Fit For Future Families - April 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Morning lovelies!!!

    It's going to be a crazy day today, I'm sure of it :happy: Definitely starting to show signs of gearing up to O and since it's CD 12 for me, that's a good thing. I O'd on day 14 last cycle, just like I was supposed to (based on temps) but LP was a little longer than normal - maybe it's just settling in nonsense still.

    Good luck to day to all still trying this cycle and fingers crossed for those in your 2WW.

    Last night was a bit of a pity party for myself - DH and I had a "tiff" so I ate Swiss Chalet, which is not a terrible thing except guess what's back (for those of you that have been here a while)......barky taste with the chicken. I was taking a little more of the meds this week because of the asthma attack so I'm not entirely surprised, but c'mon body.....I can't eat steak every night....I need the chicken to be okay for me to eat.......Subway lunch with sister tonight and planning on aquafit in the evening!!! WHOOPIE!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hiya! Quick post today...very busy at work before England.

    Well didn't make it to Zumba last night...had to buy and cook dinner and it took a little longer than planned. So I will definitely be there tonight! Woke up early this morning and did my quick abs and arms. Still going strong!
    Still no sign of AF (CD 38), tested again just to make sure...bfn, of course. I'm pretty torn at this point, I would like it to start because I would like it to get regular, but I don't want it to start because we are leaving in 3 days. :ohwell:

    Fingers crossed for you Pam! Glad you are Oing on your own! Sorry about the bark taste. :sick:

    Hope everyone has a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    I'd really like to adopt one day. DH and I have discussed it and we're going to adopt whether we have bio kids or not. Unfortunately, we can't do it right now as the funds are non existent. An adopted child may not be born of your body, but from your heart.

    I can totally relate to that. My hubby is sterile from cancer treatment and we want a baby SO badly but IVF and adoption are both so very expensive. We've been saving but it would take us YEARS to save. We've also applied for a few grants so we're praying that something works out soon.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey ladies - I have a question about Clomid side-effects. This is my 3rd consecutive cycle of 100mg and the last 2 nights I've had nightmares. The first wasn't too bad - I woke up then went back to sleep. But last night was terrifying! I woke up screaming for a long time - poor DH didn't know what to think. And it happened 3 times. Needless to say I'm exhausted today, and so is he.

    Has anyone had this kind of reaction on Clomid or other fertility drugs?
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I have a few questions I'd like to throw out to all of you. I've kept track of my cycle length since I MC'd in August (long upsetting story there) but only began BBT charting at the end of my cycle in January. I have noticed that my cycles have gotten progressively longer - started 31days, then 36, 46, 54. That coincides with my weight gain. I didn't track the exact amounts I gained every cycle, but I put on 15lbs over that time. Not good (I tend to put on weight very quickly.) Do you think that has a correlation (scientific, lol!) to my cycles? That since I've been losing weight, my cycle should be shorter this time? I hope so!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hey ladies - I have a question about Clomid side-effects. This is my 3rd consecutive cycle of 100mg and the last 2 nights I've had nightmares. The first wasn't too bad - I woke up then went back to sleep. But last night was terrifying! I woke up screaming for a long time - poor DH didn't know what to think. And it happened 3 times. Needless to say I'm exhausted today, and so is he.

    Has anyone had this kind of reaction on Clomid or other fertility drugs?

    I never had nightmares, but I did have "bad sleep" as I call it. Not really scary, but weird dreams that I would remember when I woke up--obvioudly never completed those REM sleep cycles. If you google nightmares and Clomid, there are a lot of people who seem to experience that, so I guess you aren't alone... but boo to nightmares. Clomid just does weird things. I think my husband felt like HE was living in a nightmare while I was on it! Can't wait to see what the more expensive drugs do to me! Good luck... Clomid did absolutely nothing it was supposed to do for me, other than make me really cranky and want to eat everything in site. I'm glad other people have better luck with it!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    So this is from my historical personal knowledge - so not scientific.....I'm so normal that I'm not normal.....LOL (normal doesn't mean "normal"...I'm textbook PCOS) not sure if you are too, but that's how I understand it all, so bear with me.

    So my cycles didn't get longer because of my weight gain and didn't get shoter with weight loss. They became more erratic with weight gan and more regular with weight loss. It's not as simple as weight gain/loss. The deciding factor in your cycle length is ultimately hormone production. If your body follows a normal cycle, it'll produce estrogen and then luetinizing (sp?) hormone to stimulate ovulation, then shut it off and produce progesterone. Once it determines that a fertilized egg isn't present, it'll turn that off too and you'll gear up to start a new cycle within a few days. That's why we can track our temps. The presence of estrogen actually drops our temperature and the presence of progesterone will increase it. Weight and the food choices we make impact our bodies hormones (woman that have PCOS or are IR are just more sensitive to these options because our bodies overreact and put the effort into other hormones instead of these ones, so we get left waiting for the estrogen to shut off). Even if you aren't PCOS, your body could be reacting to produce the hormones in a more delayed fashion. That could be because of the food choices you make. Also excess weight does impact hormones (but usually not significantly in women without the hormonal sensitivities).
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey ladies - I have a question about Clomid side-effects. This is my 3rd consecutive cycle of 100mg and the last 2 nights I've had nightmares. The first wasn't too bad - I woke up then went back to sleep. But last night was terrifying! I woke up screaming for a long time - poor DH didn't know what to think. And it happened 3 times. Needless to say I'm exhausted today, and so is he.

    Has anyone had this kind of reaction on Clomid or other fertility drugs?

    I never had nightmares, but I did have "bad sleep" as I call it. Not really scary, but weird dreams that I would remember when I woke up--obvioudly never completed those REM sleep cycles. If you google nightmares and Clomid, there are a lot of people who seem to experience that, so I guess you aren't alone... but boo to nightmares. Clomid just does weird things. I think my husband felt like HE was living in a nightmare while I was on it! Can't wait to see what the more expensive drugs do to me! Good luck... Clomid did absolutely nothing it was supposed to do for me, other than make me really cranky and want to eat everything in site. I'm glad other people have better luck with it!

    I haven't done Clomid becaues my RE was smart and tested DH and found he had issues before putting me on it. So I didn't have to go through the symptoms for nothing. It sounds normal for the clomID, as Karen called it.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Oh AFM: As some of you have seen, I have yet another infection....GRRRR and I didn't even do anything FUN to deserve it this time. We went from a dental infection (which was treated with some aggressive antibiotics) to a YI, which I corrected through 2 treatments and lots of yogurt to now a stupid UTI.....

    What the heck. I know that bodies can sometimes use antibodies on newly conceived at this point.....ARGGGGGGGG this sucks. Even if by some fluke we were to have something good happen, BAM.....antibodies will kill it off!!!!

    I noticed it for the first time this morning and it's gotten progressively worse to now including blood.....*sigh*

    Can you tell I'm frustrated!!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Pam--Ouch. I've only ever had one UTI in my adult life, and I don't wish it on anyone. Get it cleared up and think positive! The frustration is totally understandable, but just remember, just because it could happen doesn't mean it is or will happen...antibodies are our friends (most of the time)! Hopefully this will be the third and the last one! Hang in there!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hey ladies - I have a question about Clomid side-effects. This is my 3rd consecutive cycle of 100mg and the last 2 nights I've had nightmares. The first wasn't too bad - I woke up then went back to sleep. But last night was terrifying! I woke up screaming for a long time - poor DH didn't know what to think. And it happened 3 times. Needless to say I'm exhausted today, and so is he.

    Has anyone had this kind of reaction on Clomid or other fertility drugs?

    I never had nightmares, but I did have "bad sleep" as I call it. Not really scary, but weird dreams that I would remember when I woke up--obvioudly never completed those REM sleep cycles. If you google nightmares and Clomid, there are a lot of people who seem to experience that, so I guess you aren't alone... but boo to nightmares. Clomid just does weird things. I think my husband felt like HE was living in a nightmare while I was on it! Can't wait to see what the more expensive drugs do to me! Good luck... Clomid did absolutely nothing it was supposed to do for me, other than make me really cranky and want to eat everything in site. I'm glad other people have better luck with it!

    I haven't done Clomid becaues my RE was smart and tested DH and found he had issues before putting me on it. So I didn't have to go through the symptoms for nothing. It sounds normal for the clomID, as Karen called it.

    Booo...and why do I want to start this stuff in a few months? I really hope we can do it on our own before i take it and get "Really cranky, want to eat everything in site", and have terrible "nightmares." Hmmm doesn't sound too fun to me...the things we do to O...LOL
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Oh Pam!! Go to the doc and get antibiotics!! They can be really bad if you let them get out of control. Yikes with the blood. That's not a good sign. I used to get them all the time and sucked it up because of a bad experience with the doctor. Finally about a year ago I couldn't take it anymore so I went back to the doc and he diagnosed me with a bladder disease. Thank god I went back and got the proper diagnosis. Now I know the difference of when it's a UTI or my bladder so I know what doc to see and what treatment to have and I get them cured ASAP.

    My doc yelled at me the first time I went since I hadn't gone to get antibioitics before. It can be really bad for your kidneys if you let them get that bad.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yeah - tried 3 places to get into see a doctor (my family doctor has no openings, and 2 walk in clinics are closed). Giving up for now although it has gotten worse in the last few hours.....LOL....went from noticing something this morning to wowsers.....I'll head to the one in the Walmart tomorrow morning.

    I had a kidney infection about 2 years ago but this isn't as bad, but the blood is kinda scary. I'm sure it will be fine, I don't have a fever, no nausea or vomiting, or back pain (that isn't usually there - DH gave me a massage around the disc this morning and I'm pretty sure that if had been pushing that hard on an infected kidney that he would have woken up in Europe....LOL).
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I've had the blood thing many times with UTI's. In fact I once went to the ER and when asked to give a urin sample it was so red the nurse asked if I had any urin to go with my blood. Then when the doc came back to talk to me he was like so we found some blood in your urine I was like no **** really? It was only so red didn't know if there was urine in it. Anyway hope it clears up for you. I can't get a simple UTI anymore without it going straight to blood now a days. so I feel your pain.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Pam, drink water and cranberry juice tonight - nursing student's orders! Cranberry juice actually makes urine more acidic and the acid, in turn, kills bacteria and promotes a hostile environment for bacteria. Drink drink drink!!!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Pam, I feel for you! A year ago I had a "acute" kidney infection, and it was the absolute worst pain I've been in :( Don't let it get to that! I hope tomorrow comes quickly for you!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Oh, and I just want to shout it off the rooftops that my little brother was on National TV today. He is touring with a country music artist right now as a drummer, and played a national talk show this afternoon!!! (Well they recorded yesterday, but it aired today!)
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    Hey ladies - I have a question about Clomid side-effects. This is my 3rd consecutive cycle of 100mg and the last 2 nights I've had nightmares. The first wasn't too bad - I woke up then went back to sleep. But last night was terrifying! I woke up screaming for a long time - poor DH didn't know what to think. And it happened 3 times. Needless to say I'm exhausted today, and so is he.

    Has anyone had this kind of reaction on Clomid or other fertility drugs?

    I never had nightmares, but I did have "bad sleep" as I call it. Not really scary, but weird dreams that I would remember when I woke up--obvioudly never completed those REM sleep cycles. If you google nightmares and Clomid, there are a lot of people who seem to experience that, so I guess you aren't alone... but boo to nightmares. Clomid just does weird things. I think my husband felt like HE was living in a nightmare while I was on it! Can't wait to see what the more expensive drugs do to me! Good luck... Clomid did absolutely nothing it was supposed to do for me, other than make me really cranky and want to eat everything in site. I'm glad other people have better luck with it!

    I haven't done Clomid becaues my RE was smart and tested DH and found he had issues before putting me on it. So I didn't have to go through the symptoms for nothing. It sounds normal for the clomID, as Karen called it.

    Booo...and why do I want to start this stuff in a few months? I really hope we can do it on our own before i take it and get "Really cranky, want to eat everything in site", and have terrible "nightmares." Hmmm doesn't sound too fun to me...the things we do to O...LOL

    I'm right there with you. My doc has told me to start clomid, but every time I chicken out. Hence the weight loss. My thinking is that if my body is healthier, I'll be able to conceive. It's probably a lot of bunk, but it makes me feel better than fearing a tiny little pill. haha And the nightmares and ravenous eating makes me even more chicken. haha

    AFM ... My furbaby has an eye infection! DH is buying some drops for him and hopefully it'll help clear it up. Sometimes I swear I gave birth to this dog cuz I treat him just like a baby! LoL
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pam- Sorry you feel crummy! Definately chug down some lite cranberry juice!

    Hunny- I love my dog like he is a human also. He is just so cute. Some people don't understand because he is HUGE (a 126 lbs Bullmastiff) but he is so affectionate and friendly.

    Andrea- that is exciting! I don't blame you for wanting to shout it from the roof tops :smile:

    AFM: I've been doing well getting to the gym this week and I've been staying within my calories, but I've eaten out two nights in a row (not good for the budget). The problem is I just don't feel like going food shopping. I know very lazy! I'm a teacher and started tutorong a student for two hours afterschool and have no intrest in going to the store when I finish. I'll have to figure something out :indifferent:
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Wow, I had no idea there were so many side effects with Clomid. I thought that or low level progesterone might be my only options as my blood tests are normal but still no hint of AF. Any side effects with progesterone I should know about before I see the doc again? Wonder if I would be better just sticking with the weight loss for a few more months, although I'm feeling very impatient for something to start happening.

    Hope you feel better soon Pam, sounds horrible for you

    I have furry cat babies rather than a dog as I work too many hours for it to be fair on a dog to be alone so much. One day though