Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 45



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning ladies!!!

    Sorry I have been missing for a while….busy attaining to my families’ needs and I have no time to check in…once again sorry.
    Heather: CONGRATS for beating your last 5k time…hooray !!!

    Jess + Cris: your goals sound attainable…You can do this! We are in this together don’t ever forget that :)

    Jess; I journal write every single day on things that are going on in my life...its a great stress reliever. I write about how I am feeling physically and mentally. and what can I do tomorrow (thatwill better me) that I have not done today.

    Teresa: sound like great new on the interview..hope it works your way!

    Meokk: welcome back! I was wondering what happened to you..I must have missed you saying you were on vacation. Glad you’re back!

    Istpaul: love the last recipe…I forgot to jot down the first recipe you pasted..the almond balls ..I have to go look for that one. You’re doing awesome :)

    Juile: so happy your grandmother is doing good..wonderful news

    Momma: hope you get better soon..get plenty of rest…sending you a big Hug

    Tiger: welcome back…jump in whenever you can..
    I’ll be back
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I am a bit frustrated because I have been workout every single day and sorta watching what I am eating. I eat much better and healthier but I am (somedays) over on calories, carbs, and fat...

    I have noticed my body changing every day. My stomach is getting tighter, the baby pouch is less noticable, and my collor bone is much more noticable too. my arms are getting tighter too. however, the scale is not showing me my hard work. I am trying not ot focus on the scale and just motivate myself by how I feel...and I feel amazing..but it is so frustrating to see the same number for the past couple of weeks. I even added or changed my workouts to trick my body but the weight is at a stand still. WHY?

    I am not going to let this get me down...my daughter ( workout buddy) has said I look thiner but not really showing on the scale...oh well

    I got ot go my son is bugging me..be back later ;-)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I bit the bullet and weighed myself this morning. I'm *really* embarrassed to share but I think I need to. My ticker is a HUGE liar (remember when it said 80# lost? :sad: ).

    220.8 :embarassed: So, the thing is that's how much I wanted to gain my entire pregnancy, not in half of it. :ohwell: I've said this several times trying to fake it until I make it but this time is for real. I will be logging my food and exercising every. single. day for the next several months. I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm just trying to minimize the gain over the next 20 weeks. I'm trying to be realistic. If I can keep the gain to 10-15 pounds from now until delivery I'll be very happy. So, that's the goal. If I'm 230 at delivery, I'll probably only be 5-10 pounds or so away from my lowest weight within a week or 2. :drinker:
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Positively - if you find that recipe - let me know where! Also, sounds like you are gaining muscle - which weighs more than fat. I know it is hard now, but that additional muscle will burn more calories for you in the long run. You will see the scale move again soon! Don't let that darn scale beat you up!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: Get better soon!

    Tiger: Welcome back! The routine is the same as it was last time you were here, just with a few new people.

    Laila: Trust me, the scale will eventually move again! Just focus on your measurements for a while. I'm sure you're becoming more compact and losing inches. Muscle takes up 18% less space than fat, but weighs more...strange, right? But true! I believe in the set-point theory, where the body needs to take time to re-adjust to a new weight and therefore get used to the idea of a new lowest weight. Please be patient!

    Julie: Your plan sounds like a good one. Don't be too hard on yourself! You're growing a human inside you, whose reproductive organs are now working, according to your ticker! That takes a lot of extra calories to support that.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: Okay
    Water: 99.6 oz.
    Exercise: Slim in 6, burned 483 calories. (I really wanted to go for a run outside but all of the melting started to re-freeze as the sun went down and I didn't want to risk injury on icy roads!)
    Proud: That I spent my time waiting for my bf to get home by exercising!
    Recipes: None yet, but I have to make food for a potluck Friday, so I'll probably try a healthy dessert recipe.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie, good for you for actually "biting the bullet". You're still logging and now you just have to be more cognizant of what you're putting in your mouth. You can do this!
    Pos, focus on what you see in the mirror not on a number on a scale.
    Tiger, welcome back!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Just a little bit over - 1,248
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - None. I was supposed to go to a kick-boxing class but work got in the way. Then when I got home at 9:15 p.m. I was exhausted. So nothing happened there.
    Proud - Even though work went crazy and I really wanted to just pick up fast food on the way home, I made dinner when I got home.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I need some opinions/advice about my weight loss ticker.

    When I started WW, I changed my ticker to reflect my official weekly weigh-ins at WW, but mostly because I figured it would help me get past the obsession of weighing myself constantly. It worked! I'm not only weighing myself Tuesday mornings and Friday mornings at home, then at the WW meeting Tuesday evenings.

    Anyway, I'm thinking about going back to having my ticker reflect my naked, morning weights because it is a more accurate picture of my progress given my starting MFP weight was a naked morning weight. Plus, it would be awesome to see I'm almost at 40 lbs lost!

    I'm torn because I hate to keep switching my method.

    Any thoughts?
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member

    I would go with whichever method is going to keep you going :) (IE I'm really tempted to go trade scales with my mom since her's put me at 215 hahaha)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Heather - I agree with tsout - do whatever is going to motivate you most. If going to your naked weight now is the most motivating. ... GO FOR IT! :drinker:

    positively_me and ladeb: here is that oatmeal ball recipe - I just didn't want to repeat it if no one was interested, but I'm happy to hear that you are! I had 2 of them for my breakfast this morning - they are kind of like protein bars but healthier:

    Oatmeal Almond Balls
    2 cups oats
    7 scoops natural or vanilla flavor whey protein powder
    3 tablespoons chopped almonds
    ¼ cup dried cherries OR fruit of your choice
    1 ½ teaspoons salt
    ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons water
    3 tablespoons peanut butter or almond butter
    1 tablespoon maple syrup
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.
    20 teaspoons or 7 tablespoons chopped almonds or unsweetened coconut
    Form mixture into 20 small or 10 larger size balls using hands or a scooper. Dip each ball into 1 or 2 teaspoons of chopped nuts or coconut and refrigerate for an hour to let mixture set.
    Serving size: 1-2 balls for a balanced snack (93 calories each, 10 carbs ... they are very filling, I have to eat them slowly or they kind of stick in my throat).
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by about 275 :grumble: ... I struggle when I have no exercise cals to use
    exercise: just a very short walk - it was a planned 'no-exercise' day
    water: ok but not great - probably around 80oz
    proud: I was hungry and having some cravings, so I could have done worse

    My nutrition class last night was all about how important eating healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, butter, cream) are for your metabolism, and avoiding low-fat or non-fat items. I definitely don't have a problem with eating healthy fats ... my problem is making sure that I pay attention to serving sizes of them because I like to eat too much of them!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather- I would do whatever motivates you the most....I changed my ticker a million times....Im happy with what it looks right now but its also not showing my ULTIMATE weight loss...its currently showing my progressto where I want to be on wedding day. So whatever works for you...no matter how many times you change it

    Julie- Dont freak out! You ahve a baby in there! But I do plan on at least logging naad walking next pregnancy...no way am I gaining 60lbs again! it took forever to get it all off and uhm yea im still working on it 2.5 years later!

    Laila- I am looking to lose inches more so than seeing the scale move right now! Wanna trade places?! lol. You know you are doing awesome and you can see it in your body so forget the scale it will move eventually, do not give up!!! STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF IF ITS GOING TO DETER YOU!!!

    I am still up 3lbs from the stupid weekend....ugh!

    Be back later
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Boy I feel amazing today!! I woke up did my Biggest Loser Bootcamp for 30 minutes and then ran on my elliptical for 30 minutes.I am eating fruits and veggies today and lean proteins and my carbs are where I want them to be and my sugar is 15 grams on the dot not a gram over and my sodium is under my calories are right on the mark 1300 if I keep this routine up I will be at my 60 pounds lost before July .WOOOHOOO! I guess I just forgot how great exercise makes me feel and lifts my mood.This girl is back !!! I am sticking to my routine if it kills me (which hopefully it doesn't it just improves my health LOL).I need you girls to keep me in check .
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Boy I feel amazing today!! I woke up did my Biggest Loser Bootcamp for 30 minutes and then ran on my elliptical for 30 minutes.I am eating fruits and veggies today and lean proteins and my carbs are where I want them to be and my sugar is 15 grams on the dot not a gram over and my sodium is under my calories are right on the mark 1300 if I keep this routine up I will be at my 60 pounds lost before July .WOOOHOOO! I guess I just forgot how great exercise makes me feel and lifts my mood.This girl is back !!! I am sticking to my routine if it kills me (which hopefully it doesn't it just improves my health LOL).I need you girls to keep me in check .

  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    lstpaul, honestly every time I use "low fat" margarine or "low fat" this and it has all this fake stuff in it. I wonder how butter that is real food in moderation would not be better for you. Have you noticed that as we have started to go into packaged, low fat food we are fatter than our counterparts from the 50's who ate bacon, butter, whole milk. I am for sure not saying we should eat like that I am just saying they kept busy and they ate "real food" not fake food as we do. So maybe there is something to eating the 'real ' stuff in moderation vs fake chemistry projects. Everytime I spray "I can't believe it is not butter" onto my bread. My husband asks me "if it is not real butter then what is it? and why are they not telling you":laugh: :laugh: He also reminds me that margarine is just slightly off of being plastic in its chemistry. :laugh: :laugh:

    Okay, I am still feeling "nauseated" in the mornings. Someone asked if I was preggers. Okay if I am then I will probably be getting divorced because after the 4th baby hubby took drastic measures to prevent further pregnancies. I just have some sort of funny flu. I am not actually
    *getting* sick just feeling slightly nauseated and my body is all hurty and sore feeling. Just very tired or lazy feeling. I have to clean my house because I can't stand a dirty house. So I will need to force myself to do some sweeping and mopping and vacuuming.

    Heather, I say if nakedy and mornings are inspiring you to keep at it then do it. This is your journey and if you switch back because it helps then go for it.

    Julie, I think keeping track of what you eat and exercising is very responsible thing to do while preggers. This will keep you healthy and the baby as well.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Boy I feel amazing today!! I woke up did my Biggest Loser Bootcamp for 30 minutes and then ran on my elliptical for 30 minutes.I am eating fruits and veggies today and lean proteins and my carbs are where I want them to be and my sugar is 15 grams on the dot not a gram over and my sodium is under my calories are right on the mark 1300 if I keep this routine up I will be at my 60 pounds lost before July .WOOOHOOO! I guess I just forgot how great exercise makes me feel and lifts my mood.This girl is back !!! I am sticking to my routine if it kills me (which hopefully it doesn't it just improves my health LOL).I need you girls to keep me in check .


    Add another dancer for you in NYC! WOOHOO!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lstpaul, honestly every time I use "low fat" margarine or "low fat" this and it has all this fake stuff in it. I wonder how butter that is real food in moderation would not be better for you. Have you noticed that as we have started to go into packaged, low fat food we are fatter than our counterparts from the 50's who ate bacon, butter, whole milk. I am for sure not saying we should eat like that I am just saying they kept busy and they ate "real food" not fake food as we do. So maybe there is something to eating the 'real ' stuff in moderation vs fake chemistry projects. Everytime I spray "I can't believe it is not butter" onto my bread. My husband asks me "if it is not real butter then what is it? and why are they not telling you":laugh: :laugh: He also reminds me that margarine is just slightly off of being plastic in its chemistry. :laugh: :laugh:

    You hit the nail on the head Momma24 - eating 'real food' is exactly what my nutrition class is all about, and how we have become a much 'fatter' society since we started eating low-fat, trans-fat and high-fructose corn syrup foods. I am eating butter and whole milk now on this 'diet', and heavy cream on my blueberries for a snack! The premise is that we need to 'heal our metabolism' and that healthy fats are necessary to do that. So far it's working for me. The biggest change has been the lack of cravings I'm having because I'm eating snacks between meals that have protein and fat in them. I haven't touched a potato chip in 5 weeks! (I can't say that I don't occassionally think about them though :laugh: )
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    lstpaul, honestly every time I use "low fat" margarine or "low fat" this and it has all this fake stuff in it. I wonder how butter that is real food in moderation would not be better for you. Have you noticed that as we have started to go into packaged, low fat food we are fatter than our counterparts from the 50's who ate bacon, butter, whole milk. I am for sure not saying we should eat like that I am just saying they kept busy and they ate "real food" not fake food as we do. So maybe there is something to eating the 'real ' stuff in moderation vs fake chemistry projects. Everytime I spray "I can't believe it is not butter" onto my bread. My husband asks me "if it is not real butter then what is it? and why are they not telling you":laugh: :laugh: He also reminds me that margarine is just slightly off of being plastic in its chemistry. :laugh: :laugh:

    You hit the nail on the head Momma24 - eating 'real food' is exactly what my nutrition class is all about, and how we have become a much 'fatter' society since we started eating low-fat, trans-fat and high-fructose corn syrup foods. I am eating butter and whole milk now on this 'diet', and heavy cream on my blueberries for a snack! The premise is that we need to 'heal our metabolism' and that healthy fats are necessary to do that. So far it's working for me. The biggest change has been the lack of cravings I'm having because I'm eating snacks between meals that have protein and fat in them. I haven't touched a potato chip in 5 weeks! (I can't say that I don't occassionally think about them though :laugh: )

    Keep sharing. This is very interesting. My mom is stuck on the it has to be lowfat or you are going to die attitude. I want to lower my blood pressure and help my hubby get his blood sugar to normal without going all fake on the food we eat. I want to eat healthy but what is healthy? I just never believed that just because it says low fat it is healthy. I dropped my milk to 1% a few years back and sometimes I worry about my younger children wondering if they should be drinking whole milk for the nutritional value! Just not sure. My daughters are more "meaty" so I don't worry too much about them (except Haley is is quite thin but very muscular) But Ryan is VERY thin and in addition having developemental issues I want to make sure that he is feeding his body and brain. Know what I mean?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    May I brag for a moment. My eldest daughter just got excepted into San Jose State University!!! That is her last choice still waiting on 3 other state university's to give admission info. Just very excited for her. She has worked so hard to get to this point. Sometimes I fear too hard instead of having a little bit of fun she is so focused on this goal. Don't want her to go to college and end up on " Girls gone wild" because she has stayed so focused on getting to college she forgot to have fun in high school. I know i am giving an extreme case senario and that she would never do that but still get scared. I have been encouraging her to go out and have fun. She has been doing a bit more of that and is having fun. She is absolutley gorgeous and smart she has turned out better than I ever could have imagined. I think back to when she was little and I was young and learning. Your first child is you really learning how to be a parent. I mean you have never done this before. You hope you are doing the right thing each new stage of life. Just thankful to God that he blessed me with this girl. I posted her pic in my profile for you all to see her.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    May I brag for a moment. My eldest daughter just got excepted into San Jose State University!!! That is her last choice still waiting on 3 other state university's to give admission info. Just very excited for her. She has worked so hard to get to this point. Sometimes I fear too hard instead of having a little bit of fun she is so focused on this goal. Don't want her to go to college and end up on " Girls gone wild" because she has stayed so focused on getting to college she forgot to have fun in high school. I know i am giving an extreme case senario and that she would never do that but still get scared. I have been encouraging her to go out and have fun. She has been doing a bit more of that and is having fun. She is absolutley gorgeous and smart she has turned out better than I ever could have imagined. I think back to when she was little and I was young and learning. Your first child is you really learning how to be a parent. I mean you have never done this before. You hope you are doing the right thing each new stage of life. Just thankful to God that he blessed me with this girl. I posted her pic in my profile for you all to see her.

    Seriously momma do you have to make me cry EVERY time you post! :heart:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Congrats Momma! and congrats to your daughter! Mine is a year away from graduating but we are starting to talk about colleges - I'm NOT READY!

    My nutrition class is all about keeping your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day. They suggest 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day, with the carbs not exceeding 32 grams at meals and not exceeding 15 grams of carbs at snacks. Every time you eat it should be a carb (which includes fruits and veggies), protein (4 oz for meal and 2 oz for snack), and a healthy fat (like 2 t. butter, or 1 T of olive oil, or 16 almonds). Avoid anything with trans fats or high fructose corn syrup - so very little processed food. And no artificial sweeteners.

    I was just bragging about not having cravings and I gave in and had a mini-butterfinger that was still in my desk from Valentine's ... I'd should probably throw away the rest of the bag or they will get to me eventually too. :grumble: