Whats bothering you today...post your complains away!!!



  • agraciana
    agraciana Posts: 19 Member
    Today I was scheduled to cover someones lunch... she got back late, which ate into my carefully scheduled lunch because I had a meeting. I had TEN minutes to eat my lunch (which ended up being a bowl of cereal because it was the quickest thing to put together/eat). Then I had a meeting, and just finished. Eating a snack, and my office door is shut, which means I'm not taking calls/clients, and the phone doesn't stop ringing! I'm chocking on my peach and peas, and UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH.

    AND I have a dentist appointment tonight. I hate HATE hate the dentist. We aslo have a snow storm forcasted for tomorrow. Thinking of driving in that makes me want to take an ativan and crawl into bed.

    BUT, you know what? The day is almost over. I have a massage scheduled in 45 minutes, then, I'll go home, work out, eat a delicious supper, go to the dentist (BOOOOOOOOOO!) and relax and watch some tele, and passout on the couch.

    The good part about bad days is that they end. :)
  • kld1624
    kld1624 Posts: 20 Member
    I've got a few going on but they all stem from my mom being in the hospital. All I want to do is reach for the comfort food, and I do, and it's ruining my good 3 lb weightloss start. I'm trying to be good, but my exercise routines each day have been at a halt this week, and my food choices include everything they shouldn't. Bahhh! I really need to refocus and not let the stress around me impact my eating/exercise habits. Emotional eating = big no no for me.
  • glamazonjenn
    glamazonjenn Posts: 31 Member
    I am annoyed that every accountability partner or person I have met in other support forums this year just gave up...quit trying already....why is it so hard for humans to stay motivated!!!!! I need to find people who can keep up the fight with me!!!!
  • JumpThenFall
    Stressing out! I've got huge exams coming up in school so I've got to spend the next few months studying for those but I don't want to stop working out. I'm only using home exercise machines so it's not like I've got to travel to the gym or anything but most days I'm staying late at school so I'm home at about half four, then I have to fit in eating dinner, working out for a few hours, studying and getting a shower before about nine/ten o'clock and it's hard work. I have to work much harder at working out aswell because I've lost 25lb and it's getting harder to loose the weight so the amount of exercise I need to do is increasing. Any tips from anyone on how to maintain weight loss without as much exercise? Could really do with more hours in the day :/
  • glamazonjenn
    glamazonjenn Posts: 31 Member
    I agree
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    My ***** is that I worked so hard since January 7 to lose the weight for Spring break. I work out 6 days a week, tracked calories and always had some left to spare., had a few bad days here and there.......and 8 lbs lost. I hate having hypothyroidism. I see all you people on here losing 20 lbs in two months maybe working out for 30 minutes a day. I just feel bummed. I wish I was 20 again. :(
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    My biggest complaint right now is my old knee injury coming back to mess up my workouts. I have to wear a brace now every time I go to my Zumba class and it sucks but I absolutely am not giving up Zumba, I enjoy it way too much and it burns lots of calories :)
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    My migraine headache just keeps nagging along.
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    My kids 2 and 3 have decided not to listen to anything I say today.

    I had a great workout this morning and this afternoon all I want to do is sleep.

    And I'm ready for a cheat day, but I know it is just going to make me feel bad in the long run.
  • lduplessis
    I have 8 weeks till graduation from my university...and I cannot get motivated!! I'm seriously slacking and feel like bum. Ugh.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    My ***** is that I worked so hard since January 7 to lose the weight for Spring break. I work out 6 days a week, tracked calories and always had some left to spare., had a few bad days here and there.......and 8 lbs lost. I hate having hypothyroidism. I see all you people on here losing 20 lbs in two months maybe working out for 30 minutes a day. I just feel bummed. I wish I was 20 again. :(

    Right there with ya. I've been doing this since Jan. 31 (well, I took 2 weeks off when my sis was here). Since the 6th, I've been serious about it. Working out almost every day, sometimes twice a day. Since then I've only gone over my cals once. I weighed myself 2 weeks ago and had lost 7 lbs. I weighed myself again today expecting to have lost 2 (since I selected a 1lb a week). I only lost one. Lame.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Uhh and "adult" children who live at home and think cleaning up after they eat is leaving the dirty dishes ON the counter NEAR the sink! Also I hate menapause! Makes me a ***** at least one week out of the month LOL:glasses:
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Every fiber of my being is exhausted right now.
    I was up and down all last night. The night before I only slept three hours, and the night before that I was working on stuff until 5 in the morning, I get up at six.
    All I want to do (actually, what I need) is sleep, instead I need to outline a chapter of chem, do a packet of homework for chem, study for chem, do history homework, do my spanish presentation, translate a paragraph about cuzco, write out my spanish speech and practice it (That's going to take at least an hour, I'm horrible at spanish), work out again, shower, write out sweet sixteen invitations, fill out applications for volunteering, fill out applications for summer jobs, obtain permission to hang out with new friends on friday, somehow find time to talk to my boyfriend for an hour on the phone tonight and attempt to pick up a book because I need to remain "well rounded."
    I'm stressed and I have nothing that I can do to take that away.

    I love Cuzco....
  • kjtrimmer
    kjtrimmer Posts: 14
    I've been sick since Monday morning. First it was the stomach flu, now it's a cold, I haven't been able to exercise AT ALL until today and when I did I only made it 23 minutes before I had to stop or faint.

    Also, work always irritates me when I feel bad because I am not motivated and people nag me about things I'm ALREADY doing.
  • happynmontana
    happynmontana Posts: 42 Member
    I hate that when it's THAT time of the month we gain weight and can't see the results from all the effort we've put forth all week.


    Can I just AVOID tomorrow's weigh in all together?? :explode:
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    My butt hurts from working out last night!!!
  • marissamd
    marissamd Posts: 11 Member
    My butt hurts from working out last night!!!

    I tweaked my thigh while working out last night. So annoying.
  • tak123
    tak123 Posts: 32 Member
    I hurt my neck in my sleep and it hurts all freakin day long and effects the exercises I do. Arg! Also I didn't lose any weight since last weigh in. Why are scales so stubborn??
  • Katiebug84
    I cant find any friends on here to actually give me support. I have 2 friends that do comment me and thats it. I just deleted people from my list because I always comment to them and give them motivation and support but I dont get that back. I NEED that support and motivation as well and its really discouraging to not get that.

    Ok rant over.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    it bothers me that i feel so lethargic today!! and that i have to work a 12 hour shift, then go to someones 21st birthday party (who i dont even know) then lose an hour tonight when the clocks change forward...then have to get up super early tomorrow to wrok again. I need rest!!!