*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #8 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member

    Hmmmm let's see....

    1) Bags of Mixed Greens and Spinach for salads. I like to buy those and tomatoes, green onion, cucumbers, carrots, chopped onion, etc.....this is so I can make a big salad and then use that throughout the week to take to work.
    2) Low Sodium Canned Tuna, or Low Sodium Canned Chicken or Tyson Cooked Chicken Breast (These are for me to add to the salad...great protein)
    3) Almonds (Raw and unsalted)
    4) Egg Beaters Liquid Egg Whites
    5) Whole Eggs (I boil these in the morning and take them for snacks) I eat one whole one and just the white of another one
    6) Granola (look for ones lower in sodium and sugar)
    7) Quaker Oats Plain Oatmeal (This is my morning staple meal lol) I just get the big tub
    8) Blueberries (Great antioxidant and I do .33 to 1/2 cup on my oatmeal)
    9) Finely ground flaxseed (2 tbsp mixed in my oatmeal every morning)
    10) Boneless skinless chicken breast, might as well get a ton of these LOL
    11) Chicken Wings
    12) Whole Wheat Organic Pasta
    13) Spaghetti Sauce...look for ones lower in sodium or organic if possible
    14) Ground turkey ( I like to keep this on hand to make a turkey patty in the morning for my lunch at work)
    15) Bidsweet Steamable Veggies (They are great side dishes, and low in sodium)
    16) Brown Rice (I use Uncle Ben's)
    17) Black Beans
    18) And as many snack veggies, fruits, anything that will keep you away from grabbing high fat, sodium, calories....

    *That is all I can think about for now.... :) I hope this helps!

    Great list! Good to know I already have quite a few of these things. #3, 5, 7, 9 (I bought this when I was doing Atkins. Can you taste it in the oatmeal?, 10, 16 (I love, love Uncle Ben's fast and natural brown rice. So yummy!)

    Now I just need to add a few things to it and eat them!

    I cant taste it at all...especially since I had the fresh fruit to the oatmeal as well.

    I have tried other brown rice and none of them beat Uncle Ben's brown rice! I like Costco's egg beaters also.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Daily Inspiration for February 22, 2011

    Respect your triggers.

    Maybe you let your son buy chips at the store yesterday. Or you have eaten at restaurants more often lately. Did you offer to bake something to bring to a party--something you know will trigger food cravings in you? Once on the road to recovery, you may feel that you can handle more temptations. Sometimes you can. And sometimes allowing your food triggers to creep back into your life is a recipe for disaster.

    Your triggers are a part of you and must be acknowledged and respected. Obesity is a deadly disease, and you have it, whether you are thin or heavy. It's time to gently tell yourself, "No." There are some foods you just can't be around safely. Staying away from a trigger food is a one-day-at-a-time challenge. But you can do it.

    Action for the day: Make an honest list of your trigger foods. Are any of them in your house? Ask a friend to help you get rid of them now. It will never get any easier. Not even after you've gained 10 pounds. So do it now.
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Put your best foot forward and move ahead, one day at a time. Do not let yourself give up!

    Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Great job, Zeta Diva!! Get back in the race and take one day at a time. We didn't get this way over night and it will take a while for us to get our bodies to the way they should be. Glad you are back!
  • MichelleOnTrack
    We love Quinoa! I find it in the natural food section and I also find it near the rice and couscous. I have purchased regular and organic before. I have a recipe posted on my blog for creamy quinoa primavera.
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    Sorry i've been MIA on here for awhile... I've been riding an emotional roller coaster and trying to keep myself in check. Staying away from the kitchen and emotional eating is SOOO hard. I am proud of myself today though because even though I didn't feel like it and really tried to talk myself out of it I exercised and worked really hard :)

    Glad to see everyone keeping up the support here.. I am blessed to be in a such a great group of ladies.. and thanks for posting the grocery list of "good" items to buy.. it helps me to see things that others are eating :)

    Have a great week ladies and keep up the good work!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey Snowflakes!

    I won't be around much the next week or so as I have a test coming up. But just a quick update: I made a few eating mishaps over the last couple of days, but I'm doing better on that. I'm on the fourth day of training for my 10K. I ran 4 miles for the first time in my entire life on Sunday. And I did it in 44:57. I was very proud.

    The plan for today is to eat well and get out to the park to run 3 miles today. My long runs are on Sundays, so I'm going to try to run 4.5 or 5 miles on Sunday. Getting closer to the 10K of 6.1 miles!! :smile:

    Hope everyone is doing well!! Keep up the hard work!
  • forgiven4life

    Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

    Phillippians 4:8
    Love it!:flowerforyou:
    Thanks for this!
  • bhonniered
    So - I finally go around to checking my diary and my sodium was OUT OF CONTROL! :embarassed:

    I have been more aware of it for the last 4 days and took a couple days as rest days got on the scale and behold - 3 lbs gone! Whew - glad I am back on track!

    Thanks everyone for your support!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I must say, I am a little bummed about not meeting my mini-goal today...I was looking to see 210 by today! :( But that is ok. I am not too far from it, and I hoping ot hit it by Friday. Totally set my alarm wrong this morning so I didn't get to wake up at 6AM to jog. But I am going to do some jogging in place while I watch "The Biggest Loser" I find that it is great motivation while I am doing that.

    So since I didn't get to jog this morning...I will be doing it Wednsday, Thursday, and Friday morning. Which will be a 3 day break from Zumba :( Although, I may sneak some in in the evening tomorrow and Friday. Also, Saturday is the Zumba American Heart Association Event.... I decided to print out the Couch 2 5K program in order to prepare for my 5K in May, I think it is more regimented than just jogging 2 miles a day...gotta build myself up to it :)

    Lastly, I am very excited to report that I just purchased my first Zumba racerback and Zumba capris....EXCITED! I hope they fit lol. If not, it will give me somethng to work towards. I hope everone is having a wonderful day today!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hello Snowflakes!!! I am still sicky icky so no workout today :( I did stay under calories yesterday and plan to be under today too, so hopefully i wont be completely sabatoged this week, although it is TOM so I dont think I will not be expecting a loss this week :( just hoping to not see a gain, but im sure i will have a gain :( I really just dont want to go back into the 160s, i have been feeling great knowing that I am in the 150s!! I am so glad to see everyone staying positive too!!! Keep up the good work ladies!!
  • forgiven4life
    So I went to the grocery store today and picked up a few things. I got:
    light balsamic dressing

    I think that is all. I didn't get to pick up everything I wanted b/c I couldn't get any frozen items like broccoli or frozen fruit because I didn't go right home. I plan on using my berries in some oatmeal for breakfast. I made a delicious salad tonight with some romain lettuce, strawberries, blueberries, tomato, cucumber and a little shredded cheese with the balsamic dressing. Very good! I got in a run tonight as well, so I am getting back on track. Yay!
  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    Awesome job, Whittrusty...Way to go!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I was doing so well with food and my workout. Now I am sick with a chest cold and have not motivation to do anything. I have been eating soup for the last couple of days so my sodium has been high. UGH well once I feel better I will get back to it.
    Get well soon! Soup up! Maybe make some homemade, to lower sodium. (Carrots, chicken, celery, whole grain noodles, and then whatever spices you like...)
    So far on my list I have: broccoli, strawberries, bananas,
    Those are my big three! I also like leafy greens: spinach, kale, romain lettuce... Eggs, yogurt (only a couple, so I ( / you) don't overindulge), GRAPES!!! Red, orange, yellow, and green bell peppers. Lemons to squeeze into your water in the morning, or to use on fish, sardines, avocado, radishes, oranges, tangerines, squash, kiwi. Go for what's in season and local to get the most nutrients. (I see this is more a fruits and veggies list... :wink: )
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Do any of you eat Quinoa? If so where do you find it in the stores? By noodles and rice? I know I have seen it and now that I am looking for it, I can't find it. I still have to hit the larger stores. The knock off or discount groceries do not carry it.

    Also if you eat Quinoa, do you have any good receipes for it? Thanks in advance for any replies!
    I made it once recently and LOVED it!! So delicious! This is the recipe I made, which I found through another MFP member: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Quinoa-and-Black-Beans/Detail.aspx Beware the sodium in your broth. It was sooo good. A little spicy, if you don't mind cayenne pepper. Leave it out for no spiciness. I bought this brand: http://www.bobsredmill.com/grains-beans-seeds/ from the grocery store. I pain $8 (CDN) for it, and also found it at another store for $11!!! I was so happy I got the $8 one. I found it in the INGREDIENT section - by spices, icing, cake mix, pancake mix, sugar, tea, etc. I also found it in the health food / gluten-free / organic section of one store.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Krys, what is the Zumba American Heart Association Event? sounds like fun! In October, for breast cancer awareness month, we had a zumbathon to raise money and awareness, it was a lot of fun.
    Sorry you didn't meet your goal. I know you can do it by Friday.

    I got on the scale this morning and I'm up 2 pounds. I'm not surprised. But I am doing all that I can. I have been working on upper body strengths, wall push ups, ab work. I try to do walking laps in the house, as tolerated. Not sure if it will go down before Friday, but I sure hope it doesn't go up anymore!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    TeamLeela... REST REST REST!!! Only do what you can, and no more until you get results from your test!
    I won't be around much the next week or so as I have a test coming up. But just a quick update: I made a few eating mishaps over the last couple of days, but I'm doing better on that. I'm on the fourth day of training for my 10K. I ran 4 miles for the first time in my entire life on Sunday. And I did it in 44:57. I was very proud.
    Awesome running!!! :drinker:
  • forgiven4life
    I decided to print out the Couch 2 5K program in order to prepare for my 5K in May, I think it is more regimented than just jogging 2 miles a day...gotta build myself up to it :)

    Kry- I'm doing a 5K in May too! I downloaded a podcast for each week of the C25K from someone's blog. She put the cues of when to jog/walk to upbeat music and I love it! Only thing is my ipod doesn't work anymore and I have to figure out some other way to listen to it. Maybe I can transfer it over to my phone. I'm running with a group from church and we are on our 3rd week, but I have only been able to run 2x since I have been sick. Last night's run was hard because my chest is still a little congested, but I feel great today!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning...So Tuesday was the achilles heel that got me. I had it beat last week and was so happy with myself. This morning I have a little bit of lingering self-annoyance. I have a super long teaching day on Tuesdays, where I arrive at the office about 8 am and don't leave the building until 9 pm. The first weeks of classes, I was having these disastrous Tuesdays--always going over, always eating the wrong thing. But then last week, I decided that when I felt restless or hungry, I would have a glass of water and then go outside. Even for a five minute walk. I love the outdoors and crave fresh air so that was a nice refresher for me. And last Tuesday I stayed in my calories. Well yesterday I had back to back meetings and even though I packed breakfast, lunch, dinner and healthy snacks, when I was heading into my 3 hour evening class, I was already hungry again. It was even embarrassing because my tummy was growling while I was lecturing! So when my boyfriend came to pick me up & decided to swing by Wendy's he asked if I wanted anything, my mind said no, but the mouth said something totally different. I don't even support frankenfoods! I know I'm bloated this morning so today and tomorrow, I am focusing on high protein and high fiber to get some of this bloat off so that way I can feel good about weighing in on Friday.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I went to the grocery store today and picked up a few things. I got:
    light balsamic dressing

    I think that is all. I didn't get to pick up everything I wanted b/c I couldn't get any frozen items like broccoli or frozen fruit because I didn't go right home. I plan on using my berries in some oatmeal for breakfast. I made a delicious salad tonight with some romain lettuce, strawberries, blueberries, tomato, cucumber and a little shredded cheese with the balsamic dressing. Very good! I got in a run tonight as well, so I am getting back on track. Yay!

    Great job...way to get back on track! Very proud of you...Yeah, I am excited about the 5K for sure! It will be something that I have never done before, especially since I stopped playing sports. So I have to really get focused! But we can do this!