Looking for other P90 Master Series Support (not P90 or P90X



  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Sweat 5-6 and AR 200 done last night. It felt like a good workout and actually got my HRM to beep again! Yeah!

    I do AR after the workout also for the same reasons as Brent.

    Glad your feeling better Brent!

    Great job Mike, especially on fitting in additional sculpts.

    Keep it Going!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 12 complete! Sweat 5-6 done this morning, and although my legs and glutes are still burning a little from Plyo Legs 2 days ago, it still felt really good.

    Glad to see you guys keeping it going, and being consistent. All we have to do is press play every day and we will achieve our goals! It takes time, and it's easy to lose sight of where we're going, but the payoff will be SO worth it. The changes I see and feel in myself already are HUGE. I can't wait to see how I feel (and look) after completing 90 days of P90MS. It should make for an awesome vacation in Myrtle Beach in August!

    Hit it hard people!!! Keep it going!

  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Day 12 complete! Sweat 5-6 done this morning, and although my legs and glutes are still burning a little from Plyo Legs 2 days ago, it still felt really good.

    Glad to see you guys keeping it going, and being consistent. All we have to do is press play every day and we will achieve our goals! It takes time, and it's easy to lose sight of where we're going, but the payoff will be SO worth it. The changes I see and feel in myself already are HUGE. I can't wait to see how I feel (and look) after completing 90 days of P90MS. It should make for an awesome vacation in Myrtle Beach in August!

    Hit it hard people!!! Keep it going!


    When in August are you going to Myrtle Beach? We'll be down there at some point this summer (probably August). It would be cool if we were there at the same time.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    FBE and AR200 crushed! I love that workout, lol.

    Wish me luck tomorrow gang, got a 5k in the morning, Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Whew what a day for exercise! Knocked out the 5k this morning in just under 32 minutes. Fantastic day for running in Hartford, in the low 70's, light breeze. The food tent had the best bananas and the freshest bagels! Set a new personal best and got a taste of a "real" race :)

    Got home and went shopping for ingredients to make EatingWell's steak burritos, found some great "clean" salsa and guacamole (too lazy to make my own). Also decided to break down a rotisserie chicken for my sandwiches instead of processed lunch meat. We'll see how that goes, lol.

    After shopping got all crazy with Tony and the kids for Sculpt 5-6! Feeling on top of the world and I have plenty of calories to indulge in some of the whole wheat ciabatta bread they were giving out at the race!

    KPP gang and I hope your weekend is just as rockin'!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey guys,

    Day 13, Sculpt 5-6 and Ab Ripper 200 completed this morning to wrap up week 2. Had a great session, felt really good.

    X Stretch tomorrow!

    Brent, congrats on the 5K results! Awesome!!

    Crystal, our Myrtle Beach vacation is planned for the end of August, the 21st to the 28th.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone! Keep pressing play!!!!!

  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Great job Brent!!!

    Mike, we'll probably go early August. The kids start school August 25th so I'll be getting them ready to go back when you are at the beach.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Sweat 5-6 and AR200 done! Feels good to be done with week one and back into a routine :)
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Congrats on another successful 5K Brent! I'm impressed that you also got in your MS later that night.

    Mike...great job as always!

    Lately I've been doing MS during the week and enjoying getting other exercise in outside on weekend with tons of household chores. I sweat a lot, and stay pretty active and am exhausted, so I'm thinking it's still burning calories plus giving me some mental energy after being stuck in an office all week.

    Sculpt tonight after work! I'm looking forward to it!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello everyone - I am back!!! Great vacation - I swam and walked so much I actually lost weight!!! I also eat great - very healthy food.

    Now back to the real world - got up this morning and did power 1/2 hour arms. Wokring all day and trying to get used to the time change again. Probably will walk tonight - my walking partner missed me!!!

    Hope everyone is doing good.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Welcome back and congrats on losing while on vacation, not an easy task!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Great having you back!

    Finished Sculpt 5-6 tonight. I also got a half hour walk in again today over lunch before it gets hot and humid later this week.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning, I was up and at it with Power 90 1/2 hour - buns!!! A great lower body workout!! I also walked with my walking partner last night for almost an hour. Tonight is back to spin/ab class!!!

    Now I just have to get back into a scheduled and planned eating- I do so much better with that than just winging it!!! So today I have a salad with a turkey burger patty. (no bun) I also have have greek yogurt dip with celery sticks.

    Hope everyone is doing good.- have a great day!!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Another great Sculpt 5-6 done! BAM!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Another great Sculpt 5-6 done! BAM!

    Good job Brent!

    I did Plyo last night! BAM, followed by OUCH! Another good workout where I "felt the PAIN"!

    Wearing my new clothes today and feeling great! I'm still so happy about getting down to a size 36 pants!
    I'm now within 2 pounds of getting into the one hundreds for my weight.
    Everyone keeps telling me I don't need to, considering my height, but its a goal I want to reach and hopefully maintain.

    I did Sculpt on Monday, Plyo on Tuesday. I want to do a resistance again tonight, but I'm not sure what to do. I want to stay away from legs tonight, so I may do Sculpt again. Any suggestions?
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, I haven't checked into the thread in a few days... Glad to see everyone doing great!

    So to recap the last few days, I did X Stretch on Sunday, Cardio Intervals Monday (in the evening, I overslept in the morning!!!), Sculpt 5-6 and Ab Ripper 200 (250 really... I'm up to 25 of each move) yesterday, and Plyo Legs (OUCH!!!!) this morning. Feeling good, pressing play, eating good, and getting results.

    Mike, I think your choices for a resistance workout are either Sculpt 5-6 or UML. Or Sculpt 3-4, but that has a lot of squats and that whole lunge/squat combo section... rough on the legs. UML only has a handful of leg moves, and they aren't TOO intense... That may be the way to go.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Sweat 5-6 and AR200 done!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Good job Mike and Brent!

    I walked again today at lunch. It was 92 degrees and sunny! I found an app for my iPhone that tracks my steps, distance, and calories.

    Got a later start tonight with my P90 MS UML. I was feeling weak and hungry when I got home so I decided to eat first.
    I struggled at times and skipped some reps, but better than skipping it all together.
    I finished up with AR 200.

    4 nights in a row is an accomplishment for me lately!

    Having you guys really keeps me going! Thanks!
  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    Sorry I never find time to post, I do most of my tracking with my phone. I have been moving along with the P 90 MS and enjoying most of it. I have my favorites. I have really grown to like Plyo Legs and I love Cardio Intervals and Sculpt 5-6. I have completely stopped doing the UML. I felt like I was wasting my time. After putting in 40 minutes I was barely breaking a sweat and I push myself to the limit. Most of the exercises seem to be in other videos so I just get it there. I have started doing the Fat Burn Express instead of UML. I like it and my 4 year old daughter does it with me. The workouts are still heping me make great progress in the weight loss. Since I started the MS I have lost an additional 31 pounds and I am slowly reaching my first goal. The one workout I have not completed in a while is the AR 200. I truly miss ths workout but it was getting to the point that if I did it I was at the chiropractor the next day getting my neck put back. I was always real careful not to pull on my head and to make my abs do the work but it was not helping. I have been searching for a good ab routine I can tack on where I do not need to lay on the floor. It is encouraging to see others out there working out and making progres. Keep up the good work.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 18, UML plus my additional weight circuit done! Still have a difficult time with a couple of the UML moves, especially that damn wide leg crunchy frog... But it's improving a little each time, so I'm sure I'll be killing them in no time. The fifer scissor twist, banana boat, and ish gate are hard too, but I've got the form pretty much down on those now, and making it through without having to stop.

    Dee, maybe you should get an exercise ball, and try some core strengthening/ab exercises with the ball. There are tons of core exercises you can do with the ball, and they seem to be lower impact on the neck and back. Might be worth looking into. I just bought a ball myself (haven't used it yet, but will soon!)

    EDIT - I've also been looking into getting an ab wheel - supposedly you can get a great ab workout with these, and there seems to be little stress on the neck or back. No lying on the floor.....
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