SWaT Walking Group



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    Rainy so glad I have Zumba tonight! Have a happy, productive day!:flowerforyou:

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning Walkers!

    Last night I worked in another session of weight lifting, So I did a total of 1 hour of weights yesterday. This morning I just finished my Walk to the Mall 6.3 miles.

    Starting next week I'll be off Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday for a whole month ( YAY!!! ) More time to burn the FAT :happy:

    Time to relax by the pool and get some sun
    Have A Great Day Everyone And Keep on walking!!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't been around the last couple of days. Rough schedule right now and I've got some things I need to finish up. Hopefully back to walking tomorrow.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    Zumba was hard after a week and a half off! The gym was really hot (like August). Teacher introduced new steps and dances so my coordination was challenged. It'll get better after a few weeks.

    Hope you all are well!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    April Week 2

    Monday~4M 20M/W
    Tuesday~3.5M +Lawn work

    Walk, Walk, Walk!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    ey, everyone! I'm still around--just not on here as much.

    I found out that I average 4 miles a day at work with some days being 3 or so and others being well over 6. (And it's usually fast-paced and involves strength, too.)

    I've been doing the 10 Minute Carb Burner Solution that's on Netflix and want to add another 10 minutes each morning next week.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well. Hang in there!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Walkers!!

    Kathy ... WOW!!! Your really burning alot of calories at work. You get a lot of miles in. Whoo Hoooo!!

    I walked on the treadmill today 3.57 miles and right after I lifted the weights for 30 minutes

    Thank Goodness tomorrow is Friday!! YAY!!

    Good Night All!!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I finally got a walk in at lunch today. I did 2.5 miles at the park. I missed so many days it felt good to be walking again. Hopefully I can get back on track now that I've gotten some stuff out of the way.

    Thanks to all of you guys that are keeping us going. I think we'd just fizzle out if it weren't for those of you that are staying strong. Keep on walking.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    No exercise today. I finally got a project done tonight so I'll be able to get back into my routine tomorrow. Hope you all are well.

  • MarieS135
    MarieS135 Posts: 22 Member
    OOOOh Boy! Gotta start fresh tomorrow. It is my Bday today. Went out for lunch, out for dinner, came home had cake! Uggg!

    Had a wonderful time with my family though. Did alot of laughing :laugh:

    Good night everyone.:drinker:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    April Week 2

    Monday~4M 20M/W
    Tuesday~3.5M +Lawn work
    Thursday~ 5.5M 90 mins divided between PW and Elliptical level 4

    Happy Birthday MaynardF! The family time sounds wonderful. You can work those calories off! Burried in paperwork here. Walking and doing elliptical in short hard bursts to break it up.

    Walk, Walk, Walk!
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Added another 4 miles today. Basic walking nothing special. I joined the park district athletic club today. It's a beautiful facility with every kind of equipment I can think of along with a pool, steam room and ice skating rink. Well, I can't swim and I can't skate but the rest is all good. LOL I can't wait to try the beginner spinning class and a few of the workout classes. I have 4 months before I get my Mother of the Bride dress fitting. This should help! Have a great day Everyone!:smile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    Happy Birthday Maynard!
    Well I walked 4 miles with Leslie S. and did resistance bands for upper body this morning. I feel better now. My routine took a detour and so has my eating but I will continue this journey. It helps to have all of you to encourage me and keep me motivated.

    A big thanks for that!
    Luneytoonz- Sounds like a great athletic facility. Enjoy and I'm sure you'll look great in your dress.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    April Week 2

    Monday~4M 20M/W
    Tuesday~3.5M +Lawn work
    Thursday~ 5.5M 90 mins divided between PW and Elliptical level 4
    Friday~ Nada. Did she say nada? Yes she did! Tsk, tsk, tsk.
    Saturday~2.5M and coughing fits!

    Walk, walk, walk!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I don't think I've posted in a while but I've been walking at work--and sometimes in the evening when it's nice--and I've been doing the 10 Minute Solution workouts on Netflix most days.
    Today I want to get some work done in the yard. I really want to get my vegetables in their outside containers but it is still dropping below freezing here at night so they will stay inside for another week or so. I do wish it would warm up!

    Happy (belated) Birthday, Maynard!

    Looneytunz--You're doing great and that gym sounds great, too. Our park district sure doesn't have anything like that!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    My goal today is to walk outside in the sunshine, chilly but beautiful day, and then see if I can run 1-2 times around the track at the middle school. It's a start... I'll report my accomplishments later today.

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Walkers!!

    It's A Gorgeous Day here in Pompano Beach, Florida. 84 degrees and full of sunshine :happy:

    I missed out walking Friday and Saturday :frown: I got side tracked. But I finally pushed myself out the door this morning and did 6.4 miles . walked to Pompano Mall & back home. Then swam laps in my pool for 30 minutes. Tonight I will do my 30 minutes of weight lifting, I logged it on my ticker and my exercise Log, So that's a must!

    CONGRATULATIONS On your ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Quitting smoking and losing 45 pounds too. YOUR AMAZING!!!!! Hats off to you, I applaud You! I quit smoking cigarettes about 20 years ago, BUt thats when my weight sky rocketed. BIG HUG :drinker:

    You have an awesome athletics club. Thats wonderful!!!!! Great for the young ones to stay out of trouble too. Wish we had one like that here. I don't know why, maybe because they weren't making money, But all our skating rinks are pretty much extinct. :frown: Not that I could ever skate well or enjoyed it, But great for the kids.

    Wow, WAY TO GO!! one run around the middle school track would do me in. :laugh: Good Luck!!!

    Have a GREAT rest of the day folks. Time for lunch
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I thought I made a post yesterday morning but I don't see it now. Maybe I posted on the wrong thread! :laugh: That sounds like something I would do.

    Happy Belated Birthday Maynard. Birthday cake does not count if it's your own! :bigsmile:

    I walked 2.5 miles Friday at lunch and have been slacking ever since. Most of the day yesterday was spent doing chores and last minute prom stuff for my son & his girl. I don't know whats wrong with me today, I just can't seem to get motivated to do anything.

    I think maybe it's time we started looking for a new SWaT Leader. I never really thought of myself as the leader anyway, I just kind of inherited the group and get the new thread going each month. Everyone else keeps the group moving during the month. I just feel like I've been slacking too much lately so if anyone is interested, speak up! :flowerforyou:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    Sandy-don't leave us! We are all here to motivate each other and we all have days or weeks when we aren't as productive or motivated. You're on maintenance or close to it aren't you? Stay with us and stay on track! You don't have to check in every day, just when you feel like it...

    Well I walked briskly up to the middle school track and was able to go twice around half walked and half jogged (total 1/2 mile altogether). Then I walked briskly another 1.5 miles towards home the long way jogging short intervals and walking briskly the other. Worked up a good sweat but my bones feel old and creaky. I may try to keep it up if I don't get too sore. Interval training like that may get some pounds off of me. Cold today but felt good in the sun.

    My dog looked sad when I didn't take him with me. He can't do the distance anymore and his breathing gets too labored. Well hubbie is cooking up a veggie/chicken stir fry with fried rice and egg rolls. I have lots of calories left so I plan to chow!

    Have a nice evening everyone!:bigsmile:
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    I second the sentiment on not leaving us, Sandy. The motivation and support from this group has been helping me make my goals each month (especially in increasing my walking/exercising).

    Teresa, great news about your bikini. Congratulations! Your hard work and dedication is obviously paying off.

    As for me, unfortunately I gained 1.4 pounds last week. I knew the stress of my job and my dad was going to catch up to me. I've certainly been making better food choices, but with everything, I've been eating out a lot more than I had been. You just can't control the fats/oils in restaurant food. For example, I ordered broccoli at one place and it came in butter. YIKES! Anyway, I'm hoping to get myself back on track.

    Thanks for the well wishes for my dad. His surgery wasn't quite as successful as we'd hoped. His prostrate cancer is back, and he starts a six-week round of chemo. He's very positive, though, and we're hoping for the best.

    As for work, it's still pretty tumultuous. Not sure when we'll have a new boss, and many of us are wondering if we're next. It doesn't make for fun days.

    On a good note, I am up to 37 miles for the month, so I should be good to make my goal of 60. Keep walking, everyone! Summer weather is upon us, so sleeveless tops, shorts/capris, etc. Let's look good!!!!

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