Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    that is so scary Kim. gald it came out okay.

    I think I may drink alot today since I plan on stopping for a while. I had kaluha this morning in my coffe and I know we will champagne later this morning but I don't know what else. Maybe a Newcastle or something like that.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks,
    Tuesday, 4 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks
    Friday, 10.5 drinks...dinner & pub crawl, 3.5 beers at dinner, 4 or 5 lemon drop shots (lost count) and 2 vodka tonics
    Saturday, 0 drinks,
    Sunday, 0 drinks, weigh in tomorrow

    Total: 14.5, I guess I could have done better on Friday...but, all in all, a better week

    Amy, let me know if you figure out the answer of quantity vs occurrences:ohwell:
    Robin, your new plan kicks into gear this week...OWN IT:flowerforyou:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Kim, I've been contemplating occurrence vs. quantity and I think for me, I might be better off "allowing" myself 1 drink a night, because on the weeks where I don't drink, don't drink, don't drink, DRINK...I really drink. Weeks when I drink every night, I'll have one and call it good. Hmmmmmmmmmm...

    Last week might not be the best example though, because I had NO intention of drinking on Tuesday until "The Great Work F**k Over of 2011".
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I had a couple of weeks where I decided I would not limit drinks, just be sensible. Like you Amy I thought that if I deprived myself all week when I do drink I drink too much. Have to say though it didn't really work for me, one glass most nights turned to 2 glasses pretty much every night and even though I stayed under my calories I ended up gaining a little weight.

    I think in future I will probably try to limit my drinks overall, set a maximum target of something like 2 bottles of wine a week. That will give me the option to drink in the week if I want to but then I won't be able to drink so much at the weekend. I'm doing fine at the moment as for some strange reason I don't really fancy alcohol.
  • iawierz
    iawierz Posts: 65
    Havent said hello in awhile...busy busy. so hello my lushies! looks like you are all doing good. Keep up the goals and the good work and the all that jazziness!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Have to think about some goals this week....Thursday is my anniversary as well as St. Patty's Day. I thinking that will be my splurge day for sure.

    Goal: 14 drinks for this week - or - 2 times this week

    Monday thru Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, St. Patrick's Day
    Friday, 0 drinks, probably hungover and guilt ridden
    Saturday, ???
    Sunday, 0 drinks
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    Saturday night was my brother suprise birthday party! So here is the drink count

    3 - single vodka and soda with lime
    1 - coconut - fruity drink (don't know the name)
    3 - tall redbull and vodka - double shots
    6 - bud lights
    1 - jell o shot

    I'm almost recovered and am sure I pickled my liver in one night!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Sunday=2 cherry vodka/ s.f. red bulls

    Yeah, it's off to a great start!:drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, Friday I drank quite a bit. I made a marg at home, then went out for pizza and split a couple of pitchers, but there were 3 of us and the glasses were small so, I don't know how many I had. Then DH went somewhere else and I had two more pints of coors light.
    Saturday I was at a baby shower and we didn't drink much, but later we had small glass of wine, then went to a Mexican place for dinner and had a dos xx amber.
    Sunday I had two red sangrias.
    Today I am going to happy hour with a friend, I think I will drink Vodka sodas, maybe two.
    dinner with the in-laws tomorrow, so probably I'll drink something, we'll see where we go.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Kim, that is so scary! I am glad it turned out okay. :flowerforyou:

    Well lushes...I bombed this weekend. :embarassed:

    Friday..2 large Blue Moon Drafts and 1 small Budlight draft, 2 Michelob Ultras

    Saturday...2 Blue Moon Drafts, 2 Jagerbombs, 1 Irish car bomb, 3 small Budlight drafts, and 1 Michelob Ultra That was for the St. Patty's day celebration... I felt like a blowfish on Sunday.

    Sunday..2 michelob ultras
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Dino, sounds like the party was pure success:drinker: Was he super surprised?
    Amy, doesn't the week REALLY start today!?...:bigsmile:
    Natasha, yep, it turned out fine...SPD brings out the Irish in all of us...Was it fun at BWWs?

    Tonight is 75 cent taco night with 3.50 34oz beers...I refuse to start the week this way especially since the plan is to have some legendary consumption on SPD :drinker: :drinker: So, I may just get some lunch meat for sandwiches - or - tacos tonight with taco themed salad.

    I weighed in at 179.0 today and lost nearly everything I gained the week, I just need to lay of the booze and hope to lose another pound this week...would LOVE :heart: to hit 177ish..

    peace out!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Ha ha, Kim!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Monday - 1 glass of wine, well look at that I stopped at 1!

    Cause I have a job interview this morning I can't be hungover for. I am soooo nervous. Am I doing the right thing leaving my job? I've already come back to this company once, but I'm soooo over the crap and no support from higher above me. I have also busted my *kitten* for a year on casual and not been promoted to full time work, which is ridiculous. Then I may have two new job prospects and which one would I choose if I got both? Ugh this is so horribly stressful. I am definitely drinking tonight. :drinker: I apologise for the rant, but I can't rant anywhere else, they'll know I plan to resign. :laugh:

    Good luck to everyone on their goals this week. :heart:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Monday - 1 glass of wine, well look at that I stopped at 1!

    Cause I have a job interview this morning I can't be hungover for. I am soooo nervous. Am I doing the right thing leaving my job? I've already come back to this company once, but I'm soooo over the crap and no support from higher above me. I have also busted my *kitten* for a year on casual and not been promoted to full time work, which is ridiculous. Then I may have two new job prospects and which one would I choose if I got both? Ugh this is so horribly stressful. I am definitely drinking tonight. :drinker: I apologise for the rant, but I can't rant anywhere else, they'll know I plan to resign. :laugh:

    Good luck to everyone on their goals this week. :heart:

    Good Luck on the job interview!!! :flowerforyou:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Thank you! *fingers crossed*
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    Good luck on the job interview!

    Yes the party was a super success and I actually switched to ice water for about an hour at one point, so yes I was trashed, but not as bad as I could've been. My husband doesn't drink when we go out and I drink, and I do the same for him (although not as often). He is just no much of a drinker, so we were safe!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Cause I have a job interview this morning I can't be hungover for. I am soooo nervous. Am I doing the right thing leaving my job? I've already come back to this company once, but I'm soooo over the crap and no support from higher above me. I have also busted my *kitten* for a year on casual and not been promoted to full time work, which is ridiculous. Then I may have two new job prospects and which one would I choose if I got both? Ugh this is so horribly stressful. I am definitely drinking tonight. :drinker: I apologise for the rant, but I can't rant anywhere else, they'll know I plan to resign. :laugh:

    Although hectic, what a GREAT problem to have....Good luck and make pros and cons list to sort it out...:flowerforyou:
  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Cause I have a job interview this morning I can't be hungover for. I am soooo nervous. Am I doing the right thing leaving my job? I've already come back to this company once, but I'm soooo over the crap and no support from higher above me. I have also busted my *kitten* for a year on casual and not been promoted to full time work, which is ridiculous. Then I may have two new job prospects and which one would I choose if I got both? Ugh this is so horribly stressful. I am definitely drinking tonight. :drinker: I apologise for the rant, but I can't rant anywhere else, they'll know I plan to resign. :laugh:

    Although hectic, what a GREAT problem to have....Good luck and make pros and cons list to sort it out...:flowerforyou:
    I just blitzed my interview guys woooohoooo! I am defs through to the next round of interviews with the area manager. I am drinking already at 11AM cause gosh darn I need to relax and I'm super stoked. After getting more info, this is the job for me. It is what I need and want. Thanks for the good vibes guys, I think it helped! :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Faith, glad you did so well on the job interview! Way to go and you deserve that drink!

    Kim, scary about the needle stick, I have one of those tests on my "treatment plan" script which of course I am putting off until I 'quit drinking' baaahaaa :laugh: :laugh: That's one test that will never be done.

    Robin, how is the new week /new goal plan going?

    We are still drinking but we have an excuse, our kitchen cabinets are in but we have no sink or running water in the kitchen. I am heating up water in the microwave and pouring it in a plastic tub to wash dishes. I feel like a pioneer woman. And they always kicked back with a shot or two at night didn't they? Whoops, maybe that was the bar girls. :bigsmile:

    What happened to our lady from England? Can't remember the name (shame on me) but she was a regular for awhile.