Looking for other P90 Master Series Support (not P90 or P90X



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Monday everyone, Haven't checked in but I did do my Power 90 Core Cardio on Friday and I walked 4 miles on Saturday!!! Sunday off!

    So, today is day 6 Power 90 Master series and I did scultp 5/6!! I have to detox from all the chocolate I ate yesterday LOL lots of water today!!!!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.!!
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Evening Everyone!!

    I have officially restarted P90MS. Core Cardio today went much better this time because I decided not to be so hard on myself. Scupt 5/6 tomorrow. I will admit I am excited because I always like doing Sculpt!

    Brent - you are 2 days ahead of me!

    Mike - I like the idea of writing it down. I'm not there just yet :-)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Sculpt 5-6 and AR200 done tonight. Great workout thought I wish I had a set of adjustable dumbbells, I could benefit from a wider selection. I surprised myself by being able to do some dive bombers. SO glad I bought the exercise mat and LOVING the finishing stretches :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 7 Sweat 5/6 - glad that is over with!!! I am hoping to get in my spin class tonight ..

    Still feeling a little bloated from Easter - too much chocolate ..so still lots of water today and watching what I eat !!

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Sculpt 5/6 done!! That felt great...except for the push ups...ugh!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Sweat 5-6 lives up to it's name! Sweat was falling off me like RAIN, I don't think I've EVER sweat like that but I loved it :) I made the mistake of running beforehand and I almost bonked! Hope everyone else's workouts went well :)
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Sculpt 5/6 done!! That felt great...except for the push ups...ugh!!

    I hear yah! Dive-Bombers........you gotta be kidding!

    I did Sculpt 5-6 on Monday night and got in Plyo last night.
    I recorded my weights and reps I did in Sculpt. I now know where I can push harder next time.

    I started thinking about taking a week to rest, as my energy level seems to be struggling. I didn't take time off between P90 and P90MS, and I read somewhere it's real important. But I got my head together and said I wasn't going to miss my first workout in over 100 days. I decided to give Plyo everything I could, and I feel like I did great (except the last set of 80/20's. I felt so motivated afterwards!

    Brent.....I like the idea of sweating as it makes me feel like I'm giving it everything I got......but it drives me nuts. I'm always having to clean the sweat off my glasses between sets. So I got my ole sweat band out last night. What a difference! It was soaked when I was done.....but I could finally see Tony while working out :-)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning everyone, I decided to take a free boot camp class offered at the gym last night. Well, it was pretty tough and I had alread done the sweat 5/6 in the morning....so this morning I took it easy and I did the power stretch from power 1/2 hour. Felt pretty good to losen up those hamstrings that got an extra workout.

    I will probably get in a long walk tonight and be ready for my sculpt 5/6 tomorrow morning. Hated to get off schedule but my body was screaming to rest!!!

    Hope everyone is doing great and pushing play!!!!!
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Happy Thursday!!

    I completed Plyo/Legs last night with some modifications as I didn't want to kill myself. I absolutely enjoyed it! My legs are much stronger than my arms so I enjoyed being able to do all the moves (with some modifications).

    Rest day for me today!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning everyone!! day 9 sculpt 5/6 today! Hamstrings feeling a little better today - but still really sore!!
    Will try to get in a walk tonight but the playoff game for the Hornets Vs. Lakers is on early- so I will see can't miss the game!! (I am Huge sports fan and the Hornets are my team - I love the Lakers except when they are play the Hornets- Kobe is unbelievable!!!!)

    So, I am feeling pretty good - endding my second week of the Master Series - seemed to pick up easier than the first time. So next week I will be pushing it a little harder!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Tan, Lobster, Brent.......it's so good to have your company and others here! I'm starting to get my motivation back again which was starting to fade a little lately.

    Tan....you really seem to be liking these workouts! Glad Plyo was good for you. I'm starting to enjoy it more too.

    lobster...glad your hamstring is feeling better. The hockey playoffs have kept me away from MFP lately at night, and has stressed me out. Luckily my Flyers won game 7 and are off till Saturday when they play Boston. So my heart can rest a little for now. I've followed the Flyers since they won the cup back in the mid-70s. (yeah....I'm old)

    Yesterday was my off day. Tonight is 3rd round of Sweat 5-6 and AR 200. I'm looking forward to it!

    I think what I noticed the first two weeks (now that I can look back) is doing a different dvd every night when I'm unfamiliar with them, is it took me till this week (3rd round) where I could focus a little better and give each routine more effort. The first couple of times I was trying to figure out how to do them, which doesn't lend itself to a great workout. I also decided I was going to press Pause or watch then rewind and do the routines. I find that is working better for me which in the end makes me have a better workout and feel good about it.

    I now just need to get back to not cheating on my food choices as often.
    I continue to see the scale go down, so I try and say it's ok. But I really need to ration it down a bit.
    Last night was bad.........Cheese Steak with mayo on white roll with a Coors Lite followed by an ice cream cone at Micky D's.
    I purposely just wanted to have a really bad night................I felt I deserved it. Luckily my cheating is usually limited to a few cookies now and then. But I'm ok with this....its a lifestyle that is a million times healthier for me than before, and I can live with eating well 90% of the time. If you don't agree, tell me. I'm open to other view points.

    I'm excited about MS! Are you?
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Mike, I am excited about MS because I know what it can do for you/me!!! I feel so much stronger after about a month of MS. I like the results... for me - and not to get too personal - a woman going through THESE years are often very hard on our figures. I refuse to let it stop me from being healthy - but I have to work hard at it.

    But, like you I need to tweak my eating habits just a bit. I was doing very good becaus eI gave up chocolate and wine for lent. Now that is over, I have eaten a little too much.... but I will get back on track. I do much better when I don't nibble. So I have to stop that!!!

    Tomorrow I will do the fat burn express. (I had sweat days - so I try to switch it up) Not ready for plyo legs with hamstring!!

    My motivation is my vacation...There is a beach involved...yikes!!! So maybe I need to tape that to my pantry - when I try to snack!!!!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Hey Mike, I am excited about MS because I know what it can do for you/me!!! I feel so much stronger after about a month of MS. I like the results... for me - and not to get too personal - a woman going through THESE years are often very hard on our figures. I refuse to let it stop me from being healthy - but I have to work hard at it.

    But, like you I need to tweak my eating habits just a bit. I was doing very good becaus eI gave up chocolate and wine for lent. Now that is over, I have eaten a little too much.... but I will get back on track. I do much better when I don't nibble. So I have to stop that!!!

    Tomorrow I will do the fat burn express. (I had sweat days - so I try to switch it up) Not ready for plyo legs with hamstring!!

    My motivation is my vacation...There is a beach involved...yikes!!! So maybe I need to tape that to my pantry - when I try to snack!!!!!

    You have the right attitude and motivations to be successful! I'm really starting to like MS more and more and know what you mean about getting stronger. Even for us men, being a few years older than you, life hasn't been great on my "figure" either :frown: I have to keep remembering how much doing P90 and now MS has really turned my own health around in just 4 months. Sometimes we forget.

    Sweat 5-6 and AR 200 done!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Mike...although we are 3 weeks apart we are on the same schedule it seems.

    Sweat 5-6 for me tonight!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Mike...although we are 3 weeks apart we are on the same schedule it seems.

    Sweat 5-6 for me tonight!!

    It seems the actual workout of 5-6 is very quick. You seem to just be getting started and then it's over. It makes it easy to get in the AR afterwards.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I did the fat burn express for my sweat today! I had misquoted my day - I am actually on day 11!! I only take Sundays off!!!
    I think I will do either Cardio interval or UML tomorrow!! I will decide when I wake up - also I will probably do an hour walk if the weather is good. My neighbor and I love to walk on the levee by our houses!!

    Hope everyone has a great day and weekend!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning all, i completed day 13 today - Sculpt 5/6! I went with cardio intervals on Saturday. But instead of my walk on the levy - i went shopping with a friend from out of town. I was in the shopping mall for 10 hours. Yes you read that right!! She had to get all her shopping done while her mother watched her children. I think that has to count for some exercise.Boy was i tried!!!

    Anyway everyhting is going pretty well. Hopefully get in a little walk tonight!! I will be doing Sweat 5/6 in the morning!!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

    Keep puching play!!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Wow...10 hours walking around a mall! I hope you bought something for yourself!

    Great job keeping up with your workouts. I've been so busy doing stuff around the house I felt I needed a little break. 100+ days of not missing a day I figured I deserved it. I was just feeling exhausted and felt a little down time from exercising would help. We'll see.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I switched things up a bit and did sweat 1/2 this morning!! But I really put alot power into it so I feel I got a great workout!!! I was able to get in my walk last night so thats pretty good. Over all keeping up...it feel stronger and I kinda see I am more tone .. but that darn scale isn't really showing much of anything. Still hoving around the same two pounds. But sometimes I have to "get over" the number on the scale and focus on other points of health and fitness!!

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!

    Mike, I did get one dress to wear to a Kentukey Derby party I am goin to this weekend. It's polka dots!! But the day was really about her!!! She had two kids 14 months apart and hardly has time for herself . (Stay at home mom) But she had a lot of fun and got a lot of new clothes for herself (early Mothers day from her husband)

    I think a little break will do you good - but for me its really easy to get out of the habit of exercise and really hard to get back to it!!!!! So just don't take too long of a break or maybe jsut do something light and different!!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Mike, I did get one dress to wear to a Kentukey Derby party I am goin to this weekend. It's polka dots!! But the day was really about her!!! She had two kids 14 months apart and hardly has time for herself . (Stay at home mom) But she had a lot of fun and got a lot of new clothes for herself (early Mothers day from her husband)

    I think a little break will do you good - but for me its really easy to get out of the habit of exercise and really hard to get back to it!!!!! So just don't take too long of a break or maybe jsut do something light and different!!!

    That was great that you spent time with your friend! I'm sure it meant so much to her too!

    Don't worry.....5 years ago after losing 35 pounds I went back to my old ways and gained it all back and more.
    I won't ever let that happen again! I've been keeping busy with a lot of other things, so I know I'm still burning.

    After a few days of some bad food choices, I'm re-focused again starting today.
    I can feel the motivation coming back again slowly but surely!
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