Looking for other P90 Master Series Support (not P90 or P90X



  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I like the 6 and 1 schedule myself. Easier to stay on track.

    Did FBE tonight, noticed great improvement over the last time I did it which was several months ago. I love that workout :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I did my sculpt 5/6 this morning and plan on walking tonight. This week is last chance workout...before my vacation.

    Feeling pretty good - keeping my weight in check - right at goal!!! Just need to stay focus .. not give up and continue in the right path!!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

    Pushing play!!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Had a good Cardio Intervals workout last night.
    I agree the 3 and 1 wasn't really working for me either.

    My goal is to stay busy doing something!
    On days I'm busy with yard or house work, etc. I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't get in a workout.
    I may decide to do a bike ride instead. What I like about MS is the variety and the ability to choose.
    I had planned to do Sculpt last night, but just felt like getting in some cardio....so that's what I did.
    I was tired and was going to skip it, but my wife and son reminded me to not think about it and just press play.
    It started out a little slow, but 1/4 way through I was feeling great.

    We need to keep remembering how good we feel from doing these workouts! (SLAP ACROSS MY OWN HEAD!!!......thanks Brent for using the 2x4 on me the other day!)

    Tan, the new profile picture is great! What a good looking family! Get the workouts in when you can. Life is busy and we need to adjust. Don't beat yourself up. (I know....easier said then done....we are all learning this I think)

    Brent....sounds like you are excited and anxious about getting into the new place. I know what you mean about hitting the ceiling. Being 6'5" with a suspended ceiling in the basement isn't the best combo for workouts.

    lobster....sounds like you are doing great with your goal. I'm sure you will look and feel great on your vacation. Enjoy it but make sure you come back with some great motivation to keep it going!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Workout Question:

    My workout room (basement) has carpeting that has a rubber backing (tiles) over concrete. So it's good for some of the jumping and cushions pretty well. I've tried working out in my bare feet, as well as with my sneakers.

    Here's the problem. For some of the workouts, when you twist side to side, or punch and need to rotate your feet on the balls of your feet, I either feel like I'm going to wear off the skin on my feet..........or if I use sneakers, the rubber bottoms "stick" to the carpet and don't allow my feet to easily move. (I hope that makes sense)

    Does anyone else have this problem? What type of flooring do you have? Do you workout with or without sneakers?

    I was thinking of removing some of the carpet tiles for those exercises where I need to twist and turn my feet, and use the carpeted area for jumping type exercises.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Great Core Cardio workout this morning!! I also got in walk last night. Hoping to get one in tonight because I won't make my spin class : ( . But it's all good.

    Mike, your right about when I get back - then I will rely on YOU GUYS to motivate and support me - to remind me how good I felt when I exercised and made healthy choices. Remind me - that although it is tough and I have to work hard - I like the results of feeling better, clothes fitting better and be able to do more because I feel stronger and have more energy!!! Please throw that back at me when i whine about working so hard!!!!!

    I am feeling much better and sleeping better and my woman aging issues are better !!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Woo-hoo! got a GREAT Cardio Intervals in tonight! Felt awesome :) Hope everyone else's workout was just as good, KPP!
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi everyone! I am working now & it's turned into more hours than I thought it would be. Working from home is hard with kids. I am still pushing play everyday. Hope everyone has a great workout today!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    UML this morning!!! Too busy for my walk last night but WILL get one in tonight! Doing great and meeting mini goals -
    My goal for today and the rest of the week is to get in a little more fiber ... more veggies maybe??

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Tried out Plyo Legs for the first time tonight, whew! Knees got a little achy there at the end, discovered I really need to work my inner thigh muscles more, lol.

    Obliques were sore today from yesterday's Cardio Intervals, I kept proper plank during the walk/run/chaturanga plank move. Previously I was putting my butt in the air but this time really focused on staying straight and boy did I feel it :) Finally got the wacky jacks to work properly too.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Good job everyone!

    Sculpt 5-6 done tonight.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Switched things up a bit this morning - I did the biggest loser Power sculpt level 1 and 2!! Had a great workout - back to Sweat 5/6 or FBE tomorrow.
    Keeping mini goals - more water, less salt, less sugar and more fiber!!!

    Keep puching play!!
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Was getting ready to workout. Got puked on instead. Thank goodness it was the baby & just breastmilk. I can't handle puke. Poop, yes. Puke, no. LOL! I know that is what everyone wanted to read. So, I'm rocking a sick little boy & plannng to get sculpt 5-6 done this afternoon after the oldest 2 kids get home from school or tonight after the husband gets home so I will have some help with the baby.. I will get it done. I need to so I can work out this muscle soreness. Hope everyone has a great workout today!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning all, completed pwer 1/2 abs!!! my last little bit of sculpt. Will get in a good workout tomorrow and possible a walk. I feel pretty good about my workouts and eating plan the last few weeks..

    So this is my last check in before my big vacation - probably won't check in too much but WILL be watching what I eat and keep loose track of calories - exercise will be limited so I have to keep that in mind.

    Keep up all the good work and be prepard to motivate me back into shape when I get back !!! (hopefully it won't be too bad)

    Blessing to alll!!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Good Morning all, completed pwer 1/2 abs!!! my last little bit of sculpt. Will get in a good workout tomorrow and possible a walk. I feel pretty good about my workouts and eating plan the last few weeks..

    So this is my last check in before my big vacation - probably won't check in too much but WILL be watching what I eat and keep loose track of calories - exercise will be limited so I have to keep that in mind.

    Keep up all the good work and be prepard to motivate me back into shape when I get back !!! (hopefully it won't be too bad)

    Blessing to alll!!!

    Enjoy your vacation! You deserve it! See you when you get back.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hope I'm not the only one left after the end of the world yesterday!

    Tried out a new running loop and got some great hills in to help me train for my 5k next month. Hopefully I can lose a couple of more pounds before then too, less to carry!

    Have a great Sunday folks:)
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Today I officially started Power 90 Master Series with Cardio Intervals... WOW that's a great workout. I was drenched to the bone!

    Tomorrow is day 2, and I'll be doing Sculpt 5-6 and Ab Ripper.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Welcome Mike!

    Cardio Intervals IS a great workout, lots of new stuff to get the sweat pouring :)
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Hey everyone!

    Today I officially started Power 90 Master Series with Cardio Intervals... WOW that's a great workout. I was drenched to the bone!

    Tomorrow is day 2, and I'll be doing Sculpt 5-6 and Ab Ripper.

    Have a great day everyone!


    Great to see you starting MS Mike! BOY...doesn't seem like you took a break after finishing P90!

    I was finally feeling some motivation again today. I came home and got in a good Sweat 5-6 followed by AR-200!
    The weather held out too at lunch to go for a nice walk. I'm really hoping the motivation is back and I can stick with getting the workouts in every night during the week!

    My 16YO son's Lacrosse season ended on Saturday and he started P90MS tonight. He's continued to lose or maintain his weight since the beginning of the year when we both started P90 in January. He stopped P90 after 60 days due to his intense practice and game schedule. He's really looking good! He's lost somewhere around 45 pounds.

    I'm hoping my motivation is back! It's been really tough the last month.

    Mike....I could use all the push I can get. I know you'll be here every day doing P90 MS. That is definitely motivating to me. Hopefully I can help keep you going too! Thanks.

    Brent...it doesn't seem that long ago you were hating running. Now your getting ready for your second 5K. That is Awesome! (I still can't get over your picture...amazing!)

    How's everyone else doing?

    Any other P90 Master Series folks that want to share?
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Great to see you starting MS Mike! BOY...doesn't seem like you took a break after finishing P90!

    No break between rounds this time. I wanted to get right into Master Series and keep my momentum going. I will take a recovery week AFTER Master Series, before starting P90X at the end of August. That week will also coincide with our family vacation, and we'll be in Myrtle Beach for the week. I will do some cardio that week, walking/running, biking, swimming, etc. And the resort has a full gym so I'll have access to treadmills, elliptical machines, stationary bikes, etc.
    Mike....I could use all the push I can get. I know you'll be here every day doing P90 MS. That is definitely motivating to me. Hopefully I can help keep you going too! Thanks.

    Mike, I will continue to cheer you on as usual! I will be here doing my workouts, and I appreciate your support too. And everyone else for that matter!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Must be something in the water today, lol. I decided I needed to get my nose back to the grindstone and so officially re-started MS. This time I'm doing the standard version instead of the lean. I wanted to lose more weight but found myself missing the strength days when I was doing lean.

    No one is more surprised than me Mike when it comes to running. I have ALWAYS hated it, even as a kid taking laps around the ball field for PE at school. I was shocked after my first week of C25K when I found myself looking forward to my next run. It was such a gradual program I never felt overwhelmed. Before I knew it I was knocking out a 5k.

    Looking forward to giving and receiving some encouragement over these next 90 days :) KPP!
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