*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #8 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Krys, what is the Zumba American Heart Association Event? sounds like fun! In October, for breast cancer awareness month, we had a zumbathon to raise money and awareness, it was a lot of fun.
    Sorry you didn't meet your goal. I know you can do it by Friday.

    I got on the scale this morning and I'm up 2 pounds. I'm not surprised. But I am doing all that I can. I have been working on upper body strengths, wall push ups, ab work. I try to do walking laps in the house, as tolerated. Not sure if it will go down before Friday, but I sure hope it doesn't go up anymore!

    It is called "Party Hearty" it is very similar to the event it looks like you have done. So basically it is through zumba.com and you can find ones in your area. You just by a ticket in advance or at the door and it gets donated to the AHA. I am pretty excited about it, because it will be my first LIVE class. :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes! Ok so this was the first day that I have had in months of not feeling motivated. I woke up this morning with cramps....Ok and this may be an overshare but hey...who else am I going to talk to besides you guys right lol

    So I am on Depo Provera...have been on it since October 14th. Now as some of you may no you end up with spotting, blah blah blah after the first shot. Ok well I missed one whole cycle and then I was on one. I didnt have one last month, if my memory serves me correctly, I did it was light. Then all of a sudden this month....IT IS FULL FORCE!!! REALLY?! Like I woke up this morning with cramps, and all of that. I haven't had this feeling since before I started Depo. My low back hurts really bad, I am sluggish, and irritated. I am at work and just want to scream and then go home lol.

    I stepped on the scale (which I didn't put under the bed, because I wanted to see if I had the willpower to not look and today was the only day) and I was up this morning. Now this was before I realized that TOM was making a comeback into my life. and I think from there I have been a Pessimistic Penny LOL...I know I know...me pessimistic, I am the one that is suppose to be the motivator and the one with all the answers! However, today I am not feeling it LOL.

    Ok so now that I got that out...I am fine now. I am going to take some pain meds, suck it up, down my water, and go home and work out. I am thinking some jogging in place while American Idol is on and then maybe a little bit of Zumba...we will see how I am feeling at that point. I may not see a loss this week because of TOM, but I am definitely looking forward to the big one that I WILL put up next week! :heart:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies on the Quonia! i am going to try it. I already have the chicken broth! Happy Hump day!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Snowflakes :flowerforyou:

    I tried the quinoa once , But stupid me didn't read the directions first and just assumed they were cooked like the lentils. So they came out mushy & thick. I had cooked them with zuccini and zesty diced tomatoes. I actually have it on my dinner menu for tonight, but a friend told me it taste better with beans. So I'll be cooking it with black beans tonight.

    Another great food item that's healthy And I Love them mixed with other beans. I eat IT with my chicken breast . ( So HEALTHY)

    I am So Happy today!!! because I weighed myself and Im finally in my 160's [ Yes on the high end 168.8 } And According to MFP Im also out of the Obese RANGE, YAY!!!!!!! I AM SO thrilled

    My story:
    I used to go up and down with my weight, way back in my younger days ( 20's to 35 yrs ) But when I hit 40 yrs I have done nothing but go up and up and up. I was 174 pounds at age 40 when I got a hyterectomy and just remember climbing up since then and now at age 48 I got up to 206.4 POUNDS. Im 5' 3" inches. So I started MFP one week after Thanksgiving. I was told about this site from my Fathers girlfriend. And Since I've started this GREAT AWESOME SITE, I have met some Wonderful, Special people, That have helped me tremendously. I have done nothing but go down, down & down in weight. Once I picked up 2 pounds but got right back on track and lost it quickly.
    THIS IS A life change, Not a quick fix. For me its exercising almost every day , My Goal is 1 hr fast walking every day & 3 times a week I do 2 hours of fast walking. And MY goal is sticking to around 1200 calories. So I went from 206.4 to 168.8 {LOST a total of 37.6 pounds}. I still Have a long way to go { Need to lose 43.8 Pounds} BUT THIS TIME IM DOING IT RIGHT!

    Today I met my HALF WAY mark on this challenge :drinker:

    :bigsmile: Sorry!!! I hope I wasn't to boring

    I wish everyone the absolute BEST!!! And Super Weight loss !!! :happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hi Snowflakes. I just wanted to rant a little about my day, and I wanna do it here, cause you are all so amazing and supportive.

    Wow, what a rough night! Pre-planning today didn't really workout for me at ALL! I went out this afternoon, and was hungry, so I got a french vanilla coffee and ate 1.5 doughnuts. Then I felt HORRIBLE!!! Like, I thought I was going to be sick. I was actually kind of happy about that, cause I think it means I've been getting used to healthy foods. So I really did a number on my stomach there...

    Yesterday during the Shred, I felt soo emotional, and was almost in tears. Today, I couldn't do the last ab circuit of the Shred, but afterward, I was trying out Leslie Sansone's "Fast and Firm, Four Really Big Miles" (I did 1.5 miles), and 1/3 through the 26 mins I walked, I was nearly crying from that! Leslie was so upbeat and inspirational, and it really got to me.

    It was like a wow moment. I am really working hard to get to my goals for the first time in my life (like, working HARD - I've always been working toward my goals), and it's scary and sad and happy and overwhelming and exciting and jubilant all at the same time!! And from being here since January, I know I'm not the only one taking charge of my life here and making change happen!!

    I just don't know what's up with me lately. I'm always emotional, but this is almost beyond me! But TOM's on his way. I usually don't get this moody before TOM, but there's a first for everything. Maybe getting healthier has made me more aware of my feelings or something. Or maybe, because (until this afternoon) I haven't been using food to cover my feelings.

    Is anyone else feeling more emotional, for "no apparent reason"?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well I am with Steph...I have had a VERY emotional day today. And for me, I am not a naturally emotional person. I realized that I hit the dreaded PLATEAU! And I really don't think I prepared myself for it...so it really hit me hard. I think more than your body hitting a plateau, your mind hits one too. So for the better part of the day today, I was a little bit of a Debbie Downer and just felt very BLAH! But I do think this has to do with TOM. This would be a first for me being extra emotional during TOM. And since TOM came so unexpectedly...completely derailed me.

    But I think I am over it now. I have to refocus and think about ways to push through the plateau. I am thinking about either zig-zagging my calories, or trying to eat back exercise calories...I think zig-zagging will work better for me because I have a hard time thinking about eating back 500-900 calories...

    I have to be happy and proud that I have lost 40lbs and never in a million years would have thought I could have come this far...!ut I feel like this is how champions are made...when the pressure gets heavy, champions rise to the occasion and knock down walls! That is what I am going to do! I am a CHAMPION and I refuse to give into emotions. This is where and when I can shine! I gave myself 1 day to gripe...and now I'm done! Jumping back on the saddle and not stopping until I hit my goal!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I had to share this with everyone...I absolutely LOVE this quote and it has really hit home for me tonight:

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Steph and Kry_T **HUGS** Both of you are more than allowed to have Debbie Downer days. Everyday doesn't have to be an amazing day. Both of you are so strong. You are working so hard and some days are just not going to be great or even good. But you are both getting through it, working through it and becoming and being better SELVES every day
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    But then last week, I decided that when I felt restless or hungry, I would have a glass of water and then go outside. Even for a five minute walk. I love the outdoors and crave fresh air so that was a nice refresher for me. And last Tuesday I stayed in my calories. Well yesterday I had back to back meetings and even though I packed breakfast, lunch, dinner and healthy snacks, when I was heading into my 3 hour evening class, I was already hungry again. It was even embarrassing because my tummy was growling while I was lecturing! So when my boyfriend came to pick me up & decided to swing by Wendy's he asked if I wanted anything, my mind said no, but the mouth said something totally different. I don't even support frankenfoods!
    leandread... That's a great idea about the water followed by fresh air! I had the same experience you had with the bf yesterday with my sister when she got coffee and a bagel, and I ended up getting donuts and a coffee, and I don't even LIKE coffee!! :cry:

    TeresaSavage... I like lentils too! I boil them up with black beans, mash them up, and make bean burgers! I used to use egg and bread crumbs to hold them together while I fried them like hamburger, but now I just add chili powder and pile the mashed mix onto my bread (my bun) with some mustard. :wink: Congrats on the 160's!! :drinker: Great job getting HALF WAY!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am at work and just want to scream and then go home lol.
    Wouldn't that have been nice?
    I stepped on the scale (which I didn't put under the bed, because I wanted to see if I had the willpower to not look and today was the only day) and I was up this morning. Now this was before I realized that TOM was making a comeback into my life. and I think from there I have been a Pessimistic Penny LOL...I know I know...me pessimistic, I am the one that is suppose to be the motivator and the one with all the answers! However, today I am not feeling it LOL.

    Ok so now that I got that out...I am fine now. I am going to take some pain meds, suck it up, down my water, and go home and work out.
    I was gonna ask why you were tempted to weigh in if TOM was on his way, but then I read that you didn't know that. I usually know when TOM's coming, so I can kind of prepare (mentally :laugh: ) for it. But now that you DO know it was TOM's fault, you can get on with the rest of your week, and dismiss that weigh in as being accurate. :bigsmile:

    Thanks for relating to my little emotional post. :flowerforyou:

    Zig-zagging sounds interesting. I bet it would work cause you'd keep your body guessing how much you're gonna eat. Based even on my own experience, I am pretty confident that that should work.
    I am a CHAMPION and I refuse to give into emotions. This is where and when I can shine! I gave myself 1 day to gripe...and now I'm done! Jumping back on the saddle and not stopping until I hit my goal!
    Spoken like a true champion!! :drinker:
    Steph and Kry_T **HUGS** Both of you are more than allowed to have Debbie Downer days. Everyday doesn't have to be an amazing day. Both of you are so strong. You are working so hard and some days are just not going to be great or even good. But you are both getting through it, working through it and becoming and being better SELVES every day
    leandread... Thank you for your inspiring words!! :flowerforyou: We ARE getting through it! :blushing:
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I've been so MIA! I've been struggling & trying to get myself back on track. It seems lately that I want to eat everything in sight - I know it's not hunger, but bad habits for stress. I think what knocked me for a loop is:

    Hubby & I have been on a very tight budget working like crazy to pay off all our debt (since April 2007). We are down to just my student loans, my minivan loan (and our mortgage) - and it looked like there would finally be an end in sight - that we would have it all (except the mortgage) paid off by December 31, 2011. But, winter hit & our house started leaking. It looks like our house can't take another year without new windows and siding (they are 51 years old, so I suppose it's time).

    But facing an expense of $23,000 when we've worked so hard to no struggle anymore, just took the wind out of my sails.

    So, I need to end the pity party and play the hand I've been dealt. People deal with stuff like this all the time without turning their bodies into the goodyear blimp.

    Thanks so much - off to log my food in...

    hugs, Amy :0)
  • forgiven4life
    I was trying out Leslie Sansone's "Fast and Firm, Four Really Big Miles" (I did 1.5 miles), and 1/3 through the 26 mins I walked, I was nearly crying from that! Leslie was so upbeat and inspirational, and it really got to me.

    Is anyone else feeling more emotional, for "no apparent reason"?

    I love Leslie Sansone! A lot of people don't really care for her because they say she is annoying, but I love how she is upbeat and motivational. And I can attest for the emotionality (if that is a word!) of her workouts sometimes too. There is one DVD I love to do where she is raising her hands in the air and pulling down and she says while she is raising her hands how thankful she is and how we should be thankful and several times I am teared up during that. I just love that she is spiritual without going overboard with it. I love working out with her.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I was trying out Leslie Sansone's "Fast and Firm, Four Really Big Miles" (I did 1.5 miles), and 1/3 through the 26 mins I walked, I was nearly crying from that! Leslie was so upbeat and inspirational, and it really got to me.

    Is anyone else feeling more emotional, for "no apparent reason"?

    I love Leslie Sansone! A lot of people don't really care for her because they say she is annoying, but I love how she is upbeat and motivational. And I can attest for the emotionality (if that is a word!) of her workouts sometimes too. There is one DVD I love to do where she is raising her hands in the air and pulling down and she says while she is raising her hands how thankful she is and how we should be thankful and several times I am teared up during that. I just love that she is spiritual without going overboard with it. I love working out with her.

    I like her...I use to do her 2 mile walk and I liked how she kept you motivated throughout the whole thing...and that 30 minutes went by quick. Im all about her...I thought about ordering her 4 miles walk DVD soon.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I've been so MIA! I've been struggling & trying to get myself back on track. It seems lately that I want to eat everything in sight - I know it's not hunger, but bad habits for stress. I think what knocked me for a loop is:

    Hubby & I have been on a very tight budget working like crazy to pay off all our debt (since April 2007). We are down to just my student loans, my minivan loan (and our mortgage) - and it looked like there would finally be an end in sight - that we would have it all (except the mortgage) paid off by December 31, 2011. But, winter hit & our house started leaking. It looks like our house can't take another year without new windows and siding (they are 51 years old, so I suppose it's time).

    But facing an expense of $23,000 when we've worked so hard to no struggle anymore, just took the wind out of my sails.

    So, I need to end the pity party and play the hand I've been dealt. People deal with stuff like this all the time without turning their bodies into the goodyear blimp.

    Thanks so much - off to log my food in...

    hugs, Amy :0)

    I totally know how this goes...But this so awesome that you and your hubby are getting a handle on debt! That is so great, because that is so hard to do for A LOT of people, me included. You are going to feel so wonderful after it is all said and done. I am also very happy that you came back on here to check-in with us all! We missed ya! But totally understand that thing called life. LOL
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Sorry i've been MIA on here for awhile... I've been riding an emotional roller coaster and trying to keep myself in check. Staying away from the kitchen and emotional eating is SOOO hard. I am proud of myself today though because even though I didn't feel like it and really tried to talk myself out of it I exercised and worked really hard :)

    Glad to see everyone keeping up the support here.. I am blessed to be in a such a great group of ladies.. and thanks for posting the grocery list of "good" items to buy.. it helps me to see things that others are eating :)

    Have a great week ladies and keep up the good work!

    I know the feeling...but it is ok, you will get through it!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok so I have come to the decision that starting tomorrow I am going to start zig-zagging my calories as well as officially starting C25K. I think I have been really tired in the mornings because of TOM, so I have to cut myself a break and go full steam next week. I am thinking that switching the workout routine and eating up, will help.

    I am also, going to try to eat some of my exercise calories back. Not all of them..because realistically eating back 500 to 800 calories is not going to happen. So I will just do little things like eat more ounces of lean protein, add some more healthy oils to my diet, and doing more avocado. So we will see if this helps. I figured that my body has been surviving off of 1100-1300 calories only for some time now, and when I figure in exercise way less than that. So it is time to switch some stuff up and give myself a new jumpstart!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Thursday Snowflakes! I hope everyone has had a good week. I see that I am not the only one having TOM this week!!! I have been sick for a while now and I havent worked out at all this week, so unfortunately that combined with TOM i will probably see a gain this week :sad: Damn virus!! Not to mention I have had cramps and headaches from head all week:sad: I am not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow! not to mention I have an exam tomorrow so I am not looking forward to tomorrow at all....oh well next week is is a new week and time for me to get back on track!! Good luck in the weigh in tomorrow!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member

    Ok you all have to read this....It is a real interview from a biggest loser contestant, a true interview!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    Ok you all have to read this....It is a real interview from a biggest loser contestant, a true interview!!

    WOW WOW AND WOW.....I knew it! Funny thing is I wrote a blog myself about "The Biggest Loser" and I never for a second thought that someone could genuinely lose 20lbs in a week and it not be due to lack of water in their system. As much as I watch the show...this makes me sad if this is still going on now.

    It goes to show that being happy with a 2lb weight loss a week is the best way to be.....There is nothing natural about losing the amount of weight they lose in a "week". Good for her, for speaking out!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member

    Ok you all have to read this....It is a real interview from a biggest loser contestant, a true interview!!

    WOW WOW AND WOW.....I knew it! Funny thing is I wrote a blog myself about "The Biggest Loser" and I never for a second thought that someone could genuinely lose 20lbs in a week and it not be due to lack of water in their system. As much as I watch the show...this makes me sad if this is still going on now.

    It goes to show that being happy with a 2lb weight loss a week is the best way to be.....There is nothing natural about losing the amount of weight they lose in a "week". Good for her, for speaking out!

    I know!!! its horrible but it totally makes sense!! I mean i knew it was unrealistic that someone could genuinely lose that much weight in one week!! I didnt even think about them having to do that!!! bleeding feet and being forced to workout even with injuries!! It is horrible!!! makes me lose a lot of respect for Bob (who I love) and especially for the people at NBC for treating them that way!!!