A Personal View on Exercise Cals and Underfeeding



  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    I should really add that while growing up I was taught the "food pyramid" of course at a basic public school principal...but that doesn't mean that I understood it. ESPECIALLY in the way that I am learning how nutrition works now, as an adult. To think that the last time I was taught nutrition was back in high school (really could've cared less back then) is sad to think. I was active in sports in HS, had a lean body so I didn't really care what I put in or out of it at the time so long as I performed well. It's nobody's fault but my own of course but after reflecting on my past, it's a wonder that nutrition isn't required even at a higher education level, being a Gen Ed for instance... looking back, I wish it were. Or at least emphasized more.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I should really add that while growing up I was taught the "food pyramid" of course at a basic public school principal...but that doesn't mean that I understood it. ESPECIALLY in the way that I am learning how nutrition works now, as an adult. To think that the last time I was taught nutrition was back in high school (really could've cared less back then) is sad to think. I was active in sports in HS, had a lean body so I didn't really care what I put in or out of it at the time so long as I performed well. It's nobody's fault but my own of course but after reflecting on my past, it's a wonder that nutrition isn't required even at a higher education level, being a Gen Ed for instance... looking back, I wish it were. Or at least emphasized more.

    It drives me CRAZY that nutrition isn't addressed better all throughout school. Besides the awful food in the cafeteria (although to be fair some schools are working on that), but like you, I think we had one or two short sections on the food pyramid - but no real significant education on how to apply even a basic pattern of healthy intake and exercise. I think the rapidity with which our lifestyles have changed (from manual labor and high activity levels with whole foods to a sedentary society with processed foods) has kind of left everyone at a loss as to how to compensate. Now whole generations are having to re-learn what health is and how to achieve it - and mostly on their own.

    And that's great that you're working on the allergies. I know it's a long process, but hopefully it will make a huge difference in your daily life and overall health.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Bump :tongue:
  • sstans
    sstans Posts: 5 Member
    Just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!

    I am new to MFP as I just started two weeks ago. I have LOVED how easy it is to track the calories and exercise on this website, But have wondered about eating my work out calories. I just assumed that as long as I ate my 1200 Calories then the extra I was burning while exercising was like a bonus. However I am not noticing this bonus on the scale...I appreciate you putting your story, struggles and advise out there for all of us to read! And I am now going to eat my work out calories!!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!

    I am new to MFP as I just started two weeks ago. I have LOVED how easy it is to track the calories and exercise on this website, But have wondered about eating my work out calories. I just assumed that as long as I ate my 1200 Calories then the extra I was burning while exercising was like a bonus. However I am not noticing this bonus on the scale...I appreciate you putting your story, struggles and advise out there for all of us to read! And I am now going to eat my work out calories!!

    You're very welcome. Glad if it helps in any way. Don't be alarmed if you gain a couple of lbs at first - that's normal when you increase intake. May last a couple of weeks, and then the scale should start dropping again. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you for such an honest account of your story. It is also nice to read a post on this topic that is "sane" - not over-dramatized or hyperbolic. Your story and mine are very similar, in the way that weight was gained. I never thought when I was a size 0 that I would be sitting where I am today, but I am trying to reverse the damage that I've done. Good luck in your journey, you should be incredibly proud of making the decision to choose health, and not illness.

    Agreed! & same story here! Hard retraining ones-self to eat more then 900-1200 cals after years of bad under-eating habits but it is possible! good luck to you both!
  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for the article! I'm on the sidelines myself because it's hard to eat more and eat back my exercise calories.

    Has anyone seen better results by eating exercise calories back?


    Look at my ticker. We have the same stats. I am 5'2" as well.
    I started here, ignorantly ate the 1200 they told me to eat and lost at first but then stopped. I only started to lose more when I started eating 1500 a day. Reached goal range 6 months ago and now I eat 1600-2200 a day depending on if I lounged around all day or was on my feet all day.

    Always looking for smart people with similar stats to remind me why I need to push to eat more then 1200 cals a day! Thank you!
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    On the standard 1200 that MFP likes to throw around, I was weak, tired, and cranky...

    ...(and as a reference point: I am 5'2" and weigh 104 lbs, so if 1200 is starving for ME, it is probably starving to 95% of people who read this, because the bigger you are the more you need to survive.)

    I have been advising anyone who will listen that 1200 is too low and to eat more.

    Okay, THANK YOU! I only joined MFP last weekend and when I put in my numbers and it spit back 1270 net calories for me (and that was for a more aggressive 2 lbs/week loss), I was floored. I am 5'9", in my late 20s, and active. My eyes got big as saucers and I realized that that wouldn't work for me at all. I changed my settings to 1 lb weight loss per week instead and that seems much more reasonable. However, I've been coming in under net calories by as many as 700+ a couple of days this week, and once I woke up an hour after I went to bed with a stomach that was screaming at me for more food. (Even though my dinner was quite satisfying earlier...it was the hour of bellydance class I did after that that put me way under calories again.)

    In reading this wonderful post and some of your responses, I now have a better understanding of what my body is trying to tell me with regards to coming in so far under my caloric goals. I realize now that I could actually be sabotaging my efforts if I stay in this state of being-on-the-edge-of-hunger for most of the day.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    On the standard 1200 that MFP likes to throw around, I was weak, tired, and cranky...

    ...(and as a reference point: I am 5'2" and weigh 104 lbs, so if 1200 is starving for ME, it is probably starving to 95% of people who read this, because the bigger you are the more you need to survive.)

    I have been advising anyone who will listen that 1200 is too low and to eat more.

    Okay, THANK YOU! I only joined MFP last weekend and when I put in my numbers and it spit back 1270 net calories for me (and that was for a more aggressive 2 lbs/week loss), I was floored. I am 5'9", in my late 20s, and active. My eyes got big as saucers and I realized that that wouldn't work for me at all. I changed my settings to 1 lb weight loss per week instead and that seems much more reasonable. However, I've been coming in under net calories by as many as 700+ a couple of days this week, and once I woke up an hour after I went to bed with a stomach that was screaming at me for more food. (Even though my dinner was quite satisfying earlier...it was the hour of bellydance class I did after that that put me way under calories again.)

    In reading this wonderful post and some of your responses, I now have a better understanding of what my body is trying to tell me with regards to coming in so far under my caloric goals. I realize now that I could actually be sabotaging my efforts if I stay in this state of being-on-the-edge-of-hunger for most of the day.

    This is a very common mistake. When we sign up, we see the options and it's natural to think "Well, if 1 lb a week is good - 2 lbs per week is Great!" We'd all love the fastest results possible, but what appeals to us in that sense is often counter-productive. Good luck in reaching your goals!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    What about zig zagging calories- is that still a good thing or is that teaching your body to load up on carbs?


    maybe i should eat more :/ I'm still not sure if i'm buying it though. I usually average 1,100 - 1,000 cals a week-i binge maybe once a month and that's 2,000 calories tops! usually 1,600-1,800 would be my "binge"
    am I in the wrong? This week I may try 1,200 cals average but I'm not going to lie I am still very hesitant.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    If zigzagging is done properly, no, it won't cause starvation mode. When it's done properly, you still average the amount of calories of your daily cal goal. And the higher days should not really have a higher ratio of carbs. The macro (protein/fat/carbs) ratios should generally be consistent on high and low days.

    The amount of cals you need is dependent on height, weight, age, activity level, exercise.
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    Hope I'm ok-My little brother had his communion and so I went out to lunch and had cake and ice-cream and ate candy with everyone. So i guess I binged. But it was a special occacion and very fun :) so today I ate 500 calories-but If I go back to my goal of eating 1,200 calories-loosing a little less than a pound a week- I should be ok?-still loose a bit of weight / maintain (never become less than 17.5) ? I may be on the too thin side but I don't feel like I'm starving myself or setting myself up for disaster. ... but now I'm kind of worried-btw thanks for your reply!!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    please keep bumping this!!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Hope I'm ok-My little brother had his communion and so I went out to lunch and had cake and ice-cream and ate candy with everyone. So i guess I binged. But it was a special occacion and very fun :) so today I ate 500 calories-but If I go back to my goal of eating 1,200 calories-loosing a little less than a pound a week- I should be ok?-still loose a bit of weight / maintain (never become less than 17.5) ? I may be on the too thin side but I don't feel like I'm starving myself or setting myself up for disaster. ... but now I'm kind of worried-btw thanks for your reply!!

    From what I can see of your stats (which is very little), you should not be trying to that much per week. That is far too aggressive for the stage you're at.

    Again, I'd need more info (height, weight, age, activity level and exercise) to be able to give any kind of advice on what your cal goals should be.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Hope I'm ok-My little brother had his communion and so I went out to lunch and had cake and ice-cream and ate candy with everyone. So i guess I binged. But it was a special occacion and very fun :) so today I ate 500 calories-but If I go back to my goal of eating 1,200 calories-loosing a little less than a pound a week- I should be ok?-still loose a bit of weight / maintain (never become less than 17.5) ? I may be on the too thin side but I don't feel like I'm starving myself or setting myself up for disaster. ... but now I'm kind of worried-btw thanks for your reply!!

    From what I can see of your stats (which is very little), you should not be trying to that much per week. That is far too aggressive for the stage you're at.

    Again, I'd need more info (height, weight, age, activity level and exercise) to be able to give any kind of advice on what your cal goals should be.

    Feel free to send me a mail if you'd like to discuss it privately. :flowerforyou:
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    Hope I'm ok-My little brother had his communion and so I went out to lunch and had cake and ice-cream and ate candy with everyone. So i guess I binged. But it was a special occacion and very fun :) so today I ate 500 calories-but If I go back to my goal of eating 1,200 calories-loosing a little less than a pound a week- I should be ok?-still loose a bit of weight / maintain (never become less than 17.5) ? I may be on the too thin side but I don't feel like I'm starving myself or setting myself up for disaster. ... but now I'm kind of worried-btw thanks for your reply!!

    From what I can see of your stats (which is very little), you should not be trying to that much per week. That is far too aggressive for the stage you're at.

    Again, I'd need more info (height, weight, age, activity level and exercise) to be able to give any kind of advice on what your cal goals should be.

    I'm not really trying to loose-Mostly stay the same maybe loose a tiny tiny bit per week-I just don't want to gain. i'm 5'7'' and 117pounds right now (also just got my period :)so maybe more like 115pounds-I would like to know of other thin girls who eat 1,400 or so calories-I just don't believe its possible-kind of why i'm on/like this site
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Hope I'm ok-My little brother had his communion and so I went out to lunch and had cake and ice-cream and ate candy with everyone. So i guess I binged. But it was a special occacion and very fun :) so today I ate 500 calories-but If I go back to my goal of eating 1,200 calories-loosing a little less than a pound a week- I should be ok?-still loose a bit of weight / maintain (never become less than 17.5) ? I may be on the too thin side but I don't feel like I'm starving myself or setting myself up for disaster. ... but now I'm kind of worried-btw thanks for your reply!!

    From what I can see of your stats (which is very little), you should not be trying to that much per week. That is far too aggressive for the stage you're at.

    Again, I'd need more info (height, weight, age, activity level and exercise) to be able to give any kind of advice on what your cal goals should be.

    I'm not really trying to loose-Mostly stay the same maybe loose a tiny tiny bit per week-I just don't want to gain. i'm 5'7'' and 117pounds right now (also just got my period :)so maybe more like 115pounds-I would like to know of other thin girls who eat 1,400 or so calories-I just don't believe its possible-kind of why i'm on/like this site

    Well, first, I'm going to say that I think you're probably too thin. IMO, healthy is infinitely more attractive (and sustainable) than just thin. That's just my opinion, take it for what it's worth.

    If you scroll back to page 3 and read Robin52077's posts, you can see she's much smaller than you and eats far more. If you send her a friend request or mail her, I'm sure she'd be happy to talk to you about it.

    At 5'7", your BMR is about 1325. That is what you burn just being alive, as if in a coma. With just a sedentary activity level, your maintenance calories are about 1725. However, there's a good chance you've slowed your metabolism and would need to work up to that level to avoid gaining weight. If you begin adding about 50 cals a day, every 2 weeks or so, you shouldn't see a gain. And by doing that, you would increase your metabolism again, so that you wouldn't HAVE to eat so little to avoid gaining.
  • fmktjod
    fmktjod Posts: 49 Member
    What a great post and I eco what many other have said, well balanced, couragous, thoughtful and generous. Thank you.

    I too was not educated in eating back exercise calories and confused when I got here and didn't want to do anything to impede my progress of compound the weight/health problems. I come from an athletic background and have never been one to starve myself or count calories until I got to MFP. I lean on my brother too who is a sucessful well trainer and WHEN I can get a hold of him he is tremendously supportive and helpful. I rejoice in eating my calories back since I love food - healthy food. Never been really into junk food. For me my problem was really lack of exersice and portion control as well as cutting back on decident glamerous foods. I feel like I'm on the "right" track and think I'm eating enough - hope I'm not over eating, but I guess we'll see. I bought a HRM which is helping me to see the picture clearer but I still know there is no "perfect" recording for me. I'm loosing and toning so again I think I'm on the right track.

    I am looking for more MFP friends who have done some research and are finding solid information to back up their posts as well a finding success in their fitness/healthy nutrition journey. I'm certainly going to be friending several folks from this post as there are many who seem to have a balanced and knowledge based perspective.

    Thanks again!
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