What do You Do for a Living?



  • helenr32
    helenr32 Posts: 15
    I'm a Deputy Headteacher in a Primary School. Although I'm walking around a lot I don't do ANY exercise - although coming onto this website has motivated to cycle and walk a little more.
    However, like lots of other people have mentioned, my job is pretty stressful PLUS there's always cakes and biscuits in the staffroom. Total nightmare!!
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    I am a student paediatric nurse, i get a bit of a walk from the station to uni and then in between lecture rooms and then the walk back to the station,
    when I go on placement in September I'll be on my feet for at least 13hours a day so lots of walking but very little time to eat but hopefully it will help get me prepared for when I'm on shifts in the future - cannot wait :D
    cause of my all over the place schedule with uni, volunteering and work I find it hard to go to the gym but am hoping in the summer I'll be used to it and will be able to rejoin the gym :)
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I am a Housewifery Specialist/Certified Nose Wiper. I actually have a fair amount of freedom with my schedule and living in CA getting outside to exercise even with small children is certainly managable. If you ask my kids what a do for living they will tell you, 'mommy exercises for a living'. LOL
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm a Lab Technician with the State of Florida.. on my feet alot running around the lab all day.. i usually work out in the am before work...
  • letsdothis2010
    letsdothis2010 Posts: 190 Member
    Full time student (and when I say full time I really mean it haha) and I work part time at a bank. I'm on my feet part of the day, but with the option to sit when I want at work. My problems usually arise from not having enough time in the day and meal planning around a hectic schedule. When I'm not at school, I'm at work and when I'm not at work, I'm doing school work. I'm counting down the days until graduation haha.
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    Sounds beautiful....
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    cna/pct but on medical leave for now
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    I work as a security officer for ups in denver, co. I mainly work where the trucks come in and go out. I have to check each truck and make sure they have the right trailer hooked up as well as applying locks and cutting locks when they come in. I just started there and I'm hoping it'll help me on my weight loss journey since its not a "sit down"job ^_^