Fit For Future Families - April 2011



  • SexyInASizeSix
    Hey TTCs I applaud you! I'm a studying Nurse focusing on Women's Health, because I believe that nutrition is soooooo important for healthy pregnancies. All the best guys!!
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Happy April Everyone! It's late and I haven't been on here much, and I want to take the time to reply to everyone, so I'll check back in later. I think about you ladies every day! :-) I think I just ovulated this month so that's a good thing! So I guess it's a 2WW for me now....I'm not going to think about it though...yeah, right! Good night!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Hopey- I'm excited for you to have your hubby with you at home again soon!

    Welcome everyone! I'm so happy you have all joined the thread. For all you others still reading the thread and deciding if you should join us with your TTC stories please do! I know I read the thread for about a month before actually joining and I'm soooo happy I did!!!

    AFM: One of the best workouts ever! I don't know why I was so motivated but I actually lifted, did crunches, and a full stretch as well as the normal hour cardio. I wish I always felt like this!!! Going to my friend's baby shower tomorrow, I'm hoping I can stay happy for her the entire time and not get down...I think I will be fine as long as I don't get the dreaded question, "When are you going to get pregnant?"OR "You still trying, or is their news?" Some people are just clueless!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Bumping soi can continue to stalk and read up on you! I miss you all too! I hope that you are all doing really well! Know I check up on you all often! Feel free to message me anytime as well.

    Erica! Yeaaaaaaaaaa congrats I hope you will join it heather Ron and I on the pregnancy read when you feel ready.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kim - enjoy your weekend, even if you overindulge just enough :) You and DH do so many renovations that a weekend away to luxurize yourself will only help you out :)

    Sexy 6 - you're absolutely right it is :) It's important to start before being pregnant so you're good to go before you even know you are, although on this board of early testers......LOL that would only be a day or two.....

    Ucam - 2WW.....definitely focus on things you can do - stress is not going to be your friend :) Now's the time to pick up a hobby or something.... Nothing more can be done this cycle :) So enjoy it!!!

    Luki - You stalked us for a month???? LOL That's pretty cool!! Glad your workout went so well. I know I have days when I absolutely just want to lace up and run for a bit (which is such a strange sensation and truth be told running in my head and running for real are always two very different things.....LOL) My problem with it is that it makes all other workouts pale in comparison.....You have to get to the point that you have that kind of feeling every time :)

    Anne - Are you really 22 weeks along already????? OMG You're almost halfway there!!!!! Can't wait to hear she's arrived!!!

    And as for me: I had my monthly chiropractic appointment yesterday and he definitely pointed out that my hip was out of alignment on the left. I've known taht for a few weeks at this point.....when I went to he garden show and walked for 4 hours when I sat down, I couldn't move for a few minutes. So he gave me my stretches and sent me on my way but I also learned two critical things for me. 1. After an adjustment I just want to sleep - yup, it was another 12 hour night for me. 2. My core muscles really need to be strengthened - not just for weight loss but when I went to sit up after the adjustment every core muscle I own from my hips to my ribs screamed at me, just a little becuase I got up without the support of my that's going to be my focus. It should help me whittle myself something of a waist at the same time.......I've been noticing more and more my belly seems round instead of flat. I know it's just my body shape changing becuase of the weight loss but I know one of these days someone's going to ask if I'm pregnant.....LOL
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    OMG - I just weighed in for the morning and I hope that it stays like that for Monday!!!!! Seriously....I'm at my lowest weight by 0.5lbs!!! Don't think I'm going to meet my mini goal by my birthday, but I'd like to be out of the 230s (even that would be a stretch)......time to commit in a big way and see what I can do in 9 days!!!!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    AFM: One of the best workouts ever! I don't know why I was so motivated but I actually lifted, did crunches, and a full stretch as well as the normal hour cardio. I wish I always felt like this!!! Going to my friend's baby shower tomorrow, I'm hoping I can stay happy for her the entire time and not get down...I think I will be fine as long as I don't get the dreaded question, "When are you going to get pregnant?"OR "You still trying, or is their news?" Some people are just clueless!

    I hate when people ask those questions. My daughter and I went to lunch with the in-laws this week, and my MIL had my 3 y/o ask me for a baby brother or sister...umm...hello?! I lost a baby in February! And the MIL KNOWS this!! Because of the medication to end the tubal pregnancy, I can't get pregnant for AT LEAST 3 months or I will miscarry. Some people.......
    sorry to hijack, just had to vent that...
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    OMG - I just weighed in for the morning and I hope that it stays like that for Monday!!!!! Seriously....I'm at my lowest weight by 0.5lbs!!! Don't think I'm going to meet my mini goal by my birthday, but I'd like to be out of the 230s (even that would be a stretch)......time to commit in a big way and see what I can do in 9 days!!!!

    WTG Pam! It's great to see the scale move, isn't it? Wish mine would move faster too...
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Erica - congratulations!

    Pam - sounds like you're doing something right!

    AFM: I bought a bikek last night, and I'm super excited to use it (I've wanted one for awhile). As soon as this crazy storm passes I'll be on it! DH and I also just signed up for soccer-baseball for the season. I'm excited about that!

    I'm back up to where I was, but will officially log on Monday. Also, today is looking to be CD1 of TTC Cycle 9.... argh. So 2 rounds of Clomid done and nothing. I have my OB appt in May and I can't wait - I know it's progesterone that I need - my LP is too short.

    Also, we have our Info Session for the adoption on Monday night. Get this: when I was doing the intake form they told us that there is a 1 -2 year wait for PRIDE training for people who want kids under 5.... and then there is a 1 - 2 year wait for placement! We're prepared to wait, but that's ridiculous! Oh well, maybe we'll be lucky.

    Welcome newbies!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hopey - that really is low. I am so used to the questions, but if I had a situation like that I might have gone just a little postal. My inlaws never ask questions.....they figure we'll talk when we're ready....we don't want to push it on people so we only offer what is asked....

    Jalara - that's on the low end of the wait time actually. We were approved before PRIDE was required but the wait times at that point in Ontario for a non-special needs child under 5 is about 7 years overall (and the CAS approval process was similar to the current PRIDE requirements). We have the option though of going throuhg private adoptions not mandated by the province - which could be as little as 9 months for an infant....Awesome on the bike!!!! I used to love riding, but since I put the weight on I hate riding because my belly gets in the way and I have to worry about sturdiness and stuff. I know I told myself that when I hit 200 I'd do horseback riding, but have since found out I'm hugely allergic to horses....LOL Myabe I'll change that goal to buying a bike. Once we do the mat leave stuff, I think we're going to need bikes anyways since we choose to have one car only and we're in a small town anyways. The grocery store is 5 minutes walking, but if we wanted to take the kids to the library for the day, that would be about a 30 minute walk carrying a small child. With a bike that would cut it down to about 10 minute ride.....hmmmm.....maybe that's what we buy for each other for our 10th anniversary this fall.....
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Pam - sounds like a great anniversary gift to me! The funny thing about my bike is that a had to get one for GIRLS, not Womens.... that's how short I am! It's an awesome pink though. I'm not sure at this point if private adoptions are an option for us, I hope to find out some useful information Monday night.

    Saturday afternoon nap while it snows.... tempting!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    It's funny how it's snowing there. DH's Aunt in Moncton was telling me the maritimes is getting freezing rain last night - its like 15 here.....we had the freak snowstorm last week. I'll huff and puff and blow the nice weather over so you can use that bike!!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Bumping so that I can continue to stalk you ladies. I was a part of this thread for so long that I can't seem to let go. :embarassed: :laugh:

    Erica - congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I tried to post this morning and then my computer froze and I was too lazy to type it again…so here it is…

    Pam- Yes I did stalk you ladies for a month before joining. :blushing: I didn’t know if I qualified since my husband and I have decided to adopt and I was kinda scared to share my story with “strangers.” I realize now that was very stupid!!! I’m so happy I’m a part of this thread and have you all as friends and supporters on this journey (although I do wish I had a reason to leave…you know what I mean)

    Hopey- Wow I can’t believe your MIL! :mad: Since telling my family we moving toward adopting we no longer get those questions from them- Thank God! Now it is them pestering about getting paper work finished and getting our home visit- which I find SUPER CUTE!!! I think you should ask your husband to talk to his mom and tell her to back-off. I know this would be really hard but…worth it?

    Jalara- I totally hear you on the frustration on wait times! We are currently trying to get the US government to get the paper work caught up with my husband citizenship status…he is current on a US green card, but was adopted and a new born and we’ve have married for over 2.5 year so he should be a full citizen…UGH! Very frustrating and means one more step for us, but totally worth it!

    The baby shower was fun and I'm tired and definately ate too much...
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    Hello. I havent posted in the boards here, but then I found this thread. My whole reason for losing weight and eating right is to get pregnant and have a healthy family. Last week I didn't lose, and it killed me. This week I have cut my carbs wayy down (I have PCOS) and I hope to see some results.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Welcome Katy! You're very first post- very awesome!!!

    and to everyone- Sorry for my typos, my computer is being super slow and it takes too long to fix them...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome Katy :) I have PCOS too. I am trying to up my protein in a big way (which in its own way is cutting back on carbs) and trying to make sure I get at least 5-7servings of F&V a's been crazy to balance so far, but it seems to be paying off at this point. Good luck! Are you taking any meds?

    Luki - I found I got more questions with the adoption because people didn't understand it as much. They didn't understand the wait times and the process. I'd get asked 20x a week So where's the baby.....GRRRRRR Now that they know we're trying to go through fertility, it's a little easier becuase we have times that we have to meet with the doctor and we have to wait 6 months for surgical resutls and the like. My folks are definitely the ones asking....they have 4 children in their mid 20s to early 30s, 3 of whom are in serious relationships and i'm the only married...but they thought by now they'd definitely have grandchildren. Also, we immigrated here and so we really have no family (although there are 3 soon to be 4 great nieces running around and a few nieces and nephews under the age of 10) there is limited exposure to children, so I understand their frustration. I can't get too mad.....and I've gotten to the point with my parents that I just wave them off....I'm thinking my brother and his GF are talking marriage right now (he got her father's blessing at Christmas) and babies, but I could be way off base.....

    Ronya - Welcome to the second trimester :) Are things getting easier with the m/s? It's nice to see so many faces that have moved on :)

    AFM: I'm hoping to post a massive loss this week.......and so far, I've really been behaving (this is when I tend to go overboard on the eating so I'm trying really hard to keep it under control.....) DH is working again today and actually I have a few things to clear up at work, but I think it'll be a lazy day.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Like Pam I'm getting antsy to weigh in tomorrow. I usually wiegh in on Sundays, but I figured I would actually wait until tomorrow to follow the rules :wink: I know I have lost inches because clothes are fitting looser, but if it will show on the scale I'm not sure. I haven't weighed in for about awhile so hoping for something!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Pam just wanted to say that you look fantastic! Love the pic! And congrats on the big loss this week. Are you integrating things from The Diet Solution into your life? Do you regret buying it? I sure hope literally changed my life so I was hoping it was helpful for you as well. :)

    Missing you ladies!

    My hubby is still gone and they are trying to make him stay until the end of June now...which would make me almost 21 weeks (he left at 6 wks). With all the hormones raging it has been a little difficult with missing him, but not unbearable. I'm sticking with my workouts doing at least 6 days a week of at least an hour. The eating on the other hand has been the difficult thing for me...or the stopping eating to be more exact. I'm hungry all the time...I've finally passed the nauseous stage (never did get sick) which is nice. All signs (chinese gender chart, other gender predictors, all the old wives tales) say I'm having a I'm gonna expect a girl. :)

    Hope all of you are doing well. Big hugs!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks - yup I am....It`s been an interesting read so far. We`ve made some slip ups, but really looking at it as an evolution instead of a revolution. There were a few things that it`s taking DH and me time to wrap our heads around (sugar related, which is probably the most important part with PCOS).

    Boy or long as the little bean is healthy. When do you have another U/S? Have they determined it`s just one now?