Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Managed to stay drink free last night! (mainly due to the boyfriend and baby being asleep on the couch all evening so all pre-bed chores fell to me)

    Tonight should be no problem either but tomorrow we are going out for a St. Patty's dinner. :embarassed: Not sure if I can not order a beer. :ohwell:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Monday = 0
    Tuesday = 0

    I am motivated. I really want to lose the 16 pounds that I gained back before my birthday trip to St. Thomas. I want to seriously rock the bikinis. Every time I think about giving in I pull out one of the 6 new bathing suits I bought when I was at my lowest last summer. I picture myself in them now and then I walk away from the alcohol. I have also done really good with adding DVD's after my dreadmill workout. I know I can do this.

    :laugh: Dreadmill...I like it!

    That is an awesome idea with the bathing suits!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Tonight should be no problem either but tomorrow we are going out for a St. Patty's dinner. :embarassed: Not sure if I can not order a beer. :ohwell:

    Not lushly possible....:noway:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I have a volleyball tourney tomorrow night...we're seeded #1, so if we win, we might go out...that and the St. Patty's combo could be bad!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    so far, I have had a drink everyday since March 10. Last night I had two glasses of pinot and a coors light.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I have a volleyball tourney tomorrow night...we're seeded #1, so if we win, we might go out...that and the St. Patty's combo could be bad!

    *drum roll*
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Tonight should be no problem either but tomorrow we are going out for a St. Patty's dinner. :embarassed: Not sure if I can not order a beer. :ohwell:

    Not lushly possible....:noway:

    Especially if everyone is ordering (which I am sure they will)
  • toalwaysbeme
    Ok so I never really gave thought to the fact that liquor has a lot of calories. I like my cocktails (Jack-n-Coke) a couple times a week when I come home from work or on the weekends I had more than a few. I always figured that hey alcoholics are usually thin (like my father) so .... having a few drinks wont effect my weight. Apparently Im wrong and was kidding myself.

    Im still going to enjoy my cocktails, but now Ill just have to work a little harder at the gym.
  • GingerKid
    GingerKid Posts: 86
    Hi all Lushes! I read through here, but rarely post...I'd really like to get better at that. LOL

    I haven't been dry much at all. However, for Lent I gave up vodka and wine (and also the scale), leaving me with only beer as a choice. Get's me full before I can have too much! LOL

    St Pat's day, my birthday, and Opening day of baseball all inside of the Lenten season? NOT FAIR! LMAO.
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    I was going to try to be dry until the weekend. That was before my brother came through town last night, so:

    Sunday = 0
    Monday = 0
    Tuesday = 1 glass champaign, 1 dos equis, 3 glasses red wine.

    Goal = no more drinks until Friday night!!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Go Robin GO!!!! You can do it.
    Faith, hope all is well with the second interview!!
    Terri, thanks for checking up on me.
    Congrats to all that are doing well! And to those who think they aren't, just know you ARE TRYING!!!

    I didn't log a damn thing Fri, Sat, Sun. Needless to say, I had beer, lots of beer. But somehow didn't gain but the same 2 lbs I lost. Monday had beer. Tuesday, NO beer. I think I had to get real tired of it to get away from it (like Robin). I plan on no beer tonight. Eat my calories instead of drink them. You know, I might just add that wild card and start exercising!! On my total gym that is gathering dust.... :angry:

    Good luck, lushes, on St. Patty's day. I don't plan on celebrating. That sure is different from years past! :drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I really like this tread. It nice to see people enjoying their drinking habits (god knows I have mine) and still lose weight.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I really like this tread. It nice to see people enjoying their drinking habits (god knows I have mine) and still lose weight.

    Right?! I did not have any wine last night because I chose food over liquid calories haha. However, I see a couple glasses being had tonight =] I always make room for the calories though. Also, once I'm at my goal of calories for the day, I stop the drinking. Weight is still going down at a nice pace =]
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Its wednesday and haven't had a drink yet this week....unless sunday counts and the fact that its 345 in the afternoon has prevented me from having one so far today :) I am tempted to have a 4oz glass of wine tonight but had such a set back from drinking sooooooooooo much over the weekend I'm torn. Maybe I'll hold off until tomorrow maybe the scale will go down another lb or two.
    My problem is I overdrink and overeat on the weekends, it takes me all week just to get back to where I was the friday before. I tend to go completely off my diet during the weekends....any tips?

    I should also mention that we are rarely home on the weekends, its hard to manage what I eat/drink like I do during the week.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Its wednesday and haven't had a drink yet this week....unless sunday counts and the fact that its 345 in the afternoon has prevented me from having one so far today :) I am tempted to have a 4oz glass of wine tonight but had such a set back from drinking sooooooooooo much over the weekend I'm torn. Maybe I'll hold off until tomorrow maybe the scale will go down another lb or two.
    My problem is I overdrink and overeat on the weekends, it takes me all week just to get back to where I was the friday before. I tend to go completely off my diet during the weekends....any tips?

    Honestly, just self control. My boyfriend is eating much healthier which helps me but he doesn't track his calories. HE doesn't get anywhere near what he needs in the day. I track everything, even on the weekends. When we go out for date night we usually have a bottle of wine and then have wine when we get home. I log every glass and since I know I need to log the calories for food, I pick things on the menu that I know I'll be able to find the calories for. For me I think it's a little easier as I grew up eating really fresh, fruit, veggies and just overall healthy foods. I do however, love a good lava cake every now and again. I always make sure I leave a significant amount of calories for dinner as I know it'll be food and wine.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Ughhh all of my references have been called, I have had next to no sleep, add red rooster yesterday lol. I am so stresssseddd. Hopefully find out today on the job front.

    Monday - 1 glass of wine
    Tuesday - 2 bottles of wine
    Wed - 0 but I had red rooster booo.

    Robin you are doing AMAZING! Everyone else seems to be doing pretty well too. I hope you are all having a good week. :flowerforyou:
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    I feel as though I've finally come home! Thank you for this amazing thread! I am very Irish and a HUGE fan of beer and wine. I love to try micro-brews and all sorts of different wines. My problem is that once I have one, I want another, and then another, and then another, and... oh, you get the point! I started this week dry and my goal is to stay dry for a month (EEEEEK :noway: ) I figure if I can make it through a whole month, St. Pattys Day included, then maybe I'll have lost some tolerance and gained a TON of willpower and will then be able to stick to just one or two when I drink. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one struggling to cut back; sometimes I feel like such a weakling for not being able to stop like I should. Keep up the good work everyone! Enjoy a couple for me tomorrow (but not too many, of course :wink: )

    Cheers! (in, like a month... until then, I'm chugging the hot tea & water :ohwell: )
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    I'm singing.........and I'm saying....... I Want a beer tonight.........whoop whoop whoop. :drinker: and I'm singing........

    But not going to have one. I want a nice body by summer. I can drink on Friday and Saturday......yea.

    *just trying to convince myself. now back to your regular scheduled programing.

    peace and lots of xoxo
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I got the job!! woohooooo!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    My problem is I overdrink and overeat on the weekends, it takes me all week just to get back to where I was the friday before. I tend to go completely off my diet during the weekends....any tips?

    This is SO me! I do quite well during the week then indulge on the weekends. and honestly..i don't even indulge all *that* much. But it seems like waivering off at all from my alloted calories sets me back SOOO quickly. Why is losing the lbs take me all week but gaining them takes 2 days? :sad:
    So i've come to the conclusion that there really isn't much room for cheating. I just need to stick to the damn calories.

    Oh, and congrats on the new job faith!!