Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night I thought I would get a marg but flavor vodka drinks were on special, $1.99 so I drank ruby red and soda instead, I had three of them!
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member
    Monday 0
    Tuesday 0
    Wednesday 0

    Into day 4 and this will be a tough one. It is V ball night and that means boozing and bumping!

    I almost hope we lose because then morale drops and no one wants to booze it up.

    Um wait on second thought I will tough it out with the WaaWaa and watch the Jager flow once we win! :sad:

    Funny, because whenever we lose, it makes us want to drink even more than if we win. :)
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member
    Changing seasons makes me want to drink! Spring is in the air and several of us just wanted to get out last night for no reason. I watched what I ate throughout the day and did a great Turbo Jam workout, so I had the calories to spare, at least... the thing that pushed me over where I wanted to be, was a friend buying a round of Grape Bombs, after I had my allotment of two Rum & Diet cokes... gave me a little buzz and made me want a nightcap when I got home. :-/

    I think I am going to take a cue from several of you and actually set a weekly goal and am going to start with 14. I hope this will keep me more accountable. Unfortunately, tonight is a birthday dinner, Friday is a double birthday party, so I'm thinking I will need to stay "dry" Saturday and Sunday!!!

    Mon - 0
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 4

    Thurs - 2?
    Friday - 6-8?
    Saturday - 0
    Sunday - 0
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Hi fellow lushes. I'm proud to say that it is now Thursday and I've had a whopping 0 ounces this week. I'll probably make up for it this weekend, but I did it...yaaaay!!!! Enjoy the rest of your week everybody!:drinker: :smokin: :glasses:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Well, monday I said I'd try to be dry this week, but that hasn't worked out so well....but I'm going to honestly say that the ONLY reason I had wine this week was to get to my calories :wink: because if I didn't HAVE to I wouldn't have :laugh:

    Tomorrow night going bowling with some 1 beer and 3 cocktails (cherry vodka and diet coke) accounted for. Saturday we are going to the the gym, go clothes shopping for Vegas and drink lots of beer. I'm gonna grill some burgers too. Sunday, gym, then I have a baby shower, which REQUIRES wine.......3 glasses accounted for, plus more when I get home I'm sure and to make up for it, popcorn for dinner!!!!! :happy:

    So far all my calories (except sunday afternoon) are accounted for, we'll see if I can control myself saturday with the beers!!!!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    I am SO excited to find this board! I am not a liquor girl...but man - beer and wine! YUM! The nice weather has forced me to go to happy hour twice this week already...and we are going to see a band tonight sooooo.... :drinker:

    It is nice to hear other people out there are trying to lose and still love the drinks! I keep telling my hubby that we need to cut back drinking on the weekdays - since ALL my calories over are due to drinking (and I am sick waking up feeling all foggy headed). But it is too hard to do if he is going to be popping open a Blue Moon and sitting on our patio! :smokin:

    Next week we are going to try to keep the weekdays drink-free. It is nice to know that you ladies are here for support!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    This week has been tough. I really wanted some drinks last night. :sad: I couldn't get to sleep either so that made it worse. :grumble:

    Try taking melatonin...natural hormone to help you sleep

    I was thinking about you and how you said you were trying that. So it works?? I'll definitely have to try it. Thanks!! :flowerforyou:

    I think it does...but, I am not quite 100% certain yet...I've taken it about 3 times
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I took melatonin a few years ago when I was going through the divorce with my son's dad. I was a frelling wreck and could.not.sleep. It helped me so that I would be able to get to sleep and sleep most of the night, so I'd definitely try it. Now, I can get to sleep, I just wake up and can't get back to sleep. I take Xanax for that. :laugh:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I've been taking it for a little while. I think it helps me fall asleep, but not necessarily stay asleep.
    Maybe it's all in my head.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I've been taking it for a little while. I think it helps me fall asleep, but not necessarily stay asleep.
    Maybe it's all in my head.

    Thanks y'all.

    I may try it. I haven't wanted to take anything that will straight up knock me out because I am afraid I won't hear the baby. Lord knows the Boyfriend doesn't hear her. :tongue:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    still feeling like crap.. went to work for a couple of hours this morning, came home and slept for a couple more. ate comfort food. grilled cheese and tomato soup. no alcohol for me today. Hope I feel better tomorrow.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    :flowerforyou: I hope you feel better soon Robin.

    Kim - well done, good luck for your weigh in!

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Chris' place while it's detox week for the both of you. :laugh:

    Mon - 0
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 1.25 bottles of wine not my usual 2 yay! :noway:
    Fri - planning 0
    Sat - planning 0
    Sunday - planning 0.

    I was so proud of myself last night. Not only did I cut back my usual intake, but I went to bed when I felt the munchies coming so I didn't gorge myself on wasted cals. :smokin:

    Good luck lushes on your goals. Everyone seems to be doing pretty well this week!
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Hello all, I'm Marci,

    Mind if I join in? My wine intake is getting me zero results at the gym. Been busting my butt at the gym,6 days a week, been on here 6 weeks and only 2 lbs lost. So I'm going to really try to take a break from my beloved Chardonnay. The size of my butt, WILL be smaller by summer!
    Today is day one (sigh....) -0
    Thanks in advance for the support!! I'm gonna need it!
  • tjjotoad
    tjjotoad Posts: 22 Member
    I like vodka and club soda with lime. A lot of my friends drink rum and diet coke.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I've been taking it for a little while. I think it helps me fall asleep, but not necessarily stay asleep.
    Maybe it's all in my head.

    Thanks y'all.

    I may try it. I haven't wanted to take anything that will straight up knock me out because I am afraid I won't hear the baby. Lord knows the Boyfriend doesn't hear her. :tongue:

    That's because, they know if they ignore it long enough, we will get up...quite simple actually...I do that with the dogs now
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I can hear the girl even with a full Xanax and some wine under my belt. My ex is a cop and he used to work nights and it turned me into a very light sleeper. Just one more reason why he's a d-bag. :laugh:

    Welcome new people!!

    I busted my a$s (I really hate that we can't spell that out...) at track today doing plyometric stuff with the 7th and 8th grade girls...then doing a ton of core stuff with the team. So, I've burned quite a few calories today. I might have the Ace Pear Cider that's been eye-fu(king me all week. :drinker:
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    I busted my a$s (I really hate that we can't spell that out...) at track today doing plyometric stuff with the 7th and 8th grade girls...then doing a ton of core stuff with the team. So, I've burned quite a few calories today. I might have the Ace Pear Cider that's been eye-fu(king me all week. :drinker:

    judging by the sexy tummy in your photo, you deserve to be all over that cider ;)
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Heh, get it!!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Welcome newbies!

    Yeah, I'm the world's lightest sleeper. The husband can freakin sleep standing up. I don't even have a baby anymore (he's 16 and 6'2 :sad: ) but I still wake up at just about anything. It sucks. I do think the melatonin has helped though.
    I'm enjoying 2 glasses of merlot this evening. It's in my calories. I've done pretty well all week staying within them and have had a glass of wine off and on all week. I'm feeling like I'm back on track after being on Spring Break.
    I've got another get away over Easter for my I'd like to drop a few lbs before heading into that. Next week I'm really planning on pushing it.
    almost TGIF everyone! :smile:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Burned 1020 calories exercising so I can have a bottle of Chardonnay right now! I am off work tomorrow and I am getting drunk tonight!!!! LOL!

    Good night!!!!