Looking for other P90 Master Series Support (not P90 or P90X



  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    1st day today. Took it easy since my shoulders are bright red from too much sun over the weekend. It hurts to raise my arms up but I worked through it. Didn't do as many reps as I probably could have. We started with sculpt 5-6 today. I liked it but it seemed too easy. Going to increase my weights next time & do more reps. It was a nice change. I was getting so bored with 3-4. Looking forward to cardio tomorrow.
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Hello P90MS Pals!!

    Glad to see that everyone is doing their work outs!! Cardio 5/6 for me tonight followed by AR. Happy monday!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I had a great weekend and now I am ready to hit it hard for the next two weeks!!! (until my vacation). I am doin phase one of South Beach and upping my workouts.

    This morning I did Sculpt 5/6 and plan on my walking and ab ripper 100 tonight. Tomorrow morning I will try core cardio or sweat 5/6 . I have to push it hard!!!

    Keep pushing play!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Howdy gang!

    Took a rest day yesterday after my 10 mile hike on Saturday and today was just too nice to stay inside so I ran. Tomorrow will be either Core Cardio or Cardio Intervals.

    Glad to see you here Crystal, excellent job with P90!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Welcome to the wild world of P90 Master Series Crystal! I know you will be very successful as you were with P90.

    lobster, it sounds like you are really motivated and are going to do great these next couple of weeks.

    Brent, I live for this time of year and love being outside! I can't get enough of it! I just need to stop finding chores to do and take a ride on my bike. I'm taking Wednesday off since we are having sunshine all week to finally stain my deck. Two days spent cleaning and now a third staining...I can say I enjoy exercising MUCH MORE! :explode:

    I did Sculpt 5/6 last night with my daughter who is home from college :smile:
    I feel good about how I did. Push-ups are getting better :grumble: , and I'm using 30 pounds on some of the workouts (lawnmower). I'm stopping the 3 on and 1 off schedule and am going to try and get back to 6 days a week and include Sculpt a couple times each week. Tonight, I'll be doing Core Cardio.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Sweat 5-6 for us this morning. Calorie burn seemed low for me & Davey (My husband) for cardio. Hoping we'll burn more as we get used to the new moves. I like it. Jump kicks were my favorite move. I have to really pay attention to what I'm doing. The kids got up & were trying to talk to me & Davey was trying to talk to me as he was getting ready for work & I got so off. Glad I got it done. Busy day today. Errands to do, house to clean, and I have to work for a couple of hours. Softball for my daughter tonight. I hope I remember to eat. Like I could forget. LOL! Hope everyone has a great workout today!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning!! Had a busy day at work yesterday and not ale to get in my walk but traded that for a good home cooked meal - steamed squash & zuchinni with turkey bacon and fresh seasoning. So, I figured that was a good trade.

    I did core cardio this morning and feeling pretty good. I also am set to take my spin/ab class tonight. So I making mini goals to do each day to keep me motivated. Exercise and food wise.

    So today my exercise goal is to go to my spin/ab class (because I already did Power90 this morning)
    Food goal is to really watch salt intake and make sure I get in all my water and one glass of my homemade green tea. Also no eating after 8:30..(That is a tough one for me... I like my little night time snack)

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    I'm stopping the 3 on and 1 off schedule and am going to try and get back to 6 days a week and include Sculpt a couple times each week.

    In case anyone is interested, I'll post the schedule I'm going to follow once I officially start P90MS - I have 11 days left of P90, although I've already been swapping in Sculpt 5-6 and Sweat 5-6 once a week. Anyway, I want a schedule that is going to maximize muscle building and strength. Like Tony says in Sculpt 5-6, I'm a duuude... I want muscles!

    Besides, it's a well known fact that muscle is active tissue, and burns fat. If you do too much cardio, yes you'll lose a lot of weight, but a good portion of that weight will be muscle. I want to retain the lean mass that I have as much as possible, and burn away the remaining fat.

    So I took a schedule that Tony himself had posted on his blog as one that he likes and I modified it a little. Here is what he had posted:

    Week 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - etc.
    Day 1 ~ Cardio Intervals
    Day 2 ~ Sculpt 5-6
    Day 3 ~ Sweat 5-6
    Day 4 ~ U M L
    Day 5 ~ Core Cardio
    Day 6 ~ Sculpt 5-6
    Day 7 ~ Rest

    Week 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 etc.
    Day 1 ~ U M L
    Day 2 ~ Sweat 5-6
    Day 3 ~ Plyo Legs
    Day 4 ~ Sculpt 5-6
    Day 5 ~ Core Cardio
    Day 6 ~ U M L
    Day 7 ~ Rest

    I want to do a little more weight lifting than this schedule had, and I wanted to incorporate Ab Ripper and X Stretch, so here are my modifications:

    Week 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 13
    Day 1 ~ Cardio Intervals
    Day 2 ~ Sculpt 5-6 / Ab Ripper 200
    Day 3 ~ Sweat 5-6
    Day 4 ~ U M L / Ab Ripper 200
    Day 5 ~ Core Cardio
    Day 6 ~ Sculpt 5-6 / Ab Ripper 200
    Day 7 ~ X Stretch

    Week 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12
    Day 1 ~ Sweat 5-6
    Day 2 ~ Sculpt 5-6 / Ab Ripper 200
    Day 3 ~ Plyo Legs
    Day 4 ~ U M L / Ab Ripper 200
    Day 5 ~ Core Cardio
    Day 6 ~ Sculpt 5-6 / Ab Ripper 200
    Day 7 ~ X Stretch

    I think this will give me a good variety, and it follows that standard schedule of alternating cardio and resistance training 3 days each per week. This is how I'm going to start, with the understanding that I can make modifications as needed.

  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I'm a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad boy :( Been in a funk all day and polished off two boxes of girl scout cookies. Got home and did a 2 mile hill route as punishment then did Jillian Michaels (gasp) yoga meltdown in order to get some calories for dinner. I gotta say that it was a GREAT workout. the yoga from P90 and some of the stretches from MS really helped prepare me.

  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Crystal, I too really like the jump kicks! There cooooool! :bigsmile:

    lobster...you are really doing great! Cardio in the morning, spin in the evening, eating right! Your an inspiration!

    Mike....thanks for posting the schedules. I also appreciate your reminder about the fact that muscle burns fat. I really need to stop doing a lot of cardio and build more lean muscle and realize that will help me burn off the rest of my stomach issues eventually.

    Brent...it seems like you and I have been having some similar funks! Two boxes?!!??? God I love girl scout cookies.
    But its rewarding to know you made up for it by working off the calories. I've never seen any of Julian's workouts, but I can only imagine the pain she can invoke! Great job!

    I'm off tomorrow to stain my deck and was busy tonight testing some sample stains I bought on the way home from work. I then went to Lowes to buy the one we decided on. I was going to skip the workout and do it tomorrow morning, but got a second wind after dinner. My daughter joined me for Core Cardio. It's great having someone else work with you...except for the limited space. So I'm feeling great that I got it done tonight!

    Everyone's doing great! Keep it going!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks Mike - I have the sdded motivation of the vacation.

    I actually ending doing a boot camp This time was boxing) class then the abs class and still went for my walk!!! I was also keep all my mini goals yesterday!!!

    This morning I did UML (my favorite) and will walk this evening.

    Today my mini goals - is to watch sugars, and eat a non-meat dinner. (I will have my protein at lunch) Continue the water and remember to take my vitamins.!!

    Mike -Good Job with workout with your daughter - It is easier to workout with a partner - that is why it is so easy for me to walk at night. My neighbor and I just go. Sometimes we walk for more than a hour - but at least 45 mins. We usually walk where we can still talk but we are huffing and puffing. I can really see the results in my legs.

    Brent - I have to hide the girl scout cookies from myself. Last time the girls were selling them - I just donated money!!!

    MWM - Thanks for the schedule - I had one but couldn't find. I usually like to kinda do my own thing but it's nice to have a schedule to use as a basis!!!

    Hope everyone is pushing play!!!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Did UML for the first time today, light burn but I really enjoyed the workout. It felt good to be back on track :) The next couple of weeks are going to be busy. I'm moving to a place closer to work, I just can't afford the gas from my current place. Another side benefit is that I'll be close enough to either bicycle in to work or perhaps start my day with Tony's Ho'Ale'ke'Kino yoga :) Either way I'm looking forward to it.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I did Power 1/2 hour toned arms this morning. Will do ab rupper this evening. Ran out of time this morning with trying to plan for a nice healhty lunch and cooking a healthy breakfast before I left for work. I was able to get in a walk last night and met all my mini goals. One day at time...Today my goal is to continue with the added water, plus my green tea and not to eat after 8:00. I try to focus on different things each day...

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Tonight my daughter and I did Sculpt 5-6. I'm trying to get in pushups every day so I can improve on them. I noticed a big improvement with them in sculpt tonight.

    Brent...good to hear you are getting your focus back. Good luck on the move. Hopefully being closer you'll have more time at home. A change gives you some new things to look forward to.

    lobster...great to hear you have goals and seem to be meeting them. Vacation can be a great motivator. Hmmmm....maybe that's what I need :-)
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning all, had to be at work early this morning so I did Power 1/2 abs!!! I feel it's a little bit more than just abs so I feel pretty good about it. May try get soemthing else in tonight. Stuck with my mini goals -- yeah.

    Tough day at work ahead of me so

    Have a happy healthy day and keep pushing play!!!!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Hope everyone had a great Friday and have some fun plans for the weekend!

    Sweat 5-6 Done!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    UML and AR 100 done. Didn't have a lot of energy today, but happy I did it.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Did another 3 miles today. Gotta get ready for my race. I also had to put my couch back so my landlord could take pics to put in the listing so I don't have the room to do a DVD right now. Should get into the new place next week and I'll be able to actually raise my hands over my head without hitting the ceiling! I should also have more room to maneuver during my workouts, bonus :)
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Sorry I've been MIA. I've been super busy. This also means I haven't had time to work out. I'm looking forward to getting my work out in today. I think I'm going to go back to working out for 6 days straight instead of a day off in the middle. Just to try something different!