Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    My problem is I overdrink and overeat on the weekends, it takes me all week just to get back to where I was the friday before. I tend to go completely off my diet during the weekends....any tips?

    This is SO me! I do quite well during the week then indulge on the weekends. and honestly..i don't even indulge all *that* much. But it seems like waivering off at all from my alloted calories sets me back SOOO quickly. Why is losing the lbs take me all week but gaining them takes 2 days? :sad:
    So i've come to the conclusion that there really isn't much room for cheating. I just need to stick to the damn calories.

    Oh, and congrats on the new job faith!!

    Congrats on the job!!!!!

    In regards to this post, you can "cheat" just account for the calories =]. I will never give up my wine or sometimes beer, I just make sure to leave calories for it and that way, I don't go over. Just tonight, I've had a couple glasses but because I earned an extra 620 calories, I still have room for more! haha.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Yeah, dealing with annoying Jillian is allowing me my red wine for the night.
    I swear though..that woman makes me want to drink an entire bottle of tequila.
    I have to mute, mute, mute that woman. she's horrible.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I got the job!! woohooooo!

    That is so cool.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Yeah, dealing with annoying Jillian is allowing me my red wine for the night.
    I swear though..that woman makes me want to drink an entire bottle of tequila.
    I have to mute, mute, mute that woman. she's horrible.

    Don't you think in 2011, she would have decent music...I, mean, it's like an 80's Bun of Steel workout

    Faith, congrat on the new job...wooooo hooooo, you must be stoked

    Robin, glad that you have the St. Thomas goal...I LOVE St. Thomas...the blue beautiful crystal water...JEALOUS (in a good way)

    OK, I cracked: Wednesday, 3 margaritas, premenstral, and, I think, menopausal (sooooo *****y) hubs is totally suffering thru it all.

    However, side note, went to Nordstroms rack and found Prada boots for $79.00 with a gift certificate that I had for $25.00 making them $57.00. That alone, is worth celebrating.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! Glad I'm working tonight or I'd be :drinker:
  • 10swampdonkey
    Hi all again.
    Nothing for a few days then several Vodkas today. Don't feel too bad about it because I left room. Lots of room, lol.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Happy St Paddy's day, lushes! :drinker:

    The other half is working late tonight and I'm headed to the gym, so I actually might manage a dry night tonight! It feels like a long time, but as I finished off the last glass in a bottle of wine on Monday, it's only three days:blushing:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day all!:drinker:

    Happy Anniversary Kim. Enjoy your man. He's a good one.

    Monday -0
    Tuesday -0
    Wednesday -0

    Yep I am actually doing it. those bathing suits are really really motivating. I have them haning up in various places to remind me.

    Well I hope you all enjoy your "beor ghlas" or your "ulse beatha" if you celebrate today.
    For those of you who don't know Irish Gaelic that green beer and whiskey.:wink:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Robin, you are doing awesome!!

    Happy St. Pat's everyone! I doubt I'll be celebrating today, I have to work tomorrow and traditionally, the day before a break (my Spring Break is next week) the kids are CRAZY! Trying to deal with the crazy wilst hungover is not.good.

    Tuesday=1 (s.f. red bull and cherry vodka)
    Wednesday=2 glasses of wine
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    So I'm wondering if its ok to save calories and use them for another day, i.e. weekend drinking??? I'm curious if net calories can be averaged throughout the week???
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Happy St. Patty's Day fellow lushes! :heart:

    I have decided not to drink tonight...I will already be going over my calories slightly with the fish and chips. :embarassed:
    It'll help that my BFF is preggo so I can just not drink with her. :happy:

    Monday 0
    Tuesday 0
    Wednesday 0
    Thursday (hopefully can stay at 0)

    Congrats on the job Faith!! :drinker:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    So I'm wondering if its ok to save calories and use them for another day, i.e. weekend drinking??? I'm curious if net calories can be averaged throughout the week???

    I may be wrong here, so someone correct me if I am...but I don't think you can "save" calories. It is a daily thing. Calories in and Calories out for that day.

    It's be awesome if we could though! :love:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    RIGHT!!! I didn't think so but theres a lot I don't hear a lot of different things from different people. I really wish I could save some calories for my saturday and sunday, oh well looks like I'm heading to the gym, haha!
  • elizabeth9474
    Idk about "saving" calories for another day, but I am DEF. trying to save my calories for some green beer tonight :P
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    So I'm wondering if its ok to save calories and use them for another day, i.e. weekend drinking??? I'm curious if net calories can be averaged throughout the week???

    I may be wrong here, so someone correct me if I am...but I don't think you can "save" calories. It is a daily thing. Calories in and Calories out for that day.

    It's be awesome if we could though! :love:
    Yeah, mixed messages on this. some people zig-zag calories so they are not over for the week but the up-and-down is supposed to keep the metabolism high, I don't know. See what works for you. Certainly some people lose with weekend drinking binges, but sometimes the body treats alcohol calories differently.
    Happy St. Patty's Day! I plan to have some fish and chips and beer, but I will try to earn it through exercise first.
    Kim, yah on the Prada boots-that is a great deal and I love getting a great deal. I rarely splurge because things I spent too much for don't make me happy.
    Last night I had two coors lights at home then I went to the improv show and the theater sells different beers for $4 so I could have had a coors light but the fat tire and 5-barrel are better deals since they cost more, and I'd pay the same! so there I am trying to get the best deal for $4 so I drank 2 micros.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    So I'm wondering if its ok to save calories and use them for another day, i.e. weekend drinking??? I'm curious if net calories can be averaged throughout the week???

    I may be wrong here, so someone correct me if I am...but I don't think you can "save" calories. It is a daily thing. Calories in and Calories out for that day.

    It's be awesome if we could though! :love:
    Yeah, mixed messages on this. some people zig-zag calories so they are not over for the week but the up-and-down is supposed to keep the metabolism high, I don't know. See what works for you. Certainly some people lose with weekend drinking binges, but sometimes the body treats alcohol calories differently.
    Happy St. Patty's Day! I plan to have some fish and chips and beer, but I will try to earn it through exercise first.
    Kim, yah on the Prada boots-that is a great deal and I love getting a great deal. I rarely splurge because things I spent too much for don't make me happy.
    Last night I had two coors lights at home then I went to the improv show and the theater sells different beers for $4 so I could have had a coors light but the fat tire and 5-barrel are better deals since they cost more, and I'd pay the same! so there I am trying to get the best deal for $4 so I drank 2 micros.

    Oh yea, I had heard about zig zagging. My body doesn't recognize's like...extra calories? These are going straight to the @$$! :angry:

    Wish I was lucky enough for that to work! :laugh:

    Enjoy the fish and chips and green beer! :drinker:
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Congrats Faith!! Too cool!! :flowerforyou:
    Great deal on the Prada boots Kim! That is nice for the reward of trying!! Happy Anniversary too!
    Way to go Berry! 3 days in my book IS a long time! :cry:
    Excellent Robin, you are doing it! :smile:

    On the saving calorie, yes it does work. Weight Watchers has a "save points" (calories for food or alcohol) for special events like weddings, parties on weekends. Saving out calories during the week to add them in during the weekend. Although I don't think Weigh Watchers wants anyone to save for 10 beers on a Sat. night! LOL

    Kblue: A calorie is a calorie no matter when you eat it or not. A week's calories can be diced up anyway you want.
    7 days x 1200 calories = 8400 calories
    Monday 1000 c
    Tuesday 1000 c
    Wed. 1000 c
    Thurs 1300 c
    Fri 2000 c Party
    Sat 1200 c
    Sun 900 c
    8400 c ttl
    I know there are days I eat only 800 calories only because I ate all 1200 the day before and am not that hungry the next day. Then, I wickedly apply the non-eatened calories to drinking !! :devil: :drinker: So clever, eh? LOL But, eat GOOD food calories not junk even when hungover.
    Hope that helps. Good luck!
  • Lizzgeorge77
    Lizzgeorge77 Posts: 52 Member
    I love this thread and am brand new to the Lushes! Alcohol has always been my primary - and pretty much my only - diet derailment. I drink 3-4 nights per week and have 3-5 drinks (usually wine) every time. That's around extra 2,000 calories a week! Not including the extra food I consume when under the influence and my willpower is low. And yet even while knowing this I found it nearly impossible to cut back. My job brings me to a lot of open bar situations - client dinners, networking events, etc. Plus when I'm social my friends just want to chill on a patio with some wine or go to a restaurant/bar on the weekends. How can I resist in those situations?? Instead of cutting alcohol I gradually bumped up my workouts to 4-5 days per week for a solid hour to try to counter the effects.

    I've found it difficult to balance - I'm either all or none. So in January this year I decided to simply implement a "no drinking week" once per month to get my average alcohol intake down. It made a difference almost immediately in my weight loss progression. And it also motivated me to give up alcohol for Lent this year. So it's been a week with no booze so far! I have to admit, I'm feeling GREAT. I am sleeping like a rock and I feel like my workouts are making a bigger impact. My energy is short I'm discovering what I always knew on some level. That I feel better and make more steady progress physically when I'm not contstantly roller-coastering between working out hard, drinking a lot, being mildly hungover, then working out hard again to try to counteract the alcohol calories. I feel like my metabolism is just gearing up. Hope I get a nice weight loss during Lent as a bonus!!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    :drinker: Welcome Liz! You'll find this site very friendly and lushy! Good luck with your new regime! :drinker:
  • allbrantonya
    I find McCains Seasalt fries are good and popchips