Senior Golden Sneakers -April 2011



  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member
    Maddie, I am so sorry that you are not able to go see your mom right now. It is so hard when you want to be there for her and yet cannot go because of the damage it might do to both of you. Are you able to call her and talk to her on the phone? You and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I finally figured out that we have two ladies named Judi / Judy. I loved the joke about the fisherman who wasn't and the Pet Rules. Six years ago, shortly after my husband suffered his second brain hemorrhage, we got an American Bulldog puppy. My husband had to spend a lot of time in bed. During the day, he would rest on a twin bed that is in his office. That way he could watch TV. We do not have a TV in our bedroom. Zeus, the puppy, wasn't able to jump on the bed yet, so my DH would pick him up and put him on the bed. I reminded my hubby that this dog would one day weigh over 100 pounds and be as tall as a miniature horse, thus making him a poor bed partner. However, hubby continued to lift Zeus to the bed. At that time I found the following set of rules and gave it to my husband in a frame.


    1. The dog is NOT allowed in the house.

    2. OK, the dog IS allowed in the house but only in certain rooms.

    3. The dog IS allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.

    4. The dog can get on the old furniture only.

    5. Fine, the dog IS allowed on all the furniture, but is NOT allowed to sleep with the humans on the bed.

    6. OK. The dog IS allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.

    7. The dog can sleep on the bed whenever he wants, but not under the covers.

    8. The dog can sleep under the covers by invitation only.

    9. The dog can sleep under the covers every night.

    10. Humans MUST ask permission to sleep under the covers with the dog!

    This is pretty much how it went with my hubby and Zeus. I do not allow the dog to sleep on our bed at night - mostly because he always insisted on sleeping sideways so there was no room for us. He was highly insulted when he got the boot. He is still allowed on the twin bed in my husband's office. There is not much space when you put a 300 lb. man and a 100 lb. dog on the same twin bed! :laugh:

    Buzz, thank you for the suggestion on splitting up my walking routine. I am going to try that. The amount of bleeding that I have, increased yesterday, so I know that I have been doing too much. I didn't even go to church today. Our first meeting lasts for just over an hour and I knew that I couldn't sit that long.

    Marie, your roses are beautiful. We are still getting snow. I am so envious when the rest of you talk about sunshine and warm weather. I certainly hope that the sun decides to shine on us sometime soon.

    Sandy, when I grow up, I want to be you! I cannot even imagine being able to do that 30 day shred. My daughter, who is only 32, has been doing it and she said it was really hard. Of course, part of her problem doing it is the four little ankle biters that she always has running around her feet, saying, "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom!" Anyway, I think you are amazing! Maybe, when my three month recuperation is up, I will give it a try.

    I hope y'all have a beautiful day -

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Judy these are just for you welcome back you were cedtainly missed


    I mispelled Welcome. So whats New with me.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Xyla is that normal for you to be bleeding? You keep a closewatch on it and go to ER if you need to.

    Maddie you do the same.

    \you don't want to hear what I had for lunch today when Alice and i went out for lunch. i posted it on home page news and don't need to think about it any more.. Done and And forgoten. It never happen I wish.! But not at the time/

    .I love my computer now so much easier To use. I was really having a problem trying to get that pencil to do the [img\ on the pictures. Now it is a breeze.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Received this link from a dear cousin today, and with all my kitty lovers on here, I just had to include this! :bigsmile:
    It is enchanting, entrancing, and just priceless! And MARILYN, tell me how you liked it! :wink:

    JUDY...Happy to see you, and I'll never eat salmon again! :happy:

    LYNN, love that song, but can't remember the name of the songstress associated with it! How did you get the notes? SO clever... :wink:

    PHOEBE, hope you weren't on the road when your eyes were closing! I can't figure out the time entered on posts, as I am in the Eastern Daylight zone, but it always posts a different time for me! What zone is MFP in? You left me out, but I love you anyway! :heart:

    MADDIE, MADDIE, MADDIE!!! Your darling Mom is being taken care of, and I wonder who is taking care of YOU??? :flowerforyou: I wish I could say "Take a deep breath" but I know you cannot. Not easy to relax with your worries, but that's the best medication, sometimes. Music? Absorbing book or movie? You need a hug and we are all sending hugs for you. {{{{{{{{ :heart: }}}}}}}}

    JERI, that GPS pedometer (?) sounds so complicated, but so fascinating, too. Nice to have the boredom intercepted, and enjoy walking with it. Great incentive!

    SANDY, thanks for the suggestion! You are so astute, as well as lovely! I certainly don't mean to tire anyone out, but I guess I get carried away sometimes! :embarassed:
    (We are fine! No violent weather here, but we saw the NEWS this morning! WOW!)

    XYLA...your doggie rules are just as much fun as JUDY's. And the pets take over! Glad you are slowing down on the physical stuff as you could undo all that was gained from the surgery! :flowerforyou:

    MARIE...HOORAH! Bless Alice, and hope the lunch was a fun excursion! Now back on track for you!

    Still having no luck trying to use Photobucket. I guess I'll keep trying until I open a screen that says the same thing as the instructions!
    I was WAY under calories yesterday, and sure enough, my metabolism went into deep freeze. So today, I made my High Fiber Belgian Waffles, enjoyed a sandwich for lunch, and will simply have something delicious, (I hope) for dinner, and enjoy not thinking about sodium, calories and all the rest of those things. Tomorrow is another day! I hope a good one for everybody! STAY or BE WELL! :drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    HI gals, I have invited another member here
    She befiended me yhis morning. Her name is Caharleygirl I done told her I would Called her Charleygirl.

    We may have bad weather tonight too. Its that time of the year.See you later.

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Sunday everyone,

    We had such a great time last night with our friends, dinner was lovely and everything was delicious, the time went to quickly, we didn't notice the time until someone looked at a watch and was almost midnight.:noway: :noway: :noway: was wonderful having them over specially since I was making new recipes:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Marie - give Alice a BIG hug - GOOD JOB FIXING YOUR COMPUTER:heart::heart: :heart: the roses are gorgeous your are so lucky to be able to have them all year:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Maddie - So sorry your still having trouble, today went I went to mass and I lit up a candle for you and grandma, hoping you are better soon.:smooched: :smooched: :smooched:

    Worked on the garden this afternoon for a while, so much to do after the winter, 80 degress today and a beautiful day, life is great:drinker: :drinker:

    Have a wonderful evening everyone,

  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Phoebe: I have only posted my weight loss on my home page so far, so you did'nt miss anything. I weighed in this morning and lost 4lbs. I am so happy! I know this is just a starting loss and it won't happen every week, but I never dreamed I would lose this much! Woohoo:bigsmile: I am so pleased with myself, and with all my friends on here, for the advice and support you have all given me. I have learned so much.

    Maddie: I join all the others that say you must take care of yourself. Are your medicines working yet? If not you must get back to your doctor pronto, cos they should be by now. I agree with whoever it was(sorry without looking back I can't remember) that said 'lose yourself in a good book or film' you need to rest and relax and recovery will speed up.:heart:

    Sandy: Did the weather hit your hometown? Did it cause much damage? We don't really get such extreme weather here. We have had a couple of hurricanes. I cannot imagine what it's like. I hope everyone is ok.:flowerforyou:

    Marie: The roses are beautiful.

    I have had a lovely day today. I went to visit my dad. He is 84 and lives with my sister and nephew. It was lovely to spend with them all. This is what I love best, spending time with my family. I have a great family and there are lots of us. I am so lucky! We sat in the garden enjoying the lovely weather (the forecast is not looking good) and talked and talked. So I have not done exercise today but will be Zumbaring tomorrow.

    It's late here and I am so tired, so I shall say goodnight. I did read all the posts but will chat more tomorrow.
    BTW has anyone heard how Irene is doing? Please give her my best wishes.
    Nitey nite x
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    XYLA loved the dog rules.  It is so true. 

    MARIE. Lovely flowers.

    MADDIE. So sorry about your Mom and you too.  Hope you both get well soon. I know how you feel about your Mom. They looked after us so well when we were little and now we want to take just as good care of them. 

    SANDY and BUZZ.  My new GPS sports watch tracks everything and certainly miles, calories, pace and time. It interacts very well with my Sport Tracks program that I use to track my exercise. I found out today that it will upload my route in Google Maps and all the pertinent data to that program. All I have to do is import it with the click of my mouse. 

    And everyone else I missed, my brain only holds so much. LOL. I did enjoy everyone's posts. 

    I had a great walk this morning and lots of fun at my granddaughter's birthday party. I got to hold my beautiful new grand baby and enjoy all the older ones. Life is good.  

    Have a good night everyone. 
  • A quick little note to you all. So far so good with the clinical trial. I get very tired and sleepy. Not the kind of sleepy that you actually go to sleep, just the kind that leaves you a little "out of things." Also the drug makes my blood sugar go crazy. They said these things could happen so I was prepared for it. Thank you for your good wishes, and your prayers are appreciated. Love you all.:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    lowerforyou: in spite of several days with meetings and events that required sitting still and listening, I still managed to walk over 10,000 steps each day. Yesterday was an extravaganza of eating that included breakfast in motel (wheat toast, banana, peanut butter, yogurt and raisin bran) lunch at a small vegetarian restaurant (grilled veggies on homemade wheat sourdough bread and split pea soup) and a catered dinner unlike any I'd ever been to (dark bread, tofu/potato patties with curry sauce, steamed veggies----I didn't eat the salad, butter, or dessert)..:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the food was pretty healthy but I was not good with portion control so today we are staying out of restaurants and we took a long walk along the river.

    :flowerforyou: tomorrow we pack up and move north to Eureka where we'll see more friends and our kids and grandkids.

    :flowerforyou: xyla, I'm glad you are posting again:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: how frustrating to know that you will have to take it easy for so long:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: that would drive me crazy:angry::angry: :angry: I loved the dog rules:laugh: :laugh: sounds like our house:laugh: :laugh: sometimes Jake moves to the guest room because two adults and two Standard Poodles and a big cat don't always fit in the same bed :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I am so glad your computer is fixed and glad that the repair was laptop computer wouldn't connect to the internet for days so Jake and I had to share the desktop computer and finally I tried turning off the power on the wireless router and then turning it back on and the wifi worked again......a simple solution that took me days to think of :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Maddie, I hope you can find some ways to relax and de-stress to help yourself get well soon......I am concerned about both you and your mom and wish you both speedy recoveries

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, I love that song:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, are you having trouble posting your pictures on Photo Bucket or trouble putting the pictures on MFP ?

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I love your photo of the rhodie......they are starting to bloom where we are in Northern California but the ones at home in NW Washington are far from blooming

    :flowerforyou: Judi, the pet rules are hilarious and sound a lot like our house :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Gigi, your dinner menu sounds scrumptious :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Judy, glad to see you back..your new picture is great :bigsmile: your joke about the blue pajamas was so great that I interrupted Jake to read it to him :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, you continue to stay on track and keep me focused......seeing you do so well and stay so busy and do so many things is an inspiration for us all :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe,thanks for the reminder about being seems like everybody keeps driving faster and faster

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, your new Garmin GPS sounds fabulous......I love gadgets, too :bigsmile:

    We're off to another adventure this evening and I'm sharing the computer with Jake so I gotta get off right now.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello to all the sneakers....

    Marie, thanks so much for those beautiful are one kind lady with such a big heart and I just love your red rose - do you know it's name? Roses are my passion...wish I could work the photobucket thing out so I can post some of mine...we had such a long dry summer, it really stressed them out..I'm going to garden club tomorrow so hopfully there will be one out tomorrow that will be just perfect I used to have lovely bunches of them everywhere inside the house but they gave me sinus, so now just enjoy looking at them outside. When we lived in the country, I had well over 100 which was a pretty awesome sight but not so enjoyable at pruning time...not a job I like.

    Buzz - loved that video - and all kitty wanted was a cute.

    Sandy - thanks so much for your lovely compliment...I put that photo on facebook. it also showed my sister in it and one of the comments was....are you twins...she is nearly 72 so nice for her but not so good for me...I have put the photo on my profile pics if you want to see.

    Lynn- thanks for that lovely was played at my Dad's funeral so has a special meaning for me.

    Camille -loved your doggie rules.... my son has just had to have his American bulldog put broke it's leg badly and apart from having it amputated, there was nothing they could broke the kids hearts....people used to ask if it was an American or English breed and I would say "well, what sort of accent has it got"

    I too would stress to take things easy - it took me months to get over my hysterectomy - I was too impatient and it really is just not worth steps.

    To all of you looking after your elderly parents, it must be so hard and my thoughts and prayers are with Mum died 40 years ago - I was 7 months pregnant at the time and like Connie, I still wish I could pick up the phone and talk to her.

    Phoebe...where are you at the moment...stay safe.

    Irish Sausage

    Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days.

    A customer asked, "In what aisle could I find the Irish sausage?"

    The clerk asks, "Are you Irish?"

    The guy, clearly offended, says, "Yes I am. But let me ask you
    something. "If I had asked for Italian sausage, would you ask me if I was
    Italian? Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was
    German? Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
    Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican? Or if I asked
    for Polish sausage, would you ask if I was Polish?"

    The clerk says, "No, I probably wouldn't."

    The guy says, "Well then, because I asked for Irish sausage, why did
    you ask me if I'm Irish?"

    The clerk replied, "Because you're in Walmart"
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Judy, I dont get it. Thats a good color on you, it shows your tan. Wow 100 rose bushes? Thats 99 more than I have. I neglect it badly, but it still blooms like crazy. Its a yelow hybrid tea.

    We are in los angeles, hoping to deliver tonight and go to sleep.
    No Buzz, I wasnt sleepy eyed, just had one of those days where I felt like a wet sandbag. Just needed some rest. Today was much better.
    Gigi, good to hear from you, that was nice of you to light a candle for Grandma. Maddie must be feeling pretty bad, since we havent heard from her since this morning.
    and no Buzz, I havent forgotten you either, lol! That is not possible!

    Irene, I'm so glad to hear from you! Thank you for posting. So, the meds make you a bit 'loopy'? It could be worse, glad it isnt. Be well and safe. You and ms. Mariah will be 'baking' Easter cookies soon. :)

    Have a good night
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Ladies.

    I have ask Gayla to befiend my Alice , my daughter so that Alice can get in touch with her if need to be. I would hate to disappear here with out a word. to you guys. Since I seems to have so much computer problems. and at my age anything could hppen. Just looking ahead.

    We had a nice rain during the night. Have not turn TV on to see how the rest of the country fare last night. It sounded bad on my last report sure hope all is safe.

    Judy I do wish you would learn to used photobucket or a similar one to post pictures of your beautfull flowers. there is a thread on thi site Called photo HelpThat explain it all. Plus we have atleast 2 very good instructors here on Our site Connie and Sandy. that wpuld love to help you. Don't be shy about asking for help. Jackie is doing quite well on posting picures. She have a knack to capture some incrediable pictures.

    Better get up and get my breakfast.

    Love to all. and have a wonderful day.

    Hello Irene, I am so glad to hear a report from you. Sorry to hear you blood sugar don't like the treament tho. How long will the treatment last? I missed your pictures you used to post here too..

    Sandy thank you for being concerm about my blood sugar. That Fried balck berry pie did not have ant effect on my blood sugar yesterday. But that does not give me a ticket to make a habbit of it. Oh it was so good. It kin of taste like a fresh glazed donut with blacberries filling a a great big scoop of ice cream. I am sure the whole pie would have had a big impact but less than 1/2 s did not. But in my mind it did. Don't know what it did to my weight. We did not let the waitress bring us any rolls or cornbread to the table. So that was a big help.

    This is starting Jerry 3rd week of his treatment. He goes till the first of May. My son comes to town next Monday and I am excited to see him, He has lost 75 lbs so far. I was afraid I would not Reconize him. But I think I would He was almost 300 lb when he went thru that weigh surgery.. remakable job.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Judy are you on face book? I am under Eula Marie Ward I would like to be your friend there too.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    Up at 4am again today, storms, lightening was like a strobe light, never quit for a hour or so. Rain just poured down like it was coming from a pitcher. I didn't like the sound of it, got up, weighted in, walked to the hall and poof, the lights went out. Got downstairs well enough through the traffic of five animals, lit a couple of candles.

    Bad rain and wind yesterday coming back from Smith Falls, no one was passing cars, you could not see fifteen feet in front. Glad to be home. Rained while we packed the truck but not hard, I threw the tarp over it and bungee web over that, kept everything dry. My sister is getting married in September of this year, she is moving into her man's home, they are renovating as well. Lots to do before the date. Good for them they have a lot of friends helping.

    Logged in what my diet is currently, will do this once since everyday will be the same foods and only minor changes for variety sakes. I will not be doing much in the form of exercises, until I get some answers.

    Okay I have to get to work, catch you ladies Thursday if I survive the next two eleven hour days.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday!! :bigsmile: It went from 83 degrees to 60, what is the problem with our weather? :explode:

    Yesterday I took a slacker day and did not really exercise except for walking to the park with my granddaughter, DIL and the dogs. I also played with her in her backyard for a little while but I was basically sitting and playing catch. :laugh: Although it is now a life style so I still was watching my calories and did manage to stay under. :bigsmile: In lieu of that I did not gain over the weekend so I am sooooo happy.:bigsmile:

    Marie, you beat me today because I slept a little later, my son and I watched a movie last night to the wee hours of the morning. :yawn: I am glad you and Gayla are such good friends, maybe ask Phoebe to be Alice's friend also since she checks in on face book daily. :happy: I am glad that dessert had no ill effects on your blood sugar but don't feel that bad about eating it, sometimes we have to give in to a craving because our body needs a change. We don't want our bodies to have the same thing everyday or it won't make any changes. :tongue:

    Phoebe, hope you got to make your delivery and get some sleep in LA. I am not sure but I think Judy left something out of her joke about Walmart, I heard it before but can't remember. :laugh: BTW, what is a digital scrapper?

    Judy, that is a great picture of you and your sister, but no offense to your sister, you do look younger. :glasses: If you go to and upload the pictures you want to share with us, we can talk you through the rest. The most important thing with photobucket is copying the image link and then when adding it to your posting, you have to change the brackets and the img code to lower case on each end. Let us know if you need any help or follow the directions from Marie's link. :wink:

    Barbie, so happy to hear from you and glad you are having a good time with your hubby. :heart: I know the two of you will not over do your eating and will manage to get some sort of exercise in daily. :drinker: It just comes automatic now which is a good thing, since if we want to maintain we have to keep up with this new lifestyle. :love: You and Jake are of course more disciplined than anyone but as long as we all are here we are concerned for our health. :love:

    Irene, so happy to hear from you. :heart: :heart: You are in our prayers and I am so glad the clinical trial is going well so far. Sorry for the side effects but as long as you knew what to expect you are doing good. We love you and are so happy when you can drop in and say hello. :love:

    Jeri, your new GPS sounds really "cool", enjoy and use it often. :laugh: How old is the new grand baby now? Aren't they wonderful, especially when you can give them back to the parents when they fuss.

    Deb,as it turned out we had no bad weather at all, in fact last night it didn't even rain and we were expecting storms. Crazy weather is so unpredictable. :angry: How nice that your dad is still with you and that you had such a nice day with him. :love:

    Gigi, you are burning calories galore, you should be down to your goal in no time. Your dinner sounded so good and spending times with friends is even better. :flowerforyou:

    Charleygirl, where are you? We are waiting to meet you. Any friend of Marie's is a friend of ours. :drinker:

    Buzz, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings when I talked about your post. I just meant that some times it is hard to address everyone unless you have too much free time like I do. :laugh:

    Xyla, hope you are doing better today and each day gives you more strength. :flowerforyou:

    Maddie, I hope you check in with us soon and that you are feeling better, if not I hope you are on the way to your doctor or emergency room. We need you well and hope your mom does the same. :heart:

    Marilyn, you sneaked in here while I have been posting. :tongue: The storms sound horrible, we got lucky, I am glad everything is okay with you and yours. Congratulations to your sister, is this her first marriage? You have some long work days ahead of you, try not to over do.:flowerforyou:

    When I went to get my first cup of coffee the coffee maker broke, my husband just got back from the store with a new one so I can finally have a cup of coffee. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!!!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Sometimes Jake moves to the guest room because two adults and two Standard Poodles and a big cat don't always fit in the same bed :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Connie said:

    Gosh, it's the same at our house, sans the cat! We have a king bed but two adults, and two large Afghan Hounds are a bit much. My DH still has a problem with breathing while laying flat so sometime during the night he moves to his recliner in the living room leaving the bed to me and the boys. Funny thing is, they usually abandon me too, preferring the coolness of the tile floor in the hallway.

    We never should have started this with them but from night one, to keep Willie from whining all night and disturbing other guests in the hotel where we were staying, we took him into bed with us. Once we got back home, it was the same story. No one could sleep at night with the puppy crying and howling so into the bed he came. When Trouble came along, we couldn't very well let Will on the bed and make Trouble stay on the floor ---- but then that's all excuses, isn't it? It is clear who runs this household.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    It is clear who runs this household.

    Is that a problem? I thought that was normal with all pet owners. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy I have a question who all see the message on face book. For example when My brother post someting do all of my friends see it.? or just his friendsI list.

    Where is our Maddie?
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all, we had a good nights rest, just got a shower and now doing a small load of laundry to get us home. We really must go home now because we are out of medication in about five days.
    Marie, if I am your friend on FB, I can read posts made to you, or on your wall, as they call it. I believe this is what you were asking.
    marilyn, I can picture you and your little troop train going down the stairs, it is Very familiar to me.
    Sandy, glad you had a day of rest on Sunday. God had it right all along!
    Jeri, I checked out those gps watches, and I knew instantly that for me, I would have to keep the direction booklet with me at all times! Lol, I bought my dh a new watch, and I told him we could not lose the instructions, not Ever, well we did. We can barely change the time for daylight savings time! No telling what else that watch can do, but I dont want to know!
    Sandy digital scrappers is actually digital scrapbooking
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