Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Robin, you've proved that you have done it, when you have your plan, I am sure that you will stick to it...thanks for the kudos

    I am not sure if I am going to drink tonight. I always sound so strong in the day. Then, something clicks and I just start to crave me some lickers. I would not like to feel like crap tomorrow. I wish I could have it both ways.:ohwell:

    I would love :love: the scale to MOVE on Monday after my gain last week.

    Is there anybody else not drinking tonight???
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was going to be good last night but getting frustrated quilted decided to drink a 90-schilling. yum, but one beer, come on, what was the point, and it put me over on cals for the day...
    Tonight I will drink. Maybe red wine. We are going to a pizza place, but the beer pitchers are pretty cheap so maybe do that instead...
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Robin, I "started over" this week and it was great for my head... :heart:

    I had 3 shots last night...darn Jersey Shore! It's the end of the quarter today, and we're done at 1 so a bunch of people are going to hit a bar after we're done. If I can find a sitter I'll go but if not, I'll just send the hubs.

    Tuesday=4 drinks
    Thursday=3 shots
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    I'm so happy I gound this thread! It's difficult to balance alcohol and weight loss. I work at a steakhouse/bar and my man is a bartender. I like to enjoy a drink (or few) after work. It seems I work hard all week just to eat and drink freely all weekend and I make no progress at all. I did do well last weekend tho, sticking to 1 drink Friday night, 1 drink Sunday night, but come Monday I had like 4....felt so good! But, I haven't had any since. Here it is Friday again, not sure if I'll have one tonight or not. Have a great weekend everyone and I look forward to checking in with you next week!

    Cheers!! :drinker:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi Lushes, happy Friday.

    I've had a pretty good week so far, only 1 glass of wine on Monday night and that's been it. That's partly due to a return of will power but mainly to the fact I haven't been feeling too good so have lost my appetite a bit. I had a couple of bad weeks where I was drinking wine most evenings and not eating quite so well and I really feel like it's had an effect, both on my weight and how I feel generally.

    I've got a bottle red wine sitting in the kitchen, it's Friday night, but I don't even fancy it. I'm going to make the most of this miracle!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Yay! It's Friday - whoo hooo! Getting excited for the Husband to come home and have a few beers and a nice dinner/evening with him. Didn't have one drink at all during the week - and am aming for just tonight and tomorrow - NO Sunday drinks for me, just makes me tired.......

    :drinker: Have a great weekend everyone!!!:drinker:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Mon - 1 bottle of wine
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 1 bottle of wine
    Thurs - 0
    Fri - 1 bottle of wine, 2 jager shots, at least 7 vodka, lemon lime and bitters.....I lost count...:blushing:

    Have not had a massive night out with the girls in a very long time. I sure made the most of it. :smokin:
  • 10swampdonkey
    Hi all. I am new to this thread, but I think I fit in on this one, after reading through. I really enjoy Mt. Gay rum, or whiskey, mixed with cola. I realized recently that a couple doubles, a few nights a week was part of the problem, so I switched to Coke Zero when I started using this site in Feb. I don't really like the taste of diet pop, but Zero tastes real. :)
    Not willing at all to give up liquid refreshment, but so far I have been making my numbers work. I am having a couple drinks tonight, but my numbers for the day are still under my goal. Decided not to have that extra slice of pizza. Choices.:smile:
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Did 2 happy hours yesterday...

    Friday--2 mango margs at the Rio (1 was mini) and 4 tall vodka sodas at Bar Louie (2 were double)

    We're thinking about heading to the St. Patty's parade today with the kids, so if we do I won't drink. My goal is zero today. Happy weekend!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 0 drinks,
    Tuesday, 4 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks...but, I had a Mcdonalds milkshake for over 400 calories...I could have had 3 beers instead...what a waste:cry:
    Friday, 10.5 drinks:drinker: ...dinner and a pub crawl, the numbers are ugly...3.5 beers at dinner, 4 or 5 lemon drop shots (lost count) and 2 vodka tonics
    Saturday, 0 drinks, working from 3 to11
    Sunday, 0 drinks, weigh in on Monday

    Total: 14.5

    My head hurts:ohwell:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    wow Kim.:sick: I hope you had fun:wink: . lemon drops are my favorite but they are so sneaky.

    So dear lushes, I am gearing up for my new lease on life and new do over come Monday. I have planned all my food and it looks like a good week. I am setting up an exersize plan that includes doing one video every day on top of my dreadmill time. I am not setting a goal for no alcohol but I just want to see how long I can go. I have been drinking a lot and I don't feel so good :embarassed: in general so I think I am ready to forgo for a while. Please send me strength and will power vibe!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Hi everybody, I haven't posted in awhile, but I'm back. I did a little better this past week than usual, but today, hubby is having a birthday party so I know I'll be celebrating too. We haven't had a big family gathering in a LONG time and I'm sure it's gonna be a WANG DANG DOODLE, so here's my past week:
    Mon. 6 oz
    Tue. 8 oz
    Wed. 0
    Thu. 10oz
    Fri 0
    Sat. party
    If anyone needs to know of a good tasting drink, try vodka with crystal lite or the great value lemonade/cranberry drink mix. It's extra yummy if it sits in the freezer until slushy! I make sure I do my workouts BEFORE having any fun so today I have already added about 700 exercise cals to my diary. Good luck to us all on the days of restraint, congrats to those of us who actually made it! Either way, I hope we all have a great weekend....Happy Saturday!!!!!!:drinker: :smokin: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Sending lots of positive thoughts out for all my friends that are trying to not drink as much. You can do it, you are stronger than you know - think of the reward at the end..................that's all. xoxo
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    wow Kim.:sick: I hope you had fun:wink: . lemon drops are my favorite but they are so sneaky.

    So dear lushes, I am gearing up for my new lease on life and new do over come Monday. I have planned all my food and it looks like a good week. I am setting up an exersize plan that includes doing one video every day on top of my dreadmill time. I am not setting a goal for no alcohol but I just want to see how long I can go. I have been drinking a lot and I don't feel so good :embarassed: in general so I think I am ready to forgo for a while. Please send me strength and will power vibe!

    Robin, I tried to drink water inbetween...your right, tho, they are sneaky little devils:devil:

    Sounds like you have plan, now it just time to implement it. You can do it. Loads and loads of strength and will power being sent your way. :flowerforyou: Of course, I don't have much to share:tongue:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    All the best Robin. You can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    I hereby join and adore this thread.

    Two girls who work at the late-hour bar down the block from me (closes at 4am M-F and 5am on Saturdays) suggested this app and that's why I'm here.... we were just discussing the other night how exciting it is when you have that one extra drink you probably shouldn't and put it into your calorie count... and you're still a few under! Ha.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Welcome! I can totally relate to the "I still have how many calories?" after entering's nice!

    I'm contemplating having an Ace Pear Cider...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, so today I had a needle stick at work:noway: first one, basically, the pt consents to HIV and hepatitis testing since I am now at risk. I also get tested if I want to.

    So, all I'm thinking about is hepatitis is a liver condition and I drank like a fish yesterday and all they are going to see is my elevated liver enzymes and tell me that I need to see a doctor for liver failure. :sad: *kitten*, *kitten*, *kitten* :embarassed:

    The rapid tests came back negative and I waived the tests for myself...whoosh, a narrow escape:smile::happy:

    Saturday, 0 drinks...the liver must rest...oh, I bought the B12 vitamins today as well
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Friday--2 mango margs at the Rio (1 was mini) and 4 tall vodka sodas at Bar Louie (2 were double)
    Saturday=1 Ace Pear Cider and 1 vodka s.f. Red Bull

    Meh...I need to decide if I should be focusing on days off or number of drinks.

    Kim, that is so scary about the needle stick...I'm glad it came back okay. :heart: