Looking for other P90 Master Series Support (not P90 or P90X



  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Ugh. Did Sweat 5-6 tonight, first workout in a few days. Had work stuff last night and a visiting friend from out of town the previous 2. I did manage to get a good run in Sunday morning though. Lunch was less than optimal the last couple of days, subs one day and pizza the next. It's hard to break away from working lunches sometimes. At least the sub was turkey and the pizza was veggie but I still felt it during tonight's workout. My knees were acting up as well tonight. I say again, ugh.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Ugh. Did Sweat 5-6 tonight, first workout in a few days. Had work stuff last night and a visiting friend from out of town the previous 2. I did manage to get a good run in Sunday morning though. Lunch was less than optimal the last couple of days, subs one day and pizza the next. It's hard to break away from working lunches sometimes. At least the sub was turkey and the pizza was veggie but I still felt it during tonight's workout. My knees were acting up as well tonight. I say again, ugh.

    Pizza, skipping workouts.......I hope my bad influence is not rubbing off on you!

    Ok! I'm back to my regular routines starting tonight!!! Cardio Intervals is my next workout. I can feel the motivation coming back again after seeing how well everyone else is doing both here and with Power 90. Wish me luck!
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Hi everyone...sorry for my lack of support. Been busy!

    Completed UML last night and it was a good work out but the push ups are killing me!!!!!

    I have Cardio Intervals tonight and I'm looking forward to it!

    I may have to change up the schedule a bit though. Working out for 3 days and 1 off isn't working for me. It's much easier for me to do 6 days straight and keeps me focused. So that is what I am doing this week. I may do a double work out on Saturday too!

    Happy Wednesday
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Ugh. Did Sweat 5-6 tonight, first workout in a few days. Had work stuff last night and a visiting friend from out of town the previous 2. I did manage to get a good run in Sunday morning though. Lunch was less than optimal the last couple of days, subs one day and pizza the next. It's hard to break away from working lunches sometimes. At least the sub was turkey and the pizza was veggie but I still felt it during tonight's workout. My knees were acting up as well tonight. I say again, ugh.

    Pizza, skipping workouts.......I hope my bad influence is not rubbing off on you!

    Ok! I'm back to my regular routines starting tonight!!! Cardio Intervals is my next workout. I can feel the motivation coming back again after seeing how well everyone else is doing both here and with Power 90. Wish me luck!

    Mike ~ YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Was really hoping to wake up and do UML this morning but this kinda tickle of a throat thing turned into a really bad sore throat and cough. So I rested a little more and went into work later. I am drinking my green tea and takine my vitamins. Extra dose of C and airborne. Hopefully it will blow over...I can't be sick for Saturday (my derby party)!!

    I may just try streching tonight or a light walk...

    Going to aim for Sculpt tomorrow...maybe 1/2 if I am still feeling little iffy?

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!!
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Was really hoping to wake up and do UML this morning but this kinda tickle of a throat thing turned into a really bad sore throat and cough. So I rested a little more and went into work later. I am drinking my green tea and takine my vitamins. Extra dose of C and airborne. Hopefully it will blow over...I can't be sick for Saturday (my derby party)!!

    I may just try streching tonight or a light walk...

    Going to aim for Sculpt tomorrow...maybe 1/2 if I am still feeling little iffy?

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!!

    I hope you feel better soon!! Maybe just do the warm up, stretch and a bit of the work out. The stretch may help!
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    I have one pet peeve about this work out.....no Ab Ripper. So this means I will need to start with Ab Ripper 100 again and work my way up to Ab Ripper 200. I'm a little disappointed that it's not incorporated in with Sweat 5/6 like it was with 1/2 & 3/4. No big deal..just means I have to put another DVD in..it's pressing Play that gets me :-)
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    lobster...hope you are feeling better real soon!

    I did Cardio Intervals last night and was able to really push it. I got my HR up pretty high, which gave me a great calorie count. Mentally I felt good about the workout and enjoyed it. The only exercise I struggled with was the Run Planks. I'm doing the modified (just walking) but I need to take a break half way through. I always felt so uncoordinated with Wacky Jacks. I finally figured out I was bending my upper body AWAY from the leg that was swinging out. After I finally got my body to move so that the upper body was moving in the same direction as my leg, I could really see how it works great on those love handles. I was actually excited about figuring this out.

    Tan...I may switch it up a little shortly too. I want to start working a little more on sculpting.

    Thanks for everyone's support with my lack of motivation the last couple of weeks.
    Knock on wood I'm feeling more energetic again and can get back to my routines after this short break.

  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    lobster...hope you are feeling better real soon!

    I did Cardio Intervals last night and was able to really push it. I got my HR up pretty high, which gave me a great calorie count. Mentally I felt good about the workout and enjoyed it. The only exercise I struggled with was the Run Planks. I'm doing the modified (just walking) but I need to take a break half way through. I always felt so uncoordinated with Wacky Jacks. I finally figured out I was bending my upper body AWAY from the leg that was swinging out. After I finally got my body to move so that the upper body was moving in the same direction as my leg, I could really see how it works great on those love handles. I was actually excited about figuring this out.

    Tan...I may switch it up a little shortly too. I want to start working a little more on sculpting.

    Thanks for everyone's support with my lack of motivation the last couple of weeks.
    Knock on wood I'm feeling more energetic again and can get back to my routines after this short break.


    Today is suppose to be a rest day and I think I'm going to keep going. I prefer my rest days on Sunday especially on the weekends when I don't have my kids.

    I had issues with Wacky Jacks at first and then I figured it out...funny that I had the same issues as you!! I can't do the scissor one on UML..I always want to bring my legs in and out instead of up and down LOL

    Keep at it Mike..I need ya!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Took all my vitamins and got a good nights sleep. I did do a light walk last night so I think it helped me sleep.
    Feeling a little better and got up and did sculpt 1/2 . Hopefully I will be good for the day. I take Airborne when I feeling like this and helps me. i know a lot of people don't like it or it hadnt worked for them but it seems to really help me.

    I need to be able to push it the next two weeks - sorta like last chance workout!!!! I know that I won't be able to do my traditional workouts on vacation and my healhty eating options won't be the same so I need to try to do all I can now!!!!

    Tomorrow I would really like to do UML - but I will see how I feel when i wake up!!!!

    Thanks for all the support everyone - it helps me !!!!
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Hello everyone! Last day of P90 is Saturday for me & my husband. We just got P90MS in the mail today. We'll be starting on Monday morning. Just skimming through the DVD's now before I have to run & get my 2 year from preschool. It looks fun! I guess we have to figure out a schedule now. We usually work out 6 days per week & rest on Sundays.
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I take Airborne when I feeling like this and helps me. i know a lot of people don't like it or it hadnt worked for them but it seems to really help me.

    I take Airborne too! I usually start feeling better within a few hours.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    If you use the workout schedule put out by Steve Edwards you do Ab Ripper regularly throughout the program.

    I didn't get it done today because I decided I'd rather go for a run. I registered for the Susan Komen 5k next month with a co-worker so I need to keep my running going strong.

    I have a hard time getting my body to move correctly for the wacky jacks. I know what to do but I can't always get my body to do it! I agree that it's much better when done correctly.

    I did Core Cardio last night and noticed some small improvements. I'm getting better at "finger to toe crunches" and DB scoot. Dreya rolls still get me though, the transition to my feet is tough but I'm getting better at pushing off with my hands to get there. The "cockeyed sphinx pushups" are really tough. Tony and the kids say they feel it in their abs, I feel it in my arms and shoulders, lol.

    Keep up the great work gang!
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    I did Core Cardio last night and noticed some small improvements. I'm getting better at "finger to toe crunches" and DB scoot. Dreya rolls still get me though, the transition to my feet is tough but I'm getting better at pushing off with my hands to get there. The "cockeyed sphinx pushups" are really tough. Tony and the kids say they feel it in their abs, I feel it in my arms and shoulders, lol.

    Keep up the great work gang!

    I cannot do Dreya Rolls!! The only reason is because of my hardwood floor. It hurts my back too much. Cockeyed Spinx...ya...I only feel it in my arms/shoulders. I do my best to engage my core so maybe I'm not engaging it enough..oh and my butt is tight lol

    I have to start doing ab ripper again...as sad as it may sound..I miss it!! I think I have Sculpt tonight..I can't remember right now..schedule is at home. I started out doing 3 days on and 1 day of rest but that doesn't work for me. I need to do 6 straight and then take Sunday as my rest day.

    Oh and I LOVE the hamstring stretch at the end of Core..it is a beautiful thing!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I cannot do Dreya Rolls!! The only reason is because of my hardwood floor. It hurts my back too much.

    Oh and I LOVE the hamstring stretch at the end of Core..it is a beautiful thing!!

    I picked up a thick exercise mat at Target, it's called Embark. It really helps with the rolls and the kayak things.

    I love those stretches too!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Your reading my mind Brent. I was wondering what mat you bought. I'll have to check it out this weekend.

    Did Sculpt 5-6 tonight.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Too funny Mike :) It's the only real exercise mat my store had. They had plenty of yoga mats but those are much too thin for this sort of thing. This one is 1/2" thick and works well, I still feel it a little bit in my tail bone but not enough to bother me.

    I too did Sculpt 5-6 and AR200. I still feel like I've lost a step or two but got a good burn and am pleased.
  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    It looks like everyone is coming along great. So far I am 55 days into P90 MS and I have lost 24 pounds with it so it obviously burns some calories. I have already stated I like some workouts much better then others. At this point I am thinking of eliminating UML completely. I have two reasons one it is REALLY boring (to me) and two I do not feel like it is giving me a good workout. Anyone have any suggestions what I should replace it with if I do. Today on the calendar I was using it called for UML and I just did Cardio Intervals instead, I really like this workout but I do not know if it is hitting the same areas.
  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    I did Core Cardio last night and noticed some small improvements. I'm getting better at "finger to toe crunches" and DB scoot. Dreya rolls still get me though, the transition to my feet is tough but I'm getting better at pushing off with my hands to get there. The "cockeyed sphinx pushups" are really tough. Tony and the kids say they feel it in their abs, I feel it in my arms and shoulders, lol.

    I totally agree. Dreya rolls are tough and I keep trying to feel the sphinx inmy abs but I just feel it in my arms and shoulders.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    It looks like everyone is coming along great. So far I am 55 days into P90 MS and I have lost 24 pounds with it so it obviously burns some calories. I have already stated I like some workouts much better then others. At this point I am thinking of eliminating UML completely. I have two reasons one it is REALLY boring (to me) and two I do not feel like it is giving me a good workout. Anyone have any suggestions what I should replace it with if I do. Today on the calendar I was using it called for UML and I just did Cardio Intervals instead, I really like this workout but I do not know if it is hitting the same areas.

    Dee, your much farther along and you seem to be doing great! That's major pounds in just 55 days. Congrats!
    Why don't you just rotate through the other 5 discs and skip UML? I'm not sure what schedule your doing.
    I too seem to feel the cockeyed sphinx pushups in my arms and shoulders....oh well, we will get there.

    I did Plyo this morning before cutting the lawn and other chores. It'll be good to get back to work tomorrow so I can relax :-)

    Have a great week everyone!
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