. I plan on having it done by sunday.

    Challenge 6 week 1-Hide scale for a week. Not a problem for me since I only weigh once a week.

    For the EGGstra Contest. I will attempt this when the time comes. Im just not very creative.

    WHO IS YOUR WEIGHT LOSS ROLE MODEL AND WHY? WHO DO YOU OR WOULD YOU LIKE TO LOOK UP TO? I dont really have a role model. I hope to one day look up to myself for the fact that I made it through this journey and that I keep going no matter what slows me down.

    Im hoping to stay more active with everything and not fall off the wagon this time around. I really need to lose this weight.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Okay - Bru, you have me convinced.....LOL I was going to hold off doing the C25K program for another 15lbs......but if you can do it, I can do it....will have to convince hubby to dust the file off on his phone and we can lace up and take the dogs on Saturday....YIKES! This is sooo not me!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    My day has not gone well at all. Both kids are sick and to top it off the bug is attempting to infect me too. My stomach is SO not right. I feel like a lead weight is inside of me.

    My eating has not been too bad today. No extra treats as my tummy hates all food right now. So I stuck with light fare. Eggs, toast and fruit. Inhaling strawberries (even tho they hate me) and mango for a serious vitamin C kick. Knock this bug outta me before it even has a chance. I also have tons of grapefruits to eat up as well. Time to make use of all the C rich foods around me. Thank goodness for my man bringing me all that fresh produce.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Okay - Bru, you have me convinced.....LOL I was going to hold off doing the C25K program for another 15lbs......but if you can do it, I can do it....will have to convince hubby to dust the file off on his phone and we can lace up and take the dogs on Saturday....YIKES! This is sooo not me!

    I love it!! You can do it!! Just remember to pace yourself and if you have to repeat a day or so, it's ok!! Best of luck to you, not that you'll need it!!
  • chatnoire
    chatnoire Posts: 13 Member
    Today wasn't so great on the exercise - i didn't get to walk my two miles. :sad: However, back in the saddle tomorrow!!! I just wrote a blog post about my new plan, with the help of some friends. :) I'm so excited!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Had a pretty good day today. No running due to a busy work day and Wednesday night stuff at church, but I stayed under my calorie goal, drank (at least) 12 glasses of water and managed to steer clear of the dessert table at dinner!!! That's always hard, because they are homemade goodies and so freaking fantastic!!! But since I already had a cup of Jello on my plate, I used that as my dessert and it was really tasty!!! It was a Valentine's Day themed supper, so we also all received a Hershey kiss, so I counted it! Just one is 22 calories! I didn't know that before, which makes me feel better if I need just that one bite, I can fit 22 cals in!!!!

    Anyway, I'll be running tomorrow, planning on three miles! We'll see how it goes! Probably my second day of weight training this week too, but we'll see how I feel after the run!
  • linemansgirl
    What day of the week are we supposed to weigh in on? I have tried to figure it out, but I am just not succeeding! :happy:
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member


    *Pink_and_Shiny: Love, LOVE, L-O-V-E these!!! Opi rocks my bobby socks. I'm totally going shopping for the new Glee colors this weekend, as a reward for reaching my first mini goal last week *yay* :bigsmile:

    In other news... I finally figured out what is wrong with my calves--posterior shin splints (vs anterior, the kind that most people get). UGH--they S.U.C.K. so bad, but at least I know what I'm up against now. Being addicted to running now (yay--who knew that would every happen?!), I changed a few things in my run tonight, and it helped tremendously... shorter strides, and busted out my old running shoes for extra arch support. Apparently, aside from my fat/wide feet not being able to fit into totally cute shoes, they also are so flat that they cause this pain when I run. It's a good thing I'm stubborn and already addicted... but, will be taking a very necessary rest day tomorrow so my calves have time to repair/heal.

    Good luck to everyone the rest of the week--we made it past the halfway point, WOO HOO!
  • JessAnn08
    I'm in! I'm going running tomorrow :)
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    Ok, I think I got this. For some unknown reason I can't post from the sub album but I can from my original album. So here we go.

    Me when I started my weight loss journey. In the fall of 2009, I weighed 185 Lbs, I think. I didn't have a scale then, I am just trying to remember from when I went to the Dr.
    [img]http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd503/sameantha/103_1101.jpg[/Iimg] 180 lbs.[/img]007.jpg
    165 lbs 103_1445-1.jpg
    160 lbs103_1566-1.jpg
    Here I am now at 154 lbs. 103_1667.jpg

    So now that I have my picts posted, I will tell you about my day. I did great with food, water and exercise. I tried two new recipes that were awesome. I had cotttage cheese & marina also baked chicken with baby cow ( dried tomato) wedge melted on top with salsa.

    I only got 4.8 pedo miles today and I did zumba before I went to work. I didn't go to the gym, I am feeling under the weather and I don't need to run myself down. There are alot of sick people where I work right now and I don't want to catch anything.

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far.
  • JessAnn08
    my weigh in is 185lbs.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    nursee - YAY for getting to ride your new bike! How exciting!

    aprildauer - I hear 'ya, I didn't get very far in the Valentine's challenge either. Best of luck making your 19lb goal!

    fitterpam - WTG starting C25K!

    tanniew78 - I hope you beat that bug that's gotten to your kids.Your man gets extra points for the fresh produce!

    chatnoire - yup, tomrrow's a new day!

    Nikstergirl - don't you love learning that little indulgences really aren't all that indulgent? Nice work only enjoying some jell-o for dessert, that definitely showed restraint.

    linemansgirl - you weigh in on whatever day fits your schedule, as long as it is once a week. :)

    emilysebastian - I'm SO drooling over Slushied and Diva-In-Training! Let us know how you like the new colors, and congrats on meeting your first mini goal! Owie on the funky splints. Have you thought about looking into orthodics? Maybe that'll help with your footie flatness?

    JessAnn08 - welcome, and have a great run tomorrow!

    sameantha - yay your photo worked!! :)

    I gotta get off my lazy butt! Hubby works graveyard so I'd gotten myself into a pattern of staying up all night and going to bed with him when he got home...but that meant waking up in the afternoon and feeling weird about what day it was. I finally got back on a normal schedule, and have even been waking up on my own somewhere between 6:30 and 8am, which is WAY new to me. But, I've been all kinda of tired and succumbing to a hearty nap once I get to 5ish. Damn my couch and favorite blanked for being two things that go so well together! :laugh: I haven't even worked out on these "tired" days...hhmmmmm...
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Zinc is better for you if you think you're getting sick than vitamin c...
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... did my regular cardio workout on the eliptical and added 3.7 miles on the stationary bike for my 100 mile goal. Also did some strength training at the gym. Blew it on my water today... ugh! I hate drinking water. I KNOW I need to and it's good for me... but it's just so... flavorless!! :happy: Anyways... will do better tomoz! Night all!
  • momdigs
    momdigs Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! Just happened on to this challenge and think it is just what I need to encourage me! I am looking forward to charting my mileage and love having a goal that is challenging but doable. Nice to know there are so many positive, forward looking people!
    Like lots of folks, I am an overnight worker and have several days a week when I am awake (and eating) 24-30 hrs before getting to sleep. Will be looking for suggestions from you other 12 hr night shift or general insomniacs! My starting wt is 158 and I have actually not set a goal.. gonna think about what might be possible and reasonable, and get me to a size 8!
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member

    In other news... I finally figured out what is wrong with my calves--posterior shin splints (vs anterior, the kind that most people get). UGH--they S.U.C.K. so bad, but at least I know what I'm up against now. Being addicted to running now (yay--who knew that would every happen?!), I changed a few things in my run tonight, and it helped tremendously... shorter strides, and busted out my old running shoes for extra arch support. Apparently, aside from my fat/wide feet not being able to fit into totally cute shoes, they also are so flat that they cause this pain when I run. It's a good thing I'm stubborn and already addicted... but, will be taking a very necessary rest day tomorrow so my calves have time to repair/heal.

    Another running addict here with shin splints!! So frustrating! I think I wore my old trainers out and damaged my calves, I didn't realise you only get about 6 months out of trainers when you run regularly - I have a note in my diary when my current trainers need replacing - I'm NOT going through this again, it's been 6/7 weeks now, and I just wanna run!!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    love the OPI pics- I always stock up on OPI when back home in Michigan but now that I can FINALLY find it in Belgium no more stocking up needed - my favorite color is, was and will always be "not really a waitress red"

    water levels are improving
    still need to work on my walking and am trying to force myself to get some stairs in

    have a great day everyone!