Fit For Future Families - April 2011



  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Wow Katy and Pam awesome job!

    Pam- I'm very jealous that you have a handy man that can build cabinets! I desperately need more cabinets in my kitchen so we are trying to save some money up to buy some...

    Jalara- Have fun tonight at the meeting. I hope it goes well and you get lots of good info and a chance to get questions answered.

    Andrea- I'm impressed that you were able to do SMEP even with a sick hubby!

    AFM: I set up my meeting with Immigration for April 15th. We have all the papers lined up so hopefully the meeting goes smoothly!
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    I'd like to join all of you, if that's all right. I've been stalking for a few weeks now, though keeping track of names and stories is sometimes difficult for me. :) I feel I need to get my weight down in order to TTC. Starting to chart and losing weight at the same time is sometimes overwhelming, and super stressful right before AF, though I'm certain that time is stressful for all of you. Good luck with all your goals in the next week!
    Mine are:
    Finish off my water bottle every day
    Fit in at least 1 'full workout' (meaning a dvd or gym run)
    Prep for the next day the night before

    lol I think the prep will help me lose the most this week, as if I do that, I'll have healthy lunches and my water bottle ready instead of resorting to fast food.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey all!

    Well the info session was..... boring! :laugh: They didn't say anythign I didn't already know. Although I had to say that some other people obviously got new information out of it - one lady asked if she could put ther perspective adoptive child in a room with her other children and watch and they behave with eath other behind a 2-way-mirror!!!! DH and I had a good laugh about that on the way home.

    Right now we are trying to figure out if we want to raise our age limit, but I don't think we do. We very much want a chidl under 5, but I think we're both a little afraid to admit it to ourselves/each other. Either way, the process starts this week (after DH gets back from a business trip he leaves for tomorrow morning). And then we wait..... for like 18 months to even start the formal process. Heck - it's a start!

    Today my eating improved - the calories were high but the food was more nutritious. Meh - it is what it is!

    Hope everyone has a good night!
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    I'd like to join all of you, if that's all right. I've been stalking for a few weeks now, though keeping track of names and stories is sometimes difficult for me. :) I feel I need to get my weight down in order to TTC. Starting to chart and losing weight at the same time is sometimes overwhelming, and super stressful right before AF, though I'm certain that time is stressful for all of you. Good luck with all your goals in the next week!
    Mine are:
    Finish off my water bottle every day
    Fit in at least 1 'full workout' (meaning a dvd or gym run)
    Prep for the next day the night before

    lol I think the prep will help me lose the most this week, as if I do that, I'll have healthy lunches and my water bottle ready instead of resorting to fast food.

    Let me tell you!!! Prep is the key to my sucess! I make myself plan and pack the day before, or I know I will crash a burn!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Jalara- Aw man sorry you didn't get anything out of it. You have to be joking about the 2 way mirror lady- That is crazy!!! I hope they wrote down her name so it can be crossed off the adoptive mother list...maybe thats mean but children aren't dogs! Why would someone ask that?!!! Goodness that your child your talking about!!!

    Dragon- I'm glad you decided to join in!

    So I'm pretty upset with myself. I slightly sprained my right angle and left knee at Zumba tonight..UGH so frustration! I haven't sprained my angle for almost 6 months (so I was overdue) but man I'm mad at myself! I have REALLY bad angles (multiple stress fractures, previous breaks, and majorly stretched tendons) so I'm hoping that tomorrow I won't even be able to tell I sprained it tonight. During Zumba I pretended nothing had happened and just kept going with the workout but it is starting to throb now that I'm sitting down. Problem is once I sprain them, they tend to roll several times in a row...I just don't want it to hold me back!
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    No change in weight this week. Bad week. Going through a custody dispute and I have to give testimony tomorrow. Feeling really stressed and I haven't made the time to get to the gym. :( Not to mention we're kinda broke lately so it's hard to buy "good" food. We haven't done fast food, but I've been eating the heck outta some PB&J and cheese sticks cuz that's all we have. :( Not sure if any of you are the praying type, but I could use some prayers if you wouldn't mind. Thanks all! Hope you have a good week.

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome Dragon!!!

    Jalara - if you're already pretty well versed in adoptions and what they require from an emotional standpoint, then you're in the same boat we were. We did our homestudy privately before we went to the info session so we'd already gotten all the same information. People's perceptions of adoption are so skewed sometimes - you will hear much worse than that before you're done. Be honest with yourselves. Part of the reason they make the process so long is so you have the time to work through issues like ages, special needs and really your options. They need to know that you're committing to what you're doing 100%. I remember the hardest part for us being the special needs piece and deciding what we were willing to consider. They gave us a list and I felt bad putting no to any of them because what if that was my child, but there were some things I just wasn't going to be able to handle (a child with terminal illness, etc.) Definitely talk it through and come to a consensus - the more you show that you're a cohesive team, the more likely placement will happen quickly :)

    Luki - ouch - sounds like it happens a lot. Try not to aggrevate it the long run it won't help :) Can you wear some kind of support when you're Zumbaing?

    Hunny - PB&J or cheese sticks aren't the worst thing for you in the world. Stress will definitely keep you from losing weight.....make sure to take some time to meditate/pray for at least 10 minutes by yourself somewhere quiet a few times a day, i find that if i do it at work before everyone else gets there, at lunch and then before bed that it really helps!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Luki - sorry about your ankle! I have super weak ankles too, which has caused me some problems. I once had a physio guy tell me do something like bike riding or tai kwan do to help out.

    So I weighed in this morning and there is no change, so that's okay. I bet there will be next week! DH is leaving for an overnight business trip today so it's just me to cook for tonight. Hmmm.......

    Have a good day all!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jalara - maintaining is definitely better than gaining :)

    Oh and I got some news last night that will be a major stressor in the weeks to come. We were supposed to go to New Brunswick for holidays in May....but with my potential work trip, that might get cancelled. So my FIL asked if we were going last night and he's announced that if we don't go there and visit them, they'll be coming here in early summer (once I'm back from the work trip). I still haven't quite absorbed it - we have a rocky relationship at best :noway: . That's not the way we do it....LOL they come at Christmas and we go in the summer...that's just all there is to it. I can't say no though. He just had surgery for his knee and this time of year they usually head to visit witth his brother in AZ, but the last time he had surgery and went to AZ, he landed up with a major viral infection at the site that lasted about a year and took heavy duty anti-virals sooooo....he's looking to travel and what better place than to see his son....his only son. So the guilt factor is there too.......*sigh* it'll be'll be okay.....:drinker:

    They also announced that the house is up for sale (again!) and if they sell, they're coming home to Ontario. I think they didn't realize how much they'd miss my DH and how little they'd see the rest of the family out there. I hope if they do, they move somewhere between his Aunt and'd be about a 35 minute drive to get to them, which is close enough to see them often and not have to stay with them or vice versa.....also not really close enough for daily visit. This is also nothing new - they've been trying to sell the house for 2 years now and it's been on and off the market....
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Wow, lots going on since I was in here last...!
    To ladies working through adoptions, there is an adoption service that my husband and I will be using when we adopt (we plan on doing this after we have 1 more biological child) called Bethany Adoption Service. They're a Christian-based firm, and if you adopt a child with special needs (which means one or more of these: diagnosis for mental or physical condition that will require more attention, part of a sibling group of 2 or more, or a child who has been in Foster care for more than 24 consecutive months), they will waive their adoption fees. We are considering adopting siblings because we want 4 children (our 2 bios included). is the website if you're interested.

    It sounds like you ladies are all shrinking...congrats! Shrink to grow (hopefully soon)!!

    Countdown at 12 days until DH comes home for good.....yay!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Pam- yikes on the IL situation. As you could probably tell from my previous MIL post, I can feel your pain and frustration. Hoping they decide to do what is best for.... YOU :laugh:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hopey - thanks for the info! Unfortunately here in Nova Scotia there is no choice who you go through to adopt - it's all handled and regulated by the government. But Bethany's sounds like a wonderful place!

    Pam - ugh. Will there visit have an impact on IVF?
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Every sympathy on the in law situation, I have a difficult relationship with mine also (not helped by the pointed remarks about her wanting to be knitting baby clothes and do I have any news on that). Hope things turn out not to be as stressful as they sound
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Every sympathy on the in law situation, I have a difficult relationship with mine also (not helped by the pointed remarks about her wanting to be knitting baby clothes and do I have any news on that). Hope things turn out not to be as stressful as they sound

    Tell her knitting is time-consuming, so she can do that whenever she wants....
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    Pam- Congrats on the new clothes and boo for the spatula! How long did the smell linger?

    Welcome Hoppy, Pixie, Angel, and mgoesrunning!!! We have lots of newbies, I hope I didnt miss anyone!!!

    Katie- Thats frustrating that the IUI didnt work. IUI was my first option but since my husband is sterile from the chemotherapy, they said that doing IUI would waste the sperm we have banked :( Oh well. I hope the natural cycle works for you!!! :)

    So, something weird happened to me this weekend. My husband and I have been applying for grants and writing letters to organizations that help young adults with various expenses related to their cancer journey, in order to do IVF because it is SO expensive, our insurance doesn't cover it, and we are in the process of recovering from all the medical debt that we aquired during treatments. Anyways, so this organization called me and said they wanted to ask me a few more questions regarding my inquiry. The weird thing was that I didnt remember sending a message to this organization at all, and it was specifically for children with chronic illnesses/medical needs, so it doesnt make sense that I would send something there anyways. SO--apparently even though we don't fall under their normal category, they were considering giving us some financial assistance because the organization was in honor of their daughter who dies from a medical mishap when she was 5yrs old, and she was conceived through IVF. How crazy is that?! I don't know if any of you believe in that kind of stuff-- but I totally think it was one of those God-things. The only catch with the whole situation is that they are specifically for families in New Jersey and they didnt realize that I live in Texas. So they're going to discuss and call back to tell me if I'm still being considered or but told me not to get my hopes up. Either way, It's nice to know that someone heard me and that I'm on the right track.

    And of course, this definately motivated me to work extra hard on the weight loss so that I'm very ready when it's time!! :)
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    So...I'm feeling a little too drained to tell my exhaustive infertility struggle this morning (there's the short version on my profile). But I really want to follow this group. LONG story super short: 4 miscarriages, 1 ectopic pregnancy and 1 round of methotrexate under my belt. No successful pregnancies, gained lots of weight and just started taking control back. :-)

    Oh! And my husband is deployed at the TTC is on hold til he gets back obviously! ;-)

    Happy to have found you all!

  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    Beth, welcome to the group!!! :) I'm sorry for all your struggles but I'm so glad you're still trying and have hope!!! :)
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm back...finally. (Warning, long post):laugh:
    I'm So happy to see all the newbies! Welcome!

    Pam, great loss! 4.9!! Awesome! Yay for new cabinet space! Gotta love those handy guys!

    Luki, way to go! 3!! I'm jealous. Boo on the sprained ankle! Sounds like it is time for a little rest and searching for some good braces. My sister has horribly weak ankles also and finds that wearing her braces helps a lot when exercising and stuff.

    Angel, welcome to the group! I agree with the lack of motivation when it is crappy out! I didn't even want to go to class last night because it was bad if that was going to effect class inside...ugh.

    Andrea, happy 2ww... Fingers crossed that your SMEP worked! I am very impressed that you were able to do it with the flu around. DH and I couldn't even do it perfectly healthy...We will be trying again.

    Katy, great job! Down 5!! Welcome to the group! You are doing great!

    Dragon, welcome. Try not to get too overwhelmed, soon it will be routine. No worries. Very nice goals!

    Jalara, bummer that the meeting wasn't helpful. At least it gave you something to laugh about...She's crazy!

    HunnyLuvs (Susan), I am sending prayers your way! Don't worry too much about the cruddy week. When the time is right just jump back in and continue your healthy journey. I agree with Pam, some quiet meditation does wonders. Best of luck.

    Welcome, Beth!

    OK, AFM...I had a great weekend at my ILs (sorry for the IL troubles that you may have), I love visiting with mine. I fit better into their family better than I do my own... Well we had a great "nail weekend" with Manis and Pedis. DH stayed home because he had to work. When I got home the house was a wreck and I still need to do laundry...ugh!
    DH has next week off from work, so I got the bright idea to go and visit his sister in England, so we are leaving for England Sunday! I LOVE to travel, so it took a little convincing to get DH onboard. I'm sure he would love to stay home and finish the floors in the other few rooms, but if we have the time now why not embrace it and go to England, right? A little spontaneous traveling never killed anyone :)
    I have been keeping up on my goals to do 30 push ups and 60 crunches every morning. It's going great! I really need to get up a little earlier though. It actually feels pretty good to get my blood pumping in the morning, even though I am NOT a morning person. Haven't made it to Zumba since Thursday...hopefully I'll make it Wednesday, if packing doesn't get the best of my time. Wait...I won't let it! I'm going to Zumba Wednesday! (Sorry, quick attitude change) Still haven't figured out what I am going to be doing for my one strength workout for the week...
    Eating healthy....well....umm...not really. We are trying not to go shopping or anything, because we will not be around next week. So it is down to cooking/eating whatever we have left in the house. My sweet tooth has been running my snack decisions, dang it! I am going to try much harder to take control!
    My dr appointment went well yesterday. After waiting 2 hours, before being seen, and 3 hours before getting out of there, got a BFN (which I suspected). Dh was kind of bummed. Doc says that anyone coming off of Depo should wait at least 1 year for their AF to return then it "just takes time" to regulate. She was impressed that I was charting and stuff already. I gave her my whacky AF history and she was happy..."It's better than nothing!" True I guess. She says that if we just wait it out she guarantees that we will get preggo on our own, but because I am a bit impatient with the process and don't mind the "risks" then we can move forward. She has asked me to temp/chart for one more month to see if I O, then if not we can start Clomid. I still have some mixed feeling about it. I have heard the crazy side-effects, and I am not one to use medications. BUT I am pretty impatient, so we will prolly try it. I am trying to stay realistic and understand that it may not work right away, or at all, but at least we are doing SOMETHING! (Vent Alert) Then she suggested getting DHs "guys" checked out. When I told him, he said "yeah, right." I wanted to kill him! I just sat in the dr office for 3 hours, got poked, prodded, and examined, and he can't even go RELEASE some guys! UGH. Now every time I bring it up he is even less receptive to the idea. I don't know what to do. This is the first time he has ever been selfish and made me feel like I am doing all the work. Any suggestions!? I really don't know what it will take to get him to do this, or should I just let him off the hook? HUH, MEN!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Kim: Give him a little time. Guys are super sensitive when it comes to that. Even more then we are. We just want to fix any problems and they are just so proud about it that it takes time for them to break down. Don't mention it for a day or so and then bring it up to him when you are alone and getting along. Just tell him with all that you are going through the least he can do is one little test. No big deal. Hopefully by then he has thought about it himself. Good Luck!!!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    So...I'm feeling a little too drained to tell my exhaustive infertility struggle this morning (there's the short version on my profile). But I really want to follow this group. LONG story super short: 4 miscarriages, 1 ectopic pregnancy and 1 round of methotrexate under my belt. No successful pregnancies, gained lots of weight and just started taking control back. :-)

    Oh! And my husband is deployed at the TTC is on hold til he gets back obviously! ;-)

    Happy to have found you all!


    I am so sorry for your struggles, Beth. Are you seeing any specialist or high-risk OB? I understand the ectopic/methotrexate situation...I just went through it in February. 6 wks later and it's still affecting me. PM me if you wanna talk, I'd be glad to listen. :)
    Also, my hubby is deployed...has been gone almost 18 months but will be home for good in 12 days. Hang in there, when your hubby gets home, you won't have to "actively" TTC, it will just be natural after such a separation! :love:
    Welcome to the group!