Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 45



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Laila - WTG on the size 11 pants !! That is awesome . YOU will be in single digits before you know it.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hellooooo sistas!!!!!

    Been swamped at school. African American History month and my school is 98% African American, so big times at my school.

    mstahl - so excited to hear Meghan getting into stage managing. Not easy! Gotta be bossy! LOL Brigadoon is a fun musical - an oldie but goodie. She's probably sick of running the fog machine! :laugh:

    deb - I am relieved to hear your hubby is not in any health danger. Praise God! :heart:

    Laila - woohooo on that size! Damn, I'll be happy when I get into the 20's. :tongue: (almost there!)

    I forced myself to go to PT this week. I am very happy that I did. I feel much better because of it. Now if I can get this chocolate under control...... :grumble:

    I don't think I shared with you girls that out of nowhere, TOM came to visit last week. Now, remember that TOM packed his bags and left me THREE YEARS AGO. Yes, I said THREE. :angry: It explained the unbelievable need for chocolate. :noway: So this week I have been trying VERY hard to rid myself of the chocolate cravings!!!

    check in:
    cals: just under
    water: 90
    exercise: 30 minute walk and dancing with my students (I'm so sick of the Cupid Shuffle that I could just puke!)
    proud: I am not giving up
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    mstahl - I don't understand the desire to go bra-less (probably missed something in all the posts), but that is a dream of mine that will most likely never come true

    Laila - WOOT! WOOT! on the size 11 - scale be d@mned!

    Blue - my mom had TOM's like that - I am just praying I don't have to drag stuff out over years.

    lildeb - that seems like a reasonable goal - you can do it!

    For me, just a bit of stress. Last week 65+ people laid off in my area. Yesterday we put my FIL in a memory care facility. Too much emotional stuff. Good thing in all this - my dh and I are taking out our stress at the gym vs. are old bad, unhealthy habits.

    Check in for today:
    Calories - over by 99 (still trying not to eat against exercise calories)
    Water - great
    Exercise - 35 minutes on the elliptical
    Proud - 15yo dd asked to work out with at gym regularly - YEAH!!! Poor gal inherited my body type (vs. dh who is a stick)
    Fruit/Vegi - 0 fruits, 2 vegi's - this challenge is a tuffy - it should be 2nd nature by now - rough week

    Praying for a good weigh in tomorrow am - feeling good about it.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Wild and crazy woman posting here at 11:48PM! I feel like I'm breaking curfew (usually I'm zonked out by 9:30 haha). I got to hang out with my best friend/sister today. We went shopping (bought some new make up for my pending new job as well as made a stop at victoria's secret for some much needed new underwear... some of my current pairs are well---- baggy) and she made dinner (delicious good-for-you recipe that I will try to remember to get and share). Then we just hung out. Very much needed.

    Melinda - you are so sweet to offer to help out with Gunner. I think we may actually be able to get around having to give him away, but we'll see. My parents and my sister have all offered to take him even for just a little while (so if he stays here in Wadsworth, feel free to visit him! haha)

    From the sounds of it Adam has had a pretty decent day as well. I hope it only gets better for him, if anyone deserves good days it's him.

    Well ladies, I am officially exhausted and for the first time in a while I am not going to sleep with my forehead knotted in worry. I am just going to sleep (unfortunately it's without Adam and on my parents' couch, but all in good time)

    OH! PS!!! Some crazy perfume lady at Macy's doused me with one of the new Chanel Chance perfumes (the pink one) and I loveloveLOVE it! I think that's going to be my present to myself when I kick the door down to Onederland!

    Okay - now I'm babbling because I'm so sleepy. Good night!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    1st check in of the week.......


    I stayed the same this week. So bored of that !!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    TGIF gals !!

    Well i am pretty much no clue on weigh in, i hadn't actually weighed in several weeks...This morning i was up to 258 (which was up a lb from yesterday), but jut going to get trucking along. I stayed under my cals and i am proud of that.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    so I am up 3 pounds today and I believe TOM is coming in the next few days and I have also been horribly sick so I am hoping its just water I am holding onto.Either way I am not worried cause I know it will go back down.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Meokk - way to go on maintaining!
    Deb - great job staying under your cals yesterday!

    I weighed the same this morning naked as I weighed yesterday after lunch with clothes on soooo... I'm assuming I'm retaining a couple pounds of water (no wonder with the sodium I took in yesterday). But it appears I've gained close to 3 pounds in 4 weeks. Not as bad as it was but I'm still not happy with gaining so much. I'd like to get it down to 1/2 pound per week for the next 20 weeks. Not sure it's possible but I'm pretty sure my gym opens this weekend or next week so that should definitely help. :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    mstahl -- please let the girls hang free!!! I HATE bras. And if I could get away with it I would NEVER wear one. In the winter I often go to the grocery store (or wherever) without one. I just keep a hoodie on inside. :tongue:
    The bra is the first thing to go when I get home. Sometimes I don't even make it home & it comes off in the car. :blushing:
    Bras & shoes. Bah!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Mom's scale continues to be nice to me haha

  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member

    busy day, have to run!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good job on you loosers !!!

    OMG I just looked at my ticker for my house...1 month 6 days...no longer 1 month and x weeks....less that 5 weeks now !! SOrry that just kinda put me into shock !!

    Good news though, our landrod came back from email that my dh sent basically we will pay him for the rest of the lease and sounds like he is willing to be parting ways ..so not having to worry about upkeep or anything. He is being real good about it too.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I have lost 10 pounds since last week. I know that most of it is water weight. I am only claiming 3.7 because my ticker has been a liar for a couple of weeks. My ticker has become honest and recognizes 3.7 of my 10 lost.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Yep...that's a PLUS 7. :explode: :grumble: :cry: :frown:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning ladies!


    Congrats to all the losers!!!!

    Lideb: way to go in staying under calories!!!! I struggle every day, especially at night when my kids want to watch a movie and eat popcorn..

    Julie: you can't really help how much weight you gain because it so hard to stay in control when you are constantly hungry because baby girl is growing and wants to eat, especially when craving set in and you need it prontoI. I think the only thing I can do was to walk so I don't gain from eating too much. I don't know how these celebrities do it (stay thin throughout the whole pregnancy!). I gained 40 pounds with my daughter (she's the oldest), but I found out it so much easier to lose compaired to my second child (son)...Good Luck girl!

    Jess: you know that's not a real gain, stay focus and do your workouts. DOn't let the scale derail you..you're doing a super job wiht your workouts..you got this!!!

    Momma: OMG 10 pounds...CONGRATS!!!

    I know I am forget someone else..it's so hard to post and my son comes up to talk and now I have no idea what I was going to say.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Jess: you know that's not a real gain, stay focus and do your workouts. DOn't let the scale derail you..you're doing a super job wiht your workouts..you got this!!!

    Thanks! I'm chugging water as we speak. 24 oz down! It does make me not want to open the box of girl scout cookies I caved and ordered from a customer a month ago though. So I guess that's a win!
    By the way I have talked to Cris. She's doing okay. She's re vamping her routine and should be back Monday.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-I say let the ladies hang out! I would if I could! I usually sleep with the tanks that have built in shelf bras. I just can't go all out. And I did have a great time last Friday! It was an interesting night to say the least! The guy I'm dating has never had the honors of seeing me intoxicated until last Friday...lol poor guy! If you go out to your "chocolate" bar have a blast!!

    POS Me-Thank you for always having positive messages for me. I really appreciate it! Congrats on your size 11 cargos!! Your doing so great keep it up and you will be in the single digits in no time.

    ladeb-That's great that you and your hubby are taking your stress out at the gym! Makes you feel so much better if you ask me. Hope things get better soon!

    tstout-Sounds like you had an amazing day and much needed one with your sister. Glad you are feeling a little better and Adam had a great day as well! Hope your mom is recovering well.

    Momma-10 pounds!? Send some of that my way! Great job!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Jess: you know that's not a real gain, stay focus and do your workouts. DOn't let the scale derail you..you're doing a super job wiht your workouts..you got this!!!

    Thanks! I'm chugging water as we speak. 24 oz down! It does make me not want to open the box of girl scout cookies I caved and ordered from a customer a month ago though. So I guess that's a win!
    By the way I have talked to Cris. She's doing okay. She's re vamping her routine and should be back Monday.

    OMG, send the cookies to me. :tongue:

    Ha, and between the water weight I'm releasing (I knew it!) and the little tapper I have dancing on my bladder I've lived in the bathroom this morning.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Jess: you know that's not a real gain, stay focus and do your workouts. DOn't let the scale derail you..you're doing a super job wiht your workouts..you got this!!!

    Thanks! I'm chugging water as we speak. 24 oz down! It does make me not want to open the box of girl scout cookies I caved and ordered from a customer a month ago though. So I guess that's a win!
    By the way I have talked to Cris. She's doing okay. She's re vamping her routine and should be back Monday.

    OMG, send the cookies to me. :tongue:

    Ha, and between the water weight I'm releasing (I knew it!) and the little tapper I have dancing on my bladder I've lived in the bathroom this morning.

    I could defniitely do that! II bought 9 boxes of cookies! Only 2 for me though! The rest are for others but I felt like a pig when she brought them in!
  • purpleprose

    I'm even on last week, but I'm actually down about 2 pounds given my high sodium intake from yesterday. I'm counting tomorrow's weigh-in on my ticker as I'm flushing out the sodium with a ton of water.

    Congrats to all the losers!