Fit For Future Families - April 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hopey - yup - I completely sympathized with you on your IL issues. We actually were estranged with our inlaws for a few years about 10 years ago (and the main reason our adoption fell through is the social worker didn't feel that my FIL was a good influence on a child and we should continue the estrangement :S) Agree on the knitting stuff - my mom is knitting up a storm but also giving them away at baby showers.

    Jalara - I KNOW!!! At least all the "dirty" stuff is being done in a lab....LOL But yeah, what are they thinking!!!

    MrsHinds - It actually didn't last long at all :D Isn't it funny how things work? Maybe because of the IVF someone forwarded your request to them. We're in a similar situation with the precious few little guys...not for the same reason, though...but that's why the IVF instead of a less invasive treatment.

    Beth - sounds really complicated and like a frustrating journey. Welcome to the group - hope you find the support you need from us (great bunch of ladies)

    Kim - yay for England!!! Was it spur of the moment (sounds like it!!!) which is even better. My doctor said the same thing to me 9 years ago (don't worry too much about the issues, it'll happen without much trouble, I'm sure of it) GRRRRRRRRRR. Check to see if they have to release them someplace specifc. My DH was able to do it at home provided he was able to get there in 20 minutes (driving with the bottle under his arm like a madman to the lab....LOL)
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Welcome to the newbies and feel free to join us, any of you stalker-types out there--we don't bite. :-) Sorry I'm not responding to everyone individually--it's just not happening right now, but I did want to say:

    Kim--I"m interested to see what my husband says when we go in to see the RE and they broach that subject with him. We both know they will, even though we know I'm not ovulating. I think he's had time to think about it, and while I totally agree with the "hey, I"m doing all this, the least you can do is that" sentiment, with my husband, that approach just makes him stick his feet in like a stubborn mule--the gut reaction for any guy (I think) would be "Heck no". I agree with other posts--give him a few days to think about it. You better believe he is thinking about it. And then maybe bring it up in a very non-threatening way. With my hubby, I've found that an open-ended question like "So what do you think about the SA that the doctor suggested?" has been helpful. It's not demanding an answer and might encourage discussion, since he can't answer with a simple "yes" or "no". Don't know if it'll work, but it might prevent an impasse.

    Okay--I have to get some work done. Best wishes everyone....
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes - I'm glad I joined.

    I do have something for all those of you looking to adopt. I was adopted. I know many of you are looking for 'your' child and I do believe they are out there. The thing is, they will always feel like they are your child, the one you wanted and waited for. They will know that through out their lives. I count myself incredibly blessed to have been adopted. I always knew I was wanted. I knew they had picked me, just me. I never had to wonder if my parents were trying for a boy, or if I was an accident. I was the child they wanted, with all their hearts.

    I'm sure you all know that by now, but just a little affirmation from the other side of the equation. :)
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes - I'm glad I joined.

    I do have something for all those of you looking to adopt. I was adopted. I know many of you are looking for 'your' child and I do believe they are out there. The thing is, they will always feel like they are your child, the one you wanted and waited for. They will know that through out their lives. I count myself incredibly blessed to have been adopted. I always knew I was wanted. I knew they had picked me, just me. I never had to wonder if my parents were trying for a boy, or if I was an accident. I was the child they wanted, with all their hearts.

    I'm sure you all know that by now, but just a little affirmation from the other side of the equation. :)

    I teared up at this - really beautiful.
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes - I'm glad I joined.

    I do have something for all those of you looking to adopt. I was adopted. I know many of you are looking for 'your' child and I do believe they are out there. The thing is, they will always feel like they are your child, the one you wanted and waited for. They will know that through out their lives. I count myself incredibly blessed to have been adopted. I always knew I was wanted. I knew they had picked me, just me. I never had to wonder if my parents were trying for a boy, or if I was an accident. I was the child they wanted, with all their hearts.

    I'm sure you all know that by now, but just a little affirmation from the other side of the equation. :)

    I teared up at this - really beautiful.

    me too :-(
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes - I'm glad I joined.

    I do have something for all those of you looking to adopt. I was adopted. I know many of you are looking for 'your' child and I do believe they are out there. The thing is, they will always feel like they are your child, the one you wanted and waited for. They will know that through out their lives. I count myself incredibly blessed to have been adopted. I always knew I was wanted. I knew they had picked me, just me. I never had to wonder if my parents were trying for a boy, or if I was an accident. I was the child they wanted, with all their hearts.

    I'm sure you all know that by now, but just a little affirmation from the other side of the equation. :)

    I'm adopted too, which is the main reason we are adopting (as far as we know we can have kids but haven't yet, for no lack of trying). My family is amazing and my parents are honestly the best people I know. With that said, I always knew that I was slightly different than everyone else (there were 2 bio children in the house). I'm hoping my experience will help me to better empathize with my kids :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Dragon - beautifully put. I remember saying when we were going through the process to my husband "Imagine, our little girl (cause that's what I saw) is already in the world waiting for us to find her". Unfortunately, it didn't work out for us but that's not going to stop us from going that route again in the future, if I can ever swallow the politics that goes along with it.

    Jalara - your adoption, honestly, will give you a quicker wait time (but then they said that to my DH too about being in foster care so don't quote me on it). They really want parents that have had things to deal with in their own lives so they are able to help their children cope with the many things they will have to overcome. I'm so excited for you!!!

    AFM - I had to go get new pants today. The ones I was wearing were size 24 and they were just a little too loose in the waist (forget about the thighs....I could have fit a circus down there. I went to the store after work and picked up two size 20 pants (and they are amazingly comfortable....think work pants combined with yoga pants!!!) Because they're a little more stretchy they are certainly hugging my "curves" even the ones I wish it wouldn't, like my belly....LOL but nothing a longer shirt won't fix and hopefully they'll last me a good couple of months. I'm almost done spending my "new clothes budget" from my bonus and it's been nice but I don't want to get used to it. I'm such a cheapskate normally (I still have sweaters from when I was 14....LOL They are fitting better again though...LOL).

    So here's a question to all of you. Are you planning to keep any of your bigger sized clothes to wear when things just start to get a little tight (for those going through pregnancy to start your families). I'm hoping that by saving some of these clothes, I might not have to get too many maternity clothes (maybe a pair of pants cause I've always wanted the elasto tops). Obviously I'm proportionately larger in the waist than my thighs would have you believe (hence my circus pants today)....but do you think it will work? What do you think?
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    So here's a question to all of you. Are you planning to keep any of your bigger sized clothes to wear when things just start to get a little tight (for those going through pregnancy to start your families). I'm hoping that by saving some of these clothes, I might not have to get too many maternity clothes (maybe a pair of pants cause I've always wanted the elasto tops). Obviously I'm proportionately larger in the waist than my thighs would have you believe (hence my circus pants today)....but do you think it will work? What do you think?

    I wish I could help, but I'm pretty close to my biggest size ever, which is the reason I joined MFP - to get my clothes to fit better, haha! I absolutely can't wait to get pregnant, but I don't have a lot of room to gain weight in my clothes before having to buy big sizes, oh well! I think that it would make sense to keep some of those clothes, especially any with a little more stomach room. Why buy new ones if you have some that work? That's my little opinion :flowerforyou:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member

    Andrea, happy 2ww... Fingers crossed that your SMEP worked! I am very impressed that you were able to do it with the flu around. DH and I couldn't even do it perfectly healthy...We will be trying again.
    HunnyLuvs (Susan), I am sending prayers your way! Don't worry too much about the cruddy week. When the time is right just

    OK, AFM...I had a great weekend at my ILs (sorry for the IL troubles that you may have), I love visiting with mine. I fit better into their family better than I do my own... Well we had a great "nail weekend" with Manis and Pedis. DH stayed home because he had to work. When I got home the house was a wreck and I still need to do laundry...ugh!
    DH has next week off from work, so I got the bright idea to go and visit his sister in England, so we are leaving for England Sunday! I LOVE to travel, so it took a little convincing to get DH onboard. I'm sure he would love to stay home and finish the floors in the other few rooms, but if we have the time now why not embrace it and go to England, right? A little spontaneous traveling never killed anyone :)
    I have been keeping up on my goals to do 30 push ups and 60 crunches every morning. It's going great! I really need to get up a little earlier though. It actually feels pretty good to get my blood pumping in the morning, even though I am NOT a morning person. Haven't made it to Zumba since Thursday...hopefully I'll make it Wednesday, if packing doesn't get the best of my time. Wait...I won't let it! I'm going to Zumba Wednesday! (Sorry, quick attitude change) Still haven't figured out what I am going to be doing for my one strength workout for the week...
    Eating healthy....well....umm...not really. We are trying not to go shopping or anything, because we will not be around next week. So it is down to cooking/eating whatever we have left in the house. My sweet tooth has been running my snack decisions, dang it! I am going to try much harder to take control!
    My dr appointment went well yesterday. After waiting 2 hours, before being seen, and 3 hours before getting out of there, got a BFN (which I suspected). Dh was kind of bummed. Doc says that anyone coming off of Depo should wait at least 1 year for their AF to return then it "just takes time" to regulate. She was impressed that I was charting and stuff already. I gave her my whacky AF history and she was happy..."It's better than nothing!" True I guess. She says that if we just wait it out she guarantees that we will get preggo on our own, but because I am a bit impatient with the process and don't mind the "risks" then we can move forward. She has asked me to temp/chart for one more month to see if I O, then if not we can start Clomid. I still have some mixed feeling about it. I have heard the crazy side-effects, and I am not one to use medications. BUT I am pretty impatient, so we will prolly try it. I am trying to stay realistic and understand that it may not work right away, or at all, but at least we are doing SOMETHING! (Vent Alert) Then she suggested getting DHs "guys" checked out. When I told him, he said "yeah, right." I wanted to kill him! I just sat in the dr office for 3 hours, got poked, prodded, and examined, and he can't even go RELEASE some guys! UGH. Now every time I bring it up he is even less receptive to the idea. I don't know what to do. This is the first time he has ever been selfish and made me feel like I am doing all the work. Any suggestions!? I really don't know what it will take to get him to do this, or should I just let him off the hook? HUH, MEN!

    Meant to reply to this, too! I'll take a little bow on the SMEP completion, haha! :drinker: I'm not gonna lie, not the most fun time with two flu ridden people. :laugh:

    England will be a blast! I love that you guys can take a little impromtu trip like that - enjoy! As for his reactions, immediately I got upset when I read it. Guys can have issues, too! But after thinking about it, guys do have very easily bruisable egos, and it's going to be like walking on think ice in broaching the subject with him. I loved Karen's suggestion about wording it in the most nonthreatening way possible using an open ended question. Crossing my fingers for you! :flowerforyou:
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Hello ladies. Gosh I'm slack. I've only just realised how long ago I last posted!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Wow the board was busy today!

    Dragon- Well put…melts my heart!

    Kim- Don’t get too frustrated with him! I know easier said than done. My husband took forever to go in and then the sample needed to be retaken which took another 4+ months for him to go do and we might have to do a third (because we still haven’t heard the results- what the heck! :grumble: ) My husband just keeps telling me it is so awkward and I tell him do you think my tests aren’t? What finally helped me was taking him to the OBGYN when I got my cervical biopsy. I think him going with me made my tests more real to him. Also it allowed him to meet my dr. which he hadn’t done before. I also think men look at these test differently than women. I think men look at the tests as women trying to find someone to “blame”, but women just view it as trying to find out “why.” Why is conceiving taking longer/not happen for us? And going to England, I’m jealous!

    Susan- I’m sorry for the stress this week. Prayers are definitely coming!

    Beth- Sorry for your struggles. I’m glad you have joined us!

    Mrs.Hinds- that is very strange! Make sure it is legit before you give them any info- you don’t want to be scammed. I’m very skeptical of that stuff just because I’ve been a victim of identity theft and they don’t mind hitting below the belt. I hope it is legit and works out…God knows after everything you and the hubs have gone through you deserve some good news!

    AFM: Ankle is only slightly swollen, I can’t even really tell except when I look at it. Oh yes, sprains are common for me! As my physical therapist told me the last time I had PT, “Your brain doesn’t even know where you ankle is anymore.” :laugh: I have braces but only wear them when running (I should wear them more often but they’re so constricting…yes I realize that’s point, but I hate them!) Yes I’m stubborn, can you tell?!!! :wink: I am resting my ankle today because it is a built in rest day, but I will be going to Zumba tomorrow. Also a coworker called me, "Skinny Minny" today which made my day!!! :bigsmile:
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    So here's a question to all of you. Are you planning to keep any of your bigger sized clothes to wear when things just start to get a little tight (for those going through pregnancy to start your families). I'm hoping that by saving some of these clothes, I might not have to get too many maternity clothes (maybe a pair of pants cause I've always wanted the elasto tops). Obviously I'm proportionately larger in the waist than my thighs would have you believe (hence my circus pants today)....but do you think it will work? What do you think?

    I'm not planning on keeping any of my bigger clothes for pregnancy. I don't like the way I look in them right now, and I want nothing but joy for that time. Plus I have a feeling mine wouldn't fit right anyway, I tend to squeeze myself into clothes right now (denial!) and don't want the waistbands being uncomfortable. Maybe for just hanging around the house?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Morning world... is it bedtime yet? I actually slept pretty well considering DH is away.... off to a morning meeting soon.

    Clothes: I have a few great shirts that I'll be keeping for pregnancy - mainly because they have a nice flow to them and they're comfortable. Other than that, Old Navy here I come!

    Wednesday,,,,, ugh.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    When I lost some weight the first time, I kept my bigger clothes. I'm too much of a "what-if"'er to just get rid of them all. I was glad I did, because during pregnancy they didn't work so well for the most part--the belly was just too big. But after pregnancy, I found myself needing them due to my non-belly added "fluff". Real clothes just don't stretch like maternity clothes--I swear I'd wear maternity clothes all the time if I could--they are so comfortable. Some of my bigger looser non-prego shirts were fine for wearing around the house, but to be honest, when I was pregnant, I just needed some clothes that made me feel good, so I was all about finding and borrowing maternity clothes--mostly borrowing. They made me feel pregnant, not just huge--and I needed that difference! Haha!

    I didn't exercise this morning. Booo. Son was up in the middle of the night, and I just don't sleep well after being woken up by crying. It's like my adrenaline won't shut off. Hubby liked that I was still in bed later though, so he made the most of it, if you catch my drift. Well, it can't hurt at this point, right? I've pretty much given up BDing on our own working, but never say never, right? I'm hoping to work in some exercise this afternoon while little boy is napping...we'll see how that goes, it's always a toss-up. In the meantime, I guess I need to plan for a lot of low-cal veggies today if I'm going to make it through today without exercise calories.

    Happy Wednesday, everyone!
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    So here's a question to all of you. Are you planning to keep any of your bigger sized clothes to wear when things just start to get a little tight (for those going through pregnancy to start your families). I'm hoping that by saving some of these clothes, I might not have to get too many maternity clothes (maybe a pair of pants cause I've always wanted the elasto tops). Obviously I'm proportionately larger in the waist than my thighs would have you believe (hence my circus pants today)....but do you think it will work? What do you think?

    What a great idea!!! I hadn't even thought of that!!! :) I am going to start saving all my clothes as I grow out of them and keep them for the prego belly!!! :) Thanks for the idea!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Happy Humpday! :laugh:

    Thank you very much for the suggestions and realistic views of the situation. I know that I need to understand; it's just hard sometimes. He does have to go to the clinic to do it....I know I would have a problem doing that if the tables were turned. Thanks for the open-ended idea Karen, I will probably try that later, because God knows the "I did this, so you can do that" didn't work. LOL And I was already pissed from the 3 hours of my life I sacrificed for that ONE appointment. Good point, luki, we do seen the tests differently. Thanks for that.

    Hi History!

    Clothes: I actually have a bunch of pants that are too big in the back of my closet. I don't know whether they will fit right or not, but at least I have something to get started. I really do want to get some really cute maternity cloths though. Jalara, I LOVE Old Navy!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    LOL - I guess you all are right - even looking at my proportions, my thighs seem to have shrunk more (I'm an apple shape now) so I don't think most will fit anyways....but enough to get started.....there is a reason they have maternity clothes I suppose :)
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Hi all...sorry I've been out of the loop. Feel like I"m stuck in the phase I'm in. Tick tock to the next appt with the Doc which will be next Thurs and when we get the IVF show on the road. I can't wait. My head is spinning. Stay tuned. :)

    Kim....OMG I feel you on the hubby thing. My husband is a huge germaphobe and the room was less than appealing. Luckily I was able to go in with him and ease his anxiety. This is what I told him....and it made him turn the corner on his mental block. You would do anything for your kids, no? He said yeah...I was like...well consider this the first thing you can do for them. You should have seen the look on his face. Having me uhhhh help out didn't hurt either. My girlfriend sent her hubby on his own...poor guy. lol

    Pam....I've actually been buying clothes that'll transition me through to the pregnancy. It's so funny...everything I pick out I can see myself pregnant in too. :)

    Ok...catch up with ou all later.
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes - I'm glad I joined.

    I do have something for all those of you looking to adopt. I was adopted. I know many of you are looking for 'your' child and I do believe they are out there. The thing is, they will always feel like they are your child, the one you wanted and waited for. They will know that through out their lives. I count myself incredibly blessed to have been adopted. I always knew I was wanted. I knew they had picked me, just me. I never had to wonder if my parents were trying for a boy, or if I was an accident. I was the child they wanted, with all their hearts.

    I'm sure you all know that by now, but just a little affirmation from the other side of the equation. :)

    I'm adopted too, which is the main reason we are adopting (as far as we know we can have kids but haven't yet, for no lack of trying). My family is amazing and my parents are honestly the best people I know. With that said, I always knew that I was slightly different than everyone else (there were 2 bio children in the house). I'm hoping my experience will help me to better empathize with my kids :)

    I'd really like to adopt one day. DH and I have discussed it and we're going to adopt whether we have bio kids or not. Unfortunately, we can't do it right now as the funds are non existent. An adopted child may not be born of your body, but from your heart.
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    I am keeping all my large clothes, just in case.

    I guess I never told my infertility story. We have been trying about 2 years now, on and off. We tired the prover/clomid mix, but no luck.

    We havent really tried "hard" I guess you could say. the only time we got really into it was when I was on Clomid. I realized my weight and eating habits were going to keep anything from working..i just "knew" that was why.

    So here I am! I have lost 30 lbs and my cycle has come back..

    heres to hoping!