Day by Day Challenge- March Part 7



  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    3.29.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - Probably about 20oz :o(
    2) AM Exercise - CHECK
    3) Choose healthy meals - up until dinner when I had a chicken quesadilla and beer at the bowling alley
    4) PM Exercise - Bowling tonight - CHECK

    3.30.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) AM Exercise - CHECK
    3) Don't go over 1700 cals! (Past two days have been 1800+)
    4) PM Exercise
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Goals for Wednesday:
    1. Go running with friend this evening if the weather holds - No, it rained
    2. Sort out hen party accommodation. - No
    3. Water! - Yes

    Morning All,

    I spent yesterday evening curled up on the sofa and it was a relief. I rested my shoulder and my knee, went over on my calories but not over my maintenance level. I didn’t think about organising stuff or what I should be doing instead, I even got an early night. I’m back on it today but it was nice to have a day.

    Thursday’s Goals:
    1. Under on calories – this is going to be quite a tight one I’m planning on duck for dinner
    2. Walk at lunch & C25k this evening
    3. Test out new leg exercises
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 30:
    1. Water!--Did okay on this one.
    2. Exercise before work (yoga after work?)--No.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--No.

    Yesterday was AWFUL when it came to eating right and exercising! I just cannot seem to get motivated! The rain is pouring down and I'm tired of it!. It rains a lot here, I know, but usually it's on-and-off and rather gentle, but the past few months it has been one downpour after another. And the wind doesn't help, either! It's supposed to get better by the weekend and I hope it does. I really want to work on my container garden. All my seedlings are ready for their permanent homes! All right, enough whining--it's not going to change the weather any, is it?

    Goals for March 31:
    1 Water.
    2. Workout in the morning.
    3. Eat according to plan!!!
    4. Get to bed on time.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    3.30.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - FAIL
    2) AM Exercise - CHECK
    3) Don't go over 1700 cals! (Past two days have been 1800+) - CHECK under 1600
    4) PM Exercise - FAIL my aunt came back from vacation so I spent the evening with her

    3.31.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - 16oz so far at 10:40AM
    2) AM Exercise - CHECK
    3) Sticking with 1700 cals
    4) PM Exercise

    I've been sticking with Weight Watchers this week and it seems to be working for the food intake. I have 36 pts daily and 49 pts extra for the week...down to 25 pts for my weekly. I would like to not use any more of my weekly pts anymore till the new week begins again. So we'll see how it goes :o)

    Kim - It's nice to have a day off...especially for your mind. Glad you had a stress relieving evening :o)

    Kathy - It's raining here too and cold. I wonder what on earth happened to it being Spring. These temps are too cold for the season.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Rav - Hope your finger is feeling better!

    Kim - Glad to hear your day off did you so much good! We all need those from time to time, I think.

    Kathy - I definitely can relate about the weather.... I CANNOT WAIT for it to actually start feeling like spring, and sometimes it's really hard to keep from letting it get me down when it's cold/rainy for days without end.... I hope we BOTH get some nice, warm, SUNNY weather soon!
    3-29-2011 goals
    1. 6-10 cups of water, depending on sodium - Not so much.... Probably around 4 1/2
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - TOM sugar craving screwed up my carb intake, but that was the worst of it. Still under on cals and fats.
    3. Do SOME KIND of exercise - No. Between feeling crumby and having my heat down to save on electricity, all I wanted to do was curl up in a blanket all day. Unfortunately, I pretty much let myself. :embarassed:
    4. Figure out a way to finish that application. I'd rather mail it, but if I have to do it online, so be it. - Actually had to go down to the office because I found some of the information I was given over the phone to be vaguely ridiculous.

    As of right now, I'm not working tomorrow, but I sort of expect that to change. If it DOESN'T I might add some other goals to this in the morning.
    Well, as it turned out, I didn't work on Tuesday, but didn't really get much done either. :ohwell: Yesterday I subbed (For a middle school Social Studies teacher, which is my secondary certification, so I was pretty happy about that. Even SORT OF got to teach. Went over the answers on a study guide, which is more than I often do in a secondary school.) but didn't get a chance to get on here early enough to make goals. As far as my regular ones: Short of water, went over on fat by a couple of grams thanks to not being able to finish my sit-up challenge for a really STUPID reason that I don't want to mention. (Due to both not wanting to admit the extent of my stupidity and it also possibly being TMI, lol. Speaking of which, Kim, thanks for the post you made on that activity of mine and your concern. :smile: When I made my comment about the exercise I hadn't thought about how it might come across.) Didn't do any other exercise.

    Now, I'm not working today, so let's see if I can beat this continued "crumbiness" and have a productive day!

    3-31-2011 fitness goals
    1. AT LEAST 8 cups of water
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Get all the way through Week 2, Day 2 of sit-ups
    4. Get to the gym. I might not feel up to weights, but I can at least do some cardio.
    5. Bed before 10:30, lights out and at least TRYING to sleep before 11

    3-31-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. FINISH FEDERAL TAXES!! This is high priority, because I can't do goal 2 without them being done.
    2. Complete paper and online financial aid applications for grad school
    3. Put all clothes away and pick out what I'm wearing tomorrow. It's sort of an orientation day for graduate students of the program I'll be starting in the fall. :happy:
    4. Off MFP and facebook by 11:30 so I even have a chance to get any of this stuff done! :laugh: (It's 10:55 right now.)
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Ok well I've completely blown everything that I've worked for. AGAIN. But here I am. Humbley asking for you to accept me back in the group!!! Love you all.
    I've messed up my day so far first thing this morning, but that's the thing that got me thinking. So my goal for the rest of the day is to simply get back to the basics. Find the state of mind that I need to be in. Mediate and evaluate my goals and aspirations.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Thursday’s Goals:
    1. Under on calories – 100 over :ohwell:
    2. Walk at lunch & C25k this evening - No
    3. Test out new leg exercises - No

    Morning Everyone,

    I worked a 12 hours day in the office yesterday and didn't really have the energy to do anything much other then have dinner and go to bed. I don't know how people who have kids or jobs that ask you to regularly work long hours manage it.

    Welcmoe back Jess! Lovely have you back. :flowerforyou:

    Todays goals:
    1. Leave the office on time
    2. Under on calories
    3. C25K
    4. Try out new leg exercises
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Jess - It's GREAT to see you back!

    Kim - Yeah, I don't have a clue how they do it either. I posted that question when I first started here and the only reply I got was "use a slow cooker" for meals, lol.
    3-31-2011 fitness goals
    1. AT LEAST 8 cups of water - No
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Yep!
    3. Get all the way through Week 2, Day 2 of sit-ups - No, too sore from starting it on Wednesday.
    4. Get to the gym. I might not feel up to weights, but I can at least do some cardio. - No, not entirely sure what happened to my day, but I just ran out of time!
    5. Bed before 10:30, lights out and at least TRYING to sleep before 11 - No, and no.... Was more like in bed by 11, trying to sleep by 11:30, lol.

    3-31-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. FINISH FEDERAL TAXES!! This is high priority, because I can't do goal 2 without them being done. - Kind of.... Using TurboTax online it said I'm going to owe instead of getting a refund, which I wasn't totally expecting, so I'm going to try to get a second look at them later.
    2. Complete paper and online financial aid applications for grad school - No. :ohwell: The tax situation threw me off so much I wasn't sure about doing this.
    3. Put all clothes away and pick out what I'm wearing tomorrow. It's sort of an orientation day for graduate students of the program I'll be starting in the fall. :happy: - Not quite on putting things away, but I did pick out what I'm wearing today.
    4. Off MFP and facebook by 11:30 so I even have a chance to get any of this stuff done! :laugh: (It's 10:55 right now.) - Just made it! Unfortunately, I came back before I finished stuff. :embarassed:

    Ok, goals for today....
    1. Log the best I can (Lunch is provided at this orientation thing and I'm sort of assuming it will be a buffet.)
    2. Healthy choices and portion control while I'm out
    3. Drink water any time it's possible! (Not sure how much that might be today.)
    4. Hold personal situation questions until I'm talking one-on-one with university staff. I've been told by old classmates that I drove them up the wall by asking too many questions during class.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    3.31.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - better than normal, but still pretty poorly
    2) AM Exercise - CHECK
    3) Sticking with 1700 cals - FAIL :o(
    4) PM Exercise - FAIL - I cooked, cleaned and had no energy...maybe I should stay longer at the gym in the mornings. I can't seem to get two workouts in - BAH!

    Over 1700 cals by 56 cals and over my points! :o( I made BAKED egg rolls last night, but still...they were much more of a calorie bomb than I thought they would time I should make veggie ones instead of adding meat...or just not make them. Perhaps I can find a better egg roll wrapper too calorie wise. Ugh! So disappointed when I entered the recipe this morning. Of course that was after I enhaled 8 of them for dinner last night! I have 4 left that I will be having for lunch and getting rid of. Start anew and move forward.

    4.1.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) AM Exercise - CHECK
    3) Don't go over 1675 calories
    4) PM Exercise