Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    The best part about the 5 Hour Energy is that if you don't peel the wrapper off of the cap and just open it, when you close it again, you can't tell it's been opened. We had them in Vegas, airports, bowling alleys, sporting one questioned a thing!! :drinker:
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    The best part about the 5 Hour Energy is that if you don't peel the wrapper off of the cap and just open it, when you close it again, you can't tell it's been opened. We had them in Vegas, airports, bowling alleys, sporting one questioned a thing!! :drinker:

    Oh...oh dear yes! I am so stealing that for our trip to Seattle!

    Tonight is probably going to make day 5 of no drinking. Mainly because we're working the blood drive tomorrow at 8am and then I have BootCamp Belly Dancing from 10-4 tomorrow afternoon. Bachelor/Bachelorette party after that. Heh, I'll have worked it off so a good time will be (sortof) had by me!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Okay, I'm going to confess something...

    My husband and I are cheap assh0les. (We're both teachers...haven't seen a raise in 3 years...cost of benefits keep going up, blah, blah, blah.) So, when we travel (so we can drink on the plane) or when we go to sporting events, we smuggle vodka and rum in my purse in the little "5 Hour Energy" bottles. :laugh: They're each about 2 ounces, and I can it 6 in a quart sized bag so I can take it through airport security. So, my guide to cheap drinking!

    So I was on a plane home yesterday on Vision Air and they don't serve alcohol. I had a giant glass of wine and a vodka before my flight and I was thinking, "I wish I had an airplane bottle of vodka that I could mix" and keep my buzz going on the plane. And then I made myself feel bad for thinking that way. This is great!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Some girlfriends just called an impromptu Girls Night Out.

    There goes my calorie and liquid calorie count today. :embarassed:

    If I had warning I would have planned breakfast and lunch a little differently. smackhead.gif

    Oh well, I'll just behave on Saturday. halo.gif
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    This week I fail again. Again, I have abnormal circumstance. Here's how is goes:

    S - 1
    M - 0
    T - 4; planned on running and not drinking but friends came over, fixed the AC and so we took them to dinner
    W - out of town, out to dinner so planned on 3. No one drank so I didn't either. Until I got back to the hotel and got a 3 glass carton thing of wine and drank it all on the balcony while reading. Hotels are boring.
    R - 1 giant glass of Pinot Noir and 1 vodka soda at airport, half bottle of Chenin Blanc, 1 glass Sauvignon Blanc (=6)
    F - who knows. Husband and friend going to show; husband's wife and I drinking bottles of wine and talking for hours on the porch.
    S - planned on 8 b/c we're going to the track all day.

    Soooo....was aiming for under 20, but looks more like will be 25-30. Sheesh.

    But here's a strange thing. I had a big for me loss last week - 1.5 pounds. I was a little dehydrated so was sure I'd gain at least some back and then actually gain real weight b/c of my lack of effort, work outs and excess drinking. I weighed myself this morning and I was only up a half pound. While I haven't been to the gym in a while, I've gotten workouts in as I could - such as walking the airport rather than taking the tram. Also trying to eat as healthfully as I can when at restaurants all this week. I'm excited to get back into next week. I've had essentially 2 weeks off so maybe I'll shock my body. I also have taken almost 2 months off yoga to let some muscles heal and I think I'll start back next week. And the drinking....hopefully that will improve too next week.

    Have a great weekend everyone! Whether it be lushy or not.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Boy we lushes sure can be sneaky. I took a whole bunch of "water" bottles on a cruise once because you aren't allowed ot bring in your own alcohol. We still spent a lot on alcohol on the trip but we saved some money by having our Russian Water. Did you know that vod means water in russian and ka means little so we just had little water.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Options I have 5 cherry vodkas and diet coke OR 3 cherry vodkas/diet cokes and 1 beer (11%alcohol)..........these are the decisions that plague my brain on a friday afternoon......calories are about the same???
  • sanicky
    sanicky Posts: 1
    Vodka & tonic with a twist of lime:drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Vodka & tonic with a twist of lime:drinker:

    Oh I love me some vodka tonics......
  • tadaulton
    tadaulton Posts: 1 Member
    My favorite Lowcal drink is turning into Vitamin water (0 cal kind) and Vodka. Or even better is Your favorite Crystal Light pouch mixed and vodka!!! Either way you are only getting the calories in the vodka!!!!
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Just found this forum and love it! I had 3 (big) glasses of wine and won't be drinking tonight. I quit smoking last weekend so I hadn't been drinking because it always makes want a cigarette! Instead of cigarette's last night I bought some fruity tic tacs to go with my Pinot :happy:
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    I Think I Have A New Favorite Thread. I Turn The Big 21 This Sunday BUT College Has Introduced Me To Alcohol Way Long Ago. As I Type This I'm Having A Beer LOL
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Problem with light beers is they also cut half the flavor.

    Feeling even better today than yesterday =] looks like we'll be having a fun weekend celebrating the boyfriends birthday afterall. His birthday isn't until the 20th but he's got busy time coming up at work this week, so this weekend was better than next. He wasn't going to do anything because I didn't feel well, I felt so bad =( but I'm feeling much better, so hopefully he listens to that and wants to do something this weekend, he deserves it =]

    The cruiseline we're going on this year allows for as much wine or champagne as you can bring. Which is great for me because I absolutely love champagne :smile:

    I like wine as well but there's just something about champagne and it's fancy flutes.
    Also found out that after 8pm I believe, cocktails are only $2.99! Guess it pays to not go on a party cruise. I love Carnival but they're expensive :noway:

    Not sure I'll drink tonight because even though I felt better yesterday and feel well today, last night was still not so fun. We'll see though.

    Have a wonderful Friday everyone :drinker:
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I Think I Have A New Favorite Thread. I Turn The Big 21 This Sunday BUT College Has Introduced Me To Alcohol Way Long Ago. As I Type This I'm Having A Beer LOL

    LOL, Cheers! Happy early 21st Birthday!!
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member
    There are so many topics on here that I want to respond to, but I will just say that DAMN, you are all making me thirsty.... talking about cherry vodka & diet coke, vodka tonics, microbrews, even light beer sounds delicious right about now. Friday afternoons are work are the worst... they absolutely drag!!

    I stayed up too late last night taking a friend out for her birthday and this evening we have a surprise party/cookout to go to. I couldn't drag myself out of bad this a.m., so I MUST workout after work!! This sucks on a Friday, but I need those extra calories so I can enjoy my drinks!!

    Happy Weekend, Lushes!
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    Options I have 5 cherry vodkas and diet coke OR 3 cherry vodkas/diet cokes and 1 beer (11%alcohol)..........these are the decisions that plague my brain on a friday afternoon......calories are about the same???

    yes, the calorie count in craft beers is outrageous .. i usually stick with my drink(s) of choice (wine) and "tax" my husband for a mini glass of whatever he opens (seriously, the guy has a refrigerator in our garage to house his collection) so i can enjoy tasting everything but not sacrifice 200+ cal per beer.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Beer tax! Love it!!

    I would go for the vodkas, because they get me drunk faster. I have some cherry vodka and some diet coke...guess what I'm drinking tonight?
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi Lushes, and welcome newbies :happy:

    I've haven't been around here much this week. Been a bit down and had some stuff to think about following on from an appointment with the consultant looking after my back pain. Basically the pain relieving treatment I've had can last between 11 months and 2 years but it depends a lot on what I do. i.e the less I do the longer it'll last for, if I do lots of lifting etc it's likely to be nearer the 11 month mark. My trouble is I love lifting weights, I love to feel strong. The treatment is repeatable but it was very painful to have done and pretty much put me out of action for 2 weeks and even after that it took me a while to get my fitness back.
    I guess I've pretty much decided today to carry on as I am, I'd rather have 11 months where I feel good about myself and what I'm doing than 2 years where I feel miserable because I can't meet the fitness goals I want. That said I can already feel the beginnings of the pain returning and I'm not even 4 months post treatment. I know I should be grateful that I am as well as I am, there are so many people worse off than me, and indeed I am thankful, but I find it so hard to have a happy relationship with my body when I get frustrated because it can't let me do what I want.
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Hello all,
    It's Marci, one of the newbies. I've got a question: how bad is it to NOT have a day off from working out? I like my wine, but I've been drinking way too much of it. Instead of going complete tee-totaler (which I don't think would last long, considering the amount of stress I'm under) could I work out every day, to earn some calories for a couple of glasses of wine after dinner? Would it harm me, in any way? I just want to lose 23 more lbs, but I don't want it to take forever. Does the human body really NEED a day off from exercising?
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hang in there Yvonne. I just have a mini pain thing to deal with when I twisted my back weird when exercising. It's thrown me off for a day or 2 and I'm cranky. I can't imagine having to deal with such a long term thing like you are. :flowerforyou:

    The rest of you are cracking me up. There's no doubt it's Friday and Spring as well!
    I just found out that the husband and son are going to be out I have the house to myself. I should be good, but will probably enjoy a good book or movie and open a bottle of wine. It sounds like pure heaven to me.