Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 45



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    lstpaul - YAY for REAL food!! I even eat ENTIRE eggs (and have an awesome LDL level despite the fact that my mother, father, AND brother all have very high LDL levels :tongue:)! :laugh: I eat "fake" food pretty often, too though. Sometimes it's just so easy & delicious when I'm not otherwise prepared (cheese ravioli lean cuisine for lunch). :embarassed:

    Momma - :heart: Congrats to your daughter!! Hope you're feeling better soon.

    It's pretty easy to convince myself to go outside for a walk when it's 63*F and sunny outside in the middle of February! Sometimes I love SC (I'll be singing a very different tune when I'm 9 months pregnant in July :tongue:).
    So 3 huge accomplishments today: 1. I ate zero of the 24 doughnuts that were sitting 10 feet from my desk when I came in to work 2. I took a 30 minute brisk walk and 3. I've logged all my food through dinner & so far I've stuck with it perfectly. I'm way under where I need to be calorie wise (doesn't happen often anymore) so I'll be adding some kind of healthyish snack in the realm of 400 cals or so after dinner (sounds like a job for PB and chocolate milk! :happy:).
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Checking in:

    Calories - over by approx 50
    Exercise - walking
    Water - goos

    Calories - under, ate about 1/2 exercise
    Exercise - walking
    Water - excellent (if I do say so myself!)

    On track so far for today.

    I'm gonna weigh in on the real food thing.......

    As an adult I have never eaten margarine and I don't plan to start, butter or oil is way better for you IMO.
    The only sort of diety food I do consume is low fat or fat free milk which I don't think of as franken food. I get raw milk when I can and that comes unhomogenized so I just scrape the layer of cream off the top and the liquid below is basically Skim milk or close to it. The milk is just because it's more healthy to get your fats from vegetable sources rather animal sources.
    I never eat low fat processed anything. It's pointless - it's just more full of sugar and non-real food. If I feel like a cookie, I'm going to eat a cookie, preferable home made without any preservatives.
    That's not to say that a low fat diet is a bad thing, or that processed foods are evil, just that low-fat processed foods are a bad thing.
    My dad had lifelong high cholesterol (hereditary, he is very fit otherwise) until he switched to a low fat / high fiber diet. Eating healthy real foods that are low in fat and high in fiber, he has now been off meds for about 10 years.

    Momma - I know it can seem overwhelming and hard to know what to choose in a typical supermarket these days. I highly recommend reading the book "The Omnivore's Dilemma". It really helped to remind me what real food is and that the rest is just not good for us.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie, do you have a due date from the doctor yet? Just curious because I had one of my babes in July. I have never made it to my due date. due date 10/16 baby came 9/17 due date 3/7 baby came 3/6 Due date 10/4 baby came 9/20 due date 7/16 baby came 7/11.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Boy I feel amazing today!! I woke up did my Biggest Loser Bootcamp for 30 minutes and then ran on my elliptical for 30 minutes.I am eating fruits and veggies today and lean proteins and my carbs are where I want them to be and my sugar is 15 grams on the dot not a gram over and my sodium is under my calories are right on the mark 1300 if I keep this routine up I will be at my 60 pounds lost before July .WOOOHOOO! I guess I just forgot how great exercise makes me feel and lifts my mood.This girl is back !!! I am sticking to my routine if it kills me (which hopefully it doesn't it just improves my health LOL).I need you girls to keep me in check .

    You are CRAZY but thats what I love about you girl!! Thanks for always supporting me !!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Boy I feel amazing today!! I woke up did my Biggest Loser Bootcamp for 30 minutes and then ran on my elliptical for 30 minutes.I am eating fruits and veggies today and lean proteins and my carbs are where I want them to be and my sugar is 15 grams on the dot not a gram over and my sodium is under my calories are right on the mark 1300 if I keep this routine up I will be at my 60 pounds lost before July .WOOOHOOO! I guess I just forgot how great exercise makes me feel and lifts my mood.This girl is back !!! I am sticking to my routine if it kills me (which hopefully it doesn't it just improves my health LOL).I need you girls to keep me in check .


    Add another dancer for you in NYC! WOOHOO!
    Thanks Heather!!! I can't wait by this time next year I will be fit ans SEXY!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    tigergal-Welcome back!

    POS Me-As long as you feel better I think that's whats most important. Keep it up. I'm glad you aren't letting it get you down!

    Julie-I like your new plan of attack. Don't be too hard on yourself though. I think your doing pretty amazing.

    Lauren-Great job on not going for the fast food!

    Heather-I like using my nakey weight. It feels more accurate to me. I think you should do whatever you feel more comfortable doing.

    Ann-Yay for feeling amazing! Your doing a pretty amazing job keeping up with your workouts and taking care of your everything. Is everybody starting to feel better?

    Momma-I hope you feel better soon! Try and get some rest. I know. Easier said then done for you with your family huh? haha..I love your stories! Congrats to your daughter. I'm sure she will continue to stay focused in college and still manage to have a little fun. It is possible.

    lstpaul-No chips in 5 weeks!? That's amazing! Congrats!

    It's taken me forever just to post this.Today has been an emotioanlly exhausting day. Hell who am I kidding? THe last 5 days have been emotioanlly exhausting but I am bound and determined to make it to the gym tonight!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    AAAAAAARGH! :mad: :angry: :explode: Well I didn't have chips ... but I indulged in cheese and peanuts while I was cooking ... an old bad habit that I hadn't done in 5 weeks since I started my nutrition class. And then after dinner I had 3 dove chocolates from my daughter's stash! I'm so dissappointed in myself, and I feel cruddy.
    I know it's impossible to be perfect and I was feeling a bit too perfect - probably set myself up for over-eating. Tomorrow will be a new day and I WILL get back on track.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello everyone! (welcome back Tiger!!!)

    I have been busy which is no different than any of you so I really need to get my butt on here and LOG! I went back and filled in most of it from Monday. It's funny when I'm too busy to log I eat too much due to the stress! Or... more likely I suspect that on days I'm rushed and give in and eat too much I just tell myself it's because I'm so busy and then I don't log the bad news.

    Julie, my friend who lost weight during her pregnancy (with doctor's support because she had high BP) said it was 3 times as hard to lose during her pregnancy. She had to work out to make room for her calories because she was so HUNGRY all the time. YOU CAN DO THIS.

    I got back on the scale yesterday. I had my health check at the hospital. I'm up four pounds from my ticker but it was dressed so uhm... I'm sure my outfit was about four pounds right?:ohwell: The GOOD NEWS: my blood is sexy and skinny and HAUT oh yeah!:laugh: :love: :drinker: I get this look when ever I have blood work done where the doctor looks at the lab results then looks at me... back at the results... back to me... clearly not able to make my body match my blood.:laugh: What can I say? I eat REAL FOOD. I use butter or olive oil, I love to eat salmon and almonds, I use peanut butter for a "skipped" breakfast or a quick snack, and I eat eggs from the chickens in my back yard.:wink: Now if I can just stop eating so MUCH real food!

    Checking for Monday Tuesday and today:
    Calories Over over OVER
    Water OK Good Prettygood
    Exercise No No NO

    Proud: That I'm going to skip my glass of wine and just drink another glass of iced tea.

    Recipe #1 I'm not sure this should count - but here's what my family and I drink 24/7 in this house! Iced Green Chai with peppermint.

    1 2qt glass bowl
    5 green chai tea bags (I use 'Stash' brand tea)
    1 peppermint tea bag
    1/4 cup honey or other sweetener (I use Stevia)

    Fill the bowl with water, add the sweetener plus the tea bags and microwave for 8 minutes. Let sit and steep for at least 15 minutes then squeeze out the teabags and mix with more water to make 1 gallon. Refrigerate and re-fresh! I wrote these directions on our one gallon plastic pitcher we use for the tea - that way NOBODY has an excuse to drink the last of it without starting the next batch. If you microwave a mug in the morning its just as good hot :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hello gals, just dropping by to say hey!!

    HOpe everyone is doing good , just skimmed through the posts.

    HOlding on tin the 250's, was down to 254 back up to 258, my goal is if i can hang out in the 250's till we move.

    I am soo freaking stressed right now i just want these next 6 weeks to go fast.

    Still got lots of packing to do, we finally nailed down what we are doing for movers this week, having movers move big stuff and we move everything else, still very stressed about the money , having to pay like 500 for busted pipes in our ms house, not waht i needed the month we are closing on the house.

    Really getting ready to move seems like a full time job, oh y eah i got one of those too and we have a big project going live 3/1.

    Serena got in trouble again at school (but to her defense she was provoked to hit this little boy, why can't people be nice to my baby), but now she is sick with a stomach bug.

    Ugg...okay i am done whining now.

    Julie - I know it is not what you want to see on the scale, but that little one needs to grow, i think you have a good plan !!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Momma24: please if you are watching tv today, watch Doctor oz...the whole episode today is about "what causes autism?"

    I am attaching a link of the show's preview so you can see and find what channel is comes on. Mine is cbs broadcasting network...


    got to go I have to go finish my cleaning..
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie, do you have a due date from the doctor yet? Just curious because I had one of my babes in July. I have never made it to my due date. due date 10/16 baby came 9/17 due date 3/7 baby came 3/6 Due date 10/4 baby came 9/20 due date 7/16 baby came 7/11.

    I do, going by my ovulation date, my LMP, & her size at my 12+2 u/s the due date is July 16. She was a couple days big at my last u/s but of course babies don't all grow at the same rate & aren't all the same size so they kept my due date the same. 7/16 is actually my MIL's birthday.

    I'm crossing my fingers for for 7/7/11 or 7/11/11. :tongue:

    Oh, and I was still 220.8 this morning. I successfully didn't gain any weight yesterday! :drinker: Celebrate the little victories, right? :laugh:
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in Wednesday:

    Calories - over by approx 200+, but I didn't count my exercise calories
    Exercise - hour with PT - I mentioned I was drinking diet dr. pepper again off and on and I think he was punishing me!
    Water - 100+ oz.
    Proud - I took a "current" picture of myself. I don't usually allow pictures. My expression is awful, but I think I can see some of the weight loss in my face.

    lildeb: Moving is a full time job - go easy on yourself!
    mstahl: If I don't log, I am a hog! My latest mantra!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    tigergal-Welcome back!

    POS Me-As long as you feel better I think that's whats most important. Keep it up. I'm glad you aren't letting it get you down!

    Julie-I like your new plan of attack. Don't be too hard on yourself though. I think your doing pretty amazing.

    Lauren-Great job on not going for the fast food!

    Heather-I like using my nakey weight. It feels more accurate to me. I think you should do whatever you feel more comfortable doing.

    Ann-Yay for feeling amazing! Your doing a pretty amazing job keeping up with your workouts and taking care of your everything. Is everybody starting to feel better?

    Momma-I hope you feel better soon! Try and get some rest. I know. Easier said then done for you with your family huh? haha..I love your stories! Congrats to your daughter. I'm sure she will continue to stay focused in college and still manage to have a little fun. It is possible.

    lstpaul-No chips in 5 weeks!? That's amazing! Congrats!

    It's taken me forever just to post this.Today has been an emotioanlly exhausting day. Hell who am I kidding? THe last 5 days have been emotioanlly exhausting but I am bound and determined to make it to the gym tonight!
    Yes Jess finally everyone is feeling better and to top it off I didn't even get sick I guess because I have been eating well and exercising regularly.YAY!! I bypassed the bug!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Julie, do you have a due date from the doctor yet? Just curious because I had one of my babes in July. I have never made it to my due date. due date 10/16 baby came 9/17 due date 3/7 baby came 3/6 Due date 10/4 baby came 9/20 due date 7/16 baby came 7/11.

    I do, going by my ovulation date, my LMP, & her size at my 12+2 u/s the due date is July 16. She was a couple days big at my last u/s but of course babies don't all grow at the same rate & aren't all the same size so they kept my due date the same. 7/16 is actually my MIL's birthday.

    I'm crossing my fingers for for 7/7/11 or 7/11/11. :tongue:

    Oh, and I was still 220.8 this morning. I successfully didn't gain any weight yesterday! :drinker: Celebrate the little victories, right? :laugh:
    July 13th is my b-day!!! Hint hint lol
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Juile - Serena's due date and bday is july 15th. Was cool with abby though we got to pick her bday since i was having a scheduled,
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: Congrats to your daughter! Hope you feel better soon.

    Ann: Yay for being back on track!

    Laila: I agree with Cris that weighing yourself too much will deter you, so only do it once a week!

    lstpaul: I tend to agree with eating real foods. My mom and I have gone back to eating real bacon and butter because she has been reading the "Belly Fat Cure" book, which really pushes eating real, full-fat foods. Of course, I still eat processed stuff, especially for lunches because frozen dinners are easy to grab, but such is life.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: On track
    Water: 84.5 oz.
    Exercise: 64 minutes including Tae Bo and Core Rhythms
    Proud: I got veggies for both of my sides with my chicken strips at Perkins last night!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-Don't let yesterdays events affect your day today. Make it a good day. Slip ups are gonna happen!

    Deb-Moving is very stressful! I can't imagine buying a house on top of moving. I just move from apartment to apartment. Hang in there girl. Don't forget to try and take some time for yourself. It'll all be worth it in the end.

    As far as the real food goes I try and mix it up. Mostly what I look at when I buy stuff is calories and sodium. That seems to be what affects me the most.

    I'm so proud to say I did an hour of cardio last night and it felt AMAZING!! My legs are definitely feeling it today but I plan to go back tonight for some more. Not sure if I will do another hour or not. We will see how I feel! I got my tax refund today so I'm paying off 1 bill. 1 down....more to go..but progress!! Celebrate the small victories!

    My small victory for today. The boy got me my Rangers jersey (were trying to go to opening day if we can get tickets). Got me a small. WTH!? He knows I don't wear a small. Said he grabbed it by mistake. So I went to exchange it last night. Just grabbed a large. His was a large that I wore at the wedding and it barley fit. So I figured I'd just get that. Got it home tried it on this morning. Too big! Gotta go back for a medium. The scale hasn't much moved since the wedding so I must of lost some inches somewhere. I'm stoked!!

    Happy Friday Eve ladies!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning all! I'm running to a meeting, but I wanted to check in really quick from yesterday.

    Cals - Over. 1510
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - Nada. This week is so busy and I afraid I'm not going to get in exercise. I know I can reprioritize it, just having a hard time with that this week.
    Proud - Lead a great bible study last night.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie- I measured big my entire pregnancy...and I had a BIG healthy boy that came 10 days early! I knew he wasnt going to wait until his due date because I sked him very nicely to come as soon as possible :laugh: :laugh: Well towards the end I wasnt asking so nicely...I was threatening to have him evicted :tongue:

    Jess- thanks for talking me down from the ledge yesterday :heart: :flowerforyou: Today is a new day, Im so grateful for you!

    Had a good working out day but for whatever reason I snapped after work and ate everything in sight. I logged it and it doesnt look as bad as I THOUGHT but it was still pretty bad. Lucky for me I get to start over today!

    I am doing the shred at work sometime before I get off and then I have spin class tonight should be about a 600cal day

    18 more days until dress shopping! Come on inches fall oooooofffff!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh, I am still up 2lbs from last friday but 1lbs less than yesterday...even after stuffing my face. So looks like tomorrows weigh in wont be much fun for me...booo!

    2lbs + from Friday
    5lbs from end of February goal