Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Well, it turned out to be a beautiful day here. Got some cleaning done, boyfriend is doing some laundry, pups are napping and there's a marathon of Shark Men on :smile: .

    It's now well past lunch time and is now Wine O'Clock, gotta have something to hold me over until dinner :drinker:

    So much for not drinking on Sundays haha, good thing I changed weigh in day.

    Cheers all
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Well I wasn't gonna drink tonight but I'm all hyped up after such a great day with family. So I'm chillin' with a few beers. I ain't bovvered.

    Shots for the person who knows that last part. ;D
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I don't have a final count from the week. Bad week for me. And yesterday instead of being productive around the house, I went to lunch with my girlfriends where we split 2 bottles of wine between 3 of us and proceeded to drink 2.5 more at my house after. I was in bed by 8 I think. This week I am determined not to drink until Thursday. Need to get back on a schedule and get my house in order.
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    okay not boasting or it may be the tequila talking but I am a chef goddess. The seafood stuffed chile rellanos and the seafood enchiladas with tomatillo sauce were freakin amazing. I am a great cook. the awsome avacado and other ingredients helped but OMG I am so happy. oh yeah and BTW hubs and I have finished off a bottle of Aha Toro Anejo. ooops!

    That sounds, absolutely, delicious.

    Went out to dinner for the boyfriends birthday that's on Wednesday. Close to home, quick service, amazing food. Back home now, watching Shark Men with the pups and about to start up Paranormal Activity 2.

    Had wine with dinner and now ending the night with Blue Moon =]

    Couldn't be a happier lush/girl. Such a good night :smile:

    Those Chile relannos sound awesome!

    I love sitting home and watching movies or DVR'd shows while getting my buzz on!

    Para Norm 2 sucked azz. The first was better. I was all jacked to see the second and we both were let down. :sad:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Friday=4.5 beers. I had two at home then we went for burgers and I had one and then was working on the second when we realized we had to go and catch a movie. We saw Cedar Rapids. It was pretty good, small-town humor for sure.
    Saturday=2 drinks. I took a bottle of wine and sangria to a friends but I am not sure how much of it I drank.
    Sunday=0 drinks

    I have to take DH to the airport early. No big plans this week but there is beer in the fridge. We'll see how it turns out...
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Went swimming today, doesn't seem to burn off enough calories in relation to how hungry it makes you for the rest of the day :grumble:

    Well tonight I am going to finish the open bottle of white wine I've got in the fridge. Tomorrow is my last day off before I have to go back to work, those 10 days have gone way too quickly :huh: :sad: :grumble: :noway: :frown: :sick:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Heh, I had...oh 3 or 4 yesterday...My neighbor is a bad influence on me!

  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Happy Monday :grumble: fellow lushes.

    Went to dinner Friday night and had 2 margaritas and it was downhill from there. :embarassed:

    I am not even going to attempt to count up how many I had. :glasses:

    Here's to a new week. :drinker:

    I hope everyone does well with their goals this week. :flowerforyou:
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I enjoyed reading the posts and quoting that I forgot my own update of lame *kitten*.

    We partied all weekend...... Not sure how much but it was enough....

    Heres to a new week! :drinker:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    okay not boasting or it may be the tequila talking but I am a chef goddess. The seafood stuffed chile rellanos and the seafood enchiladas with tomatillo sauce were freakin amazing. I am a great cook. the awsome avacado and other ingredients helped but OMG I am so happy. oh yeah and BTW hubs and I have finished off a bottle of Aha Toro Anejo. ooops!

    *drool* I want some right now!!!! :love:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    So, I to assume that you're done with your detox? :laugh:

    I'm my defense, I busted butt all weekend, working on the yard and spring cleaning the house. I earned my vodka! :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    New week for me....I've been eliminated from my competition...I'm up 2 lb.., probably due to a combination of things (bbq & booze on Saturday and started strength training last week)...funny thing is, it will probably be gone tomorrow.

    I really don't have a drinking plan for the week:

    Monday, to be is after all taco night with yummy drafts
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I am so glad I came across this thread!!! It seems like most of my "friends" on here are not big drinkers - but I am!! I love Corona and usually drink one or two a night unless its a weekend then I usually drink more. I have tried drinking Bud 55 and MGD 64 but they just don't taste very good. I have switched to Corona Light which is a little better calorie glad I found this thread and more lushes out there like myself! :laugh: :drinker:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    About 2 bottles of wine last night. So much for not drinking on Sundays haha.

    I had 12 glasses of water before the wine and then 6 more after, so luckily no hangover, which is good because I'm starting up another round of the X, finally. Still not 100% better but it's to the point where my work out won't suffer and I really, really miss my weights and pull up bar. We'll see how Chest and Back goes :smile:

    I changed my weigh in day so, no drinking until Friday night, definitely keeps me motivated to stay away from the sauce during the week.

    Chris, Paranormal Activity 2 was okay, definitely different from the first. As with the first one, the boyfriend fell asleep so he didn't see the second one either haha.

    Well, good luck to all on their weekly goals! :smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I actually did okay yesteday. Only a little kaluha in the morning and on little tiny goldschlager before bed. I wasn't really feeling like drinking. Okay maybe it was the whole bottle of tequila the night before that made me feel like that. Its a new week. so I think it will be good.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Friday-2 beers and 3 cherry vodkas & diet coke
    Saturday-4 beers
    Sunday- 1 1/2 beers and three glasses of wine

    Not too bad for the weekend. Of course, I did still manage to go over calories all three days BAD :grumble: ! I refuse to weigh myself again until saturday (instead of everyday, like a crazy person :laugh: )....just couldn't bare the thought of being WAY up this morning so I made my husband put the scale in the guest bathroom, so I won't be tempted!!!

    I do plan on having wine every night this week.....just cause I'm PMSing and I want it cause I'm cranky and it'll help when things get on my nerves......
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Friday-2 beers and 3 cherry vodkas & diet coke
    Saturday-4 beers
    Sunday- 1 1/2 beers and three glasses of wine

    Not too bad for the weekend. Of course, I did still manage to go over calories all three days BAD :grumble: ! I refuse to weigh myself again until saturday (instead of everyday, like a crazy person :laugh: )....just couldn't bare the thought of being WAY up this morning so I made my husband put the scale in the guest bathroom, so I won't be tempted!!!

    I do plan on having wine every night this week.....just cause I'm PMSing and I want it cause I'm cranky and it'll help when things get on my nerves......

    I am too. Sorry to any guys on this post haha. Luckily I don't get cramps but I do get one heck of an attitude. Most everything annoys me, on top of being cranky when I'm simply tired, I've even more tired during this time so it's about twice the grumpy.

    Looks like drinks are in the mix for Thursday. My bestfriend needs some friend/de-stress time, so we're going to get some stuff, make dinner at my place and have some drinks. I'll be good though as weigh in day is Friday.

    Is it bed time yet? :yawn:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Friday-2 beers and 3 cherry vodkas & diet coke
    Saturday-4 beers
    Sunday- 1 1/2 beers and three glasses of wine

    Not too bad for the weekend. Of course, I did still manage to go over calories all three days BAD :grumble: ! I refuse to weigh myself again until saturday (instead of everyday, like a crazy person :laugh: )....just couldn't bare the thought of being WAY up this morning so I made my husband put the scale in the guest bathroom, so I won't be tempted!!!

    I do plan on having wine every night this week.....just cause I'm PMSing and I want it cause I'm cranky and it'll help when things get on my nerves......

    I am too. Sorry to any guys on this post haha. Luckily I don't get cramps but I do get one heck of an attitude. Most everything annoys me, on top of being cranky when I'm simply tired, I've even more tired during this time so it's about twice the grumpy.

    My poor husband....he gets the worst of it.....I usually send a warning via text before I get home if its real bad so he knows I don't hate him :explode:
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    Sooooo 21st Birthday Yesterday :drinker: . I Had 5 Drinks. Really It Was 4 But I Had A Jumbo Margarita. I Ended Up Going To A Mexican Restaurant Instead Of The Planned Spot So I Decided To Just Taste Test Everything That Sounded Nice. The List Was

    Jumbo Texas Margarita [I Have No Idea What's In A Margarita Besides Tequila :blushing: ]
    Ladies Night [A Mixture Of Patron Cafe, Vanilla Vodka, And Amaretto]
    2 Patron Pineapple [A Mixture Of Patron Silver, Patron Citron, And Pineapple Juice]

    Now Some How, A Bottle Of Rose Ended Up In My Fridge Today.........We'll See How That Goes
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Sooooo 21st Birthday Yesterday :drinker: . I Had 5 Drinks. Really It Was 4 But I Had A Jumbo Margarita. I Ended Up Going To A Mexican Restaurant Instead Of The Planned Spot So I Decided To Just Taste Test Everything That Sounded Nice. The List Was

    Jumbo Texas Margarita [I Have No Idea What's In A Margarita Besides Tequila :blushing: ]
    Ladies Night [A Mixture Of Patron Cafe, Vanilla Vodka, And Amaretto]
    2 Patron Pineapple [A Mixture Of Patron Silver, Patron Citron, And Pineapple Juice]

    Now Some How, A Bottle Of Rose Ended Up In My Fridge Today.........We'll See How That Goes

    Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great time! I love margaritas.....they remind me of summer, I can't wait for the summer :)