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Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 45



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Trying to keep it together today...

    Mom is having surgery (again)... boyfriend is in a depression I don't know if he's going to be able to recover from, and we have to get rid of Gunner.

    I want to do so many things all at once... run... hide... stay... cry...

    I'm totally lost.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    OMG! I've been so busy lately. I have so much "catching up" to do (post wise)...

    I have to do drop my son @ school. I just hope they are open since PA got a light snowfall..schools are running on a 2 hour delay.

    BBL to chat.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Morning ladies. Been busy this morning and haven't had a chance to get caught up. Wanted to drop in and say hello and good morning! Hope all had a wonderful weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hang in there everyone who is having a bad time! :flowerforyou: It's so hard to concentrate on being healthy when our lives seem to be spinning out of control, but you know things will get better!

    I didn't have a great food or exercise weekend. I did ok on Saturday, but was very hungry and didn't have much food in my pantry/fridge. But instead of going shopping for some healthy choices, I proceeded to make some bad choices from what I had at home. Not terrible, but not great either. I didn't track either - which is always a bad thing.
    My son had a swim meet Sunday morning so I skipped my usual step class, and then I slipped and fell in a puddle of water that my husband left in our entryway. I was carrying the cat so didn't even try to catch myself and landed on a step and ledge in the entrway and flat on my back. I have a big bruise on my left arm, shoulder and hip - and I hit the back of my head on a step. So I didn't feel like doing any exercise after that. In fact I fell asleep on the couch Sunday night and then slept for 12 hours - which is really not at all like me. I'm a little worried about hitting my head because my neck and back of my head still hurt - but I'm not dizzy or anything so I think I'm fine and don't want to waste time going to the doctor for nothing. Plus with all the mess I had to go through when I had those herniated discs last summer I just don't want to put myself through any unnecessary tests. But I am feeling sorry for myself and am cranky - that meant yesterday my food choices weren't very good either. I made spaghetti last night because I didn't feel like making anything harder - and spaghetti is definietly not on my list of 'ok' foods because it is so high in carbs.
    I was up 2.5 pounds this morning from Friday. Hopefully it will come off quickly, I just have to go shopping today and GET BACK ON TRACK! I'm getting really bored with what I've been eating again and need to do some more experimenting with recipes and foods. The challenge this week is good for me because I don't eat very many vegetables.
    I'm going to try to go back and track my food for the weekend ... I know I will probably be missing some of my 'snacks' though. :frown:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Trying to keep it together today...

    Mom is having surgery (again)... boyfriend is in a depression I don't know if he's going to be able to recover from, and we have to get rid of Gunner.

    I want to do so many things all at once... run... hide... stay... cry...

    I'm totally lost.

    I am sorry this day has been so challenging for you. I will pray for your mom and boyfriend. I am also very sorry about your dog. It is okay to cry you've had a rough time.:flowerforyou: Don't run or hide though we would miss you!!! Chin up and know you are being thought of today:flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am here!! Just feeling completely awful but I actually exercised for 1 hour on my elliptical and I think I feel a bit better.I have been trying to get everyone well at my house and just as soon as I think I have I GET IT!!! My girls are still croopy coughing and they are on inhalers,neubulizer treatments,antibiotics,and cough suppressants.I have spent over $500 in prescriptions and doctor visits in the last 2 weeks.I really pray my husband gets his raise soon and for those of you who do pray please pray with me about this because we could really use it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Teresa: So sorry to hear about all going on in your life right now. I'm super sad that you have to get rid of Gunner :sad: Hugs to you.

    lstpaul: I think you should still make a trip to the doctor to rule out concussion, especially with all of the sleeping you did after hitting your head. There can be delayed symptoms and complications if you have one and it's untreated. They're scary! I've had one before and wasn't dizzy, either. In fact, I thought I just needed a nap and they ended up putting me in ICU to monitor me for damage. And, I even had a helmet on! (Horseback riding fall). Not to scare you with all this, but any head injury is something to have checked out. Better safe than sorry.

    Ladeb: I agree with Laila. Keep up the awesome work and don't worry about the scale. The scale is evil, with a mind of its own. Seriously.

    Ann: Glad to hear your feeling a little better. Here's to hoping your family gets better soon.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: On target!
    Water: 67.6 oz.
    Exercise: W1D1 Gateway to 8k
    Proud: Ate half of my Chinese food....for the first time...EVER! Now I have some for dinner tonight. Yum!
    Challenge: Fail...I had one fruit and one veggie.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Thank you for all of the thoughts, everyone. I'm heading to Ohio tomorrow to help my dad out with my mom (Gunner is coming with me). Adam is still thinking about the situation with the dog... so there's still a chance? I'm not sure what is happening.

    On a lighter note... I found a 2-day cleanse on Women's Health Magazine... and halfway through day two: I am not starving (important!) and... I am FIVE POUNDS down from Sunday's weight. Hells yes! If anyone wants me to send it to them, send me an email at stout.111@gmail.com (or if you just feel like saying hi... friends are good to have).

    I'll check in for yesterday while I'm here, too:
    Calorie - Under
    Water - So-so
    Exercise - None.. the cleanse requires minimal calorie intake, so I didn't want to starve myself
    Challenge - MET! I had two cups of cucumbers AND two cups of spinach!
    Proud - When I logged all of my food yesterday, MFP told me if I ate like that everyday I would weigh 199 in five weeks. Yep! Onederland is on the horizon!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    OMG ... I just had the best lunch ... and I needed it too because I was feeling VERY sorry for myself. I went shopping and all I could see were all the foods I 'can't have' and feeling a bit whiney. There was a very thin eggplant lightly coated and fried, and rolled around ricotta and mozarella cheese. It was sooo yummy! I guess the coating may not have been 'ok' but there wasn't much, and I'm not sure that it was fried in the right kinds of oil ... but if I make it at home I can do it with all the right ingredients, and won't feel like I'm so deprived. Yippee - a new recipe to try! I've never made eggplant before, I hope it isn't too hard to work with. Unfortunately I didn't buy an eggplant or ricotta when I was grocery shopping because I didn't know that I would like it. So now I have to make another shopping trip tonight or tomorrow.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    HeatherMN - I am definitely thinking about going to the doctor, I work out tomorrow morning and if my head is still bothering me after that I will make an appointment. It just seems like I couldn't have hit it that hard by just slipping and falling - but I guess I could have since I hit the step too.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Just wanted to share my yummy lunch.

    I made homemade hummus yesterday. I have never had it and I really liked it. So today I took my .25 cup hummus and some deli low fat turkey breast (about 35 calories worth) I put it in half a pita pocket and toasted it in the oven for a few minutes. Then I put some fresh spinach, alfalfa sprouts, and 4 cut up cherry tomatoes. MMMMMM that was very good. I used a calculator online that tells you how much your meal was. Although I felt the calories were a bit high I thought some of the other nutritional value was great. Here it goes. Oh and I forgot that I took a little slice of lemon that I was going to put into my ice tea and squirted a bit of juice on to the veggies in the sandwich.

    310 Calories
    8 g fat (yikes)
    47 g carbs
    10 g dietary fiber
    16 g protein

    97% vitamin A
    11% calcium
    114% vitamin C
    25 % Iron

    I am very satisfied maybe it is because of all the protein and fiber.

    Just wanted to add that where I got my calorie gives your food a nutritional grade and this got an A!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma, that does sound yummy!
    I bet almost all of that fat is from the olive oil in the hummus so it's really GOOD for you fat!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    And now I'm craving hummus!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    And now I'm craving hummus!

    LOL I thought you wrote "And now I'm craving humans!"
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Teresa - I know I've missed like a week's worth of posts, but why is it that you have to give away Gunner? Big *hugs* for you for all you're going through.

    Momma - I am living proof that you can get rid of diabetes. After losing 100 pounds, I am officially no longer a diabetic. :)

    I went back to PT yesterday - first time in two weeks. Ooofta. I can barely walk!

    check in:
    cals: over - damn m and m's!
    exercise: dancing with students
    water: 100
    proud: I went back to PT. NOT proud of eating tons of m and m's.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    And now I'm craving hummus!

    LOL I thought you wrote "And now I'm craving humans!"

    YUM! Cannibalism!!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Momma - you, boyfriend, mom and Gunner are in my prayers.

    Istpaul - ditto to what MNHeather says - go to the doctor

    Checking in for Tuesday:
    Calories - 24 over
    Water - great
    Exercise - 35 minutes on elliptical and then some ab/core work
    Proud - I went and exercised right after work today - didn't want to go at all!
    Vegi's - Big salad at lunch, banana. Hmmm, need more fruit.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Let me tell you a story about poor choices....me + ice cream + tonight = bad news bears. Ate 2 1/2 servings (GROSS) and am totally and completely feeling the overwhelming ickyness of it all.

    Tomorrow is another day...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm excited about the fruits & veggies challenge! It's really making me think about adding in fruits & veggies throughout the day. I didn't do a great job yesterday -- only 3 servings (2 fruit, 1 veg) but that was because I didn't have much available (I squeezed another serving of fruit in by opening a can of crushed pineapple in juice. :laugh:). Today's goal is 3 veggies & 2 fruits. :happy:

    And I'm still taking baby name suggestions. My brain is totally fried.
    The name of the week for me is Imogen. At first I thought hubby liked it & he was researching it and after like 2 hours of him convincing me it was THE name he suddenly said, "I don't like it." I wanted to punch him. :laugh: It's been a name I've been drawn to since the first time I saw it with my only hesitation being people's problems with pronouncing it in the US since it's an uncommon name here (pretty popular in the UK & Australia, apparently). We did discover the Imogen was a destroyer in the British Navy in WWI & sank on my freaking due date in 1940! C'mon, if that's not a "sign..." :tongue:

    Thing is, I really hate super popular names because of course I don't want my child being one of 20 other kids in her class named the same thing. LIke the names Ashley or Jennifer during the early-mid 80s, for example. A lot of the names I like are in the top 20 so I cross them off the list. Charlotte has been our top contender for about a month since we haven't been actively looking for names but last night I saw a prediction that it's going to move into the top 5 names in 2011. UGH! Seriously? So that makes me want to cross it off the list entirely. Too much pressure.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals just popping in :smile: been an eventful week and it is only wednesday.

    Monday jeremy fell/passed out and split his head open, which resulted in an afternoon in the ER. He had to have 21 stitches, he went back to wrok today he is achey all over and of course his head hurts ..it was soo scary when he fell i got him up then he passed out again and i couldn't wake him up , i finally did then he didn't do it again. They said he might of just passed out due to lack of food + being nausea + getting up to quick. (he came home with a upset stomach at lunch), they did ct scan and labs and they said all was good.

    I think he is going to make it , it will just take some time for his wound to heal.

    Yesterday i found out i was getting a raise...i was soo exceited, just a normal merit one but i relaly didn't think i was going to get one and i know everyone doesn't necessarly get them, so that was good.

    since DH was home we went to the house after sitting in traffic for almost an hour we got up there and not much was done :sad: They did get it drywalled last week so that is good , was just hoping more to be done..oh well got 1 month 1 week and 1 day !!

    I hope everyone is doing good..I promise once we move i will be back on a regular basis.

    ON a good note(good or bad not sure) i was sitting right at about 256 this morning, not loosing but not gaining (after eating like i did the last few days i was surprised). If i can just stay around here till we move i will be happy,