Join Me! 30 Day Shred



  • jgsims
    jgsims Posts: 11
    I am so glad to see so many people like this workout. I have the DVD, but have not been faithful about doing it, at all. I will plan on starting next week (I have some mental block about starting somthing on Thursday!). I have to get up early in the morning to do it, so I've got to get my mind right. I WILL DO IT.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Good luck with the workout JGSims.
    I can't workout in the morning, my back hates me if I push it early in the day.

    So hubs took the day off so we took a "road trip" to Niagara Falls with the little guy and yes I brought my Jillian DVDs. However, I didn't bring weights so I did the 6 week 6-pack. I like the 30 day shred better I think. I think it's like a comfy pair of slippers right now and I LOVE how much I sweat doing the shred. Anyway I had a TERRIBLE dinner and now I'm feeling icky, that combined with the cold I'm fighting but I feel better for working out while overlooking the falls! What better setting really.
  • Skolls081102
    No Shred for me today. Decided on trying out an elliptical at my neighbors house. Did 22 minutes. Owwwwwwwww! Don't know how much more Shred I am going to do. I am almost getting bored with it. I need to keep changing. I am thinking about rotating through a few different workouts....and also contemplating Insanity (although I am really afraid of putting on muscle mass weight). We'll see.
  • captainshlem
    captainshlem Posts: 12 Member
    did workout 3 day 1 today, man I gotta warm up my knees a bit more before all those jumps. but I most definately loved it cant wait to do it again tomorrow :D though not at 5:30am...I have a work meeting before work bleh.
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    missed the shred last two days life got in the way im back on it today. level one day 13:smile:
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    i skipped my shred yesterday. I'm hoping to get a shred in this afternoon and then try out the Banish Fat DVD this evening. It's a gorgeous day out today though so I should go for a walk but I feel like being lazy
  • sassygirl85
    OMG...did lvl1 day 1 today that is brutal!!!! got all the way thru it with a few 5sec breathers but thats nuts lol
  • staceywoo
    staceywoo Posts: 56
    I started the 30 day shred on Friday (or as I keep accidentally saying, 30 second shred - wishful thinking!) so today I'm on L1 D4. I'm really enjoying it, it's not as hard as I thought it would be - I've never done an exercise DVD like this so I didn't know what to expect. I'm going swimming tonight so think the shred will have to resume tomorrow, my plan is to make sure I do the shred or some intensive cardio every day. I've only got a few pounds left til my target, so I'm hoping that the 30DS will help me to tone up and make those last few pounds a little easier :)
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Good luck with those lasat few pounds Stacey.
    SassyGirl keep with it. The first day is the worst I think. I was so sore but I just pushed through and felt awesome afterwards.

    I really like the Shred. I did day 24 today. I've been taking a few days off here and there so my 30 days is taking awhile. :) I did measurements today though and I've lost a lot around my waist. I actually have a waist again. I'm going to be so excited to have my measurements done for my skating dress for next season! :)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Today is day 5 of level 1 for me. Sounds like everyone is already on L2 and L3! I have to say, Jillian is kicking my butt!
  • Skolls081102
    Hey guys, wanted to check in with you guys. I'm not abandoning you, just changing my exercise routine. I was kinda getting bored of Jillian, and if I get bored, I won;t work out. Jillian kicked my butt in a good way. But I am moving on to Insanity. She actually prepped me pretty good. I did the Fitness Test yesterday and the first video tonight. Damn!!! Good workout. Keep up the awesome work guys!!!
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I just started it today...I can do the cardo not a problem...the push ups and strength kill me...I just recently was able to do a push up (the girl kind) so now that it is in this video maybe I will be able to do them better and more...I did maybe a little less then half that of what she wanted us to do. It killed me.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Mike - good luck with the insanity workout.

    And believe me the push ups get easier. I went from being able to do none to 10 or more in a row and I swear I can see the difference in my shoulders. They look pretty good if I do say so myself. So keep up with them. you can do them.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I am on L1 day 6 and I have a question: Does the sorenes EVER go away!? WOW everyday it feels like a new muscle is sore. Stupid Jullian. :laugh:
  • captainshlem
    captainshlem Posts: 12 Member
    I finished my last day of workout three yesterday, cant believe I made it. I did my first day of ripped in 30 today. wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be, but its only week one.