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Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 45



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    OMG, I have missed so much (since Friday)..

    Cris: hope you got the workout dvd and you find time to do a workout with your over scheduled day(s)..Hugs :-)

    Mstahl: sorry you are going through a stressful time too..praying for you. hope you have a speedy recovery from your surgery. It’s tough “losing the girls”:heart::flowerforyou:

    Momma: did you catch Dr. Oz show and was it informational? Also, I love Hummus! You can eat it with all types of veggies..delish!

    Ispaul: thanks for all the recipes. In addition, you are so information with your interesting nutritional facts. You’re the best! How’s the back? Are you feeling better after that terrible fall?:heart:

    Tiger: it so nice to see you part of our group..welcome back!

    Deb: Moving and packing is so stressful and such a pain in the *kitten* {{Hugs to you}} What happened to your husband is scary..hope he is doing well today:heart: .

    Nancy/blue: I missed you so much..wondered what happened to you. Glad you’re back!

    Julie: I can’t believe your close to 5 months. How are you feeling? Tired all the time. I bet the baby’s room is beautiful..girls thing are so much cuter then boy’s decorations.

    Ann: love the ne profile picture..so cute praying your dh get his raise:wink:

    Jess: way to go on going to the gym!

    Heather: Way to go on doing w1d1 Gateway to 8k. I love Chinese food and I am trying to avoid it because I give in and eat it all…ugh! you’re doing awesome!

    Meokk: Where are you? Busy at work…miss ya :-)

    Teresa: Sending positive vibes on your boyfriends interview. Keeping your mom in my prayers- praying for a speedy recovery) And Way to go on maintaining! :-) Hugs to you and what you are going through:heart::flowerforyou:

    Please send me the information about the cleanse…I’m interested :-)

    Elmox: thanks for the great challenge. I have been eating a fruit and veggie with every meal and snack.

    I hope I got everyone..if not, sorry :)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm all caught up on the posts! Been to the gym twice this week. I am no longer 5 pounds up I am 6! BOOO!But as I went to balance my checkbook (Yes I still do that) I can see why! So...here's to not eating out this week except for my meeting at work tomorrow. And who can guess what kinda food it is? Mexican! KILL ME!! I'm planning on hitting the gym tonight as well or running on my treadmill at home tonight. Hope everybody has a good day! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I have been keeping my carbs a 50 or less per meal. But with my snacks I make it to about 150 each day. I have already lost 5 pounds but I wont be counting it because it was 5 pounds I gained on vacation. Husband has already lost 7-8 pounds and his blood sugars are a little better. NOt great though. We are walking every night. He is so irritating though. He thinks we have to walk at least 4 mph. He is killing me. I have short legs. I got him to walk a tad over 3 mph last night. I am keeping track of our distants and the time it takes us to do it. So that is how I know our speed.

    Laila, yes I did watch the Dr. Oz show. IT was very interesting and informative. This is still all very foreign to me. As Ry gets older the more noticable his differences are. He is still struggling but yesterday he got a report card and he has improved so much. The very first report card we got had "AT RISK OF RETENTION" This report card said "PROGRESSING WITH DIFFICULTY TO PROMOTION" I cried when I got it. In the last 2 weeks I have been given Straight A report cards for my two oldest daughters (one may have had one B) The youngest daughter doesn't get letter grades but she had good grades and all Outstandings on her report card and I am oh so proud of those girls. But it has been such a struggle with Ryan and I was thrillled that he improved so much. Thanks again for letting me know about this.

    Back to work, I need to clean my house. My new goal in life is to try to stay busy.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning ladies. It's been a busy one already, I started this post a couple of hours ago! So I'd better make it quick.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by about 150- but good on carbs
    exercise: none
    water: bad
    proud: made some good food choices yesterday, and went SHOPPING for some healthy food
    challenge: I didn't do all that great - I had 3 fruits but only 1 vegetable

    My head is feeling better so I don't think I will be going to the doctor unless my headache comes back. My neck/back/shoulder were all pretty sore this morning doing step class - but I am relieved that my headache is gone.

    My nutrition class last night was about how you need to eat enough healthy fats to 'heal' your metabolism - kind of boring as it was stuff we have gone over already. They recommend 2-6 fish oil pills a day. I currently take 2, I guess I might up it to 4.
    The best thing about last night's class was that my instructor brought a snack that she made us all try. It was in the recipe book but sounded awful so I would never have tried it if she hadn't brought it. I think it will become a regular breakfast of mine now when I need something quick and light before I work out. It is 1 banana, 1 avocado, 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder (or 2 scoops for more protein - but I'm not sure that I would like that as well) - that makes 2 servings and is a balanced breakfast (meaning protein, healthy fat and carb). You mash it all up and it tastes like banana pudding (you don't taste much of the avocado, but it is very green). I'm not sure how well the 2nd serving would keep - the avocado will probably turn brown. I ate my half and left the other half for my kids to try - they weren't that impressed but I thought it was very yummy.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Istpaul -- you're right, that recipe does sound really gross at first. But I can see how it would taste pretty good since avocado doesn't have a strong flavor but has an awesome texture.

    Momma -- so happy to read about Ryan's improvement! That's awesome. :heart:

    Deb -- I'm glad Jeremy's on the mend. Scary stuff.

    Jess -- It's only right for you to balance your checkbook. What kind of banker would you be if you didn't? Confession: I have never EVER balanced my checkbook. :embarassed:

    Laila -- I'm feeling good! I feel much better now than I have been feeling the last 4 months. The only thing is that I can't get comfortable in bed & I sleep like crap but I guess that's to be expected.

    I think I was just properly socked in the uterus for the first time! I've had lots of flutters & squirms but this was like a nice swift kick. I bet kicks like that will feel really great in few months. :tongue: The last 2 days I've noticed she goes bonkers about 20 minutes after I eat fruit. Sugar rush, I guess. :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    <snip> We did discover the Imogen was a destroyer in the British Navy in WWI & sank on my freaking due date in 1940! C'mon, if that's not a "sign..." :tongue:

    So, for the record, that's a typo and should read "WWII" and not "WWI." :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess -- It's only right for you to balance your checkbook. What kind of banker would you be if you didn't? Confession: I have never EVER balanced my checkbook. :embarassed:

    I say 90% of the people who work here don't balance their checkbooks..and don't even get me started on customers! But with online banking and all the mobile apps theres really no reason if you aren't writing checks and having lots of online payments. I work for a small local bank and we are launching our online banking app next month I believe. YAY!
    I can imagine how awesome those kicks and jabs are going to feel in a few months....:laugh:

    lstpaul-That sure sounds interesting! I might have to give it a try!

    Momma-So glad Ryan is improving! :flowerforyou: Hang in there...your doing great! I love your new goal!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Teresa: I'll have to send you an email. The cleanse sounds interesting and it's from a magazine I love!

    Momma (Sherry, right?): The hummus and turkey pita sounds delicious. Right after I read it, I was totally craving hummus, too! Love that stuff with pretzel thins. Yum! Glad to hear all of your kids are doing awesome in school, even Ryan! Yay!

    Julie: I think the name Charlotte increased in popularity due to Sex in the City. Seriously.

    Deb: Glad to hear Jeremy is doing better after his scary fall. That's a lot of stitches! Yikes!

    Laila: Did you hear Jillian Michaels' sequel to 30DS, called Ripped in 30, comes out March 1st? You can preorder on Amazon now. I thought of you when I got the email about it and thought I'd pass it along. One woman on Amazon reviewed it because she got a chance to try it early for being a member of Jillian's website and she had raving reviews, saying it's even better than 30DS. I might order it just for something different. Then again, I'm a workout DVD addict (well, buying, not always doing)!

    Jess: I balance my checkbook, but I round everything to even numbers. I helps me "cushion" my account for when I forget to write something down. I've never been a "to the penny" type of girl, especially with online banking. I'm bad, I know!

    I'm bummed because the Sign Language class I registered for is being canceled due to low registration numbers. But I'm super excited because it means I'm getting my $70 refunded and can buy new running shoes sooner than expected. I'm going to get fitted for them at a real running store this time! Yay! My current shoes are due to be replaced (I figure a blister from shoes that never gave me blisters before is a good indicator).

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: On target, with 6 exercise points banked for later!
    Water: 84.5 oz.
    Exercise: ChaLean Extreme Burn it Up (cardio) and Recharge (yoga). The cardio video was SO much easier than I remember from when I last did it in November. It was almost *gasp* fun! I was sweating like mad even though it's only a 27 minute workout...I think Chalene could give Jillian a run for her money.
    Proud: That even though I was up 1.8 lbs. on the WW scale, I didn't let it sidetrack me and I honestly am not bothered there was a gain. I had a lot of sodium on Sunday, but my jeans feel looser, so I'm still happy. I'm working really hard on not letting the scale determine my mood.
    Challenge: Fail! Had two servings of veggies and one serving of fruit.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jeremy is going in to the doctor for a follow up. He is at work, he said he was feeling really jittery so he was going to go eat something. We made an appt with him this afternoon , not with the dr of choice, but another one in the office, he is good just not our # 1 choice.

    I really hope everything is okay with him, he has never ever been really sick or anything
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone I'm here !!!!
    I've been reading posts when I can but having a busy week on top of not feeling so great....sorry y'all

    TStout - sorry, sounds like you are going through a lot, however bad it is now, it will pass...:heart:

    Deb - excited for your house countdown, sorry about hubby's head, ouch !

    Cris - time to kick his butt. I would be so mad if I came home to a messy house every day.

    Momma - love that hummus lunch, I often have something very similar, toasted wheat wrap, hummus, chopped tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, avocado, pear and pumpkin seeds inside. They mix all the ingredients together first then put it in the wrap. So yummy and the pear is a nice touch.

    Can't remember anything else, sorry.........I'll be back for weigh in for sure.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am starting to get real worried , what if there is something very serious wrong with him. He is my whole life and i cannot imagine life without him.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Lildebbie: I hope all will be well soon with your husband and hopefully the doctor will have some answers for him today.
  • Wanting to save this and jump in if there's room for a late comer!! Down to 235 this morning from a high weight of 283.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Welcome andyz_grrrl, and congrats on your weightloss!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I am starting to get real worried , what if there is something very serious wrong with him. He is my whole life and i cannot imagine life without him.

    Hugs to you Deb. Head injuries are super scary!

    My brother fell last fall & had a concussion & it seriously took him months to recover from it. Well, technically he still hasn't recovered because he lost his job after being stubborn & still going into work when he was disoriented & having memory problems from the concussion. He worked in a hospital monitoring patients so he was fired him for coming to work "impaired" the 2 days after his concussion (yeah --"impaired" due to a FREAKING HEAD INJURY!!! If they were so concerned about his "impairment" and inability to do his job properly at the time, why did they let him work 2 entire shifts? :mad: ). As someone who works in HR, you can imagine how shocked & apalled I am at his supervisor (and at the HR dept for not checking into it before terminating an employee - especially since that employee had been approved for FMLA leave by the HR doc... don't get me started on how insanely illegal it was for them to fire him over this medical condition). Lucky for them he's too much of a crazy lazy procrastinator to file a lawsuit. He was also too much of a crazy lazy procrastinator to file for unemployment benefits. Oh, that brother of mine. :indifferent:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am starting to get real worried , what if there is something very serious wrong with him. He is my whole life and i cannot imagine life without him.

    Y'all are in my thoughts! I hope it's nothing major. He could just be feeling off today due to the fall. Sending positive vibes your way.

    Okay so I've never had hummus! What does it taste like!?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Deb I am praying for your husband !! I hope its nothing serious and that God will heal him quickly
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am starting to get real worried , what if there is something very serious wrong with him. He is my whole life and i cannot imagine life without him.

    Y'all are in my thoughts! I hope it's nothing major. He could just be feeling off today due to the fall. Sending positive vibes your way.

    Okay so I've never had hummus! What does it taste like!?

    Thanks girls. They confirmend he didn't have have a concussion from the ct scan , it is more of the dizzy/jittery that has me concerend it almost sounds like a blood sugar thing. He hasn't had a physical since i have known him (almost 13 years) he had his chol checked at a health fair, and i guess blood sugar, it said glucose , thinking that is the same thing. It was right on the border it said should be under <100 and his was 100. BUt he never had any issues before with blood sugar...especially after loosing like 60 lbs. He is only like 15 lbs away from being "overweight" per BMI and not Obese. FOr a guy at 6'3 not thinking 250 is relaly that bad, of course he has some to loose.

    THanks for letting me vent :sad:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    glucose is blood sugar !!! Hope he gets better!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies :)

    Writing from "sunny" Wadsworth, Ohio (near Akron). Mom is recovering well. (Scary note though... all of her problems may be hereditary)

    Things are looking a little better... just breathing and getting things done one at a time.

    Pleasant surprise this morning - I have successfully logged in for 60 days in a row! :) I was beginning to worry I had missed a day.

    Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers.