Tell Me Something Surprising About Yourself



  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I was bitten by a dead shark.

    Looking back, it probly wasn't such a great idea to stick my hand in its mouth....

    I've also been bite by a snake, a horse, a bunch of dogs, an iguana, a crack head, a racoon, a cat....

    Hmmm..... I'm starting to see a trend.
  • Secret_Agent_007
    I lost 40lbs once before back in 2001, or so.

    After about 12 months of literally working my *kitten* off I had reached a plateau. Thinking that a needed to drop another 20 (dreaming of seeing abs) I booked an apt to see my doctor with the idea he would just refer me to a nutritional specialist or something.

    So I go see the doc, he checks my height and weight (5'7" and 170lbs) and tells me I'm obese. I tell him, "I run 5 miles a day on the treadmill and lift weights for an hour a day, 5 days a week. I feel like a million bucks, sleep like a rock and never been stronger. How can I be obese?

    And if that wasn't enough. My now ex insisted I was only getting in shape in order to cheat on her. Her insecurity started A LOT of arguments. 10 months later I was back to 210 and miserable.

    I can only imagine how much better I could look and feel now if only ....
  • JMMartin1182
    I was bitten by a dead shark.

    Looking back, it probly wasn't such a great idea to stick my hand in its mouth....

    I've also been bite by a snake, a horse, a bunch of dogs, an iguana, a crack head, a racoon, a cat....

    Hmmm..... I'm starting to see a trend.

  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    I totally believe in Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels. And my Angel is AWESOME!(Okay, he told me to write that part)

    Seriously, I have been protected at least 4 times in my life by a voice screaming inside my head.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    This is a fun thread!

    Toilet paper always comes over the top!

    I am neurotic about the way towels are folded. I will undo any that my husband does!

    There was 22 years between my first day of University and graduation... I took the scenic route!

    My husband and I were engaged three months after dating, we were friends for two years before our first date!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    I can feel colours with my fingertips. Yellow feels slimy, red feels warm, blue feels smooth.

    WOW! I'm jealous! That's pretty amazing - does it run in your family?

    ETA: I'm terrible at lying and cheating but w/ that skill I could rule the Mah Johnng table! :laugh:
  • BlindFaith
    *I'm an empath
    *I use crystals for healing and in charms for myself and others
    *I'm a novice tarot/divination card reader
  • mishu21399
    My two "sisters" performed my wedding ceremony on Valentines day, outdoors, in the mountains, with a light snow, surrounded by a small group of family and friends...dreamy! Gotta love Colorado!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I picked Connecticut to win...
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    WOW! I'm jealous! That's pretty amazing - does it run in your family?
    Not that I know of, but I can distinguish the colours of things that otherwise feel the same, such as games counters, with enough accuracy that friends won't let me "randomly" select pieces from a bag!
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    As I'm getting older I'm getting more OCD, drives my wife crazy.

    I must load the dishwasher to maximize getting the most dishes in and still clean. (Wife now refuses to load the d/w because I unload and reload it.)

    I must have clean sheets each week and have to be the one to make the bed just right, with no wrinkles on the bottom sheet. I also must make the bed each morning, a habit from when I was a kid.

    I do most of the cooking and rarely if ever use recipes (unless its a new recipe and then only once).

    Since I do the cooking I also do the grocery shopping. I have a somewhat photographic memory and notice when common items go up/down in price from memory.

    I love coffee, but can't have caffeine after about 2pm or it will keep me up at night.

    I have an extremely analytical job, but think I would be just as happy cooking food all day every day. (But not as a chef, restaurants are crazy.)

    In college I was a bartender at an Applebee's. I can still pour drinks really well and enjoy doing it at parties with friends.
  • HannahPastoor
    I don't care what way the TP goes.

    I have almost died 3 times that I can remember.

    I am a hypochondriac. Not fun and not a joke.

    I cannot swallow vitamins so I crush them up and put them in a glass of water. Yes, it tastes really bad.
  • HannahPastoor
    I can watch a bunch of kids and not get stressed. I once had a baby that had exploded in her pants, a 3 year old who had had an accident all over the floor and a crying 5 year old. Plus a 10 year old who was watching a movie. At the same time. I didn't freak out (I know some people who would)....I have also watched 5 special needs kids under the age of 10...Some people are really surprised that I would pick the 5 kids over 1 baby. I do love babies, but they are soooo boring most of the time! Haha...So if you ever need a babysitter, call me : ) I can rock a crying baby without freaking out (I think some people think babies aren't supposed to cry,)....Not really related BUT ---- I had a friend text me because they were babysitting a baby and it was crying. Um...Maybe you shouldn't be babysitting a baby if you are freaking out over it crying : P

    I love kids and I want to have a big family. Like with 11-25 kids. We know someone who has 25 kids and most of them are adopted and have special needs. Thats what I want.
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    I am in the third year of an honours degree at university and have no career aspirations. i want to be a wife and i want to be a mother.....but i really really really don't want a career!
    You want an MRS degree. I'm from the central part of the US and lots of women I went to college with were the same way...
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I got 17 stitches on my chin when i was 3 years old:(
    Have the scar to prove it:)
  • MindyLynn77
    MindyLynn77 Posts: 126
    The thing I enjoy the most in life is being on the water, whether it be on a beach or out in a boat.. My biggest fear in life, DROWING! Kinda weird that I love the water so much considering how scared I am of it lol
  • mt2008
    mt2008 Posts: 46 Member
    I cannot eat anything on a wooden stick. Like popsicles, corndogs, etc. Or have a wooden tongue depresser put in my mouth. It freaks me out! I don't know why! If I want to eat anything off a stick, my husband has to scrape it off for me. He thinks it's hysterical.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I was bitten by a dead shark.

    Looking back, it probly wasn't such a great idea to stick my hand in its mouth....

    I've also been bite by a snake, a horse, a bunch of dogs, an iguana, a crack head, a racoon, a cat....

    Hmmm..... I'm starting to see a trend.

    I have been bitten by a dolphin, a chicken, a horse, several cats, a dog, a duck, a rabbit and a hamster. Animals love me.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    This is great!!!
    I can wiggle my pinkie toes independently of the rest of my toes; my husband calls them "my freaky toes"
    I met my husband my first day of high school, he hit me in the back of my head with his trombone slide (that is not a euphuism)
    I tried to enlist in the Navy right after high school, but was rejected because of asthma
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I totally believe in Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels. And my Angel is AWESOME!(Okay, he told me to write that part)

    Seriously, I have been protected at least 4 times in my life by a voice screaming inside my head.

    I do too. I have a medalion around my neck that I never take off. It has a wolf (my spirit guide) on one side and an angel on the other. One time I got off the highway because I could ignor the warnings in my head and after driving a few yards down the road I got a flat tire right in front off a place that fixes tires. That would have been awful if I had stayed on the highway.