Looking for other P90 Master Series Support (not P90 or P90X



  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Did the 6th dvd last night (Cardio Intervals). I really like the idea of High Interval Training...knowing you only have 20 seconds left makes you more mentally able to push yourself harder. Some dvd's were harder than others (especially Plyo), but I can see lots of room for improving as I progress. The first week of MS showed me I wouldn't have been ready for P90X. So I'm excited about this program and can't wait to have more people join in on the conversation.

    If your doing Master Series or finished it, let us know your thoughts.

    Have a great healthy day everyone!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Yesterday was my off day.
    Day 1 of Week 2 today. Core Cardio done!

    How's everyone else doing?
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I got Sculpt 5-6 done last night after doing yard work and mowing for 4 hours yesterday.
    I was going to skip it, but rested for about an hour and got it done.
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Hi All & Mike

    I am on Day 1 of P90 MS and I just finished 30 minutes of Core Cardio. I posted a blog about my experience. It wasn't necessarily a pleasant one. I am a little frustrated.

    I am looking forward to the work out tomorrow and I'm not giving up.

    Mike, I am following the same routine as you!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Hi All & Mike

    I am on Day 1 of P90 MS and I just finished 30 minutes of Core Cardio. I posted a blog about my experience. It wasn't necessarily a pleasant one. I am a little frustrated.

    I am looking forward to the work out tomorrow and I'm not giving up.

    Mike, I am following the same routine as you!

    I posted a reply. Don't get discouraged. Take the first week to learn the routines.
    I'm noticing slight improvement the second week now that I know what to expect.
    MS is harder but I know you can do it! I'm starting with the easier moves and coming up short on some of the reps when I have to.

    I did Plyo tonight! It seemed a little better than the first time, but honestly I skipped one or two near the end. My legs just didn't have anything left to give.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks MIke, this seems the right place for me!!

    I am on Day 2 of the master series. I did sweat this morning. I kinda do the tapes in my own little order...trying to tone up for my vacation - I leave May 22 - So I have 5 weeks. I actually love the UML and do that one at least once a week - I feel it gives a great work out. I also take off one day a week - usually Sunday but if I have to miss one day during the week then I workout on Sundays too. I do a little of other things - walking, spin, step class as my basic maintainance program and add dvds when i need an extra shape up!!

    I will keep pushing play!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Thanks MIke, this seems the right place for me!!

    I am on Day 2 of the master series. I did sweat this morning. I kinda do the tapes in my own little order...trying to tone up for my vacation - I leave May 22 - So I have 5 weeks. I actually love the UML and do that one at least once a week - I feel it gives a great work out. I also take off one day a week - usually Sunday but if I have to miss one day during the week then I workout on Sundays too. I do a little of other things - walking, spin, step class as my basic maintainance program and add dvds when i need an extra shape up!!

    I will keep pushing play!

    lobster....It sounds like you will be very successful with MS. I've read that MS is meant to be used the way you are doing it. Find what programs work for your goals. My plan is to do the plan I'm on now for 4 weeks, then will probably switch to doing more of the sculpting dvd's more often. I plan to do Ab Ripper once in a while, along with a few other P90 moves I think really helped me.

    Yesterday was my off-day, so back to it tonight.

    Have a great workout!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 3 sculpt 5/6 - great workout this morning!! Tomorrow I am going to do Fat burn express and if I allow enough time i will do ab ripper. Didn't do abs this morning because I did a 30 min ab class last night. I am still working on the close hand push-ups. Can't get down very far with good form ---but working on it. I can do the boys push-up but I am much better on my knees so I do both - once my form goes - I switch to girls!!!
    Oh yeah those squats with picking up the bottle cap are a killer--- I start losing my balance around 10-12 . I always say I am a work in progress - I will do better with dedication and patience!!!

    Keep pushing play!!!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hi Mike and friends,

    I was supposed to have another week of Power 90 but got a wild hair and did Core Cardio Monday night and all I can say is OUCH! My inner thighs are toast and my tailbone hurts from the kayak things. All this with my first 5k coming up on Saturday. I've decided to put off any exercise other than my couch to 5k until after the race so my legs can recover enough to finish, lol. I'll probably start up with MS again on Sunday. I went and bought a 1/2" thick exercise mat today so hopefully my tailbone will be better protected. I definitely have a lot of work to do, cockeyed sphinx pushups, Dreya rolls, etc. I'm excited!

    KPP :)
  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    Well I am on day 39 of P90 MS, I am using one of the get fit with grav calendars. I have done all the workouts and I have my favorites and my not so favorites. I would have to say that at this point the Sculpt 5-6 and the Cardio Intervals are tied for my favorites. My least favorite is UML just because I think it is boring but it is not that long. The most challenging workout for me is still the Plyio legs. I will conquer this workout one day and I make progress each time but I am sore for two days after I do this workout. I am seeing some great results. I am dropping pounds and my waistline is dropping faster than the pounds. On Dec 6 2010 I was wearing pants that were 10 inches bigger on the waist. I pulled out some pants and shorts yesterday I have not worn in 10 years, it felt pretty good. I will weigh in tomorrow, my goal was to lose 25 pounds this 90 days and I have lost 16 so far and we will see what tomorrow brings. Keep pushing play everybody and make sure to have fun.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 4 - I did fat burn express instead of sweat 5/6 - Felt pretty good..didn't get in ab ripper but hoping to do that tonight. May be a struggle to get in my workouts this weekend because of Easter Sunday (having crawfish boil / easter egg hunt at house) . Lots to do on my to do list. So the best I may get is a walk. But I will be back strong on Monday!!!

    Keep puching play!

    Have a happy healthy weekend!!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Great job lobster and dee! Dee, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the different workouts. I'm not sure I've figured out which are my more favorite just yet :cry: Your goal of losing 25 lbs. is looking great considering your at 16 already, yet not half done P90.

    Brent......best of luck with your run on Saturday! I too noticed MS is really a step UP from P90. I know I need more room for some of the workouts. Plyo made me sore for 3 days, and yes, that Kayak thing is very interesting! Exciting indeed!

    Tuesday was my off day.
    Wednesday I got Sweat 5-6 and AR 200 done.
    Tonight is UML I think, followed by Cardio Intervals tomorrow.
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    I've been sick most of this week and plan to re-start P90MS. I am going to see how I feel today and if my body can handle it I will be doing Core again.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I've been sick most of this week and plan to re-start P90MS. I am going to see how I feel today and if my body can handle it I will be doing Core again.

    Glad to hear you are feeling a little better and looking forward to you getting back into your swing!

    I had off from work today so I got Cardio Intervals done this morning!
    Tomorrow's another off day with my 3-1 schedule.

    KPP everyone!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Officially started MS tonight! Doing the Lean version by Steve Edwards, Beachbody fitness advisor. That's the same schedule on the spreadsheet Dee posted. Revisiting Core Cardio, it went a little better tonight, my inner thighs aren't screaming and that exercise mat I bought just paid for itself :)
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Officially started MS tonight! Doing the Lean version by Steve Edwards, Beachbody fitness advisor. That's the same schedule on the spreadsheet Dee posted. Revisiting Core Cardio, it went a little better tonight, my inner thighs aren't screaming and that exercise mat I bought just paid for itself :)

    Looking forward to hear how it works out for you too!
    My off day today.
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    Hi there! I am just about to graduate from Power90 and have been done two of the Master videos this weekend so far. I am so excited to graduate and work on the master series. First video I did was UML which was okay. It didn't "wow" me but tonight I did Cardio Intervals and I absolutely loved it!! It was so much fun and a definite great workout! I am going to do Sculpt 5/6 tomorrow.

    Not sure what my plan is going to be yet -- still researching and reading about it so I am glad I found this thread!!

    ~ share
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Hi there! I am just about to graduate from Power90 and have been done two of the Master videos this weekend so far. I am so excited to graduate and work on the master series. First video I did was UML which was okay. It didn't "wow" me but tonight I did Cardio Intervals and I absolutely loved it!! It was so much fun and a definite great workout! I am going to do Sculpt 5/6 tomorrow.

    Not sure what my plan is going to be yet -- still researching and reading about it so I am glad I found this thread!!

    ~ share
    Hi Share. Glad you are joining us.

    Day 17: Core Cardio (3rd time)
    51 minutes; 668 Calories

    I decided to write down each of the workouts and keep track of my progress.
    Here's the list for those that are interested:

    Core Cardio

    Warmup and Stretch

    Perform Once:
    Prison Cell Push-Ups (Chatarunga)
    Side Kicks
    Crescent Quick Switch

    Perform Twice:
    Cockeyed Spinx Push-Up
    Run Jacks
    Kayak Bike
    Lateral Lunge Touch

    Perform Twice:
    Dreya Roll Push-Up
    Defensive Back Scoot
    Feet to Fingers Crunch
    Boxer Switch

    Cool Down
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hey gang,

    Cardio Intervals today, hoo-boy I almost hurled towards the end. Great workout though, loved it!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Hey gang,

    Cardio Intervals today, hoo-boy I almost hurled towards the end. Great workout though, loved it!

    Yep...you definitely get that "I think I'm going to die" feeling towards the end of it. :sick:
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