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Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 45



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies !

    Well all is good with hubby. We went to the doctor and he said he was fine.

    What he said happend , hubby doesn't believe, so he is saying low blood sugar. Which the doctor thinks it is part of it, He said men can have a condition sometimes when they go to the bathroom from getitng up out of bed and all the blood rush to their feet and they get light headed and pass out. Jeremy didn't like that since it said old men get that...I thinik honestly it was combo of that, him being nauesa anyway, and not eatting too much.

    The doctor didn't like his diet lately too much since , yesterday he had just sugar breakfast (and so did monday) , yesterday he ate lunch and felt all better. he said sounds like hypoglicena (i know i didn't spell that right) since he aite and he feels better. HE told him he had lost like 60 lbs abut latey not being doing too much, he said he needs to get back eating right and exericse (of course we knew that), he said he needs more protein and less carbs...especially in the morning, that is too much carb/sugar in the morning. SO we went and got him some Greek yogurt last night. He is feeling lots better this morning, the doc gave him a stronger anti-inflam for his pain. He hadn't taken it but will take it this morning, but now poor baby has a black eye :( (from the draining of stuff from his wound>

    So long story short...we relaly need to be eating good , and we know this...Starting today we are both going to be entering cals and at least trying to do as best as we can. HE told him he should be about 1800 (which is more than h e was doing) so he changed his , (only by like 90 more). It put him like a 1.7 lbs a week so pretty good still. I put mine back up to like 1700 (1.3 a week). Lets see if i can stick to this till the end of march.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb - I actually had a long post written out to you yesterday about hypoglycemia and I got distracted at work (you know, actually working :laugh:) and forgot to actually post it. I used to have problems with hypoglycemia and the answer is definitely MORE PROTEIN! :smile: When a person wtih hypoglycemia eats a lot of carbs/sugar & not enough protein their blood sugar surges & then crashes. When it crashes is when you get the nauseous, dizzy, jittery, drowsy stuff happening. It's such a nasty sickly feeling. But yeah, I used to have several episodes each week when I was vegetarian. Now that I usually eat 100g+ of protein I can't remember the last time I had a problem with my blood sugar levels.
    Also, tell Jeremy that problems with low blood pressure (dizziness/faintness on standing) do not just happen to old people! :laugh: Silly man.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks julie !! I think we both feel lots better though that this all it is...he is all on board for the more protein.

    SPeaking of breakfast, i guess i better go eat some.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Bored so I'm stalking. Our HR Director just ran out of my supervisor's office yelling "YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO TALK TO ME ABOUT WORKERS' COMP WHEN I HAVEN'T TAKEN MY BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICINE!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bored so I'm stalking. Our HR Director just ran out of my supervisor's office yelling "YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO TALK TO ME ABOUT WORKERS' COMP WHEN I HAVEN'T TAKEN MY BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICINE!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh:

    Deb-So glad hubby is okay!

    tstout-Glad your momma is doing okay! Take care of yourself as well. Good to see you still here :flowerforyou:

    Good afternoon! I was feeling pretty good about this week. had 3 great workouts so far. The scale hasn't budged! Grr!! I know it's gonna take some time before it does again. But I don't know if I can meet my goal to be 199 by my birthday...:indifferent: But I'm sure gonna try!! I have a meeting today at a Mexican restaurant here at 4. Is that lunch or dinner!? I mean seriously!? That's usually when I have my snack! I was thinking of having a big snack for "lunch" and then have a meal at the meeting and go home and do a light workout and then have a small dinner. Thoughts? Suggestions? Greatly Appreciated!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Littlespy: :laugh:
    LilDeb: I'm glad your hubby got an answer, that is exactly how I was feeling often before I started eating more protein and less carbs ... and eating more often during the day (speaking of which - I'd better get my morning snack (or 2nd breakfast as I like to call it for my son in reference to hobbits).
    RedneckWmn; That is a hard time of day for a meeting at a restaurant. I think your plan sounds good.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by 76 and using all my exercise cals ... darn cheese
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: not so good, need to work on that again
    proud: recognizing my trigger for eating cheese while making dinner (an old bad habit of mine), I had cottage cheese for my protein in my afternoon snack, and I was really hungry when I got home. I'm going to try to have a non-dairy protein for my afternoon snack to see if I am less hungry (I think I will be)
    fruit & veggies: ok on fruit and low on veggies again
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Littlespy: :laugh:
    LilDeb: I'm glad your hubby got an answer, that is exactly how I was feeling often before I started eating more protein and less carbs ... and eating more often during the day (speaking of which - I'd better get my morning snack (or 2nd breakfast as I like to call it for my son in reference to hobbits).
    RedneckWmn; That is a hard time of day for a meeting at a restaurant. I think your plan sounds good.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by 76 and using all my exercise cals ... darn cheese
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: not so good, need to work on that again
    proud: recognizing my trigger for eating cheese while making dinner (an old bad habit of mine), I had cottage cheese for my protein in my afternoon snack, and I was really hungry when I got home. I'm going to try to have a non-dairy protein for my afternoon snack to see if I am less hungry (I think I will be)
    fruit & veggies: ok on fruit and low on veggies again

    I can't remember if you said your nutrition class was based upon a specific theory or there was a book? I'm loving all the information and would like to read up on it if it's possible!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Some helpful news - my job needs me longer than my current end date (which is next Friday), so more paychecks! And more time to find something else! That eases the tension a little bit.

    Adam got reassigned at work (oddly enough to my company's account ahaha), so I'm hoping the change will challenge him a little and make him feel a little better.

    My sister and I are going shopping later... it's been AGES since I've been to a mall. hahah

    Jess - :) Thanks for the support! This site and you gals are my stabilizers right now.

    Debbie - I hope your husband is feeling better!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I forgot to tell you. I found out last weekend we are having a birthday party for my Grandpa the weekend I just so happen to already be in Minnesota for Warrior Dash. So we will not be staying in Minnesota Saturday night. We will be driving that evening to central Wisconsin for the party on Sunday. But I still definitely plan on meeting up!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Teresa - Glad your job will need you a little longer, did they tell you how much longer?

    I was very happy to hear that hubby said he was feeling energized this morning, that makes me soo happy.

    I am track so far this morning girls..yay me.

    I had my cereal (actually measured it out and everything) and no snacks, and even drinking some water...trying to see what i want for lunch, it is icky outside it is all rainy and such.

    k...i am in need of an opinion..

    So we are renting this house we are in right now. With the purchase of our new house we are getting the remaining rent for this lease (ends in august). So we are paying for our whole lease, we want to give the rest of the money to the guy and say we are moving out. We don't want to have to worry and pay for utilities and upkeep on an empty house for 4 months.

    We are going to talk to him saying we are moving out, just wondering if anyone knew is there any legal liability?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I can't remember if you said your nutrition class was based upon a specific theory or there was a book? I'm loving all the information and would like to read up on it if it's possible!

    It is somewhat based on Dr. Schwarzbein's theories, with Nutrition, Weight and Wellness's own ideas too. I'll email you specifics from the handout that we were given - (I typed them up one day when I was bored at work to send to other friends) :
    http://www.weightandwellness.com/ - this is where I am taking the classes, there are recipes and interesting articles on their website - they also have a radio show that I think you can listen to over the internet or download old podcasts.

    There are a lot of things in the class that make sense to me, and some that I take with a grain of salt. I was eating so poorly before that I lost 9 pounds pretty quickly after starting, but now have kind of 'stalled' - but I know it's because I'm eating too much fat, and choosing higher calorie proteins. There are a few people in my class that are complaining that they haven't lost anything yet - and they are being told that their metabolism is still 'healing', and that losing slowly is the best way. We aren't supposed to be counting calories - but I think it can't hurt, and I wonder if that is why some people haven't lost anything. I would be frustrated if I had forked out the money for the class and hadn't lost anything yet. They do a lot of selling their own supplements too - which kind of bugs me. But they do seem to have some good products to buy, I just don't like being advertised to all the time.
    I meet with a nutritionist there again tomorrow (you get 2 individual meetings as part of the class). I asked for a different one than who I met with before - they thought that was odd. The first one was perfectly nice, I just want some other ideas and viewpoints.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Debbie - I was told "at least three weeks" but my director is pretty sure they will need me longer. At any rate... I have more time to keep interviewing. Thank God!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Welcome andyz !

    lildeb - glad to hear no concussion and the drs push for healthy eating

    tstout - nice to hear your mom is doing better and that your employment will last longer

    lstpaul - I enjoy reading your nutrition tidbits - keep it up

    Lilspy - too funny

    Check in for yesterday:
    Calories - over by 74 (still trying not to eat against exercise calories)
    Water - great
    Exercise - hour with PT
    Proud - went to a volunteer meeting last night and didn't give in to the tempting treats!
    Fruit/Vegi - 2 fruits, 0 vegi's - need to work on this!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello everyone!

    TStout - tell me about the dog? What's up and is there anything we can do to help?

    LilDeb- My emergency breakfast on mornings when there is no time is a spoon full of peanut butter - It will hold you a couple hours easy and no sugar rush! I also love greek yogurt and a high fiber cereal (rather than milk)... Hard boiled eggs make a great quick snack too!

    lstPaul - can you keep a sliced apple out while you eat? I find a tart green apple doesn't call for dip as much as carrot sticks, and it also doesn't call for a glass of wine!

    Julie - I like your ticker - five margaritas - I'd be happy to help with that!

    Heather - I looked out this morning to see my mare doing the hyper pacing at the gate waiting for fresh hay- I though "oh yeah -she's still got it!". Maybe once I'm cleared to lift my arms up I'll go play with her. I am kinda looking foward to time off but I'm sure it will fly by!

    Jess- You are doing so well! I hope you had fun the other night (Friday?) for the rest of us! I might go out tomorrow night to a downtown bar called "Chocolates". I'm guessing if I do I'll be over in calories!

    Momma - you better know that Ryan will be fine for Ryan. He's being raised in a home chuck full of love and support. He brings joy to you and your family and there is no way he can be a part of all of that and not do well.

    Blue- Meghan's school has their musical tonight. It's Brigidoon (sp?) and she's so excited. The play runs through Sunday and Meghan is one of the stage managers. She's never been involved in drama or music before so she's really LOVING the experience! Of course after weeks of rehersals she pretty much hates the play but I told her that's normal!

    Ann - I'm keeping your husband's raise in my prayers!

    Positivelyyours- I love hummus! This past week my co-worker made a large batch and shared some with me - sooo good! Do you ever make your own pita or flat bread? I want to try that sometime.

    Thanks for everyone's good thoughts, I'm seriously concidering going without a bra next week LOL! I'm not THAT big and the poor things really should get to hang free don't ya think?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks for everyone's good thoughts, I'm seriously concidering going without a bra next week LOL! I'm not THAT big and the poor things really should get to hang free don't ya think?

    I love that idea, made me smile! :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    OK ...so I guess wheatberry salad has a lot of carbs ... I probably should have figured that . :frown:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    can this day get over any quicker !!

    TOday day 1 of measuring, logging and staying in calories and not just eating anything i can. So far so good, i am right on par for calories i set. I have like 500 or so for dinner and already allocated my snacks later tonight. We are planning on having meat loaf , yummy,...but i am soo freaking hungry right now...but really don't want to blow it already not even 24 hrs in :sad:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    You are doing GREAT lildebbie! :drinker: Hang in there! You can do it! Meatloaf sounds good.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks. My new "goal" is to be under 250 by the time we move 5 weeks from today, this morning i was like 257 something, but i am sure lots of this is sodium from eating soo badly and that cici's pizza last night. SO i think it is doable...we will see.

    the meatloaf hubby makes is pretty good, it is like a combo of a couple different recipes we have had in the past, it was not too goo last time he was like why is it like this, then we figured out no oats (it uses oats instead of breadcrumbs), it just didn't turn out well :noway: It is serena's favorite so i know she will be happy :smile:

    Got 35 more min..oh pleaes hurry up
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I've been trying to post for the past couple of hours but thing(s) get in the way.

    Litdeb, I am so glad Jeremy is doing good. Hang in girl (with the eating - it will get better in a couple of days) you'll start getting us to eating less..

    Mstahl: I have made homemade pita bread...it is so good and not that hard to make. Let mme know if you are interested and I will upload the recipe.

    Heather: thanks for the info about Jillian's new workout dvd..right now, I am not gonna buy anything because we are trying to save money so we can buy a single house, in the near future. I am getting my workouts through Verizon ondemand or exercisetv...it has so much workouts to choose from so if I start to get bored I can find something new.

    Jess: you go girl knocking out 3 workout already this week...keep it up girl the scale will go down..but for right now focus on how you feel after a workout, amazing right..use that as motivation. Good luck!

    Ispaul: I have to go back and read what you posted about your nutritional class..keep them coming :)

    before I forget, has anyone talked to Cris...I have been so worried because she is so stressout and overwhelmed wiht everything going on in her life...Cris, if you are reading and not posting that is fine..but PLEASE COME BACK...WE WILL MISS YOU TERRIBLY. I f you don't post by tomorrow I will hunt you down..you're only about 2 hours away from me...lol <3

    Here is a bit of a sucess story for me...I have not seen a difference on the scale lately but today I tried on a pair of cargo pants; that I bought a year ago and were so tight I could not even get them past my thighs. I think they are a size 11. I tried them on today and they fit and I can button them..that's victory for me...I don't care if the scale is a standstill my (old, skinny) clothing has been fitting me amazingly (if that is a word) ...I can't wait for the day when I ma single digit...now i am just rambling..so excited.

    I know I have more to say but I forgot...oh well...Love y'all

    have a nice evening!
