Modern Day Pin-up Girls! - Week 1



  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Hi - I'm signed up - and my starting weight is 207.2 :)
  • lillie1201
    That's incredible!!! Great work! :smile: ( JaspersMommy1!)
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    NSV for me today, my tight hard to zip pants 2 weeks ago zipped up without a problem!!! :happy:
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Totally want to sign starting weight is 162.0
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    This has been one challenging week with family drama and being so behind at work. It has taken a lot of focus not to stress eat. I find myself checking in here to see what you ladies are up to for motivation. Even some of your disappointments help me regain fucus. And whatever I do eat, I log in and account for and adjust my dinner accordingly. for instance, tonight I will be dining on a delicious salad with a side of broccoli :wink:
  • sassy_2280
    I'm totally excited about joining this group. Forgot to weigh in this morning (which I NEVER do...don't know what's gotten into me) but I will post my updated weight tomorrow so I can weigh in in the morning.

    Q: Do any of you have problems drinking more than 4 glasses of water in a day? Jeez, I hate water. I have a hard time going more than 3 glasses-- and usually I only get that amount because I drink water when I work out. I've been making a point to drink more water but honestly I just never feel that thirsty... when I do, I want a coke zero no exceptions haha.

    I'm exactly the same way! I was drinking like 6-8 cokes a day! Now I have a BIG cup at my desk which equals 3 glasses of water and I make it a point to finish it by 5pm. I allow myself a coke zero for lunch and dinner. The rest of my water comes with my workout.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    How are you ladies doing today??

    Any struggles? Any NSV's (non-scale victories)?

    Struggles: I pushed it last week trying a new bootcamp DVD. It went well, I had the good kind of sore after so I focused on different workouts until the stiffness eased. It was mostly better by Saturday so I went to do a kickboxing DVD I have done a lot, but 3 mins in I raised my leg for a chamber knee and felt something go pop. As a result I have had to focus on less strenuous workouts (walking and elliptical) until it fully heals and I am getting pretty sick of the walking dvd :laugh: It is almost better now and I am still managing to get in decent workouts.

    NSV: I had to pull out an older pair of workout pants while doing laundry and they are baggy! I don't think they were last time I wore them :bigsmile:
  • redruthie
    redruthie Posts: 77
    Hello fellow pin-up girls! I'd love to join if it's not too late! My current weight is 254.5!
  • GlutenFreeWench
    Hello ladies, I'd also like to join.

    My current weight is 328.9
  • sparrow747
    I had a few NSVs today! Finished Day 6 of 30 Day Shred and feel great... it's amazing how quickly your body gets used to it. I had no problem finishing all rounds of cardio. My knee is feeling a little "crunchy" so I may take a day off to let it heal up. Does anyone have this problem? I started taking fish oil again to see if it would help my knee joints. I also wore a skirt I've been wearing for the past 2 years and it fit great today-- that belly pooch that makes me so self conscious was almost invisible :) A good day for me!
  • Hannahrenee86
    Struggles: I have an overwhelming craving for sweets and did not feel very energetic.

    NSV: I got a new Heart Monitor/Calorie Counter. It is a Bowflex Precision XT and was $120. It was on sale for $30!! I was able to do P90X Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper X/ 4 Mile walk!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    kicked butt tonight with my exercise, however it was to counter the aweful amount of extra calories i took in at pizza hut lol
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    Me: 1
    Ice cream:1
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Major NSV for me....

    I look down this moring and intead of seeing just tummy I could see my toes peeking out.....:love:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Morning Pin-ups!!!

    Last night went well. Ate wells and then hit the road with the family and did a few laps around the blocks and enjoyed the sunshine. We also went to the grocery store and stocked up on some supplies which was good.

    Today will be kind of different, I'm working at an expo home show for work and won't be home until late tonight (8-8:30pm) and I'm wondering if I should have a larger lunch later in the day so I'm not stuffing my face at 9pm with a bunch of food.

    Hmmmm Still deciding. Happy St. Patrick's day to everyone!!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Major NSV for me....

    I look down this moring and intead of seeing just tummy I could see my toes peeking out.....:love:

    That's deserves 2 thumbs up!!!! Yay! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • sheilabennett
    Major NSV for me....

    I look down this moring and intead of seeing just tummy I could see my toes peeking out.....:love:

    WOO HOO!!!!

    That's super awesome!!!!
  • sheilabennett
    Wish me luck, tonight I'm having fish for dinner and boyfriend is having liver! I don't care for fish but I'm giving it another try with a new recipe. I'm making sweet potatoe fries too!


    How did your fish go??? I LOVE fish.... but liver grosses me out. My mom loves it...
  • sheilabennett
    This week I have totally just been struggling in general. I am super busy, and also super broke, which is leading to very BAD food choices.

    However, I do have to NSV - I have been going hardocre at the gym with a friend of mine, doing pilates, weights and interval training. She says that since we started last week, she can she a HUGE improvement in my flexibility and endurance!! Also - I am wearing a shirt tucked into my skirt today, which is a look I never would have dared before... and I am ROCKING it!!!

    Hope everyone has a great St. Patrick's Day!
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    Major NSV for me....

    I look down this moring and intead of seeing just tummy I could see my toes peeking out.....:love:

    Awesome :bigsmile:

    I do have a NSV for today. I walked the entire trail around my neighborhood which is about 2.5 miles this morning. Its the first time I have ever walked the entire thing. :Toots own Horn: