SWaT Walking Group



  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello All Walkers :bigsmile:

    Where is everyone?

    Friday I took the Day off exercise to spend day with Mom And Then today I played Tennis instead of taking my walk. But when I came home I jumped on the treadmill for 40 minutes to get 2 miles in.

    Happy Holiday To Everyone! Stay Safe! Eat Healthy & keep on moving :drinker:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday~4M PW and Eliptical
    Tuesday~4M PW&Elliptical 29M Weights and snowshoveling
    Wednesday~ 2M~The Trainers Edge Workout~Firewood total 103M/965 calories (ouch) 15M/weights
    Thursday~1.5M~The other Trainers Edge workout, smiling exernazi power pilates 60M/592 Tsk, tsk, tsk, Alice, thats a baaad attitude.
    Friday~Whole bunch of Garden work Hauling Woodchips Lots of walking with loads, did not keep steps or mile but 90 minutes worth.
    Saturday~Marathon house cleaning inculding 120 minutes wash and polish hardwood floors. Moved all the furniture also.

    I am all in and all done for this week. Have a Wondewrful Easter!

    Onward and upward!!!!!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I forgot to post last night but I did my usual 2.5 miles at lunch. I did my walking today at the flea market. About 3 hours worth and 3 miles according to my pedometer. Now if I just hadn't undone all that with terrible eating today. Having to fill easter eggs with candy didn't help any. :sad:

    Happy Easter to all of you that celebrate! I'll be at a family dinner with lots of food! :noway: And I have to make dressing to take. I'm really starting to dislike making dressing! :frown:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Happy Easter! We had our Easter dinner today with some of hubbie's family over. Hubbie and I spent the morning cleaning all levels of the house and then relaxed until family arrived. Hubbie cooked and I cleaned up. We had a great ham dinner with veggies, mashed potatoes and whole wheat dinner rolls. I made chocolate chip cookies and had Dove and Godiva Chocolates in a basket for the center piece and dessert. My cleaning counted as exercise today. Tomorrow I plan to get in a good walk and some strength training. I've had a sore throat for days and my ears hurt. I went for a strep test but haven't heard if it was positive as of yet. More Nyquil for bed time so I can sleep. Knocks me out....

    Have a hoppin' easter Sunday!:laugh:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Hi everyone.

    We took the little guy to an Easter Egg Hunt yesterday. Of course, he didn't do much actual hunting but he sure enjoyed seeing all the people!

    Family coming today for dinner but not much candy in the house--one chocolate bunny each.

    I've been walking and trying out videos from Netflix--Pilates is a LOT harder than it looks! LOL! Lots of fun, though.

    Need to get going. Have a great day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Today has been great! Walked outside on this beautiful day on a trail and along a creek. The sun is shining and the temp is perfect for early spring. We had our big dinner yesterday so no cooking today. We went out for breakfast and are relaxing, reading, talking...A perfect Sunday!

    Hope you are all well!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Weekend check in and Easter blessings and sentiments to all. :flowerforyou:

    Well, things seem to be on an upswing for me. After barely making my March goal (did the last three miles on the last day!), I made my April goal today!!! With all the work and personal stress, I was falling behind, even missing five days in a row of walking. This, along with a 1.6 pound weight gain, got me moving, and I did a lot of five mile tapes (got the .6 pounds off, but still a ways to go).

    Thanks to all for the well wishes for my dad; I'm headed over to his house for Easter dinner with my siblings and nieces and nephews, and am looking forward to lots of fun family time. As for work, it's settling down, but I did have an interview last week --- first in a series of four for the position; good news is I "passed" the first round and was scheduled for the second interview for this week. It's less pay, but a really good opportunity, so I'm hoping things work out. :happy:

    Glad to hear the spring weather is hitting everyone (Alice, hope the blizzards and cold are done). We're having beautiful weather here in Phoenix, but gearing up for the triple digits that will then last through October. :glasses:

    Have a great week, everyone! It's the last week to make those April goals.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    I had an extra day off of work today and enjoyed myself. I went to the mall to shop for something new to treat myself. I bought new bras, badly needed, and shopped in the misses section rather than women's plus size section. I found a pair of jeans and two brightly colored tops to add to my spring wardrobe. Then I came home and put on my Zumba clothes (sleeveless top and capris) early and sat on the patio in the sun to get some color. Felt sooooooo good! My jeans are a 16 medium wore an 18W when I started MFP) and my tops are XL (was wearing 1x) so 14 pounds down means progress. Onward on this journey and I know in a year I will be wearing at least 2 sizes smaller than these.:bigsmile:

    Have a nice evening!:flowerforyou:

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Fellow walkers!

    How was everyones Holiday? I was pretty aweful with sodium and drinking mixed drinks. didn't do so good on calories either. But Im back on track today.

    I see we only have 5 more days left in April, I should be able to finish my weight lifting goal fine But I'll be skimming it with the walks. So I better get a nice long walk tomorrow.

    I got 3 miles with the treadmill and 30 minutes with weight lifting today!

    Jenny!! Thats awesome! It definitely feels Great to get out of the womens clothes. I'm so happy for you! Sounds like you had a wonderful day today.

    Have a wonderful night everyone!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Congratulations on the shopping Jenny. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll start to go through sizes. It's a great feeling.

    I did the 3-mile WATP walk off 10 lbs tonight. I'm going to try and get back to what was working for me. The outside walking is great but I just don't have the time to get in anything longer than the 2.5 miles during lunch and I just don't feel like it is enough. At least with the WATP's I feel more productive. I've really got to get back on track and stay on track.

    Keep on walking everyone, the month is almost gone!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Five days left in April?? Yikes I'm not going to meet either of my goals but I'll just continue on into May and increase the amount. Stressful month and time got away from me with being sick, distracted by work and family and too many things going on in the evenings. Excuses Excuses!

    Moving forward into May and the exercise will be more consistent!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Morning ladies, I did no walking yesterday. I helped my husband move furniture into a new office, and did the Crunch lower body workout.

    I need a kick in the pants now. Must get back on the track! Pouring rain today. :<(
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Afternoon!

    I've been out of kilt for days now. The whole weekend I took off and Friday Nothing. So It was getting back up on a horse or a bike after being gone from it for so long. It was exhausting! The sun was baking out there 9 am in the morning so by the time I made it back at 11 am I was dieing.

    Walked around the Pompano Park track 2 miles instead of walking to mall, It was shaded in parts :wink: . Much cooler.
    Total miles walked today 6.18
    I am so close to making my walking goal, I hope I don't get side tracked :indifferent:

    Have a Great day you all :happy:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Nice walk Teresa! Rainy and gray here today with blustery winds. Went to the dentist after work for teeth cleaning and now am catching up on paperwork, etc. Very tired and throat still sore with cough. Not strep though... Zumba was a great workout last night but I'm taking the night off tonight. I know it may rejuvenate me to walk with Leslie but I just can't do it today. Tomorrow I will work extra hard at Zumba to burn those calories. Hopefully by the weekend I'll feel better and the sun will be shining. Gardening and biking are calling my name...

    Have a nice evening!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    What was I thinking? I must be punishing myself for slacking so long. I did the 3-mile boot camp and now I"m pooped! Teresa I don't know how you walk in the heat and your doing awesome with your mileage and your strength training.

    I think I'm going to take May as my month to get back to a good routine with my walking. Every time I try to add in other stuff I start slacking. Looks like I would learn to stick with what works for me. I'm still going to try and do some weights not log them. That time will just be a bonus for me.

    Alice I could use a kick too! :smile:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Good Morning!

    Its 87 degree's out soon to be 90 to 92 degree's later the weather man said. So I went out a little earlier then usual and got my 6.27 miles in. Later I will do my 30 minutes of weight lifting which matches my goal for the month. BUT! I still have 8 more miles to get my walking in for the month.

    My new walking path is going to be around the park 2 miles instead of walking to the mall in the dead of heat & no shade tree's. I just don't care for the traffic of walkers on the Park path. But I'll get used to it :blushing:

    Everyone have a blessed day!

    Time for lunch..... Happy walking everyone!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday~Morning ladies, I did no walking yesterday. I helped my husband move furniture into a new office, and did the Crunch lower body workout.
    Tuesday~79Minutes/ Mixed workout 2.5M
    Wednesday~93Minutes TE Workout+ 3miles

    I have completely lost rack of my mile count for the month! Phooey!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Zumba felt good tonight and we really moved about the room. The gym is so hot that they put 4 fans, one in each corner. Snowflakes fell off and on today and it's cold out. I can't believe this weather. We are going to go straight into summer without a spring up here.

    I hope the weather this weekend warrants getting my bike out and ready to ride. I need a new form of exercise to change up my routine. My knees and thumb joints are stiff and sore so I'm starting acupuncture next week. I use to go several years back for my arthritis in my hands and it worked a miracle for the pain. Hopefully it helps again.

    Homeward stretch to the weekend so hope you are all having a nice week!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good Morning, everyone!

    Haven't posted in a couple of days but I am still here and still trying to get back on track. Easter wasn't too bad foodwise but those Lindt Chocolate bunnies were too great a temptation! They are gone now so no more chocolate in the house!

    I am trying new workouts most mornings still and doing lots of walking and lifting at work so it is really just the foods I need to get back on track with. Got my food for the day planned so I think today is good! I'll worry about tomorrow when it gets here!

    I'm glad you all had nice holidays. I did, too.

    The weather here is still colder than normal (38 this AM) but I'm still hoping for some spring weather.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Fellow Walkers, Good Morning!

    Treadmill today 3 miles, Im at 105.2 miles 5 short of my goal. I should be able to make it tomorrow if the weather is good.

    I also did 30 minutes of weights lifting this morning, But I didn't bother putting it on my ticker since I met that goal already.

    Have a Great Day!!!