Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 45



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello my friends!

    OK I didn't weigh in this morning - mostly because I forgot but partly because I'm doing SO BADLY! I think this is the first time in my life I have ever felt out of control in my diet. I mean I got over weight by obviously eating more than I needed, but I always felt like it was a choice (bad or not) and I could stop. Last year I DID stop. This last month I'm just an eating machine!

    Maybe it's stress? I don't know. I'm really disapointed in myself.:grumble:

    I have the surgery in roughly three weeks, we haven't hired anyone yet, so I'll be leaving my co-worker on her own, or with a newby. My husband is (rightfully) stressed out about our cash flow because I'll be on short term disability which is 60% of my normal income. I feel like I'm really hurting/stressing my family and my work spouse (I swing for the "other team" in work relationships LOL!!!) by having this surgery but at the same time I really feel that it's the right choice. And I admit, I'm getting a little sad to think of losing "the girls". :cry: OK enough pity party for me.

    Checking in for Thursday:
    Calories - over (mexican for lunch with chips and salsa and then Chocolate Fondue with fresh fruit for dessert last night)
    Water - great
    Exercise - nada
    Proud: I am not sure. I guess that I logged it? Not much to be proud about today.

    Julie - I love seeing your baby ticker! I smiled today thinking "oh her little baby overies are making eggs!"

    Chris - I'm sorry you're having a crappy day and feeling fed up. You are kicking butt and I am so pumped every time I see you post. Your determination to get your weight/size down by your wedding is awesome!

    Momma - Most of the horses in the riding programs will put up with his squishing of their muzzels. I wish he could meet Mrs. Figg our big ol' ugly dog. She has lots of cheeks for squishing! Look up Neapolitan Mastiff in google. Figgy has full ears so she's not quite as ugly as the prototypes.

    lstPaul - I am so excited to see how often you're posting! I feel hopeful because I think I'm kinda where you were last year (except you were working out all the time). I need to get from here to where you are now!

    Blue - where are you?

    Tiger- it's so nice seeing you back! Now you can relate to Chris's getting all ready for her wedding :bigsmile:

    Ann - I love your current photo. thanks for taking such care of this list and keeping us all organized!

    Jess - have fun for met tonight!

    Deb - I hate moving. My heart is with you!

    Heather - I shall ride again! (said with great drama)

    All my NYC peeps - I'm coming out sometime later this spring - maybe we can meet for coffee!

    And all the rest of you :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: !!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    mstahl: before I even saw your comment to me I was going to tell you to just keep checking in until you are ready. I think sometimes you just can't make your weight loss your top priority even though we all know how important it is ... there is so much more going on in our lives ... but you will be able to come back to it - hopefully soon. It took me over a year to really get re-focused after my Aunt passed away - I maintained for a long time, then managed to put on 16 pounds or the 20 I had lost, but now I feel like I'm ready to focus on this again and really put in the effort. Hang in there! Your upcoming surgery has got to have put you under a lot of stress, just concentrate on taking care of yourself for now. It did help me to keep up with exercising, so at least I wasn't completely backsliding ... so just stay with us ... we will be here!

    momma: I've probably told you all this before and I hate to keep boring you guys with details from my class - but my nutrition class instructor told us to eat no more than 32 grams of carbs at a meal and around 12-15 for snacks, and to try to keep your blood sugar balanced all day with 3 meals and 2-3 snacks, and always eating a healthy fat and protein with the carbs whenever you eat. I set my goal at 40% carbs - but I really try to stay under 150 carbs a day because the number goes up too much if I have extra exercise calories. It's kind of hard because there are a lot of healthy foods (especially fruits) that have a lot of carbs. My husband is working on doing the same thing - it's the first time he has ever had an interest in changing his health and I'm glad he is trying. Of course he hasn't given up beer!

    Jess: You know you couldn't actually have gained 5 pounds in a week ... you are probably retaining water or something. You will be right back down soon!


    well ... no loss this week and I have to admit I was a bit dissappointed this morning when I weighed myself. I knew after my bigger loss last week I probably wouldn't have a loss this week, and I had a couple of challenging nights ... but still - I wanted that miracle on the scale. I took my measurements and I have lost 5 overall inches in 5 weeks - so I guess that is something to celebrate!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    lstpaul, you never bore me . I find it very interesting. The goal of a diabetic is to keep their blood sugar stable all day long. This is all going to be a new experience for me and my husband. I think this kinda scared him a bit. Oh I hope that it did!!!!!

    By the way 5 inches in 5 weeks is simply amazing. :glasses: :noway:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    momma24: I have read some cautions about low carb/high protein diets being hard on people with kidney problems so you will probably want to ask your husband's doctor about any diet changes, although I don't think 40% carbs is really terribly low - more moderately low? That is what I think anyhow, I don't want to go too low carb either because you do need some carbs too. I'm still trying to figure out what works best for me and what I can live with.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Here I am! Had a show this week so could not get on at all. It closes tomorrow, so I will be back to normal (? what is that? LOL) tomorrow night. I've missed my sisters!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Glad to see you Blue!

    I'm having a rough food day so far. I didn't eat enough yesterday, so was STARVING today after my morning workouts. I proceeded to eat way too many carbs and fats and not enough protein. oh well ... the day isn't over - I'll have to do better the rest of the day.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Nice to see you blue!!!

    I posted a blog - haven't done that in months! Off to a nice overnight get-a-way with the DH - all the way to Cleveland LOL! I got a room in the downtown Doubletree for $50 on priceline :) Dinner and maybe a movie?

    Love you girls!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Glad to see you Blue!

    I'm having a rough food day so far. I didn't eat enough yesterday, so was STARVING today after my morning workouts. I proceeded to eat way too many carbs and fats and not enough protein. oh well ... the day isn't over - I'll have to do better the rest of the day.

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Show is officially over. Yay and boo. LOL

    I am determined more than ever to lose some weight before my July birthday! Girls, hold me accountable! No more pity parties! This year has been a terrible one for weight loss. I have lost inches, but not much weight. I'll take whatever I can get! LOL
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey ladies, I have not read any posts since Friday morning.

    I will be back on Tuesday since my family is off tomorrow.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    The Power is out at the office today so I'm working from home. Too bad we're out of firewood :frown: but then again I'll probably burn more calories trying to stay warm!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Last week was not very successful in terms of eating/exercising. I have maintained my current weight, which is good because that means I CAN maintain. The boyfriend has an interview this morning so we are all saying prayers/crossing fingers/etc. It could mean a major turn around for him (and us).

    Trying out Women's Health Magazine's Look Better Naked 2-day Cleanse. I think I will like this over other cleanses because ::shock:: you actually eat!! I'll let you know how it goes :) I'm hoping this will give me the boost I need to get back to being really focused.

    A new week, a new day!

    mstahl - My mom is going through something similar... my dad only has a part-time job (and freaks out easily) so she's feeling pressure to get healthy and back to work. She's having a hysterectomy tomorrow and has been trying to deal with the loss of the part of her anatomy makes her a woman. Difficult, I can only imagine, but who you are is in your mind and what you do. So keep your head up! I will keep you in my prayers!

    Momma - My dad was diabetic for most of my life (wow... another parental anecdote haha). He went on the Nutrisystem diet and lost almost 60 pounds and has no problems since! I hate to sound like an "eat healthy" PSA, but really that is the trick. Eating well-balanced meals is the key to overcoming the disease. Doesn't sound very glamorous (or easy), but my dad is living proof that it works! He hasn't needed insulin in almost four years!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hey sisters! Hope you all had a great weekend. I was crazy over on calories on Saturday and just a little over maintenance yesterday (which I count as a win on some crazy weekends!).

    I think I was the Biggest Loser last week, so my challenge is to EAT YOUR FRUITS AND VEGGIES!! I've found that I'm not eating enough fruits and veggies. The fancy food pyramid tells me I should eat 3-5 veggies and 2-4 fruit servings. I know this one will be easy peasy for some of you, but it's a challenge for me so maybe for some of you too!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I hate fruits and veggies haha but I will try...going to the grocery store today so will pick lots up!

    Im here, up again from the weekend but only 1.6lbs which considering my pattern lately isnt that bad.

    Bobby and I are not doing that great. We have been fighting a lot and a lot of it is financial but the other half is how hes been acting since being home on disability. He just doesnt give a f- about anything anymore. Hes become qute lazy and sits around moping ad feeling sorry for himself. But of course if something fun or interesting to him comes up hes all better and can go do it. I am trying to remind myself that this is temporary and that hes going through a rough time but hes really driving me crazy. My dad has also had back surgery last Tuesday so I am running the office on my own and work has picked up 3 fold (thank god!) but its been super stressful trying to make sure everything at work is done and then working out, then coming home and dealing with the mess bobby leaves for me to clean up...all while trying to have enough energy left for my 2 yr old who refuses to go to bed any earlier than freaking midnight.

    **vent over** I feel better now....moving on

    Going to go buy The Last Chance workout that Laila recommended and I am really excited to see what its all about. I may alternate that with the shred. Going to attempt week 4 today at the gym...Im rpetty scared because the 3 min runs are still tough for me...I cant beleive last year I could run for 30 mins!!! OMG why did I let myself get back to this point!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Sorry to hear things are rough for you right now. Hopefully all will get better when everyone is physically better. Until then, do the best you can, take deep breaths when needed and take care of yourself. We're here for you whenever you need to vent.

    Teresa: Sending good-luck wishes to Adam on his interview.

    Lauren: Love the challenge! It's definitely something I struggle with, too.

    Melinda: I looked up Neapolitan Mastiffs and :heart: them! My friend has Catahoulas (have Mastiff blood in them!), so she introduced me to Mastiffs. We used to spend lots of time researching them. And, don't be hard on yourself about being sad about "the girls." I would be, too. Just remember that no matter what, you're beautiful inside and out!

    Checking in for this weekend:
    Points: Good
    Water: 67.6 oz.
    Exercise: 70 minutes dancing (two-step and line)
    Proud: Jumped on the dance floor to learn line dances I didn't know and caught on pretty quickly.

    Points: Over
    Water: 16 oz. (Boo!)
    Exercise: None...super lazy!
    Proud: I ate broccoli for the first time in my adulthood and and didn't completely hate it.

    Points: Over a lot (darn cake!)
    Water: 24 oz. (Boo!)
    Exercise: None...addicted to a blog (The Great Fitness Experiment)
    Proud: Had fruit with my breakfast instead of extra bacon.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for Monday:
    Calories - under just a bit
    Water - great
    Exercise - hour with trainer
    Proud - I ate within my calories this weekend.

    RANT! However well I thought I ate this weekend, the scale with the PT this evening had me up like 5+ pounds!!! How can that be? I know things are fitting better and I feel much better, but how can weight change that much and in the wrong direction when I am eating and exercising healthy. RANT OVER!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Checking in for Monday:
    Calories - under just a bit
    Water - great
    Exercise - hour with trainer
    Proud - I ate within my calories this weekend.

    RANT! However well I thought I ate this weekend, the scale with the PT this evening had me up like 5+ pounds!!! How can that be? I know things are fitting better and I feel much better, but how can weight change that much and in the wrong direction when I am eating and exercising healthy. RANT OVER!

    Ladeb: welcome to my world! You've experiencing what I have been experiencing for the past 2 weeks ( weight gain but clothing fitting much better). If you ae eating (healthy) and exercising then don't stess to what the scale say. some days that scale can be your friend and others is can be you enemy. You'r pobably building muscle from your workouts and well muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less space (on your body).

    You're doing an awesome job and that's all that matters:flowerforyou: !!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm so sore I may die but baby's room is nearly complete (I'm apparently an early "nester"). She better hope she's still a she at next week's ultrasound because the walls are very purple and I am NOT painting again. :laugh:

    My food choices were mostly terrible this weekend but at least I got plenty of exercise.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member

    Ladeb: welcome to my world! You've experiencing what I have been experiencing for the past 2 weeks ( weight gain but clothing fitting much better). If you ae eating (healthy) and exercising then don't stess to what the scale say. some days that scale can be your friend and others is can be you enemy. You'r pobably building muscle from your workouts and well muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less space (on your body).

    You're doing an awesome job and that's all that matters:flowerforyou: !!!

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in from yesterday
    Cals - Over.
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - None
    Proud - Did some knitting for the first time in a month and didn't curse too much!
    Fruits/Veggies - 3 servings. Better than nothing!